The First Snow Without You



The flight day.....


    The day was finally here. It was the day when EXO, Gina, and Nina were going to HAWAII~.  As Gina and Nina were rechecking their luggages and making sure they didn’t forget anything before they left, EXO rang the doorbell and just barged in as Nina opened the door for them.


    “HEY, NOONA!”








    “uh-uh-uh hey...guys.” Nina greeted EXO awkwardly and walked to Gina’s side.


    “HEY OPPAS~~~~” Gina ran to EXO and hugged each one of them, but when it came to Kai...she felt giddy inside. What she didn’t know was that Kai was feeling the same.


    “Someone looks really pretty today. So, are you and Nina Noona ready to go~” Chanyeol said excitedly while walking to Nina to hug her knowing she was a little uncomfortable with the other members.




    “LETS GOOO~~” Chanyeol and Gina excitedly ran out laughing at how childish they were acting.


    “Oh brother what do we do with these two kids.” D.O said while shaking his head and smiling like a mother seeing her two kids having fun.


The rest of the EXO members helped Nina with the luggage and went to their respective cars. In Nina’s car sat Gina, Chanyeol, Kai and in the front DO. In Kris’s minivan sat Luhan, Xiumin, Tao, Chen, Baekhyun, Lay, Sehun, and in the front Suho. They quickly drove to Incheon airport and one by one they got out of the cars and carried their luggages to the entrance of the airport. As the eldest guys, Kris and Suho, went to get the plane tickets the rest of the EXO members and Gina just couldn’t hold their excitement and started chatting about how fun Winter Break was going to be in Hawaii.



    I cannot wait to have fun with my Hyungs and Dongsaeng Sehunnie and Nina Noona and of course......Gina. The girl I found out I am in love with is going to be in the same house as me. I...can’t......WAIT~~ I’ve never liked a girl this much and I really wanted her to like me back. But the problem is.....I don’t think she likes me back.


No One's POV

    As Kris and Suho walked back to the group with their tickets they all lined up patiently waiting for their tickets to be distributed. After all, EXO wouldn’t be EXO without discipline from Kris if they don’t do the right thing. As Gina and Nina were seeing the neat line EXO made they just followed along and stood in the EXO Line. One by one Kris handed out the tickets and as soon they were all handed out the EXO members went crazy trying to figure out who they are sitting next to.


    “LUHAN HYUNG I’M THITING NEXTH TO YOU~~” Sehun said with his adorable lisp


    “YO BAEK WE ARE BACK~” Chanyeol was excited he was sitting with his combo Baekhyun.


    “Unnie~ Where are you sitting?” Gina asked Nina. She looked over at her sisters ticket and frowned.


“Aww you’re not sitting next to me..” Gina said in disappointment as she walked away searching for her seat buddy. “Guys~ Are any of you sitting next to seat 12E?”


    “GINA! COME TO UMMA~ I’m sitting in 12E~~~” D.O said, happy to be sitting with his ‘daughter’. “HEY GUYS!! Any of you sitting in 12G?!”


    “D.O Hyung I’m sitting in 12G!” The owner of seat 12G was....KAI. Gina’s eyes widened as she realized she was sitting next to the guy she liked.


    “Cool Bro. GINA~~ Kai is sitting with us.” DO turned to see Gina just awkwardly nodding at him as she quickly walked to Nina who was standing next to her luggage like an awkward turtle.


    “UNNIE! Who are you sitting next to??” Gina tried to act cool knowing how awkward she sounded.


    “Um..I think I am sitting in the center row with Lay, Luhan, and Sehun.”


    “Cool. I’m sitting in between Kai Oppa and DO Umma.” As everyone started to calm down, Kris suddenly took control once again and led everyone to the gate of the flight. Luckily, they were right on time as the entered the plane and sat in their respective seats.



Hmmmm 12G...12G...12G..AH HAH 12G! I sat down waiting for Gina and DO Hyung to come and sit as well.

As Gina and DO walked together to 12E and 12F, they were laughing and enjoying each others presence which made me VERY Jealous. YES I ADMIT IT I AM JEALOUS. I like her and that’s what happens to me when I see the person I like talking and laughing with another guy.


“Oh! Kai you came early.” DO moved out of the way to let Gina sit in the middle as 12F IS in the middle.


“HI, Oppa~” Gina smiled brightly at me and I felt my heart race like a speeding car I couldn’t handle it and I let my manliness down and smiled wide and greeted Gina a little too loud.


“YA KIM JONGIN! Shush a little!” Kris Ge warned in his duizhang voice.


As they were all settled in, the time came when the plane had to take off. Soon, the plane was in the air flying from Seoul to Hawaii. 9 hours non-stop.....how will I survive by the end of this trip when my heart is driving me crazy!


    “Um...Oppa? Are you ok?? You look pale...” Gina put her hand on my head to check if I had a fever, but I was perfectly fine....my heart is just out of control...


    “Ya Kai you seem nervous or something went wrong...You ok?” DO Hyung asked me...OH NO IS IT THAT OBVIOUS?!


    “U-U-UH I’m fine guys..hahaha...ha..I am seriously ok.” I needed to just straighten out my head so I looked out the airplane window deciding not to be interrupted by anything...but DO Hyung and Gina just seemed to have so much fun talking to each other...why can’t I do that!


Few hours went by....still in the plane...

    woohoo...7 more hours to go...I cannot take this any longer!! PLEASE PILOT FLY FASTER!!! As I was talking to myself in my head, I slowly turned around to check up on the rest of the EXO members to see what they were doing. Unfortunately, they were all sleeping and as I looked at the two people beside me I noticed how uncomfortable Gina looked while she was sleeping. Wow....she is a goddess. Her face is perfect. I slowly moved closer to her in my seat and gently moved her head to rest on my shoulder. I couldn’t stand looking at how uncomfortable she looked; I needed to do something for my goddess! As I looked down at her beautiful face, I could now see comfort and peace. Thank goodness she is feeling comfortable. Now that I took care of her comfort I should sleep my way out of the 7 hours we still have left to fly.


Kai slowly drifted off to dreamland like everybody else.


Nina POV

It was kind of awkward in the beginning sitting next to Luhan-ssi, but I guess time fixes everything. I felt more relaxed after the 2 hours of talking. As they all drifted off to dreamland, I had the urge to go to the bathroom and I also wanted to check up on my cutie dongsaeng in the back. As I quickly went to the bathroom and came out, I looked at where Gina was sitting. I saw something....Surprising. Kai putting a sleeping Gina’s head onto his own shoulder before falling asleep himself. I stared at the two in shock, both seemed as if they were sleeping very comfortably.


What the ...Kai....he...does he like Gina?! OMO!! But Chanyeol likes Gina too! I want Chanyeol to be my brother-in-law more than Kai!!! I just erased the thought out of my head and headed back to my seat to join the EXO boys and my sister in dreamland.


The Plane as finally arrived.....



    I slowly woke up and noticed we landed in HAWAII~ I turned and noticed a head on my shoulder...OH RIGHT I put Gina’s head on my shoulder to make her comfortable.. I lightly shook her and she groaned and slowly her eyes opened.


    “Gina we landed in Hawaii. Wake up.”


    “What.....*yawn* when did I fall asleep? OMO! Oppa, I’m so sorry did I sleep on your shoulder this whole time!!??” Gina quickly sat up and apologized to me.


    “No, I’m fine~ It was actually comfortable.” I gave her an assuring smile. She then turned to DO Hyung.


    “DO UMMA~~~ WAKEY WAKEY~~~” She called


    “Hmmm...One more minute.....”


    “Oppa~~~ A-ING~~ PPUING PPUING~~ JAEBAL wake up~~~~” Gina’s aegyo still didn’t affect DO Hyung. But it sure affected me. I could see she was getting frustrated


    “DO! WAKE. UP. NOW.!” Gina was for sure fired up now. Surprisingly it actually worked and DO Hyung’s eyes jolted open and he looked at Gina with scary eyes and softly apologized.


    “S-sorry I was just really tired..”


    “Hahahhaha COME ON, DO UMMA~~ Everyone is already going out~”


    As DO Hyung, Gina, and I took our carry on bags and followed the members out of the plane, we could feel the heat strike us right away. Luckily, we were all wearing shorts and tees.


The adventure begins here!!


Gina POV

    FINALLY WE ARE HERE IN HAWAII~~~ NO FREEZING TEMPERATURES AND ONLY HOT HOT AND HOT~ WOOHOO~~~ Right when we were off the plane and safely all together I ran to Unnie and hugged her tight.


    “WELCOME TO HAWAII UNNIE~~” I gave her a peck on the cheek and ran to Chanyeol who was standing opposite of Unnie with wide arms for me to run into.


    “YEOLLIE OPPA~~~hehhe we can now officially have fun~”


    “mhmm FINALLY WITH MY BESTIE~~” Yeollie also pecked my cheeks and it was no surprise to me. This giant..... He is a skinship freak.


    All the Oppas were looking at me and Yeollie Oppa converse when I noticed something burning through my head....I turned around to see what was bothering me when I saw Kai Oppa glaring at me and Chanyeol. I slowly turned my head back to Yeollie who was chatting away afraid that Kai oppa would run and attack us or something. But I still could feel the intense glare coming from him....why is he glaring at us like that..?


    “OK GUYS Get in the car! QUICKLY!” Kris ge once again has took lead and everyone was getting in the minivan one by one that Kris’s dad has sent to bring us to their resort house.



    As I saw Chanyeol and Gina being so “lovey dovey” towards each other I couldn’t help but glare. WHAT KIND OF BEST FRIENDS ARE THEY! Chanyeol kissing her on her cheeks and her acting like it was a normal thing! Is this what he does to her everyday?? Kissing her all over her cheeks!? I am not losing, Park Chanyeol Hyung! Luckily, before I could take any action Kris Hyung called us to get in the van and we drove off. When I was about to fall asleep, knowing that Chanyeol Hyung and Gina would just keep talking and watching this would make me more mad, DO Hyung poked me.


    “What Hyung...?”


    “Kim Jongin....Do you have something to tell me?” He asked whispering with a mischievous smile.


    “Um..no? Do I?” I was starting to get worried..is there something that he knows about me that I don’t?


    “Oh yes I think you do.”


    “No...I don’t”


    “Kim Jongin stop playing dumb and tell me the truth. Do you like Gina?”


    “........hyung....how did-”


    “Kai..you are a little too obvious.’



“Kai if you like her MAKE A MO-” I quickly covered DO Hyung’s mouth. Luckily we were in the way back and everyone else was chatting with the person next to them.


“HYUNG! Keep quiet! I don’t want her to know...”


“Seriously Jongin MAKE A FRIKKEN MO-”




“sorry. so...you gunna tell her soon or what?”


“I don’t know....she seems so close to Chanyeol Hyung and they seem like they have something for each other...I shouldn’t disturb their love.”


“Wimp. BE A MAN DUDE! It won’t hurt to try right?”


“HYUNGGGG I’m not confident! I never felt this nervous around a girl. She is the first to make my heart beat this crazy!”


“That’s why TRY KAI! Free yourself from your little secret!”


“Hyunnngggg ahhh! I need to think about it...”


“Fine.” I ignored DO hyungs obvious disappointment and fell asleep.



At the beach.....

    “Wakey Wakey sleepy heads! We have arrived!” Kris ge, as always, took lead and slowly took our luggage out of the trunk as 12 half-awake people walked out of the car yawning and stretching not even wanting to help. He looked at them and sighed...what am I gonna do with these big babies? Unlike them, the girls were wide awake and ready to get inside and set up before they can have some rest. I was there. Awake.


I saw Gina carrying all her stuff carefully and decided to help her. So I got up and helped Duizhang with the luggage. He smiled and pat my head. I smiled back and turned around to go into the Chalet that Kris Hyung’s parents allowed us to use. Soon the number of bags decreased and Nina Noona was bringing the last few. She jumped out of the trunk and I realized how small she was. She dusted off her hands and carried the remaining luggage. She looked at me. “Uhh...Kai-ssi, Could you please close the trunk door?”. I nodded and went to the car to close the trunk. I closed and turned around.


“Kris H--unf!” I bumped into something small. I looked down...only to find Gina.....squashed between me and the wall of the chalet. I realized how close I was to her. I could see her olive green eyes looking at me with so much innocence that I felt like I would be breaking a law if I looked any longer. I quickly moved back, red as a tomato


“I-Uh...I’m gonna go inside...” I walked away, blushing. I didn’t realize that she was right behind me. But I still can’t forget the way her eyes just sparkled with innocence. I really am in love with Han Gina...


Gina POV:


    Well that was awkward. Being squished between a y handsome guy and the wall. No way am I gonna melt with that!! I gotta stop kidding myself...I guess Korea does have surprises for me, huh? I walked back in and noticed Kai still blushing from the incident. I remembered it and blushed again. I walked past him and into mine and Unnie’s room. I saw her unpacking. I began as well.


    After about 2 hours, when the sun relaxed a bit, EXO decided to go down to the beach for a swim. Nina Unnie and I didn’t feel like swimming so we decided to just sit on the beach and relax while watching the Oppa’s have fun. So, I walked up to my room and changed into these clothes. As I walked out I saw Nina Unnie smiling at me and as I turned to look at all the EXO members I saw them looking me up and down.


    “Um guys...is there something wrong?”


    “N-NO No you look really pretty Gina.” Kris spoke up first


    “Thanks Duizhang~” I kinda blushed because all the EXO members nodded at Kris ge’s statement. “Ok so..LETS GO~”


    “YES~!!” EXO all said in unision.



    When Gina walked down the stairs I was star-struck by her beauty. Those short pants that showed her skinny yet muscular legs, the cute beanie on her head, and the shirt and cardigan that outlines her slim upper body. I may be in love.....madly in love with her. I guess I need to work my plan faster than planned I cannot take this anymore. Gina...wait for me.


    “Kkamjong! You thinking about her again~?” DO Hyung brought me out of my thoughts as I realized everyone was walking out of the chalet to go to the beach.


    “No psh...Hyung do you think I think about her everyday psh!”


    “umm Kai..I know you think about her everyday...”


    “FINE I DO...I can’t take it anymore I need to move my plan forward.”


    “What plan? Was what you told me a plan....I just thought it was too obvious to be a plan, Jongin” DO Hyung looked at me with the are-you-serious expression.


    “Ugh..I don’t get why Gina thinks you are like a mother......you don’t understand anything about me.”


    “Well I think of Gina as MY daughter SO YOU BETTER NOT MESS WITH HER MOTHER BOY! Anyways, lets go have some fun in the sun~!!” DO Hyung started skipping out the door and I just followed the overly hyper hyung to the beach where everyone was already getting ready to run into the ocean, well except Gina and Nina Noona of course. But honestly...I wanted to see Gina in a swimsuit...hehe o gosh what am I thinking... I just cleared the thought out of my head and joined the others.


Gina POV

    I was getting ready to sit on the towel EXO Oppas prepared for me and Nina Unnie when I saw Kai running to us. Unintentionally, my heart started to beat faster as his wavy brown hair was bouncing up and down slightly along with his steps. I just couldn’t take it anymore and looked away trying to distract my heart from bursting.


    “Gina ya” I turned to Nina Unnie as she spoke again knowing I was listening, “Do you like Chanyeol?” I was surprised by her question.


    “Um...no. Well, I like actually LOVE him as a friend, but I never really liked him as a boyfriend or anything. Yeollie Oppa is my brother nothing more, Unnie. Why you asking?”


    “Oh..it’s nothing I was just curious.”


    “Hahaha, Ok unnie. Don’t think about me and Channy Oppa as a couple. He is JUST my brother.”


    “Mhmm” Nina Unnie nodded as she got her iPod out. She put in her earphones and lied down to take a nap on the beach while I will just watch the EXO Oppas have fun.


    As I saw them one by one I was impressed that most of them had some sort of abs~ especially Kris Ge and Yeollie Oppa..they are like models..seriously they are flawless...welllll Yeollie oppa has one flaw...being normal kekeke I love you Yeollie Oppa~ As I kept looking at the Oppas having fun and somewhat checking them out *EHEM*, my eyes only caught one person.


The perfect Kim JongIn. His dark tanned skin, his perfectly formed abs, his handsome face, and his bright smile which forms when he plays around with his hyungs. I think I am falling for you Jongin Oppa.


My heart melts whenever he smiles. I need to find something to do now before I go insane. So, I decided to go for a walk on the sandy beach~


    *Sigh* It feels nice to have some alone time with the fresh air and pretty wave sounds.


    “GINA!!! WAIT UP!!!!” I turned around to see DO Umma running towards me leaving droplets of water on the sand.




    “I seriously give up trying to not make you say that, MY DAUGHTER~~” DO Umma then slung his wet arm around me as I yelped from the cold contact.


    “UMMA!!!” I gave him the best glare I could..but how can I stay mad at his adorable smile “FINE” You are forgiven!”


    “YAYAY I raised my Daughter well~ so anyways.. I was wondering if you want to watch the sunset with me and Kai later.”


    “Sure, Umma I would love to~ But, what about the other members?”


“Don’t worry about them Gina ya~ K then I shall go take revenge on Chanyeol Hyung See ya GINA~”


“See ya, Umma~” I watched as he ran to the 11 guys again and jumped on Chanyeol making him sink into the deep blue sea. Hahahaha I seriously wonder if they really are older than me...well maybe I sometimes act like them too hahaha I should get back to Unnie before she wakes up from her “beauty” sleep. I slowly walked back to where Nina Unnie was still in dreamland and as I was about to sit down I was tackled by the giant Yeollie Oppa.




“No~ hehe GIGI~~ You are so pretty today~ no wonder you didn’t want to get in the water! You didn’t want to ruin you prettiness did ya now?” He gave me the most creepiest smile anyone could imagine.


“um...Kris Ge....is Yeollie Oppa drunk? Why is he being so retarded right now..?”


“hahha Gina he is perfectly fine...but i think the salt from the ocean got to his brain and started chewing out all the smart cells in them.” Everyone started laughing as Chanyeol Oppa stomped to the chalet like a little grumpy kid.


“w-what’s with all the noise...” I turned to see Nina Unnie rubbing her eyes as she sat up.


“OMG Sorry Unnie we didn’t mean to wake you! But it was time to go anyways hehe” I gave Unnie an apologetic smile with some aegyo of course.

“It’s fine my cutie dongsaeng~ Kaja~” As the boys did all the work, well except Chanyeol Oppa cuz he stomped off to the condo first, the girls just slowly walked back to the condo to take a little afternoon break before getting ready for dinner.



    As I helped the other members pack up our stuff, I slowly walked over to Kai to tell him the good news.


    “Pssst Jongin! I invited Gina to go watch the sunset with us~”


    “ok.... WAIT WHA-ehefw” I quickly covered his mouth so none of the other members could hear us.


    “Quiet down! If you want it just to be the three of us going!”


    “Fine. But why didn’t you tell me earlier!!”


    “Why? You don’t want to go or something...?”


    “NO NO NO NO! It’s not that I don’t want to it’s just that I can’t...I feel really nervous when I am around her!”


    “Don’t worry I’ll be there with you buddy~ come on we cleaned everything up~ we better go home and quickly take a shower, eat and then leave!”


After dinner......


    “That was a really good dinner DO ya~ Gomawo~” Suho Hyung said as he patted his full stomach.


    “No problemo hyung.” I needed a good excuse to go out!! I quickly took out my phone and texted Kai who was already in our room getting ready to come down quickly so we could leave to see the sunset and the beautiful night sky. My picnic basket that I packed for th-I mean us.


    “DO Hyung where are you going??: I jumped at the deep husky voice that suddenly appeared behind me as I turned around to face a tall creepy Chanyeol.


    “u-uh-uh im just going to get ready for tomorrow’s fun time at the beach!” I needed an excuse quick...


    “WE’RE GOING SWIMMING AGAIN YAYAY I am so dragging Gina into the water with us~”


    “Y-ya ha...hahaha..”


    “Ok Hyung have fun packing!” Chanyeol walked away and I sighed in relief. But wait.....that was easy....TOO easy of an explanation for Chanyeol to just walk away with....EH I am not going to bother right now I need my two kids or else the sun will set on it’s own.  


ON the beach after quite a long wait for Kai and Gina...


    “What took you guys so long!” I was kind of annoyed because the sun already started to set....


    “Sorry Hyung, while I was coming down Sehun kept on asking me to play a video game with him... i needed to find an excuse.”


    “Same here..Nina Unnie kept asking me where I was going and I just told her I was going for a walk.”


    “Well it doesn’t look like this is just any walk~” I looked at Gina and then Kai. Gina was wearing shorts, with a loose kinda casual top, and a beanie and Kai was wearing jeans, with a white shirt, and a denim button down shirt they both looked too “dressed up” to be just going on a walk.


    “Um...haha ya...” I could tell Kai was getting kind of awkward from the teasings I was giving him...


    “So..um why are we the only ones walking on the beach at night...?” Gina curiously asked us with her hazel brown eyes innocently looking at us.

    “I have no idea...DO Hyung would you like to explain..” i saw two pairs of eyes looking at me...one pair was innocent while the other pair of eyes were scary....


    “I told you guys!! To see the sunset and the night sky PEACEFULLY. If the other members came then it would be a wild noisy zoo...” I was actually true...but mostly...nah I won’t say it now >:)


    “Hyung how long do we have to walk we are already quite far from the condo...”


    “Oh yeah we can set the things up here~ I brought the mat, and some snacks if you guys get hungry~”




    “No problem my daughter~ Um...but one thing i forgot the drinks..I’ll run back quickly and get some ok? Just set things up and rest while I go get what I need~”  


    “Ok Hyung come back quickly.” Oh Kai...I don’t think so muahahah!!


    I had planned this all out! The drinks and everything was in the basket already~ I just had to leave those two alone...Kai needs to man up and tell Gina how he really feels or else it will be too late! I quickly ran to the house and was greeted with yelling and screaming from the kitchen..the living room...and who knows where else. I went into the kitchen to see what the commotion was and to my luck I was greeted by Xiumin and Sehun fighting for a bag of chips.....then I went to the living room to see Luhan and Tao fighting over who won in the video soccer game. I rubbed my temples annoyed by all the members..this is why I took them outside... As I opened the door to my room, which i share with Kai, i felt like someone was in there. So I the lights and to my luck....a fuming Chanyeol? Why does he look so mad...







Authors Note:
hehehehhe Hey guys~~ long time no...um....UPDATE hehe
i was at a family retreat with like a 100 other people and i didn't have enouth internet time(actually any internet) there so it was hard to update~ sowy ^(^.^)^
too much sports this weekend -__-
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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?