It's all my fault!!

The First Snow Without You


As Gina was walking down the so called “shortcut”, she felt like someone was following her.

    “Hello....? Is anyone there?” I guess I am just dreaming.

Gina kept walking until she felt someone grab her waist and start grinding his “thing” on her .

    “WHAT THE F*** WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!!!” Gina was trying so hard to escape but the guys were too fast they already started taking Gina’s blazer off and who knows what they would do next.

    “HELP!! SOMEONE HELP ME! I AM GONNA GET !! SOMEONE! ANYONE! HE-mphhh” Gina was in desperate need of help but the rapists covered with their dirty hands.

    “Shhhh beautiful~ We won’t hurt you. If you just listen to us.”

“She looks even better than she does back in school” One of the rapists was already sliding his hand up Gina’s thighs and the other was just about to put his hands under her shirt.

    “MPPJDIDUNFWUENJ” Gina didn’t give up trying to save herself

    “She is a spicy like.>:)” As Gina got more violent they started attacking her and made her very weak with all the slaps and punches. Gina’s face was ruined. Blood everywhere and bruises all over.
Please help me...someone..anyone...Please send me an angel God. Please.


Chanyeol POV:

I was too worried about Gina. I had a bad feeling about her walking alone. I had to see if she was home. But as I was walking down the empty streets of Itaewon, I heard faint screams that sounded like a girl in the alleyway.

As I walking into the alley, I saw a girl figure which looked really familiar. As I walking closer I saw the girl figure...she was....GINA AND GUYS TOUCHING HER! OH NO THEY DIDN’T!!

    “GET YOUR LITTLE Y HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!” wait...I just called her my girlfriend... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING CHANYEOL! wait wait what am I thinking I NEED TO SAVE MY BESTIE.

    “YOU MAKE ONE MORE MOVE THEN ALL OF YOU GET HURT!!!!” Chanyeol could see Gina clearly now and her face was bleeding and bruises on her shoulder and who knows where else.


“Look who we have here. Pretty boy, huh.” One of the rapists was walking closer to Chanyeol as he gave Chanyeol death glares.


“Let’s see what you’ve got pretty boy!”

The guy started throwing punches at Chanyeol and being the horrible fighter Chanyeol is he just got hit every time.



The other guy who was still holding Gina just dropped her causing her to fall on the ground. To Gina this wasn’t the painful thing...seeing Chanyeol lying there hopelessly getting beaten was the painful sight. Gina’s heart broke into millions of pieces. Gina was frantically looking for something to hit the guys punching Chanyeol with.
To her luck Gina found a small wooden plank and crawled to the spot where it lay. She reluctantly picked it up and slowly walked to the two guys. With all her might she lifted the plank and slammed it on one of the guys back and yelled,


One of the guys was lying on the floor screaming like a girl and trying to save his back.


The guy that wasn’t injured quickly helped the injured guy and scattered away leaving a bloody Chanyeol on the floor.

    “......Yeolie....?” Gina was really worried she needed her best friend by her side!

    “mhmm..” Gina could hear a faint reply from Chanyeol.

    “YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE SAVED ME!! WHY ARE YOU HERE ANYWAYS?! WHO TOLD YOU TO TAKE CARE OF ME! YAH BABO-YA!!” Gina had tears streaming down her cheeks as she saw the bloody Chanyeol helplessly on the floor.

    “You...are friend Gina...How could...I have...left you...alone.” Chanyeol had 0 energy in him. He didn’t even have the strenght to breath properly.

    “*sniff sniff* you are really the best Yeolie. How could I ever live without you.. Come on Yeolie I better take you home. You are in serious pain and the only person who can cure you is your mom.”

    “But my cure is right next to me..”

    “Huh...what cure”

    “You Gina...Looking at you makes me all better you are my cure.” Gina softened at Chanyeol’s words. Even with no strength in him Chanyeol could always make Gina feel better.

At Chanyeol’s House....
    “Hello Ms. Park.” Gina greeted the shocked Ms. Park as Chanyeol was leaning against her for support.

    “WHAT HAPPENED!! My baby you ok?!” Ms. Park looked from Gina to Chanyeol. They were both in horrible state. Faces covered in blood and bruises all over their body.

    “Sweety...Gina.. what happened to you guys..?” Ms.Park’s shocked voice turned into a very concerned mother.

    “ tried to save me from a few men.”

    “.......oh honey are you ok?! My boy is all grown up fighting for a girl.” Ms. Park softened at her sons soft spot for his best friend. “I’ll tuck Chanyeol into bed. Stay here for the night Gina.”

    “No I shouldn’t I just came to bring Chanyeol home. My sister is waiting for me anyways. But thank you Ms.Park.

    “First of all call me umma. I’ve known you for so long and I am getting tired of being called Ms.Park. Second, you can’t just go in that state you are all bruised up and bloody. At least wipe your face from the blood and I’ll give you some clothes to change in. I don’t want you walking around at night in that kind of state. You can’t even walk properly honey. I will drive you there let me just put Chanyeol upstairs in his room and give you some clothes to change into.

    “Thank you umma. Oh and Yeolie....sleep well~” Gina gave a small warm smile and kissed Chanyeol on the cheeks again. Even if his cheeks were bloody she needed some way to thank him and words could not do it. Seeing this Ms. Park softened and helped her baby boy walk up the stairs and into his room.

As Gina washed up and changed her bloody clothes she limped to the door and waited for Ms.Park- I mean UMMA to come back down to drive her home.

In the car with Ms. Umma...   

    “Um umma. You can drop me off here. I forgot to buy something Nina unnie told me to buy. I’ll walk from here.” Gina gave Ms. Park a warm smile as she opened the door to get off.

    “Are you sure you don’t need me to drop you off all the way to your house.” Ms Park’s concerned voice was back again.

    “I am sure umma thank you so much for the ride. See you sometime~”

    “Bye Honey be safe~” After Gina and Ms.Park bid their goodbye’s Gina started walking to the park.
Right now all I need is a shoulder to cry on...It’s all my fault...If I didn’t go to the “shortcut” Chanyeol wouldn’t have to safe me and we would all be safe and sound in out beds right now with no injuries. It’


Author Gina's Note::
Guys.....I LOVE YOU READERS <3 and to all the subscribers~ YOU GUYS ENCOURAGE US TO WRITE ALL THESE CHAPTERS~ if it wasn't for all the encouragments we wouldn't have even gone through the first 10 chapters XP

and gGiakh- Thank you fro leaving such a sweet comment~~ <3 Here is the update :)) 



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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?