The First Snow Without You


No One’s POV:

Dance class soon finished and Gina and Lay walked out together with Kai quietly trailing behind. “ were AWESOME! And for Ms. Kwon to compliment you like that, you should know for sure that the dance you did was amazing! And all of it was freestyle! It was really amazing!” Lay praised Gina for the billionth time within the past hour. He has been praising her and her dance skills non-stop ever since her freestyle performance.


“Haha, thanks, Lay Oppa. You have no idea how much your compliments mean to me.” Gina thanked Lay.


“Anytime, Gina. Hey, KkamJong, what did YOU think of Gina’s dance?” Lay asked. Kai looked up at him in surprise. In reality, Kai thought Gina’s performance was one of the best he’s ever seen from anyone in the dance class. He’s met a lot of people with amazing dancing talent, but none could freestyle like Gina had done. It was truly amazing. But Kai can’t just suddenly say that! What if he did? They would think that he just suddenly became a weirdo; showering Gina with compliments. And after ignoring her several times, it would be odd, wouldn’t it? Kai took a few seconds, carefully thinking of a response to give.


“It was... okay-ish, I guess. Dancing like that won’t get you very far.” And with that, Kai pushed past the two and walked all the way down the hall until he disappeared.


Gina stood there in shock. No one and I mean NO ONE had ever been so cold to her before.


“It’s okay, Gina, don’t listen to Kai. Like what D.O said, he’s an old sour puss around people he doesn’t know too well, it takes time for him to become nice and open up to people.” Lay comforted Gina.


“Okay.” Gina looked up at Lay with a smile. “Thanks, Lay Oppa.”

“Anytime! Hey, listen. I have to go now; there’s a place I need to be, okay? I’ll see you around.” Lay said.


“See ya, Lay Oppa!”


“See ya! Just don’t think about what Kai said,okay!” Gina nodded her head and waved at Lay as he also disappeared into the hallway.


However as much as Gina tried to forget about Kai’s harsh words, they kept on ringing and repeating in her head. Gina sighed. “I should listen to Lay Oppa, and not spend time thinking about what Kai said, it’s not important and it doesn’t concern me!”


Gina’s POV:

I walked all the way to my locker to put away my dance clothes and to get my books for my next class.


“GINA~~!” I heard three familiar voices call at once. I turned to look but I couldn’t see anyone, it wasn’t until I turned to look the other way when I noticed that three bodies were running at me with full force. I didn’t even have time to react before I was practically crushed by their group hug.


“Hey, Gina!” DaeHyun greeted.




“Hey! Keep it down! Our plans are not for the public to hear, if they found out about what we did, then YongGuk Oppa will surely kill US!” HyoJung said in a really quiet voice then turned to Gina with a wide smile. Gina greeted her back happily, but quickly frowned when she remembered something that had been bugging her during lunch and dance class.


“um...guys.” Gina called


“Yeah?” They all turned to look at Gina in unison


“Where were you guys during lunch..?” Gina asked in curiosity. All three looked left and right before Daehyun and Ilhoon grabbed both Gina’s arms and began to drag Gina somewhere secret.


“YAH!! Where are you two taking her?!” HyoJung asked probably surprised by their action.

    “We should tell her now!!!!” Ilhoon answered with a loud voice...actually loud enough probably everyone in school most likely heard what he just said.



“WHAT?! YOU IDIOT!! YAH!! COME BACK HERE!! You’re not suppose to talk about it in such a place like school!!! YongGuk Oppa’s going to kill you for sure!! YAHH!!” HyoJung scolded


“Shut up and bring Gina’s bag already we don’t have all day, class will start soon, we must hurry!!!” Ilhoon called.  


“Gosh, what did I do to deserve two idiotic friends like them..?!” Gina heard HyoJung mumble as she turned to see HyoJung pick up Gina’s bag and bring it along with her.


Daehyun and Ilhoon stopped dragging Gina once they got to the schools garden.


“Ok. Should you tell her or should I?” Daehyun asked in an eager voice.


Before Ilhoon could answer HyoJung came in and stopped the two.


“You guys....are idiots.” HyoJung told them.


“WHAT!! We brought her to a quiet place where no one can see or hear us!!” Ilhoon defended.


“We are still in school!!” HyoJung was about to explode everyone could tell, “...look I am just trying to prevent what happened last time you two tried to talk about this ‘secretly’.”


“Um guys....CAN YOU STOP FIGHTING AND JUST TELL ME FOR PETE SAKE!!” Gina lost her patience.


“Ok fine but one last thing.....Ilhoon, Daehyun, you guys do remember what happened last time...right?” HyoJung continued.


“Oh! I remember what happened last time!” Daehyun said.


“What happened last time...?” Gina wanted to know.


“Oh ya...last time.” Ilhoon said while looking back at the horrifying memory.




“No can do!! I Have to tell you in private! And I-”




“And of course not right now because we’re late for class! Just meet at my house after school!” HyoJung said before grabbing Ilhoon and dragging him to their class.


“WAIT! I don’t even know where HyoJung lives..!!” Gina stated.


“Just meet me after class and we can walk together~” Gina’s life savior Daehyun came to the rescue.

“OK. Thanks, Daehyunnie~” I thanked him as I waved goodbye. I began to run towards my next class; I can’t be late!!

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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?