My Heart...

The First Snow Without You

Chapter 18:

Gina POV:

We were back in school after the Thursday out with all the guys. I had so much fun and was so happy that there was no homework since winter break was near.


I was studying, but unlike other people I also took a lot of breaks. After returning home from the amusement park, I sat myself down for a good hour to study Science.


I got tired quickly and didn’t realize how fast I had fallen asleep until I woke up in the morning drooling on my desk. Great...I’m gonna have a flat face today...what ever...last day of the week before Winter Break! I relaxed while imagining the whole winter break by someplace with a nice view. As soon as I walked in through the gates of the school, I could hear Ilhoon and HyoJung fighting full on. *sigh* Honestly, when will these guys stop? And why are they so loud to the point where I can hear them all the way from here?


I just ignored them and walked past them, which they didn’t realize either, to my locker. I had dance class last period today. I was happy so then I can go home in non-uniform clothes today!!!! YAY!! I walked into class and surprisingly everyone was in class and not sitting there chatting. Its like they decided to comply with the teachers on the last day. As Mr. Kim walked in, I realized why they were so quiet...we were gonna watch a movie and pissing of Mr. Kim meant that they couldn’t watch it.


I didn’t bother with all the movies we watched in all the classes. I was just excited about my last lesson The bell rang, signalling it was time for lunch. Everyone poured out onto the hallways and were making their way to the cafeteria or anywhere they sat. I walked into the cafeteria and spotted EXO, BTOB and B.A.P sitting with HyoJung.


“Hey guys! Can you guys like scooch so I can sit as well?” I squiggled my way between HyoJung and Daehyun. I looked at them and they smiled at me while stuffing their faces with food. I rolled my eyes and pulled out the lunch that Unnie packed for me. WOAH!!! Kimchi Fried Rice! My Unnie is the best! JJANG!...wait....where is she? I looked around the cafeteria but couldn’t find her. I looked at Lay, Unnie said she had classes with him. “Lay Oppa..Where’s my unnie?”


“Honestly, Gina? I have no clue. Its like I see her in class and then she just disappears into nowhere. I wonder if she even has any lunch?”


I realized that Unnie didn’t pack lunch for herself either! “Gina-yah. Don’t worry. I saw your sister come into the cafeteria earlier before class ended and take her food. She’s probably just sitting somewhere away from the noise. Thats it.” After Luhan Oppa told me that, I relaxed. We began talking about all the fun things that happened at the amusement park the day before.


“Hey, Gina! What are doing for winter break?” Lay Oppa asked me.


"Blekh! Winter! I hate winter. I prefer spring and summer where the weather is warm and nice. You know I had this foreign friend once and she gave me the English name Summer." HyoJung said excitedly.


"God, just shut up! Can't you see that no one cares? And no one cares about summer or spring break right now! Everyone is excited about the WINTER break! You can drink hot chocolate and eat steamed buns, how much better can it get? And let's not forget the weather's nice and cold!" XiuMin explained.


"Yeah, cold, just like your heart!" HyoJung spat. XiuMin glared at her and turned back to me with a cute smile. "So, Gina, what are you doing for winter break?" XiuMin asked.


HyoJung pretended to throw up. "YAH! What did I do this time?" XiuMin angrily asked.


"Hey, just consider yourself lucky that you didn't have to witness the disgusting expression you just made. Then again, I feel sorry for you for just having a face just as repulsive as yours."


"Me?! Ha! What about you? You fat pig! You eat so much that your face is so bloated, I'm worried that if you anymore it'll explode!"


"Wow! For once you actually took the time to worry about someone other than yourself! I applaud you!" HyoJung clapped.


"Just finish your food and get out of here so that I don't have to see you anymore!"


"No, I'm going to take my time and enjoy my delicious food!"


"I know with your weight, you're slow at everything you do, but just spare everyone here and eat your food so you can just leave. Or, are you so fat that you're slow at that as well?" XiuMin asked.


"That's it! You, me, eating speed battle, now! Or are you to much of a chicken to go against me? Huh?" HyoJung glared.


"Let the battle begin!" XiuMin declared. And not even 3 seconds after, XiuMin and HyoJung were already stuffing their faces with food trying to beat the other.


Lay Oppa turned to me and asked me the same question again about winter break. I thought about it for a while...


“I guess I wanna relax since exams are nearing and stuff...but I dunno what if we’ll be doing anything...Unnie hasn’t said anything about it.”


“You and you’re Unnie! Sheesh woman! Let her go for once!” Ilhoon exclaimed.


“No way! She’s who I’m living with so I have to ask her opinion about what to do as well. What are you guys doing?” I looked at Yeollie.


"OH YEAH!! WHUT!!! I won take that!!" XiuMin proudly declared.


“The Happy Virus has a few ideas but has not discussed it.”


“Oh! Yah! GiGi do you wann-” RIIIIINNGGGGGGG ~~~~ HyoJung pulled me with her before Yeollie could finish his sentence. I smiled apologetically to him.


Class went by and it was finally DANCE CLASS~~ WOOHOO~~ I skipped happily to class and noticed Lay Oppa stretching on the floor.


“YIXING OPPA~~~” I skipped to where he was stretching and squatted to be at eye level with him. “OPPA~~~ HEHEHE HI~”


“Someone’s overly happy today.”


“Hehe sorry, I’m just really excited that it’s finally dance.” I stuck my tongue out like a child and Lay Oppa lightly pinched my cheeks.


“Aigoo, you cutie~”

Kai POV:

When I walked into the dance studio I saw Lay Hyung pinching Gina’s cheeks and she was smiling so playfully at him. I felt......jealous. Why. I don’t like her right? She is just a friend nothing more.


I walked closer to where they were sitting.


“Hey guys.” As Gina turned and looked at me with her innocent green eyes, my heart started to race.


“HI, OPPA~” She waved at me like a cute little child.


“Hey, what’s up Kai.”


“May I join you guys in stretching.” Why did I feel so awkward and nervous all of a sudden.


“Sure, Oppa~” Gina yanked on my sleeve and made me sit right next to her. Unintentionally, as she yanked my sleeve, I sat with my hand trying to support me before my crashing onto the ground, it landed on top of hers. I looked up to see Gina’s eyes widen and we both started to blush. As we looked at each other, we quickly pulled our hands back and started looking around awkwardly.


“EHEM. You guys alright....?” Lay was looking at us with a suspicious smile.


“Huh. Oh y-y-ya. W-we a-are f-fine.” CURSE MY STUTTERING!!!


As Lay Hyung was about to go further into his “investigation”, I saw Gina stand up and run into the girls changing room. Is she ok...?


“Kai! You should go ask Gina if she wants to go to the beach with us during spring break. Chanyeol was going to ask but he didn’t have time. Also, since HyoJung isn’t coming this year we can bring Gina~”


“Um.. ya sure. But..hyung why do I have to ask!!!”


“Cuz. I’m making you! Now Go!”



Gina POV:

WHY IN THE WORLD IS MY HEART BEATING AT FULL SPEED! It was just his hands that touched mine. Nothing big. It was just an accident. I’m not in love right? I never liked anyone before. This feeling is so unfamiliar. WHY IS MY HEART BEATING SO MUCH.


I couldn’t just sit there acting like nothing was wrong with me. I had to run into the bathroom and calm whatever was beating inside of me down. I am sure they would think I am weird.


I was taking too long in here so I just slowly walked out of the changing room. As I stepped foot into the dance studio, I saw Kai slowly walking towards me. Why is he walking to me and WHY IS MY HEART STARTING TO BEAT AGAIN!!??




“Gina, you ok? Why did you suddenly disappear into the changing room?”


“Um I’m fine Oppa. I-I just needed something f-from m-my bag.”


“Oh ok. Come on I need to ask you something” Kai held onto my wrist and dragged me to a bench and we just sat.

Kai POV:

My heart is beating too fast for me to talk right now. I am sure she can hear it! YOU CAN DO THIS KIM JONGIN! HWAITING!


“Ok so. This winter break Exo is going to a beach resort place that Duizhang Kris’s family owns. Do you want to join us?”


“U-um ya sure. I’d love to.” She gave the cutest most brightest smile that can light up this whole world. Wait...SNAP OUT OF IT KIM JONGIN!


“GREAT I’ll tell the others.” Just to my luck, the teacher walked in and the conversation that was beginning to turn awkward was saved!


“OK CLASS Today we will just have a free class where you can practice whatever you want. But you MUST practice something! Now, Chop Chop.”


Everyone started to scatter around the classroom to practice on their own. I turned to ask Gina if she wanted to practice with but she was already on the other side of the room talking to Lay Hyung. So, I stood up and walked towards them trying to avoid all the dancers swinging their hands while dancing when....*SLAP* OW I fell on the floor.


“UGH” I looked up to see who could have done this but all that caught my eyes was Gina running towards me with worry in her pretty eyes.


“OMG! OPPA, ARE YOU OK.” She kneeled down and held my chin to examine my face of any scars. “OPPA You're bleeding on the corner of your lips!” I quickly hid my face to hide the cut that was visible to her. I didn’t want her worrying. But, she quickly cupped my face and turned my head so I was facing her. She took out a white handkerchief and started wiping the blood that was on the corner of my lips. Her delicate touch softened me as I looked at her angelic face. Her beautiful eyes, her perfect nose, and....her....her pink kissable lips. Ok. Maybe I do like her. NO I LOVE her. I never felt so cared for by a girl other than my mom. No girl ever dared to touch my face but her. She took me on rides that I was scared of and made me feel protected. She made me No girl had ever made me feel so loved and safe to be with. I gently smiled as I still saw her face in front of me full of worry trying to heal the small cut on my face.


“, STOP TOUCHING MY OPPA’S FACE!” Who in the world would talk to my angel like that! I looked up to find Hyuna fuming with anger walking towards us. I looked at Gina and I could see fear in her eyes. What did Hyuna do to her to make her this scared...


“ I SAID STAY AWAY FROM MY KAI OPPA.” Psh oppa my you’re a year older than me... Gina quickly stood up and I could see she was trying to hide her fear. Now everyone in class was looking at us. As Hyuna neared us, she lifted her hands and powerfully slapped Gina right across the face. WTF MY ANGEL!


“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, HYUNA” I quickly stood up and pulled the teary Gina behind me.


“That is trying to seduce you Oppa. Can’t you tell~” Hyuna tried to do aegyo but it won’t work on me unless it’s Gina’s aegyo.


“She was trying to help me Hyuna. Nothing more. Seriously haven’t you realized that I will never be yours.”


“See what that did to you already!! You’re turning against me!!!”


“LISTEN HYUNA! I never liked you and that won’t change!” I turned around to find a missing Gina. where did she go! I looked at Lay Hyung for help and he pointed to the door. I quickly ran out and had one place in mind to run to. The school garden. I ran at full speed and luckily I found a girl hugging her knees under the tree.


“Gina?” She looked up and I saw tears streaming down her face. “Hey, don’t cry.” I slowly walked to her and sat next to her. She turned her head clearly embarrassed that I saw her at this state. “Hey, Gina.. Look at me please.”


“No....I don’t want you seeing me like this.” I slowly turned her head toward me. Wow she is even pretty when she cries.


“Hey Gina~ You don’t have to be embarrassed. You know. You look pretty even if you cry. Most girls look hideous but look beautiful. I also miss the bubbly Gina even if it was only a few minutes that the bubbly Gina is gone.” Wait did I just semi-confess to her.....! I am doomed! I don’t want her knowing how I feel towards her yet! As I heard her giggle a little, I felt relieved that she just took it as comforting words.


“Thanks, Oppa *sniff*” I couldn't help but just hug her and let her cry in MY arms. I am glad I am the one to be here for you Gina.


“Gina...can I ask you something?” I slowly pulled away from the hug.


“Sure oppa.”


“Why did you look so scared when Hyuna started yelling at you?”


“um....She.....never mind. It’s nothing.” She gave me what looked like a forced smile.


“Gina...I am not stupid. I won’t force you to tell me, but just remember....I am here for you and you can come to me anytime. We are friends now right?”


“Yes we are hehe. Thank you Oppa.” She suddenly hugged me again and snuggled closer to me. I could feel her breath on my neck. My heart started to beat again, but faster. I hope she doesn’t notice and realizes my heart is beating for her.

Gina POV:

My heart is out of control. I thought he would not follow me all the way here to the garden but....I guess I was wrong. I’m falling for him more and more. I guess it is possible for me to fall in love. Kai Oppa is the sweetest. He is the first guy to make my heart beat this fast. What am I suppose to do Oppa. I can’t stop my heart from beating for you.


After all that he said to me, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I just needed him in my arms. So...I hugged him. But...why is his heart beating so fast. Does he....NO that can’t be. Why would he like someone like me... I needed to know.


“Oppa....why is your heart beating so fast?” I asked still hugging his waist.


“’s nothing I think it’s just cause I ran all the way here. hah..haha” Why does he sound nervous....


“Oh...haha it’s soothing oppa.” WHAT DID I JUST SAY! I CAN’T LET HIM FIND OUT I LIKE HIM!

Kai POV:

I wanted to stay in this position. If someone could see our position right now they would think we were a real couple. Gina hugging my waist and leaning against me, her head comfortably lying on my chest and my arm around her shoulder and my head leaning on her head.


“Oppa....can we stay like this for a while....” Did she just ask what I think she asked......


“Um. Ya. Sure.”


“Just until class is over, Oppa.” I wish time stopped when she said this. I wanted her in my arms forever.


After what seemed like hours with the girl I like in my arms, the bell for the end of school finally rung.


“Gina~ Let’s go the bell rung.” I really wish I didn’t have to say that.


We stood up and walked to the lockers. As we were walking Lay Hyung caught up with us and just kept talking about what happened while we left and kept on asking where we went and all those annoying questions. Well, he is my hyung..he has the right to worry.


We met up with the Exo members and I saw Chanyeol running to Gina and he hugged her while rocking side to side. I felt REALLY jealous. I know they are best friends and all...but they look like a couple. Chanyeol just kept rocking her side to side while giggling and whispering to her ears things to make her giggle too. WHAT KIND OF BEST FRIEND ARE THEY!!

Chanyeol POV:

I have never been this excited to see Gina! Why you ask? Well~ I get to ask her to go to the beach with us~~~ Our first vacation together in years~~! I rocked her side to side while telling her things like ‘I missed you Bestie’ and ‘How could you leave me like that with HyoJung! The happy virus is not happy’ I guess she thought it was cute when she started giggling in my arms. The sweet sound of her voice is music to my ears. I could hear her giggle all day and I wouldn’t mind. I think I really am in love with her. She is just perfect for me.


“Hey Gina~~~ This winter break do you want to come with us to the beach~~~?’


“YA~ I already told Kai Oppa that I would go~”




“Cause he asked me if I wanted to come along~ hehehe I can’t wait to have fun with my Yeollie Oppa~~~~~” She hugged me tighter but I felt......very......jealous.


“But...but I wanted to tell you first!!!!” I was VERY Jealous HOW COULD HE TAKE MA GURL! Now I’m just getting mad!


“Aigooo~~~ My baby Yeollie~~~ Why~ Jealous~ hehehe at least you know I am going~” She started to pinch my cheeks with the cutest and sweetest smile. How can I stay mad at her when she is this cute.


“But next time I AM GOING TO BE FIRST! HEUNG!” I tried being cute by pouting and guess what I get from her...


“EWWWW Yeollie.....don’t ever EVER do that again...hahhahahaha YOU CUTIE~~ hahha but seriously......    I am MUCH better. *wink*” She just winked at me~~ hehehe and SHE CALLED ME A CUITE~


“hehehe so you’re coming for sure right Gina? I really want to spend time with you~~~~~”


“Yup~ I can’t wait Yeollie~ we finally get to spend best friend quality time~~” We started jumping up and down with all the excitement in us.


“I CAN’T WAIT!!” We both said in unision.


“Um ok there?” D.O. Hyung asked and Gina and I noticed that all of Exo was looking at us like we had this problem. But...when I got to Kai’s face he did not look happy....I wonder why...Hmmm Anyways!


“We are fine UMMA~~~hehhee” Gina smiled at D.O. Hyung and he just smiled back at her giving up on arguing on the nickname Gina gave him.

“Guys~ Gina is coming with us to the beach this break~~~”



and and and EXCITING NEWS~~ we got over 1000 views :D i know its only views but this is exciting new for us ;) 

i might do a double update for you wonderful readers~ <3


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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?