The Hangout

The First Snow Without You


Friday After School

No One’s POV:



“GINAAAAAAAAA~!!!!” Ilhoon ran from the end of the hall towards Gina and engulfed her in a huge bear hug. “I MISSED YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!” Ilhoon practically yelled in her ear.


Gina chuckled and hugged Ilhoon back. “Haha. Ilhoonie~..We were just in the same class a few minutes ago.”


“YAH! Let her go! You’re suffocating her! You’re not her only friend, too, you know?” HyoJung scolded.


“Calm down, HyoJung. We’ll all have enough to time to hang out tonight.” Daehyun said as he tried to keep HyoJung from pouncing onto Ilhoon.


“Tonight?” Gina asked.


“Yea, don’t you remember? We’re all hanging out today with B.A.P and BTOB Oppas... and dongsaengs... yeah!” HyoJung nodded.


“Yeah, we planned it like a few lunches ago. Don’t you remember, Ginaaaa?” Daehyun asked.


“I-I kinda forgot.” Gina stammered.


“THAT’S OKAY, GINAAA~!!! YOU KNOW NOW, DON’T YOU?” Ilhoon comforted.


“I gues-”


“GREAT!!! NOW LET’S GO! GO! GO!” Ilhoon screamed and began to drag Gina and Daehyun to the gates of the school.


“YAH!! You forgot about me!!” HyoJung screamed.






“FATA$$!!!” Ilhoon bravely declared.


“That’s it you, pipsqueak! You’re getting it!” HyoJung rolled up her uniform sleeves and marched over to Ilhoon.


“UMMAAAAA~!!!!” Ilhoon began to run away while still holding onto Gina and Daehyuns’ arms and ran out of the school.


“That’s right you better run!” HyoJung yelled.


Umm.. HyoJungie...?” HyoJung turned at the call of her name and her deadly glare quickly turned into a bright smile.


“YoungJae Oppa, annyeong!” HyoJung waved.


YoungJae waved back. “Are we meeting tonight?” He asked. HyoJung nodded happily.


“Are there any battles today?” YoungJae quietly asked. HyoJung shrugged.


“It’s Friday, anything can happen today at the club. I hope it’s another rap battle though. YongGuk Oppa would totally kick !!” HyoJung said excitedly.


“Speaking of YongGuk hyung, where is he? I haven’t seen him and our lockers are near each other.” YoungJae said.


“He probably went to pick up Zelo and JongUp from school with HimChan Oppa. BTOB Oppas already went to pick up SungJae so they’re already on their way to the club.”


“Are we the last ones left then?”


“I hope not, we can’t get the good spot if we’re late. So let’s go!” HyoJung and YoungJae followed Ilhoon as he was still dragging Gina and Daehyun along with him headed for the secret underground club.

At The Club..



“Can you spot anyone?” HyoJung yelled over the loud booming music. YoungJae shook his head. The two tried to walk around the crowd of dancing teenagers to find their friends. “There!” YoungJae pointed at where Ilhoon still holding Gina and Daehyun’s wrists. He grabbed HyoJung’s arm and began to drag her to their friend group.


A chorus of greeting came as soon as HyoJung and YoungJae appeared. The two made their way to the seats and sat down. “Why isn’t anything starting?” YoungJae asked.


“We came too early, nothing’s going to start for another hour. Plus, I haven’t seen a single MC since I got here.” ChangSub explained.


“You serious?”




“What’s going to start?” The confused Gina asked.


“The competitions. HEY GINA!! WE NEED TO INTRODUCE YOU TO THE REST OF THE GROUP~!!!” HyoJung excitedly exclaimed.


“Who’s Gina?” Peniel asked as he turned away from SungJae. HyoJung grabbed Gina’s arm and pulled it all the way up. “This is Gina!! Okay, Gina I’d like you to meet... BTOB!” HyoJung pointed to six guys at the table.


“First, I’d like you to meet ChangSub Oppa.”


“This is HyunSik Oppa.”


“And over there is MinHyuk Oppa,”


“That disgusting thing over there, you already know so I won’t even bother.”


“YAH!!” IlHoon glared at HyoJung who smiled innocently at him.


“And that is SungJae, he’s our dongsaeng.”


“And next to SungJae is Peniel Oppa.”


“Everyone meet Gina! She’s kinda new-ish.” HyoJung explained.


“Oh really?” Peniel asked. “Where were you before coming here?”






“She said Boston. Boston! Not Busan... So wait! You’re from Boston?!” Peniel asked. Gina quietly nodded her head. “SO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH!!!” Peniel jumped from his seat and ran to Gina as soon as she nodded her head for the second time.


“I can speak English, too, you know!” Peniel said in English.


“Eh- Eh! I-I speak Engrisheu, too!” HyoJung exclaimed. Gina and Peniel chuckled.


“Nado Nado. I seupeek enggeurishea tooooo!!!” SungJae exclaimed as well. Gina and Peniel burst into a fit of laughter leaving everyone at the table confused.


Gina and Peniel’s laughter was interrupted.








“What does it mean? and.....ISN’T THAT YEOLIE!!!???” Gina asked her friends.


“It basically means that anything can happen tonight. A dance battle, rap battle, anything!! And on days like today, the battles are more intense. and... yes that is ChanYeol.. and Kris and the EXO members are big in this club.” Peniel explained.




“Yeah, they kinda contributed to making this whole club thing happen, so they all have special privileges and all that stuff. And since Chanyeol and Kris rap, they usually MC the rap battles which means-”


“Which means YongGuk Oppa is going to compete with Zelo!!” HyoJung exclaimed.


“Seriously, what’s wrong with you? You’re so obsessed with YongGuk Hyung!! Stop obsessing over him. Look around, do you see a single B.A.P member here? No! ‘Cause they ditched you.” Ilhoon nagged.


“They just went to go sign up for the battle! And YongGuk Oppa’s my role model and you know that!! You have no right to nag me. Especially with your obsession with Outsider!!”


“Hey! HEY! Don’t bring Outsider into this!” IlHoon yelled.


“I already did!! Watchu gonna do ‘bout that?”


“That’s it! You! Me! Rap battle! Now!” Ilhoon exclaimed.


“Bring it!!” HyoJung and Ilhoon left to go sign up for the rap battle. “MinHyuk Hyung! Let’s go sign up for the battle!!” SungJae pleaded as he dragged his hyung in the direction of the sign ups.


“WE PREPARED ANOTHER RAP CONTEST FOR YOU YOUTH CLUBBERS OUT THERE!!!” As Chanyeol screamed out these words all the clubbers screamed with joy while Gina covered her ears from all the noise. “If any of you guys want to sign up for the battle, the sign up sheet, as always, is to the left of the stage. Sign up ends in 5 minutes.”  


“See, I told you! Rap battle!” Peniel proudly proclaimed.


Gina laughed. “I never doubted you, Peniel Oppa.” Peniel smiled at Gina calling him Oppa.


“Wait, shouldn’t we move to get a better view of the battle?” Gina asked. Peniel just shook his head. “Nah! From this table, we always have a good view of everything that happens, whether it be on the stage or on the dance floor.”


Gina nodded her head in understanding. “So, is the rap battle on the stage or down at the dance floor?” Gina asked.


“For rap battles, it doesn’t really matter, but it’s usually on the stage. Plus, Kris and ChanYeol were on the stage so the competitors might battle it out there.” Peniel explained.


“YO DUDES AND DUDETTES Sign up is over! Let’s see who has got the SKILLZ! So guys...first up we’ve got SungJae vs. Zelo.” Kris left after introducing the two competitors and the crowd began to go wild. The two friends on stage did their handshake before each moved back to their separate sides of the stage. The played a game of rock paper scissors to see who would go first and SungJae won.


“WHOOO GOOO SUNGJAEEEE~!!!!!” Gina turned her head to see HyoJung and IlHoon down by the stage waving their hands in the air like maniacs.


“GO ZELO GOGOGOGO~!!!” HyoJung pushed IlHoon aside and began to cheer for her favorite dongsaeng. However, IlHoon pushed her as well and began to cheer for SungJae. The music began and the two youngsters began to rap. Not even 30 seconds and Gina’s jaw had already dropped to the floor. With Zelo’s speed rapping and SungJae’s really free freestyle rapping, it was hard to believe that these were only eighth graders.


Gina could barely keep her eyes of the two, other than looking over at HyoJung and Ilhoon's crazy antics every now and then, Gina's eyes were fixed on the two boys on stage.


Too soon for Gina's liking, the rap battle between Zelo and SungJae had ended. ChanYeol went up to the two and congratulated them on their performances. After using his 'applause-o-meter' ChanYeol crowned Zelo the winner of the match. The two made their way down to the crazy couple waiting next to the stage who gave them suffocating hugs.


Zelo and SungJae made their ways over to the table. Everyone congratulated the two as they sat down. "You won. So that makes us tied 4-4. Battle again next time?" SungJae asked.

"That shouldn't even be a question. You're on!" The two friends high fived.


"What a performance! Give it up for SungJae and Zelo~!!" Kris hollered. The crowd broke out in a roar.


"Alright, Alright. Calm down, yo. Calm down." ChanYeol said. "We've got a great crowd tonight and an amazing act coming up next! EVERYBODY GIVE IT UP FOR HYOJUNG AND ILHOON~!!!!"


Gina looked up at the stage to HyoJung and IlHoon make their way onto the stage. She cheered for them along with the crowed.


"HYOJUNG! ILHOON WHOOOOO!!!! GO ILHOON!!" Peniel shocked Gina as he also began to cheer twice as loud as anyone else.


"Hahaha sorry about that" He apologized.


"Nah it's okay." The two continued to cheer until the music began to play.


First up was Ilhoon. He looked at HyoJung and began to rap. Ilhoon bragged about himself but then began to bash HyoJung. HyoJung raised her eyebrow but then glared at Ilhoon The moment he finished his insult the crowd went "OOOOHH!!" and turned to HyoJung anticipating her comeback.


HyoJung walked up to Ilhoon and shoved him before spitting out her own insults at Ilhoon. He had just crossed the line.


Eventually, HyoJung won the competition fair and square.


“HyoJung! HyoJung! HYOJUNG!” IlHoon called as they both walked off the stage. IlHoon wanted to congratulate HyoJung on her win but she just ignored him every time he called. He walked over to her but she kept her head down as she walked faster to avoid IlHoon’s gaze.


“Come on~ HyoJungiiie~~! That is now the spirit! YOU WON GURL! BE HAPPY!!” IlHoon momentarily caught up with HyoJung and noticed her tear stained face.


“..” IlHoon cursed as he noticed the state HyoJung was in.


‘JUNG ILHOON! You RETARD! Why did you have to bring up weight insults. front of everybody.’ HyoJung once again started walking.


“HyoJung!” IlHoon called again. ‘Where the hell is she walking off to..? Our table is in the other direction.’ IlHoon looked ahead and gasped. ‘NO!’ IlHoon looked ahead and saw 3 out of the 4 Secret members sitting at a round table...HyoJung’s sister being one of them.


HyoSung- HyoJung’s older sister, dancer, leader of Secret and the naggiest woman on earth! IlHoon started to panick. If she saw HyoJung crying...he was going to get it for sure!


IlHoon ran in front of HyoJung and blocked her way whenever she tried to get away.


“Go Away, IlHoon.” HyoJung said in a stern voice.


“HyoJung noona~ I am really sorry. HONESTLY! I never meant to hurt your feelings up there~ It was just a rap battle anyways, but I still shouldn’t have brought up a topic that was sensitive to you. I’m sorry. Plus..WHY ARE YOU SAD GURL YOU WON~! You won against THE Jung IlHoon! Your stupid best friend~ Be happy!!” IlHoon grabbed HyoJung’s hands and swung them side to side. Unluckily HyoJung just stayed silent and sniffed. IlHoon just frowned in response.


“Come on HyoJung! You’re one of my BESTEST FRIENDS! I don’t like seeing you sad~ And it’s my fault, so...I feel like an -”


“That’s cause you are one.” HyoJung joked. IlHoon’s frown turned upside down.




“I’m still mad at you.” HyoJung sniffed.


“But...But...HYOJUNGIEEEE~~~!” IlHoon pouted.


“Your aegyo makes me throw up and your face turns uglier than it already is....I think I might have to take my eyes out with ice cream scoopers.AND ONLY GINA AND YOUNGJAE CAN CALL ME HYOJUNGIE!” IlHoon frowned at HyoJung’s comment but then smiled.


“I know you love ME and my AEGYO! Admit it~” HyoJung kicked IlHoon’s leg and laughed.


“You’re so conceited.” HyoJung laughed.


“Is insulting me all you do?”


“AWWWW look at that little cry baby cry! Were a couple of insults too much for this baby to handle.” Xiumin in. “What’s to be upset about? It’s not like he said anything that was new to anyone.”


HyoJung would have jumped onto Xiumin and ripped his face to shreds if it wasn't for IlHoon who held her back.


“Get out of here Xiumin! No one wants to see your fat ugly face!” HyoJung barked.


“It’s the cute chubby cheeks that the ladies fall for!”


“Who would be stupid enough to fall for a fat face like yours!”


“Like you’d know? You’re anything but a lady. Oh, and don’t forget, compared to you my face could even be considered a twig!”


HyoJung tried to attack Xiumin but IlHoon just continued to hold her back.




“Such a primitive being!” Xiumin scoffed as he walked away.


HyoJung continued to struggle against IlHoon’s grip but failed.


“Come on HyoJung. Let’s just go back to the tables and watch the battles. I heard Zinger Noona was next against Nicole! Let’s go watch!”


HyoJung crossed her arms and followed IlHoon back to the table. HyoJung moderately cheered for the entire battle along with the one after it.


“Key against MinHyuk Hyung? That’s gotta be an interesting battle.” Peniel exclaimed.


“WOOOOOO! GO MINHYUK HYUNG!! The entire table cheered. The battle began and the table was filled with cheers for MinHyuk. The match was tied but a tie breaker was called for and MinHyuk eventually won. The MC’s congratulated the two and introduced the next rap battle.


“YO! What a fierce battle we’ve got coming up! Next, we’ve got EunHyuk against the defending champ, BANG YONGGUK!”


“WHOOOOOO!!!!” HyoJung cheered for her favorite oppa. It was expected so no one made much out of HyoJung’s extremely loud cheering.


“GO YONGGUK HYUNGGG!!!!’ Zelo cheered with HyoJung, the two being tied for the title of ‘YongGuk’s #1 fan’.


The two rappers on stage drove the crowd nuts!! With YongGuk’s explosive charisma and Eunhyuk’s incredible flow it was a hard choice for the audience.


“WOW!!! ITS BURNIN UP IN HERE!~ Did you see those guys like spitfire at the audience?? Phew!! I feel bad for the audience. Don’t you?” Chanyeol appeared out of nowhere.


“Damn!!! I think so too! I mean the amount of confusion these guys have to go through to announce a winner! WOW!” Kris hollered.


“But they gotta do what they gotta do. So with that.. LET’S CHECK THE APPLAUSE-O-METER!” ChanYeol said excitedly. “All in those in favor of EunHyuk..” The crowd went wild for EunHyuk praising, applauding, and cheering for him.


“And for Bang YongGuk...” The crowd went crazy. They clapped, they cheered, they went crazy. Crazier for him than for EunHyuk. “LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE A WINNERR~~!! Everyone give it up for Bang! Yong! Guk!!” Yet again the crowd went crazy. YongGuk and EunHyuk shook hands while congratulating each other.


As they finished announcing the winners Chanyeol and Kris chest bumped and began to rap together as an ending performance. “DA HEY! DA HEY! DA HEY! DA HEY!......” Slowly Kai and Lay appeared on stage and started dancing with the rap. The crowd cheered for them.


Everybody now behold

something you ain’t seen before

its goin down

yeah tonight’s what you’ve been waiting for


Roll like a buffalo

WOOPS! they already know

i hope you notice this

cuz its so cool to ignore


suhdoolluh suhdoolluh oneurman yuhrrineun pyunghaengtongro 4 dimension-euro

saerowoon nae sehsaeng uhje mannan naega anil guhya guhtbohk-irohn

daman ddokgata boh-igejjiman keuruhn bbuhnhan guhdeul gidaehaji ma

imi il duhaki iri dwimyun juhrdaero ee

Welcome to the night.


“Isn’t that Kai and Lay?!” Gina was once again surprised.


“Yup, they usually participate in the dance battles, but since Chanyeol and Kris are rapping as an ending performance they usually collaborate.” Peniel explained to Gina.


That’s right

Key walked on stage and began rapping with Kris and Chanyeol. Gina was surprised at the number of students who were good at rapping.


Selected VIP wouldn’t it be mind-blowingly awesome

Now we’re on the ro-ro-rocket just gotta keep your seatbelt fastened


(Kris & ChanYeol)

ohneureun doo gaeui dari doo-doo gae go gaeui dari

ohneureun doo gaeui doo gaeui da-da-da-dari ddeu-ddeuneun bam


You’re not gonna should’ve with this and could’ve with that


‘Cause you’re never coming back to this track


See the two full moons, you’re the chosen knight


Goes back with news ‘cause he got no time


( Kris & ChanYeol )

ohneureun doo gaeui dari doo-doo gae go gaeui dari

ohneureun doo gaeui doo gaeui da-da-da-dari ddeu-ddeuneun bam


“Wow....They are good.” Gina was watching every dance step Lay and Kai were doing. Hmm Lay is awesome but Kai......he..he..he is AMAZING.

Without realizing Gina’s heart was melting watching Kai’s hair flow with every move and how he was so serious yet so handsome.

This isn’t a bad night after all. I should bring Nina Unnie here sometime. Maybe also dance with Ka-....WHAT AM I THINKING!! I’ll just have fun all night long~


Not much of Gina and Kai fluff hahaha but we still need to introduce you guys to what is going to happen with....i shouldn't tell muahhhaah
do you guys know who the other couple might be~~ ;))


Love you guys~~ <3

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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?