A Happy Life

I'm In Love With a Crazy Person


You and Kai came back a week later. You had a lot of fun with him that night of the proposal. And you know what I mean.....You and Kai had . You and Kai liked it a lot, but stopped doing it after that. Even though it hurt for you, you still loved it. The worst part is that the guys found out. They bugged you and Kai about everything.
You sighed, trying not to get mad at them, "Guys..stop." you shook your head *the buggers now days...D.O, Suho, Chen, Luhan, and Tao.* the rest bullied on Kai. You couldnt take it anymore. "Yah." you said as you clenched your teeth. You put all of your books away, making sure they wouldnt get hit as you planned something big for them. You quietly went up to the door and locket it, you turned around and stared at them. "So." you ran your hand though your hair ually, "So...how should it be like tonight?" you smirked. They got scared. You walked up to them. "Ah!" they ran but you caught all four of them. "Please let us go! We'll never so that again." Please!?" they begged but you never did anything because they've been bothering you like crazy for the past week. "Its okay guys. My appa and brother already know I'm engaged so its fine." you put a y smile on your face. You whimpered. You grabbed the maknae out of the four...Tao. The rest ran for the door but you put a weird lock that they could never get since they like to pick your lock and come in a lot. "Running away from me?" you looked at them. They fake laughed. You looked back at scared Tao. You pushed Tao on your bed and you went on top of him, making a pose like you were doing push-ups. "This is what you did to me last time you looked at me in my sleep." Tao whispered, "I'm sorry." you went off of him and went to D.O. D.O's eyes were as always..big. He was being cornered by you, "This is what you did to me last time when you were really mad." you went closer to him. Inches away from his scared-to-hell face. You streak his cheek with your hand and let him go. "Know you know how I felt." you looked at Chen, he was still trying to run. You caught him and brought him to the bed, making him sit. You forcely hit his thighs and massaged them, "This is what you did when I said that my legs were sore." Chen's eyes popped open, as large as D.O's. you took your hands away and went to Suho. "Youngie, stop. I'm older then you." you scoffed, "Like I care now." you were in front os Suho. You put your hand on Suho's ankles and slowly went up, making his heart beat faster. "Thats what you did when Lay started talking about skin again. And I even had shorts on." you smirk and looked at Luhan. Luhan was breathing heavily, you could see it by his chest going up and down. You smirked and went up to Luhan. You pushed him onto the wall and bodies were really close together, "This is what happened last time." you whispered to him. Luhan remembered. You pull away and walk towards the door. You unlock the door and open it, "You can leave." they stood there, still scared. You smirked, "Or do you guys want more?" they flinched and ran out the room, trying to get away first. You close the door and started laughing, "So funny and cute." you went to the living room. You saw all of the boys. You stared at each boy you.....maybe abused? No. Threatened? No. ually gave them lessons to stop. You smirked at them. They hid by the closest member next to them. You sat next to Kai, Kai stared at you, "What did you do?" You laughed because he said it loud enough for them to hear. You stared at them, "We had a little fun." they pouted. "They'll never bug me again." you smiled and drunk some water *so thirsty after so much talking* Kai pouted, "They'll never stop bugging me." you stared at the other guys, "Unless you want me to do it." Suho, D.O, Luhan, Chen, and Tao shook the other members telling them to not do it or she'll kill you. Kai shook his head, "I'm fine. I bet your cant even do it." you hit his shoulder, "Aigoo. If you were there, man....it would've been awesome." you started laughing at what just happened earlier. "She...she...did bad things to us." Tao said, peeking over Kris's shoulder. You nodded innocently, "Yep. And if you give them to me...Lay would be the most scared." Lay's personality kind of changed. He became more erted and...well kind of like Kai and Chanyeol mixed together. Lay blinked, "Scared? Why would I be scared of a girl?" Luhan, who was hiding behind Lay whispered, "She's dangerous. She pushed me to the wall and touched my body..like she kidnapped me and was about to me or something." you heard what Luhan said and you smirked. Lay got scared and said out loud, "So you basically kind of ually did ual stuff to them..making them scared." you nodded, "Want that? I dont think so."
Two Years Later....
"Omma!" your two year old daughter runs up to you.
"Nae." your daughter's name was Kim In Young. Mixed with Kai's 'In' in his name and your 'young' in your name. She was the cutest thing ever. She had Kai's jaw-line which made her look kind of y/cute whenever she looked up or moved her head to the side, showing her jaw. She had your eyes, nose, finger's, and eyebrows. Kai's lips, a little bit of dark skin, lip biting habit, hair color, and his real smile. You never liked it when she smirked.
"Yah! Kkamjong! Stop teaching her that!" You yell from the kitchen while In Young sat on your lap.
Kai came in the kitchen, "I teach her just a little. She grew up with it." he pouted.
"Appa looks like a baby." In Young starts giggling. You laugh as well.
Kai picked up In Young and ran out of the kitchen, "Got you!" In Young squeals.
Xuimin walks in the kitchen, "Any baozi left?"
You shake your head no, "No. Youngie ate them all just now."
Suho poked his head in, "Yah. Youngie, I told you that that is YOUR nickname..only."
You pout and cross your arms, "I dont care. Youngie fits her well."
"Its not my fault you named her that." Suho comes in the kitchen.
"What?" you give him your so called 'im taking you to my room and going to torture again.'
Suho flinched, "I mean-....um....just give her a different nickname." he laughs sheepily.
Kris came in...holding In Young, "I just saved her life." he set her down on your lap.
"Thanks, ajushi." In Young bowed respectfully. You laughed. Kris didnt like being called ajushi, "Just call me uncle."
In Young nodded, "Okay uncle Kris. You're right, I like uncle Kris better." Kris smiles in agreement and pinches her cheek. "That hurt." she bit her bottom lip. "My bad." Kris said as he walked out of the kitchen. D.O and Chen ran in the kitchen, "I beat you!" Chen starts jumping. D.O slaps his forehead, "Aish!" In Young looks at D.O, "Uncle Kyungsoo?" D.O looks at In Young and gives her a smile, "Nae?" In Young copies D.O's facial expression when he hit Chen on the head, "Aish!" We all start bursting into laughter. D.O blushed. In Young giggled.
"Yah. If you copy me I'm going to feed you spicy kimchi." D.O pointed to In Young.
"What?" you gave him the stare you gave to Suho earlier. D.O shook his hands, "I'm just kidding." You pointed to Lay, "Stop sneaking Lay. I can see you." Lay hit his head, "!" In Young blinked, "Omma? Whats that word?" They all stared at her. "Um...thats something you dont need to know." Kai came back in, "Where's my baby?" he sang. You raised an eyebrow, "Why do you need her?" Luhan came in and took In Young out of your hands and ran away. "Omma!" Kai stopped and frowned, "Yah! Luhan! She's mine!" Kai chased after Luhan. "Man....those two..." Tao came in and took one last look at them. *I know. My only kisses I've had so far. One is Kai, two is Luhan.* "I'm calling Sehun. Luhan needs his buddy to distract In Young." you take out your phone. 
"Nae, noona?"
"Um bro..I think someone wants bubble tea."
"Luhan! Coming right away!"
~end call~
"Great. Now we wait."
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Chapter 30: Was nice story!!!
Jaguar_2001 #2
i just love this fanfic so much!!!!
Chapter 30: OMG THE ENDING IS SO CUTE asdfghjkl;
KimJongMin #4
Chapter 30: Cute ending!!!
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 30: wow cool~~~ I like this story XD
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 1: They're so funny together.
Love this fic! ^^