Back To Drawing

I'm In Love With a Crazy Person


-BEEP..BEEP...BEEP...BEEP- your alarm clock rang. "Ugh!" you quickly shut it off. "Work." You rub your eyes and got off your bed. You washed up and wore casual clothes. "Well off I go." you whisper to yourself as you quietly open your door. You close it gently, trying not to wake the others. It was only 5 in the morning and you didnt want to wake them. "No breakfast is fine. A coffee shop is just across from it." you thought out loud quietly. You reach downstairs and head for the door. You open the door, and walk out. You shut the door and walk away. "They'll have to figure it out themselves." You smile and walk to a coffee shop to get a latte.
"Where did she go?" Tao pouted. "Work probably." Kai turned his head. "Then why didnt she tell us?" Luhan pouted as well. "Yeah..meanie." Kai looked at Xuimin. "What did you call her?" Kai grit his teeth at he said that. Xuimin scooted back, "N-nothing." Xuimin's mood changed into pouting. Some rolled their eyes. "Its okay. Its not like she'll run away." Tao started to worry, "But. What if she did!?" Tao shook Lay by the shoulders. "Calm down, Tao." Lay took his shoulders away from Tao's hands. "She would never. I dont even think she'll think about doing that." Tao wasnt paying attention, he was too worried. "I just called her. She said she's at work. And to dont worry so much. And...Yeah thats all." Kai rubbed his neck at the last part. "MmmHmm." some of them gave him death glares and 'sure~' looks. "And?" they waited. "And thats all." Kai said innocently. "Kai." Suho grit his teeth as he said that. "I didnt hear the last part." Kai looked away, feeling guilty. "You sure?" Kai nodded. "Well actually..." the others stared back at Kai just before they went back to what they were doing. "She said that she loves you brothers." Some smiled and hearts fluttered. Kai rubbed his neck. *But she told me that she loves* Kai smiled as your words repeated in his head.
"Welcome back, Sun Young." Your boss said softly. "Nae." you bowed, "Nice to see you again." you smiled. The boss smiled back. You went inside, walking towards your office area. "Where's Da Ran?" you said to yourself as you sat in your chair, looking around. You shrugged and took out your materials. "Sun Young!" you hear a voice. You look and see Da Ran walking towards you. "Hi, Da Ran! So Nice to see you again." you stand up and hug each other. "Me too! Did you get accepted. Who was he? Was he handsome?" Da Ran said randomly. You nodded, "Yep. I got accepted. And of course he's handsome. He was Kai." Da Ran's mouth dropped, "Really? You nod and sit back down, "Now shoo before the boss sees." Da Ran nodded and went straight to her office desk, which was next to yours. "Back to drawing!" you squeal to yourself. Da Ran rolls her eyes and gets our her materials. "What should I draw?" you tapped your pencil on your chin. "Draw another picture showing love. Like you did for the other one." You thought for a second, "Sure..I'll try." you started drawing. You drew what you felt in your heart. A beach with a sunset. You were drawing about the guys. How they are so warming to you and watching you. They are smooth like the ocean and sometimes get mad like the waves crashing each other. You smiled as you drew. *They're like my my brothers from different mothers. But I still love Sehun and appa. I would never leave them to go live with another family for no reason. But I basically did...because I went to go live with Kai and his friends came along and now they feel like family. If only I had an older brother then I would be calling him oppa, but I call my cousin that. I like being called noona too I guess.* while you were thinking and drawing at the same time..Da Ran stared at you. *What is she thinking?* Da Ran kept drawing
Tao sighed, "Kai please!?" Tao clung onto Kai's arm. Kai pulled his arm away, "I said no." Tao looked at Kris cutely. *Cant resist the cuteness.* Kris bit his lip to not help Tao. "Hyung~ help me." Tao cutely pouted when he said hyung. Kris couldn't take it anymore, "Okay, okay." he stared at Kai, "Why cant we?" Kai crossed his arms, "I own it." Kai shook his head, "We just want to look whats inside and explore..looking at paintings and other stuff." the rest nodded frantically. Kai sighed, "Fine. Lets go." Kai stood up and went towards the door. Tao whooped and ran after Kai, "We're going to the art museum! Yay!" Tao acted like a little kid. Kai rolled his eyes and sighed, "You're not a baby anymore, Tao." Tao shrugged, "Isn't that what maknae's are for?" Kai ignored him, "Yah! Hurry up! I cant drive yet. I have to wait till next year. Gosh I cant wait." Kai whispered the last part to himself. "Coming!" Xuimin runs out with the others. "Lets go."
"Go to the guard." Kai commanded Xuimin. Xuimin did what he was told to do, they stopped right beside the guard. Kai pulled down his window, "Hey you. Let us in." The guard saw Kai and nodded right away. The other guard opened the gate for V.I.P. "Awesome! I have never been to the V.I.P before." The guys look outside their windows. Kai rolled his eyes, "Its just like a regular parking spot, just closer to the museum." they ignored Kai. "Parked. Now let's go inside." Xuimin and the rest unbuckled their seat belts and got out of the car. " we come in for free?" Chen smiled at Kai. "No you pay for yourselves." the others groaned, "Wae?" Kai made a mad face at them, "Because I let you guys come here. Its only 50 won each person." Kai walked ahead of them. "Okay." they separated and shared money for each other. Kai got in for free because he was the boss while the others paid. "Lucky." Baekhyun pouted. Chanyeol slapped the money in the guards hand and ran inside, "Don't worry..its enough!" Chanyeol told the guard, the guard nodded and continued with the others. "Wah~" they all kept saying whenever they past a sculpture or a painting or something else. Kai lead the way, trying to find your painting. "Lets go to the painting section." Kai lead them into the painting section, still trying to find yours. "What was it called again?....oh yeah, love at first sight." Kai looked at every painting and found yours, "Found it!" he said it so loud the others stared at him and ran to why he was screaming. "Nice drawing. Whose is it?" Kris said with amazement. Kai smiled, "Its Sun Young's..neat huh?" the others nodded frantically, "Its awesome...Love at first sight?" Luhan read the words. Kai nodded, "Yeah..long story." they gave him an 'are you serious' look and then just looked around the room for more drawings and paintings. Kai kept staring at your drawing. Looking at it over and over again. *She kept the photos?* Kai tilted his head. "Hyung!" Tao lightly pushed Kai's head with his index finger. Kai stared at Tao and hummed, "Uhhh.....what are you doing?" Kai shrugged and looked back at the picture, "Observing the picture." Tao pouted and walked away. "Luhan! Luhan!" Lay ran up to Luhan. "What, Lay?" Luhan raised an eyebrow. "Look over there." Lay used his head to make him look. Luhan looked and saw two girls giggling and staring at him. Lay lightly hit Luhan, "Got some girlfriends?" Luhan hit Lay back, "Ani. Its just girls. Dont all girls do that to us?" Lay pouted, "I-I guess." Lay walked ahead. Luhan looked back at the giggling girls, and smiled. The girls nearly fainted and ran away. Luhan smirked and caught up to Lay. *How come Gongzhu never did that to me when we first met?* Luhan was a bit disappointed.
"I am Luhan." Luhan bowed and you just smiled at him.
 "Weird." Luhan pouted and crossed his arms. Actually you did fan girl...just not showing it. You thought he was very manly and cute.


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Chapter 30: Was nice story!!!
Jaguar_2001 #2
i just love this fanfic so much!!!!
Chapter 30: OMG THE ENDING IS SO CUTE asdfghjkl;
KimJongMin #4
Chapter 30: Cute ending!!!
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 30: wow cool~~~ I like this story XD
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 1: They're so funny together.
Love this fic! ^^