Can I Try It Again?

I'm In Love With a Crazy Person


You all went back home after that. They did a celebration. You tried to stop them because it was just a little, stupid arguement over boys and s and all that crap. But you can never stop eleven partying boys, going crazy after what just happened.
"Why drinking?" you ran your hand through your hair? "Its more fun!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun started cheering. "I think I'll just stay in my room this time. Tao gets" you looked at Tao as you said his name. Tao sheepily laughed and smiled like nothing before. You rolled your eyes. "See ya." you give them a lazy stare and a lazy wave. You walk to your room. "C'mon! Its not fun when a girl isn't down with us." some of them agreed. You rolled your eyes and went to your bedroom. You locked your door. Trying to sleep. But all you heard was partying animals downstairs. *I-I cant. I Cant go down there. C'mon Sun Young! Control yourself. You dont want butterfly kisses that you secretly liked all over you again.* You thought about Luhan when you thought. You thought about him kissing you, his deep stares, his drunk yet y look on his face. you shook it off. You secretly liked the kiss but still felt uncomfortable with it. *He doesn't remember what the feeling was. He didn't remember..* you calmed down with a sigh. You heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. You sat up, the lamps were still on. You hear a quiet voice, "Dammit Tao! So heavy!" *Kris maybe.* you smiled a bit. Then hear a door close and running foootsteps going back down the steps. *Such in a rush* you pout. You cross your hands and try to listen to their conversations. All you hear is murmurs. "Dammit. Why cant I hear them." you stood up from your bed and went to the door. You put your ear on the door and stood quiet, listening. All you hear is about you. *They're talking about me? THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT ME!?" you listen harder. "Sun Young is like...a natural beauty." "Her skin is soft." *Maybe Lay.* you thought. "She was meant for me...only me." You blushed a little but was fluttered by Kai's words. Being sweetened. You almost fangirled, but you bit your lips from fan girling. "She pwned a hot chick!" Chanyeol starts slapping tables and laughing like crazy. Clutching his stomach with his hands from laughing too hard. You rolled your eyes. "Or should I say.. hot chicks!" more slams came in. You start to laugh yourself. *I really want to go out there but.. I cant..for my sake.* You backed away from the door. *Maybe I should go back to reading.* you grab a book from the bookshelf. *I wish I was in the Library.* you pout. "Okay." you start flexing out your fingers like trying to win a completion for nothing. "Read." you held your book in front of you. "I never finished this." memories came into you. The part where you were fan girling and a shadow blocked you..Kai. You smiled and started reading.
"Done already!? B..but..It was soo good." you pout. You grumble. You still hear partying. While you were reading you didnt hear the partying animals because of the book. You're basically almost like Lay, who's just in there own little world sometimes. "I can't go down there." you sigh as you were relieved. "Ah! My handy dandy mp3 player." you pulled it out of your drawer, "They always come in handy. You just got to love whoever created mp3 players. Got to research that later." you plug in your earphones and started listening to your music. You listened to Sistar's "Loving U" you start humming with the song. A light knock came on the door but you didn't hear because you blasted the volume. "Seriously." he sighed. "Yah!" he knocked louder. You heard and turned off your mp3 player. I was in the middle of a great song. You were just listening to DBSK's "Bolero." one of your favorite songs that always soothed you. "What?" you open the door and give a lazy look. "Y-yes?" Luhan stares at you and smirks. "Can I come in?" you turn your head to your side, not looking at Luhan. "IIIs that a yes?" he pushed you inside the room, he came in as well. Luhan closed the door and looked around your room. "Hm.." you sighed, trying to act calm "Get some rest Luhan." you put your hand on his shoulder but you noticed what you were doing so you quickly got your hand off his shoulder and blushed. "It's okay. the others knocked out...even Kris. I think we gave him too much to drink. Oh well." your eyes opened *my only safety from drunk people has knocked out.* "Oh." you were going to sit on your bed but it felt weird so you cleaned up your books. "No wonder why you're called Nerd. You love school and want to live in a library full of book and loves to read and draw, now works as an artist." you nod like a child, "Yep! And I'm proud." you smile at him, easily forgetting that he was still drunk. Luhan nodded and came closer to you. *Oh . I remember* you gulp. Your heart went faster and louder every step he too toward you. *Control yourself Luhan.* Luhan tried to control himself. So he laid on your bed instead. You sigh in relief. "Comfortable." Luhan snuggled into the pillow. He looked back at you. You stared at him. His messy hair made him look y, the drunk face on him made him look y, his shirt that was ed a little. "You need something?" Luhan tilted his head. You shook your head, "N-no." Luhan scoffed and whispered to himself, "Just like Lay. Always in his own little world. Oh yeah." Luha looked at you as he said that, "Come here." Luhan wagged his finger for you to come to him. You shook your head, "No I'm fine. Really." Luhan gave a serious look, "Now. Or else." *Or else what? Is what you were going to ask but you always tend to do that to Kai and he'll almost try to kiss you. Yeah those scenes* You gulped and went towards him, slowly. You heart skipped and became louder. Luhan grabbed your hand and pulled you on the bed, making your sit. "Sit." you nodded even thought you already were sitting. "Since I'm not that drunk." Luhan was partly telling the truth because he wasn't so skinship on you. "I want to tell you something. But you have to do it." Your eyes widened as you asked questions to yourself, *Is he going to ask to kiss him? What is he going to say? Can I trust him? Should I accept it and do what he wants?* Luhan waved, "Hello?" you snapped out of your thoughts, "Huh? Oh um......sure." Luhan sighed, "Its a yes or no question." you paused, not knowing what to say, "Ummm..yes." You were strong so you still had confidence, you were brave. Luhan came closer to you and whispered hot breath on your neck which made your heart beat louder and faster and sent shivers down your spine, "I want to feel how we kissed." You eyes widened. "Can I?" Luhan backed away, looking at you, then he noticed that you said yes earlier, "Well you did say yes." he smirked. You stood there, saying nothing. You gulped the lump in your throat. Luhan went closer to your lips, then he stopped. You were relieved when he stopped because you thought he wasn't going to do it but he wasn't. "I remember part of it. Lets try again." Luhan got out of the bed and grabbed your hands. Making your back hit the wall. Luhan's hands were still holding your wrists, pinned to the wall. Luhan's body came closer to your body. *This is way worse than before* you squint your eyes and looked away. Luhan let go of your wrists and used his hand to keep your head facing him. You tried moving your head but it wouldn't budge. *He's drunk..liar.* you thought to yourself. Luhan's warm breath blew on your neck. Shivers went down you. Luhan stopped right when he was about to kiss you, "Do you want me to?" you look into his eyes, he raised an eyebrow..waiting for your answer. " and Kai-" Luhan cut you, "I dont care...I am~ drunk anyways." you nodded in agreement. Luhan lied and smirked, *not fully drunk.* Luhan kissed your cheek, causing you to blush. Luhan then kissed your lips romantically. You kind of liked it but was still uncomfortable. Luhan your bottom lip for entrance but you didnt give it to him. Luhan was a bit disappointed. Luhan deepened the kiss. You heart went crazy. It was getting hard for you to breath, it was getting hot in the room. You could feel Luhan's tongue your lips and giving you butterfly kissed on your face and neck. All he wanted was for you to kiss him back. He kept kissing your lips. You tried to control yourself. *I feel like a . Dating someone and now one of his friends are trying to make-out with me.* "He's just drunk..should I?" is what you kept thinking all over your head. Luhan grabbed your waist. You jerked up and pushed Luhan away, "I-its tickles." you say shyly. "Too ticklish." Luhan tsked and went back to kissing you, instead he brought you on the bed, Luhan was on top of you, kissing you. *Gosh. This kid can really go far.* you thought to yourself. Luhan waited for you. You never gave in. Luhan stopped kissing you, "Maybe the hard way?" your eyes widened, "Hell no! G-go to sleep Luhan!" Luhan smirked, "No. Not until you kiss me back." shivers went down your spine. Luhan deeply kissed you again. *Just give up already. Its too late now gonzhu.* Luhan kept kissing you. You just let him kiss you, feeling even more uncomfortable. "J-just stop." Luhan stopped. "Whats wrong? Dont like it?" You nodded, "Yeah. I dont like it." Luhan was a bit disappointed. "Miss... I'm never going to stop until you give hormones are about to burst if only ~I~ keep kissing you." shivers went down you again. "I-I'm serious. I'll kiss you but you have to sleep. Its 3 in the morning." Luhan nodded, "Okay then. Kiss me." Luhan came closer to your lips. You quickly pecked his lips. "No." Luhan tsked, "I want the other way around." your face went red. "N-never." Luhan smirked, "Fine. Then we do it this way." Luhan starts taking off his shirt. You pulled his shirt back down, "Dont!" you let go of his shirt. "I-I'll do it." Luhan smiled. He deeply kissed you again. Giving you butterfly kissed on the face and neck, then to your lips. You tried to feel a little more comfortable. You did, you secretly liked the kissing but didnt show it. Luhan your bottom lip for entrance. You exhaled and slightly parted your lips. Luhan slipped his tongue inside and explored. You started to like it but still felt uncomfortable. "Okay." you pushed him back. You wiped your mouth and stared at him. Luhan smirked, "Thanks Gongzhu. That was great." you face went red. Luhan went out of your bedroom. You had a weird feeling in felt like a player...a cheater. *But he's just drunk...he wont remember a thing.* you sighed but still felt the pain. You fell asleep by your mp3 player. You fell asleep by listening to soothing and calm music. Luhan couldn't sleep at all. "Did I do the right thing?" Luhan pouted. He was still half drunk half not drunk. Luhan gave a playful smile and snuggled himself like a little kid. "Good night."
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Chapter 30: Was nice story!!!
Jaguar_2001 #2
i just love this fanfic so much!!!!
Chapter 30: OMG THE ENDING IS SO CUTE asdfghjkl;
KimJongMin #4
Chapter 30: Cute ending!!!
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 30: wow cool~~~ I like this story XD
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 1: They're so funny together.
Love this fic! ^^