The way he dance

My Blind Date

"Will you quit staring?" Solji looked up from her food then glared at Kai.

Kai innocently blinked. "What? I like staring at my date." he smiled then sipped his drink.

Solji sighed. She massaged her temples then groaned. "Oh gosh. What the heck is happening?" she asked herself.

Kai leaned back. "Do you like me?" he asked straightforwardly.

Solji looked up then scoffed. "Mwo?"

"You know, if you don't like should've walked away from the very first place. But..." he wiggled his eyebrows.

Solji raised a brow. "Alright. I'll leave you here and finish my food." she stood up then grabbed her bag.

Kai chuckled then grabbed her wrist. Electricity shot up her spine which made her stiffen. "Just kidding~" he sat her down.

Solji cleared then put her bag back to its normal place. She trailed her hands on her hair then started eating again. Kai took a glance at her before eating his own food as well. *Where to go...*


"Where are we?" Solji asked, looking around the foreign place.

Kai's lips twitched upwards. "You'll see."

He led the way and he opened the door of a building. Solji raised a brow at the building. *It looks abandoned...* She warily looked around.

"Oh don't worry. This place looks old but it's a safe one." Kai assured.

Solji sighed.

"Come on." Kai held his hand out.

Solji stared at his hand. "Huh?"

Kai rolled his eyes then grasped her hand. Solji's eyes widened at the sudden contact as she let herself got drag by Kai. Her heart kept beating like it's going to jump out of her chest anytime. Her cheeks started burning and she also started sweating.

*Kang Solji.* She warned herself.

They finally stopped at a door. Kai removed his hand from hers, which made Solji felt empty again, then he stooped down.

"What are you doing?" Solji tilted her head.

Kai stood up again then smiled. "Keys." 

Solji looked down and saw a broken tile, which looks like it was their secret hiding spot of their keys. Kai opened the door and Solji finally looked up. "Here." Kai waved his hand inside.

Solji warily followed him as she kept glancing side by side, protecting herself from something that might pop out of nowhere. Suddenly, the lights and the place was shown.

It was a dance studio.

Solji looked at Kai questioningly. "What are we doing here?"

Kai opened one of the lockers then pulled out a CD case. "Just sit down and relax." he looked back at her then smiled.

Oh god.

That smile.

Solji felt herself got rooted on the ground, staring at Kai's perfect back.

"My back looks amazing huh?"

Solji turned her head towards the mirror and saw Kai smirking at her. She cleared then removed her bag. Solji sat on the cold floor then folded her legs perfectly.

Kai turned the volume on full which made Solji flinch in surprise. "YA!" Kai laughed at her reaction.

He went back to the lockers then opened one of them. Solji kept watching him. He grabbed the hem of his longsleeves then pulled it on his head. Solji covered her face. "Y-Ya, d-don't you have any r-restroom where you can c-change?" she stammered.

Kai put his grey wife beater on then faced the mirrow. "No we don't have." he looked at her through the mirror.

Solji lowered her head.

Kai secretly smiled. "I'm all dressed now."

Solji peeked through her fingers. Confirmed that he's fully dressed, she removed her hands from her face. "What now?"

Kai smirked. "Watch." he turned the music on.



Kai positioned himself. It was like he was holding something on both of his hands, but he's holding nothing. Solji folded her arms on her knees as she continued watching her. 

The song started from a guitar sound and Kai slowly turned around with the same position. He started walking and he put his other hand on his head, showing that he's putting a hat.

As the lyrics started playing, Kai danced perfectly with his imaginary partner. The way he held the air was perfectly smooth and the way his emotions got poured on the dance.

Just with that simple but smooth and lovely dance, Solji felt different. 

The feeling she felt wasn't the same feeling when JB danced in front of her. It was different.

*The way he dance...* Solji felt her stomach churn in excitement. Breathing out, she held her chest. *What is this?*



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[2/4/13] NO UPDATES! It's my exam tomorrow~


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Chapter 33: Awwwwwwwwww was so so so so so beautiful story!!!!!!!!!! ^^
cocoflower #2
Chapter 33: keke kai is a cutie nice ^^ ♥♥ I totally love u author nim omg
cocoflower #3
Chapter 16: randomly saying this from showtime.I first heard chanyeol swear and some how this seems accurate aha xD
cocoflower #4
Chapter 6: lol human girl ahaha xD
exoticoo #5
Chapter 33: Awww~~ Sweet! Love your story!
rudelysweetk21 #6
Chapter 33: really nice story, love it, hated solji's father at first but not in the end..thank you for writing such a nice, cute fic :D their reunion was just so touching and cute T_T
Chapter 33: Nice story~ Good job!
Chapter 17: So sweet~ :')
Chapter 33: SO CUUUUUUUUTE :')
jesyra #10
Chapter 33: i loved this. it's beautifully written. keep it up! :)