Escape to Luhan's Mansion


Days passed by until it was finally the weekend. 

Hye Ri was woken up by the sound of birds chirping. Her eyes twitched open and she shot up. Looking around her spacious room, she saw a sticky note placed on her night stand. Pushing her hair back, she picked up the yellow colored paper. "Good morning sweetie! I'm going to my friend's house so don't call me since we'll be doing fun stuff. Kekekeke. Anyways, my chauffeur will bring you somewhere. -Luhan," The note read. 

She raised an eyebrow. "Bring me somewhere?" Hye Ri asked herself. She shrugged the fact off before walking to the bathroom to wash up and brush her teeth. After all that was done, Hye Ri dressed into a casual white T-Shirt and denim shorts. She let her hair down and slipped into some Converse sneakers. 

Hye Ri heard a knock on the door. "Miss Hye Ri? Are you ready to go?" one of the maids asked. Hye Ri nodded and smiled. Where am I going? Hye Ri thought as she grabbed her phone before walking out of her room. 

She walked down the spiral stairs and saw that the chauffeur was already waiting at the door. "Can you tell me where am I going?" Hye Ri asked the chauffeur. The chauffer smiled and shook his head. "Why not?" Hye Ri whined before grabbing her. She slung it over her shoulder before following the chauffeur out of the mansion.

"Come on, Mr Ahn. Tell me where am I going," she whined again.

Mr Ahn chuckled,"Sorry Miss Hye Ri but Young Master asked me to keep my mouth shut!" Hye Ri groaned and slumped into the back of the white limousine. Hye Ri hated surprises since she is a very impatient person. She crossed her arms as Mr. Ahn started the car engine. "Just be patient Miss Hye Ri!" Mr Ahn smiled before zooming off. 

Luhan was in Kris's mansion with his other friends playing basketball in the backyard. "Yes!" Luhan pumped a fist as he scored his 8th hoop. "Someone's energetic today," Chen nudged him. Luhan smiled at him before sitting down on the benches. 

"Hyung, didn't you say you needed to go somewhere?" Luhan heard Tao ask him. His eyes perked up and he stood up. "You're right!" Luhan smiled to himself. "Bye guys! I'm going to go now," he said before doing a small jump. Luhan ran to the toilet and changed his sweaty shirt to a white V-Neck. He also changed his pants to some jeans. 

"Got to go meet my dream girl," Luhan said out loud after walking out of the bathroom.

His friends were hiding behind a huge pillar, listening to what Luhan's saying. "Dream girl," Xiumin repeated. "Did you hear that?" he asked his friends quietly. All of them nodded. They heard the door close. The 5 boys quickly stood up straight. "What are we waiting for?" Kris smiled slyly. All his friends exept Tao were nudging each other. "What? Can someone explain everything to me?" Tao asked innocently before scratching his head.

The 4 boys stared at the youngest one like he was crazy. "Now, we follow Luhan hyung," Chen smiled at Tao. All the boys laughed and scattered off to get their shoes.

"Hyungs..but we don't know where Luhan hyung is going.." Tao said softly but his friends were already gone. 

"We are here Miss Hye Ri!" Mr Ahn smiled as he turned back to face Hye Ri. 

She was keeping her head down since they left the mansion. "Miss Hye Ri?" Mr Ahn said again. Hye Ri looked up,"Huh? Oh, we're here?" Mr Ahn nodded before walking out of car and helping Hye Ri to open her door. 

Hye Ri stepped out of the door and widened. In front of her was one of the most famous theme park in South Korea. "You brought me to Lotte W--" Hye Ri started but she was cut off by Mr Ahn. "Enjoy Miss Hye Ri!" Mr Ahn smiled and slammed the car door shut and he zoomed off, leaving Hye Ri alone in such a big place.

She walked to the middle of the main entrence and waited for Luhan to show up. 

Hye Ri saw some of her classmates and smiled at all of them. "Hye Ri! What are you doing here alone?" Baro, one of her classmates asked her. "I'm waiting for L--" Hye Ri stopped herself. "Oh I'm just waiting for a friend," she smiled and stuffed her hand in her pocket. Baro smiled and nodded. "I'm going to go in first. Catch you later?" he said before walking away with his girlfriend.

Then again, Hye Ri was left alone. "This Luhan.." she groaned as she looked at her watch. "Hye Ri!" she heard a familiar voice yell out. She turned and saw Luhan wearing a V-neck shirt. "God he looks so y," Hye Ri mumbled to herself. Luhan smiled and ran up to her. "Hello darling," he smiled and greeted her with a big bear hug.

"Luhan..I..can't breathe.." Hye Ri managed to say. Luhan smiled and took her hand. She immediataly blushed at Luhan's sudden action. "Hey, I just realized that we are wearing more or less the same thing," Luhan smiled. Hye Ri looked down at her attire and then to Luhan's. She giggled and nodded. "True.." Hye Ri smiled.

Luhan pulled Hye Ri to the ticket booth to get some tickets. "Good morning you two love birds!" The lady at the ticket booth chirped. Hye Ri and Luhan laughed. Luhan bought both the tickets and the two of them entered. "Wahh.." Hye Ri gasped as looked around the place. "I used to come here alot when I was younger," Luhan said. Hye Ri nodded understandingly.

"We are currently on the 2nd floor so, where do you want to go now?" Luhan asked Hye Ri. She shrugged and looked around the place again. Luhan looked to his right and saw the map. "Want to take a look at the map?" Luhan asked Hye Ri. She nodded and dragged Luhan along. "I'm hungry..Can we eat first?" she whined and tugged on Luhan's arm. He laughed and smiled. "And we can go ice skating after that!" Luhan suggested.

Hye Ri smiled and nodded. Luhan and Hye Ri walked to one of the food stalls and sat down on the chairs. "What do you want to eat?" Luhan asked. Hye Ri shrugged. "Anything would be fine," she smiled. Luhan nodded. "Can I get you lovely couple something?" the ahjumma smiled. "We're actually not a couple.." Hye Ri sulked back on her chair. Luhan frowned a bit. "What a waste. You guys look really good together!" the ahjumma said. Hye Ri laughed. 

Luhan helped Hye Ri order some food and drinks. Soon, the food came. "Wah..this is delicious!" Hye Ri smiled as she took a bite from the food. Luhan smiled. 

After they ate, they went up to the 3rd floor, locking hands together. 

"Luhan! Look at that!" Hye Ri said as she pointed to a ride called The Viking. It was a huge ship that rocks side to side. "You want to ride that?" Luhan asked. Hye Ri looked at him and nodded. Luhan sighed and nodded. "Anything for you then," Luhan smiled and pulled Hye Ri to the waiting line. They stood in the queue for about 2 minutes and they got onto the ship.

Luhan and Hye Ri sat at the side. They had to squeeze a little since one row could fit quite a number. Soon, they were told to pull down the bars to keep them in place. It started rocking slowly side to side. "This isn't ba-AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Hye Ri started screaming like a crazy person as it started swinging until it reached really high.

Luhan just sat there, laughing. His arms were placed around Hye Ri so she wouldn't get scared. Soon, the boat was filled with screams. "OH MY GOSH! LUHAN!! OH MY GOSH!!!" Hye Ri screamed as she snuggled close to Luhan. Luhan laughed and looked at Hye Ri who's face was red as a tomato for screaming too much.

Minutes later, everyone got off the ride in shaky legs. "That was fun!" Luhan cheered, his arm still placed on Hye Ri's shoulder. "Fun?!" she yelled. Luhan laughed and they walked off.

"Luhan! Look at that!" Hye Ri said as she pointed to some headbands that had bows on the top. "Do you want one?" asked Luhan. Hye Ri nodded as they walked to the small booth. "Luhan can you wear one too?" she asked innocently. Luhan looked at her,"What?" Hye Ri smiled and picked a headband that had a sparkly blue bow up. "This one! Wear this!" Hye Ri smiled and placed the headband on his head. Luhan gave Hye Ri a death squint before placing a headband that had a pink sparkly bow on top on her head.

"How much are these?" Hye Ri asked. The ahjumma smiled at them. "Free for both of you since you two look like a very cute couple!" The ahjumma smiled. Hye Ri's eyes twinkled. "Really? Thank you!" she smiled before walking away with Luhan. "Free! Can you believe it?" Hye Ri said. Luhan smiled at Hye Ri. 

"Oh! Look at that.." Hye Ri said as she pointed to a ghost ride. "Let's not go on that one," she said as she pulled Luhan away. "So much for ice skating.." Luhan mumbled but it was loud enough for Hye Ri to hear. "I promise to go ice skating after we go to that ride!" Hye Ri smiled as she pointed to a roller coaster called French Revolution. 

Luhan's legs started to feel like jelly. "Are you kidding me?" he said. "Oppa, please~" Hye Ri whined, using her aegyo. Luhan sighed and nodded. "Okay.." he smiled. Hye Ri hugged his arm before rushing into the entrance of the ride.

The line wasn't that long so they got to sit in the front row of the carriage. "Wahh~" Hye Ri smiled as she pulled down the harness. Luhan sighed and sat down next to her, doing the same.

Minutes later when everybody arrived, the sound of the bell was heard. "Enjoy!" The staff said, waving to all of the people. The ride was slow in the beginning when they started to go up and up and up. Hye Ri and Luhan locked hands and stared at each other. The carriage started to go down in full-speed, leading them to a dark cave. "LUHAN! I CAN'T SEE, I CAN'T SEE!!!" Hye Ri yelled. Everybody on the ride started to scream their lungs out.

As soon as they came out of the cave, the carriage started to do massive turns in high-speed. Another cave was seen and they couldn't see anything again. Hye Ri was squeezing onto Luhan's hand as tight as she could. They were lead to a cave that shone neon-colored lights. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! LUHAN!!!!" Hye Ri yelled. Luhan was screaming his lungs out, too. 

The carriage went down and down in full-speed. They went up and down several times until they dropped down and did a circle. There was water in the middle of the rail so Hye Ri could almost touch it. 

"AHHHHH!!! MOTHER OR GOD!!!!" Hye Ri yelled. They were brought back to where they started, looking shocked as ever. Hye Ri's hair looked like a hurricane just swept through the room right in front of her face while Luhan's hair looked like a birds nest. "Oh my gosh..." Luhan whispered as she hold onto Hye Ri's shoulder to stand up straight since his legs still felt like jelly.

"I regret getting on that ride.." Luhan groaned. Hye Ri laughed and held his hand. They laughed and walked out of the place.

"Hyung! I see them!!" Tao yelled to Xiumin. 

They were in Lotte World, finding Luhan and the 'mystery girl'. Tao looked around and saw Kris by his side. "Where's Xiumin, chen and Lay?" Tao asked. Kris sighed and pointed to the ghost ride direction. The 3 friends faces were pale and they were holding onto each other thightly.

Tao shook his head. "Oh! Look at Luhan hyung!!" Kris whispered as he hid behind a wall. Tao followed him behind. They saw Luhan and a girl, talking and holding hands. "Who is that?" Tao squinted his eyes. 

"It's Hye Ri!" Kris exclaimed, his eyes as wide as ping pong balls. 



Author's Note:

How was this chapter? I think this chapter was boring..and weird. ahahha

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! Remember to drop a comment below! Ask me a question if you're unsure about something in the story!

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Red_lantern #1
I love this story!!!
Chapter 33: Awww...it's done! Kyaaaa!! Very sweet proposal~!
Chapter 31: They reunited!! Yehet ! What Chen said hurts... Sehun u nice maknae... Fudge I cried
Chapter 21: I despise luhan's mother~~~
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 33: Adorable!!!

I really like the story ^^

Thanks authornim!!! <3
Chapter 33: best proposal ever! well done!
Chapter 23: They are way too young...
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 33: Awwww...they ended up together, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
Chapter 33: this is so cute and sweet ;u; will there be a sequel? like in marriage life they get into conflicts because of this girl and stuff? .____.