Escape to Luhan's Mansion



It was three in the morning and Luhan was just finishing up his homework from school. He blamed himself from not doing it earlier. 

"Okay so x equals to thirteen. Done!" Luhan yelled. 

He was so sleepy that his eyes could not open up fully. He dragged himself to bed and pulled off his shirt. he was too tired to even take a shower. He threw himself on his bed and pulled up his covers. 

Just as he was entering his dreamland, he heard his phone ring. Luhan decided to ignore it and cover his ears with his pillows. He thought his phone will stop ringing but it kept up its stubborn ringing.

Luhan let out a frustrated groan and walked towards his phone.

"What?" Luhan said into his phone angrily.

"What took you so long to answer?" a familiar voice on the other line asked him.

"Li Ying? What the heck are you doing up at three in the morning?" Luhan asked.

"Why are you asleep at three in the morning?" Li Ying laughed,"You are such a baby."

Luhan exhaled deeply and massaged his temples. "Why are you even calling me?" he asked.

"Because I'm bored."

Luhan face-palmed himself. He wanted to strangle that girl so badly. He did not care if she was a girl or not. Luhan really hated people disturbing his sleep. 

Suddenly, he heard three knocks on his balcony's door. Luhan turned around and saw Li Ying waving frantically at him. Luhan's eyes widened.

"Aren't you gonna open this door?" Li Ying said as she huffed impatiently, putting her hands on her hips.

Luhan scurried to the door and opened it. Li Ying invited herself in and gazed around Luhan's huge room. 

"Woah, this is one giantic room!" Li Ying said as she started touring around the room.

Luhan ran his hand through his hair frustratedly. "Can you tell me why are you here in my room at three in the moring?" Luhan finally asked her. 

Li Ying just gulped and stared at Luhan for a long time.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Luhan asked as he started to wipe his face with his hands. 

Li Ying shook her head and just pointed at Luhan's body. Luhan looked down and realized that he was topless. Luhan cursed and quickly put his shirt on.

"Aww. You didn't have to put your shirt on. I was enjoying the sight," Li Ying joked as she wiggled her eyebrows. 

Luhan just glared at her and asked her why was she in his room for the second time.

"Because I was bored," Li Ying shrugged and sat down on his bed. 

"You're lying."

"No I'm not!" 

"Yes you are!" 

"Okay, okay! Fine, smart pants. I'll tell you the truth," Li Ying grunted and crossed her arms,"My parents were fighting-again-and the fight got so bad that they started talking about divorce. I couldn't stand what I was hearing so I took my skateboard and ta-da, I am here in your room!"

Luhan nodded understandingly.

"Oh and do you want to go out for lunch with me tomorrow?" Li Ying asked Luhan.

"Sorry, I can't. I need to go pick Hye Ri up from the airport," Luhan apologized.

Li Ying groaned sadly and faked a smile. "I-It's okay! You don't need to apologize. I shouldn't have asked you in the first place," Li Ying said as she walked towards the balcony's door. 

Luhan put his chin on his fist and puffed his cheeks. He could see the sad look on Li Ying's face that made him feel guilty. 

"Alright. I'll go with you to lunch," Luhan finally spoke up. 

Li Ying's eyes brightened up. "Really?" she smiled. 

"Only for lunch. Nothing more. I do not want to be late in picking up Hye Ri." 

Li Ying nodded and opened the balcony door. "Meet me in front of Starbucks at Myeongdong at exactly twelve in the afternoon. Don't be late. I'll kick you in the shin if you are late," Li Ying said and with that, she climbed down the pillar like a spy on a mission. 

Luhan was amazed at her amazing climbing skills. He locked the door and crawled back into his bed. He was awfully tired. 

He closed his eyes and went into a deep sleep. 



The next morning, Luhan woke up because he heard someone knocking on his door. 

He jerked up from his bed and checked the time: 12:05 p.m

"Shoot," Luhan cursed and rushed to the bathroom. He didn't want his shin to be kicked by that vicious and unexpectedly strong girl. 

He brushed his teeth so fast that his gum started bleeding. Luhan groaned in pain and quickly gargled his mouth. He splashed his face with water and put a plain blue shirt and jeans on.

Grabbing his phone and wallet, he ran out of his room and said "Bye" to his parents before running down the stairs and out of the door.

Luhan jumped into his porche and zoomed out of his house's gate as quick as light. His heart started beating faster as usual when pictures of what Li Ying may do to torture him flashed in his mind. 

He gulped and stepped on the gas. He even crossed two red lights! 

After five minutes, he reached the Myeongdong street. He parked his car at the side of the road and ran towards Starbucks. Luhan saw Li Ying standing outside of Starbucks, checking her watch impatiently while tapping her foot. 

Luhan wiped the bead of sweat off his forehead and walked up to her. "Hey Li Ying! I'm--" Luhan started but he got cut off when Li Ying put her finger close to his mouth, asking him not to talk. 

"Ten minutes and thirty-eight seconds late!" Li Ying shook her head and walked towards Luhan's car. 

Luhan sighed in relief when he saw Li Ying dissapear around the corner. He was glad that she had forgotten to kick him in the shin. 

Suddenly, Li Ying ran up towards Luhan and kicked him hard in the shin. Luhan lost his balance and tumbled onto the ground. "Phew! Almost forgot that!" Li Ying said and spun on her heels. 

People started to crowd around asking Luhan if he was okay. Luhan forced himself up and nodded. He dragged his left leg towards his car and glared at Li Ying who was crossing her arms. 

"Does it hurt?" Li Ying asked.

"Not at all! I'm just dragging my left leg as I walk because I felt like walking like a total idiot!" Luhan said sarcastically as he unclocked his car and sat on the driver's wasseat. 

Li Ying stuck out her tounge and sat on the passenger's seat. 

Hye Ri was awokened by the sound of glass shattering onto the floor. 

She jerked up from her bed and pushed her covers aside. She quickly rushed out of her bedroom to see what was happening. 

The only thing she saw was Hyun Woo squating down, picking up the broken pieces of glass. "What happened?" she asked as she helped Hyun Woo to pick up the pieces of glass.

"Don't!" Hyun Woo yelled but Hye Ri had already cut herself when she was picking up a really sharp and big piece of glass. 

Hyun Woo threw the pieces of glass in his hands and brought Hye Ri to the bathroom to wash off the blood on her finger. 

"Such a careless girl," Hyun Woo snickered and handed some antiseptic cream. 

"So, what actually happened?" Hye Ri asked again. 

"My favorite TV show was on and I was running towards the TV with the glass of water in my hand when my toe hit the side of the sofa making me fall, sending the glass to fly up in the air!" 

"Who's the careless one now?" Hye Ri laughed and walked out of the bathroom.

Both of them were currently in Himchan's apartment. Himchan insisted that they go back to rest while he took care of Hye Ri's mother.

After an hour or so, the both of them walked to the hospital. 

"Aren't you supposed to be in the airport by now?" asked Hyun Woo.

Hye Ri stopped her tracks and sighed. She shifted in her space uncomfortably before answering. "I..I'm not going back," she finally answered.

Hyun Woo spun on his heels and stared at her. "You're what?" he asked. 

"I've decided. I'm not going back."

Hyun Woo was of course, happy in side but the big question was: Why isn't she going back?

"What about Luhan?" Hyun Woo asked.

Hye Ri groaned. She really didn't think twice about this decision. What should she do? Call him and tell him that she's not coming back? No. He'll probably fly to London. 

"I don't know! That's the problem!" Hye Ri sighed and burried her face in her hands. 

Hyun Woo shifted in his space awkwardlly. Usually, at these kind of time, Hyun Woo would probably think of something to help his best friend. But right at that moment, nothing came into his mind.


"No...don't go into that--KYAAAAA!!" Li Ying shrieked.
Luhan and Li Ying were currently watching a horror movie in a cinema downtown. So far, Li Ying had shrieked at least 5 times. That girl really didn't care if she was in a cinema.
"Shh!" one lady sitting in the front row turned back and shushed her. 
Being the 'Li Ying' she is, she just ignored the lady and ate the popcorn. Luhan shot a nasty glare at her and apologized to the other people watching the movie. 
Luhan leaned closer to Li Ying and whispered,"Can you at least pay more respect to the other people watching the movie?
Li Ying just looked at him and stuffed a handful of popcorn into until she looked like a chipmunk. Luhan couldn't help but to chuckle silently.
When the movie ended, Luhan and Li Ying just sat down until all the people left the cinema since they didn't want to get squished by the people while queuing. 
As the people walked pass Li Ying and Luhan, they shot her dirty looks before walking out. "Aren't you embarrassed?" Luhan asked. 
Li Ying shook her head and grabbed her shall, walking out of the cinema first. Luhan stood up and followed her from behind. When they walked out of the cinema, the first thing they heard was a high-pitched yell.
"LUHAN!!" an irritating high-pitched yell came behind Luhan and Li Ying. 
When Luhan turned around, he rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed. "Oh god. Why is she here?" Luhan groaned.
It was Jung Hee, the number one Queenka of Ace Academy. Jung Hee ran to Luhan and threw her body on Luhan. "I missed you so so so so much! When I was in Canada, I was thinking of you 24/7!" Jung Hee said. 
Luhan pushed Jung Hee off him and looked at her like she was germ or something. Jung Hee then fixed her gaze onto Li Ying.
"Luhan, are you two timing with Hye Ri? Oh my gosh, that is so not cool," Jung Hee gasped.
Li Ying just rolled her eyes and scoffed, obviously not liking that girl one bit. 
"No I am not two-timing," Luhan said and scowled. 
Luhan grabbed Li Ying by the hand and dragged her away. Jung Hee smirked and fished out her phone from her pocket. "Are you sure you're not two-timing, my sweetie?" Jung Hee laughed as she took a picture of Luhan and Li Ying holding hands, walking out of the building.
She then texted the picture to Eunhee and smirked. Junghee didn't even need to tell Eunhee what to do. When Eunhee sees the photo, she will immediatally know what to do. 
Jung Hee slipped her phone in her pocket and sashayed off.
Luhan was still holding Li Ying's hand, even though they were already out of the building. Li Ying looked down at their intertwined fingers and her cheeks turned pink.
Li Ying had to admit: She was in love with Luhan. 
She knew that it was wrong since that he already has a girlfriend but she couldn't help it. Ever since they met on that cruise ship, she immediatally felt this ting-ling feeling inside her. Well, to make it easier, it was love at first sight.
When they reached the car, Luhan realized that he was holding Li Ying's hands. He quickly let go and hopped into his car. Li Ying slid into the car and buckled her seatbelt. 
The ride back to Li Ying's house was silent. Luhan just focused on the road why Li Ying fiddled with her hands. Then Li Ying decided to break the ice by asking,"Who was that girl?" 
"Oh, that was Jung Hee. She's just a friend but she's very...." Luhan trailed off. 
"I know what you mean," Li Ying giggled and switched on the radio to hear some music. 
'Rocking' by Teen Top was playing and Li Ying immediatally bobbed her head to the music. "This is my jam!" she 'whooped' and started doing the Cringe Dance. 
Luhan glanced at Li Ying and burst out laughing. "Dancing...Is really something not meant for you," Luhan said in the middle of laughing.
Li Ying just continued dancing and singing her heart out.
When they reached Li Ying's mansion, Luhan walked her to the door, being the gentleman he is. Before Li Ying could even knock, the door swung open, revealing a very angry Mr. Tan.
"Where have you been?!" Mr Tan boomed, causing Li Ying to jump.
Then Mr Tan fixed his gaze to Luhan. "Were you doing funny business with Mrs Xi's son?!" Mr Tan yelled and Li Ying wiped her father's saliva off her face. 
Li Ying shook her head rapidly. "You already have a fiancé! What are you going out with another man?!" Mr Tan asked loudly.
"Geez, can you at least stop yelling?" Li Ying said. Li Ying explained the whole situation and her father finally calmed down.
"Oh and, I am totally not marrying that sloth-like dude!" Li Ying said. 
"Where are your honorifics, missy?" Mr Tan boomed again.
Li Ying sighed, getting tired of the situation she is in now. Mr Tan finally walked back into the house, causing Li Ying to sigh in relief. 
Li Ying turned to Luhan and apologized sincerly for making him stand there for fifteen whole minutes. Luhan said that it was nothing and he zoomed off to the airport, excited to pick Hye Ri. 
Luhan checked the time: 6:18 p.m. "Her flight would land in 10 minutes," Luhan smiled to himself.
Luhan reached Incheon Airport in no time. He walked to the information centre and asked if the flight from Dubai [London transit to Dubai] had already landed. The lady nodded yes and Luhan just sat down on the seats and waited patiently.
Fifteen minutes had passed. Then thirty. Then fifty. "Maybe she's just having trouble finding her luggage," Luhan thought happily.
Luhan yanked out his phone and called Hye Ri. Two rings, then five, then ten. No one picked up. Luhan frowned.
An hour passed, then two, then three. Luhan's eyes were starting to get heavy. Then suddenly he felt someone tap his back.
"Hye Ri what took you so--" Luhan started but he cut himself off when he realised that it was just the lady from the information counter, asking who he was waiting for.
He told her Hye Ri's full name and her flight time. They walked together to the information counter and the lady typed something into the computer.
"Sir, the person that you are waiting for canceled her flight already," the lady said.
Luhan froze. He croaked out a 'thank you' before slumping on his seat. He stared into the ground with an expressionless gaze. 
"She's not coming back." Luhan said.

Author's note: 


Sorry for the long wait. I was caught up doing my own things. (or was I just being lazy.... ahaha just kidding)

Well, my exam is going to be in less that two weeks so I won't be updating until the exam is over which will be around November. 

As I said in the previous chapter, I need YOU GUYS to pick ONE STORY and ONE MEMBER

Yeah, author-nim has two stories in her hands now. Pick either STORY A or STORY B :) 


 STORY A is going to be set in JOSEON DYNASTY ! BACK TO THE PAST! WOOT. But something interesting happens in the middle..dundun. Okay so  STORY A will be featuring either Sehun or Chanyeol [sorry Baekhyun darling].

You pick, okay? 


STORY B is going to set in the present! You'll be thinking like 'Oh, it's going to be those kind of cliche rom-com' BUT NO!!! :) It's not gonna be VERY CLICHE [maybe just a tiny bit]!! This story is going to be featuring JEON JUNGKOOK or JIN FROM BTS! Yeah..like the sound of that? :) YOU PICK!! 


Okay so I want you guys to comment in the section below like this: STORY __ feat. [name of guy you want to be featured in the story]






*This chapter is not edited :) If you saw any grammar mistakes and errors, please don't be a pain in the and cry about it :D

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Red_lantern #1
I love this story!!!
Chapter 33: Awww...it's done! Kyaaaa!! Very sweet proposal~!
Chapter 31: They reunited!! Yehet ! What Chen said hurts... Sehun u nice maknae... Fudge I cried
Chapter 21: I despise luhan's mother~~~
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 33: Adorable!!!

I really like the story ^^

Thanks authornim!!! <3
Chapter 33: best proposal ever! well done!
Chapter 23: They are way too young...
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 33: Awwww...they ended up together, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
Chapter 33: this is so cute and sweet ;u; will there be a sequel? like in marriage life they get into conflicts because of this girl and stuff? .____.