Escape to Luhan's Mansion

Okay yes, I'm finally updating. I'll just continue where I stopped off, okay? Don't make life hard for me. Like hell no, I'm not re-writing one whole chapter. Okay sorry..I'm lazy, yes. But you got to admit that the 'trailer' was kinda like a whole full chapter, right? :O Why am I so dumb?! *knocks  head with knuckles* So yeah..to readers who have already read the 'trailer', scroll down.... :) 


"Bye Oppa!" Hye Ri waved goodbye to her best friend.

After two weeks, she had finally decided to move out from the small apartment and find her own place to stay in.

Hyun Woo smiled at her and nodded,"Be sure to call me frequently!" 

Nodding, Hye Ri waved goodbye one last time. She spun on her heels and dragged her luggage down the small flight of stairs. 

She walked to the nearest bus stop and sat down on one of the seats. Hye Ri uncrumpled a small piece of paper that had all the avaible apartments jotted down. 

"Let's see..The one in Suwon is too expensive," Hye Ri shook her head as she crossed out the words 'Suwon'.

While she was browsing through the paper, her phone vibrated in her pocket. 

Hye Ri slid open her phone and held the device to her ear. "Hello?" she said through the phone.

"Hye Ri!" Luhan yelled over the phone. "I heard that you're moving out of that d-I mean Hyun Woo's house today!"

Hye Ri laughed and nodded. "Where are you now?" she asked.

Suddenly, Hye Ri heard laughing and slapping of thighs over the other line. "I guess you're with your friends," she laughed.

"Yes. They're being dorks now, playing 'Chubby Bunny'. Apparently, Xiumin managed to stuff 8 marshmallows inside his mouth but he spat it out a minute later. The bad thing was that the marshmallows landed on Kris's face," Luhan explained.

Hye Ri giggled and shook her head. She really missed those dorks. She missed Tao and his innocentness, she missed Kris and his seriousness, she missed Chen and Lay's delicious cooking and she missed Xiumin and his habit of eating.

Minutes later, the bus pulled over in front of Hye Ri. "Jagiya, I need to go. I'll call you later okay, love you!" she said into the phone. 

Hye Ri pushed her phone into her pocket and climbed onto the bus. She scanned her T-Money Card and walked to find a seat near the window. After putting her luggage on top, she sat down on the window seat. 

After a few minutes, a familiar petite girl sat next to her. 

"Is this seat taken?" the girl asked. Her voice was rather familiar too. 

Hye Ri shook her head and smiled. The girl took off her big glasses and squealed. "HYE RI!!" she yelled.

"Nara?" Hye Ri laughed.

They squealed at the same time and gave each other a big bear hug. The other passengers on the bus stared at both of them like they were crazy women. 

"Where were you? I was worried sick!" Nara rolled her eyes.

"I needed to get my mind of some stuff," Hye Ri sighed.

"What kind of stuff?" Nara asked.

Hye Ri wanted to tell Nara about the incident with Luhan's scary parents but then she realized that she had kept it a secret from her this whole time.

"Oh you know..just stuff," Hye Ri laughed awkwardly.

Nara crossed her arms,"You're hiding something from me aren't you?"

Hye Ri bit her lip and shrugged. "Hye Ri..." Nara sighed.

Hye Ri turned to Nara and put her hands on her knees. "How do I break this to you.." she started.


While all of that drama happened, Luhan, who was completely unaware of what's happening (obviously), was on a cruise with his family. It was a last minute event so Luhan had to ditch his friends and rush to the cruise.


"Luhan, come say hello to Mr Tan! He just came from Taiwan!" Mrs Xi called out to his son who was currently resting on the bench. 

Luhan groaned and pushed the book that was covering his face from the sunlight off his face. He didn't want to go to this fancy cruise with his parents but he was forced by his dad. After a 30 minute lecture from his dad, he decided to give up and go to the cruise.

Like, it was just a cruise, right? But no, it wasn't 'just a cruise'. Having your mother calling you every 5-10 minutes to 'come and greet Mr so and so' was not 'just a cruise'. 

Mrs Xi pulled Luhan's arm and rolled her eyes. "What took you so long?" she hissed before smiling at Mr Tan. 

"This is my son, Luhan," Mrs Xi smiled and elbowed Luhan in the ribs, signaling him to greet Mr Tan. 

"Hello," Luhan bowed slightly.

Mr Tan put down his glass of red wine before smiling at Luhan. "Do you have a girlfriend, Luhan?" Mr Tan asked. 

Luhan's eyes suddenly widened. Well that was straight forward! "Actually ye-" Luhan started but he was cut off by his mother. 

"No, he doesn't have a girlfriend!" Mrs Xi smiled and shot a glare at her son. 

Mr Tan's expression suddenly brightened. "Have you met my daughter, Luhan?" he asked. 

Luhan cringed and shook his head. "If you could excuse me for a second..." Mr Tan smiled and walked off. 

"You were about to say you had a girlfriend, didn't you?" Mrs Xi spat. 

Luhan's eyes widened. "Well, I do have a girlfriend!" he rolled his eyes. 

Mrs Xi glared at her son and clenched her fists. "You didn't break up with that Hye Rin girl?!" she yelped. 

"Hye Ri," Luhan corrected. "And no, I didn't break up with her. Why should I?" 

Mrs Xi inhaled deeply before clenching the railings of the ship. She looked down into the sea and smirked. "Didn't your father and I teach you from the very beginning? We are rich people, Luhan. Rich people go for other rich families. You know why? Because we're the same. If you go and country bumpkins, they will try to steal our money, get it now?" Mrs Xi said through her gritted teeth. 

Luhan shook his head and looked at his mother in disbelief. "So, you're looking down on poor people? I didn't know you and dad were like this. I get it, we're rich! But that doesn't stop me from choosing who I love," he said in a deep tone and with that, he walked off. 

Mrs Xi clenched her fist and inhaled deeply. 

A split second later, Mr Tan come back with a tall and slim girl in his hands. "This is my daugh-Hey, where's Luhan?" Mr Tan asked. 

The girl pulled her hand out of Mr Tan's hand and puffed. "Can I go back to sleep now?" she asked and crossed her arms. 

Mrs Xi eyed the girl from head to toe before nodding. "Oh and I'm sorry. Am I dressing too casual?" the girl pinked and looked down at her attire. She was wearing a floaty white dress. 

Mrs Xi shook her head. "No no, not at all!" she smiled. 

The girl giggled before shaking hands with Mrs Xi. "My name is Li Ying," she smiled.


Luhan went to the back of the ship and leaned against the railings. He just wanted to get his mind off everything.

Suddenly, he felt a weight on the railings. He turned to the left and saw a girl about his age also leaning on the railings. She had long, light brown hair and had model-like legs. 

"You okay? You seem sad," she asked. 

Luhan nodded and straightened his back. "I don't want to be a busybody but can I ask what happened?" she smiled and pushed the strains of hair off her face. 

Luhan raised an eyebrow at her, causing the girl to clear . "Okay...maybe that wasn't a very good idea," she laughed awkwardly.

"Hmm..let me see," she tapped her chin. "Ah I know! Let's introduce ourselves!" she giggled.

"My name is Li Ying! What is yours?" she asked. Luhan sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Okay *sighs*, I hope we can be great friends!" Li Ying nodded and grabbed his hand before shaking it. 


Author's Note: 

Okay I'm sorry if I'm delaying Hye Ri and Nara's talk... 

New character! Woohoo...? moments are coming your way... ;) 

Have you missed me, readers? :/ 


Ohohoho.. I came back from Singapore on Saturday and I didn't update..I'm such a badass.. Just kidding. 

Anyways, Singapore was awesome! Well, I've been there a lot of times but still, It's awesome! If only I know how my dear AFF Friend, himdaekki looks like.. :( Hahaha.. 


*Embarrassing Confession: I didn't edit this chapter. I think all of you readers out there know how lazy I am now, right? x( 

*Remember to Comment, Subscribe and Upvote! Ask me questions down in the comment box! I'm bored.. I'll answer them in a blog post :D Ask me any questions about my life! I'll ignore some weird questions tho.. 








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Red_lantern #1
I love this story!!!
Chapter 33: Awww...it's done! Kyaaaa!! Very sweet proposal~!
Chapter 31: They reunited!! Yehet ! What Chen said hurts... Sehun u nice maknae... Fudge I cried
Chapter 21: I despise luhan's mother~~~
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 33: Adorable!!!

I really like the story ^^

Thanks authornim!!! <3
Chapter 33: best proposal ever! well done!
Chapter 23: They are way too young...
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 33: Awwww...they ended up together, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
Chapter 33: this is so cute and sweet ;u; will there be a sequel? like in marriage life they get into conflicts because of this girl and stuff? .____.