Escape to Luhan's Mansion

"No!" Hye Ri yelled as she held her mother's hands and wept.

"P-Please! Don't leave me! Please!" Hye Ri yelled as Hyun Woo tried to calm her down. 

A split second later, everyone in the room heard a long beeping sound. The nurse pulled the covers over Hye Ri's mother's face and wrote something on a piece of paper she was holding.

"On the twenty-third of July 2017 at exactly twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Mrs Park Rae Ahn passed away," the nursed announced before walking away.

"NO!" Hye Ri yelled for the umpteenth time and fell onto her knees.

It has been three weeks ever since Hye Ri's mom passed away and Hye Ri and Himchan had been miserable. 

"Hye Ri, it's time to eat lunch," Hyun Woo said as he knocked on Hye Ri's door.

"Go away," Hye Ri said through her gritted teeth. 

Hye Ri has been skipping meals some meals for quite a time now and Hyun Woo and Himchan can't get her to get out of her room. Hyun Woo sighed and carried the tray of food back to the kitchen. 

"Hyung, don't you want to eat?" Hyun Woo called out to Himchan who was blankly staring at a picture of his stepmom that was hung on the wall.

Himchan didn't answer. 

"Hyung," Hyun Woo reapeated. 

This time, Himchan responded with a hum. Hyun Woo sighed. He wanted to find a way to cheer up the two siblings but it was obviously impossible.

It was hard getting over a situation like this. Hyun Woo knew how it felt.

Suddenly, Hyun Woo and Himchan heard a door creak open. Hye Ri walked out from her room to get some milk to drink. 

"Hey! You're finally out from your room!" Hyun Woo said.

Hye Ri glared at Hyun Woo with her now-baggy eyes and sipped on her milk. "You're very noisy," Hye Ri said before walking back to her room and slamming the door shut. 

Hyun Woo sighed. Himchan walked up to him and patted his shoulder. "Just leave her alone. She'll be fine after a few more weeks," Himchan said as he sat down on a chair.

"A few more weeks?" Hyun Woo parotted. 

"I want my best friend to be back to her normal state now!" Hyun Woo groaned.

"Don't be so impatient. Hye Ri and I just lost someone very dear to us. You can't expect us to have a happy-go-lucky mood at this state," Himchan said as he took his cutlery out from a drawer from his right.

When Himchan finished eating the food Hyun Woo prepared, he stood up and walked to the door. 

"I'm going to go visit mom for a bit. I'll be back before dinner," Himchan said before slipping into some sneakers and walking out of the door. 

Hyun Woo walked to Hye Ri's room and knocked on her door three times.

"What do you want?" Hye Ri hissed. 

Hyun Woo twisted the door knob and to his surprise, it wasn't locked. When he stepped into the room, he realized that rubbish were all over the floor. 

Hye Ri was wrapped around her blanket on her bed staring into space. Hyun Woo sat down next to her and felt something hard under where he was sitting. He grabbed the hard object and gasped as he realized what it was.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?!" Hyun Woo yelled as he flashed the knife in front of Hye Ri's face. 

Hye Ri didn't answer. 

Hyun Woo grabbed her arm and studied it. Hye Ri tried to pull her arm out of Hyun Woo's grab but he was too strong. 

He saw deep cuts on both her arms. Hyun Woo glared at her and Hye Ri just looked away, biting her lower lip. 

"Why do you have to do this?" Hyun Woo asked.

"Because if I die, I can see mom again!" Hye Ri yelled and started to sob in her best friend's chest.

Hyun Woo sighed and Hye Ri's head. He really disliked seeing his best friend-slash-love of his life in this state. 

"What can I do to make you happy?" Hyun Woo asked, making Hye Ri jerk up. 

"Bring mom back!" Hye Ri answered as she rolled her eyes, thinking that Hyun Woo would already know. 

Hyun Woo leaned his back against the wall and thinked of ways to get Hye Ri to be happy again. Then it hit him. 

"Do you still remember Luhan?" Hyun Woo asked.

"Of course I do!" Hye Ri answered. 

Hye Ri was still very much in love with Luhan. But it was very stupid of her to not contact him for the past three years. Hye Ri had her own reasons for not contacting him but still, that act of hers had caused numerous people back in Korea to become furious. 

"What about him?" Hye Ri asked.

Hyun Woo bit his bottom lip, hesistating whether to tell Hye Ri his plan into making her happy again or not.

"It's to make her smile again, Hyun Woo. Come on," Hyun Woo said in his mind.

Hye Ri slapped her best friend's thigh softly, signalling him to hurry up and tell her what's on his mind. 

"Let's go back to Korea," Hyun Woo finally spoke up. 

"EXO get ready. You're up next," a man, who was obviously the manager of MusicBank, said.

It was EXO K's and EXO M's first time performing their newest song together on stage. As they walked backstage to get ready, they could already hear fans screaming their heads off. 

Luhan took a deep breath and walked onto the stage and fans chanted all the members names. 

The song started to play and the twelve of them sang and performed the dance perfectly without any mistakes.

When they finished performing, they exited the stage and high fived each other. After they finished saying "good job" to each other, some members roamed around the waiting rooms and some of them went back to their own waiting room.

Luhan, on the other hand, went to the vending machine to get some coke. 

"No! You'll get fat if you drink that!" Luhan heard a familiar voice say when he brought the can of coke up to his mouth. 

"Hey! Eunhyuk hyung!" Luhan smiled. 

Eunhyuk laughed and patted Luhan on the shoulder. "I heard about the tragic incident with your ex the other day and--" Eunhyuk started but Luhan cut him off.

"Hyung can we please not talk about that?" Luhan said dryly and sipped on his coke.

Eunhyuk apologized. "Okay, I need to go now. Good luck on winning later!" Eunhyuk said before walking away.

Luhan walked back to EXO's waiting room and greeted other idols by bowing politely to them while he was on the way.

A few minutes later, all idols that performed were called up on stage. 

EXO and Troublemaker were competing. The twelve boys were really nervous to hear the results. They really wanted to win because their manager said that he will treat them all to eat beef if they want. 

"And the winner is....EXO! Congratulations EXO!" the MC announced, causing the fans to cheer and EXO to smile proudly. 

They bowed politely to the audience and to Troublemaker and the other idols on stage. Suho, being the leader, gave a speech and teared up a little.

After they left the building, they went straight to the beef restaurant and stuffed themselves with beef. 

"To celebrate, lets toast!" Suho stood up and held his glass of water in the air. The other members raised their glasses and yelled "cheers". 

They gulped down their drinks and laughed.

As they were having fun, Luhan's phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. He fished it out from his pocket and saw that he recieved text from an unknown number. 

He unlocked his phone and spat out the water in his mouth as he read the number and text. 


From: 020-xxxx-xxxx

Hey, I'm coming to Korea. 





Author's Note: 

I finally updated! :) This story is coming close to an end.... :( 

But don't worry guys! My new fic is ready [kind of]....! :)





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Red_lantern #1
I love this story!!!
Chapter 33: Awww...it's done! Kyaaaa!! Very sweet proposal~!
Chapter 31: They reunited!! Yehet ! What Chen said hurts... Sehun u nice maknae... Fudge I cried
Chapter 21: I despise luhan's mother~~~
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 33: Adorable!!!

I really like the story ^^

Thanks authornim!!! <3
Chapter 33: best proposal ever! well done!
Chapter 23: They are way too young...
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 33: Awwww...they ended up together, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
Chapter 33: this is so cute and sweet ;u; will there be a sequel? like in marriage life they get into conflicts because of this girl and stuff? .____.