Escape to Luhan's Mansion

WARNING: This chapter is abnormally long so take your time reading it! :)


Hye Ri's POV: 

It was the day for the school trip. 

I was busy packing my things for the 2 week trip to the 'skiing resort'. Actually, we aren't going to a skiing resort. Stupid Mr Jung. Who in their right mind would go skiing in the middle of July? 

"Hye Ri darling~" Luhan cooed as he walked inside the room. 

"Yes?" I answered, not taking my eyes off my luggage. "What else do I need.." I asked myself. 

"We are late!" Luhan lied. 

I sighed and looked up at Luhan. "It's 6 in the morning! How are we late?" I scoffed. "Oh! I need sunscreen!" I finally cheered. 

Luhan raised an eyebrow,"Why are you talking to yourself?" 

I shrugged the question off. "Hey Luhan, do you have sunscreen?" I asked. 

Luhan nodded. I slipped into a pair of slippers before picking up phone and luggage. Luhan helped me carry my luggage and I thanked him. We decided to ditch the cars and walk to school instead. 

"Woo~ We're finally going to the trip!" I smiled to myself. 

Luhan was wearing a blue V-neck with black basketball shorts while I wore a simple blue T-shirt with my bikini's underneath. On the top of that, I wore black shorts. Luhan and I wore more or less the same thing. We looked well, almost like a..couple. 

"Luhan, are you sure you're okay dragging my luggage and carrying yours?" I laughed. 

Luhan nodded and smiled at me. He wasn't really keen on going to the trip. Well, we scored a B for our project and Luhan had been down for these few days. We scored a B because of the 'ugly model' [that was what Mr Jung called it]. He even wrote 'You can do better' with an ugly angry face on the last page of the report! 

When we reached school, we saw 3 huge buses parked in the parking lot. 

Girls were squealing and jumping around while the boys were just tagging along with their girlfriends. Luhan sighed and handed me back my luggage. He put his free arm over my shoulder and walked to the EXO-M boys. Xiumin's eyes twinkled when he saw Luhan and I. 

"Xiumin..." I sighed. 

"Sorry.." Xiumin backed away and laughed. "I'm so excited!" he smiled to himself.

"You're just excited for the food," Tao rolled his eyes as he leaned on one of the big trees. 

Nara came running to me, telling me how excited she was to go. She was totally unaware of EXO-M's presence. "Nara, can't you see that EXO-M is right in front of you?" I whispered. 

Nara turned to the front and immediately blushed when she saw Chen smiling at her. Those two must get together immediately! I pushed Nara purposely, causing her to fall into Chen's arms. Lay figured out what I was doing and High 5-ed me. 

My best friend sent me a death glare before smiling awkwardly at Chen. 

"ALRIGHT, STUDENTS!" Mr Jung boomed. 

All of us turned our heads to the fat teacher who gave me a B. I am also bummed about it so I have all the rights to make fun of him, okay? 

"Everybody get in line and we'll board the buses!" Mr Jung yelled. 

I was about to link arms with Nara but I felt Luhan grab my hand and pull me towards his side. "Hey!" I yelled but Luhan ignored me. Luhan helped put my luggage compartment. I felt someone shooting lazers through my back. I turned around to see Jung Hee fuming with anger. I quickly turned around and let Luhan pull me into the bus. Okay, I'll admit it. I'm scared of that chick. If you ask me to choose what's scarier, walking through a dark hall in a hotel at night or Jung Hee, I'd say Jung Hee.

Luhan and I sat down together on the 5th row. He let me sit next to the window since he knows that fangirls will kick me or something.

3 teachers were assigned to go on the trip with us. The sad thing for my class is that Mr Jung was assigned to go on this bus. 

"Okay class! All of you know that we're not going to a skiing resort, right?" Mr Jung laughed as if it was funny. He was the one who told us we were going skiing!

"Obviously we're not going to a skiing resort. It's in the middle of freaking July!" Baro said and everybody laughed. Mr Jung gulped as he quickly cleared his throat. 

"We are going to a resort that is really grand. As I told you a few days ago, there's going to be a beach. Our school booked the whole place! Isn't that great?" Mr Jung said. Nara finally boarded the bus, alongside Chen. 

There were only two seats left so they had to sit next to each other. 

"Ughh. If we boarded the bus earlier, we could've gotten good seats!" Nara grunted as she crossed her arms.

Chen sighed,"It's not my fault that you left your luggage in the cafeteria!" 

"Now it's my fault?" Nara scoffed as she face palmed herself,"You're the one who tripped over a rock!" 

Luhan and I looked at each other and snickered. "They fight like a married couple.." Luhan whispered making me laugh.

"Chen and Nara! Do you have anything else to share?" Mr Jung plastered a fake smile on his face. 

"No, teacher.." Chen and Nara mumbled.

I caught Nara glaring at Chen and he just stuck his tounge out at her. They crossed their arms like little kids and sighed. 

Luhan and I snickered. 

"It's going to be a 2 hour trip to the resort so make yourself comfortable! We are going to hit the road now!" Mr Jung announced. All of the students on the bus cheered including Luhan and I. 

The 3 buses drove off and everybody started to chat and some of them started to sleep.

"So.." Luhan started off awkwardly. 

I laughed. "We're going to be separated!" he whined as he grabbed onto my arm and put his forehead on it. 

"Obviously we're going to be separated!" I laughed.

"But I want to sleep with you!" Luhan whined. My eyes widened and I smacked my forehead. 

"Why? We slept together bef-" he started but I quickly put my hand over his mouth. Some of Luhan's fangirls glared at me. 

Luhan smiled sheepishly at me before laughing. 

"Luhan oppa!" one of his fangirls called out. 

Luhan turned his head to face the girl. She was the leader of the cheerleading squad. Her hair was curled, her eyes were huge, she had a body of a model, she's perfect. I was thinking that Luhan would drool over her when he talked to her but he didn't. 

That's a relief...Wait! What am I thinking about?!

"Oppa! I was thinking that we could hang out later," the fangirl smiled as she batted her eyelashes and crossed her legs. 

I wanted to barf. She was trying way to hard. 

"Er.." Luhan shifted his gaze over me. 

"Yes..?" I answered. 

"I think I'll pass," Luhan smiled sweetly to the fangirl before pinching my nose. 

I glared at him and took at quick peek at the cheerleader, who was fuming with anger. She was clenching her jaws while her friends tried to calm her down. 

An hour passed as quick as light. 

My eyes flickered open and realized that I had dozed off on Luhan's shoulder and he was sleeping while he was sitting up straight. I moved away carefully and placed Luhan's head on my shoulder, hoping he would be more comfortable. My heart was beating really fast like it would burst out from my chest any second. 

What is this feeling....? 

Fangirls sent mean glares at me and I tried my best to ignore them. 

I peeped over to Nara's seat and saw that Chen fell asleep on her shoulder. Nara was wide awake, typing something on her phone. 

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. 

I switched it open and saw that Nara sent me a text. 

"Hello! We're in the same position now, ey?( ̄^ ̄)" Nara texted.

I laughed before my fingers flew to the keyboard. "I see you're enjoying the fact that Chen is sleeping on your shoulder.." I teased. 

I looked over to Nara and she sent me a glare. After minutes of texting, we decided to stop and let our fingers rest. Suddenly, the bus stopped. 

"Alright students! We are here!" the sound of Mr Jung's voice was heard. 

Luhan groaned as he rubbed his eyes. He looked up at me with those cute pair of eyes and smiled.

Cute pair of eyes? Hye Ri, you're going crazy! 

Everyone started to get off the bus but Chen was still dozing off on Nara's shoulder. Nara groaned before slapping Chen's perfect face softly. 

"Wake up, princess.." Nara rolled her eyes before pushing his head off her shoulder. 

I laughed at the scene before hopping off the bus. Luhan handed me my luggage and I thanked him my patting his head. The other students from the other buses arrived, making the place crowed. Luhan held my hand and dragged me to the main entrance of the hotel. 

Soon, the students arrived with their luggage. Jung Hee had all her slaves wait sorry, 'friends' carry her bags. That demon brought at least 5 huge suit cases. Is she staying here forever or something? 

"Alright students of Ace Academy!" a young man yelled out from a platform.

"I am Ilhoon, the owner's son. My dad couldn't come today so I decided to take over his place for 2 weeks," Ilhoon smiled at all of us. Girls squealed at how hot he was.

Yes, I'll admit it. He's hot. 

Luhan looked at me and scoffed. "I'm so much hotter than him, okay?" Luhan smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Keep that to yourself," I scoffed before shifting my gaze to Ilhoon. He told us our curfew, where is where, stuff like that.

"Any questions?" Ilhoon smiled. 

I raised my hand. Ilhoon pointed at me,"Pretty lady, got a question?"

Luhan flinched when he called me that.

I blushed and smiled. "Do we get to pick the person we're going to share the room with or..?" 

"Good question. Well, as you look at your left," Ilhoon said and everybody turned to the left. "You see that huge notice board over there? You'll find your room number and the person you're going to share the room with for 2 weeks." 

Everybody scattered to the notice board. 

I pushed myself to the front and looked for my name. "Room No.1578, Floor number 16," I said. "Hye Ri and...Na-JUNG HEE?!!" I shrieked. Everyone looked at me like I was a retard. 

Jung Hee gave me a 'what the hell' look. Everyone gave way for Jung Hee as she walked to the front. I sighed and ran to Ilhoon. 

"Do I really have to be in the same room at that demon?" I sighed. 

Ilhoon raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry. I meant Jung Hee."

"Well, It has been assigned by the teachers, I'm sorry but I can't help, pretty lady," Ilhoon chucked before patting my cheek.

"I have a name." 

Ilhoon laughed. "Let's introduce ourselves again. I'm Jung Ilhoon," he held out a hand for me to shake. 

"I'm Hye Ri," I shook his hand and laughed at the formal act. 

I turned around and saw Luhan raising and eyebrow while crossing his arms. Ilhoon let go of my hand as he saw Luhan. "Ooh. Your boyfriend?" Ilhoon asked.

I shook my head. "I'll see you later, bye!" I laughed before walking to Luhan.

"Yes?" I asked. 

"I see you're getting along pretty well with Ilhoon, huh?" 

I laughed and squeezed Luhan's cheeks. "Hmm..look who's our jealous baby~" I said while moving Luhan's head side to side. 

Suddenly, I felt someone spin me around by the shoulder. "Get your filthy hands off Luhan and get your up our room," Jung Hee rolled her eyes before walking to the lift, her hips swaying side to side abnormally. 

I sighed and dragged my suitcase and tagged along Jung Hee. 

"Move," Jung Hee said, making everyone make way for her.

I was about to hop inside the lift with her but she closed the door and went up by herself. "Jerk," I cursed before crossing my arms.

Soon, the lift's doors opened and everyone went inside. 

Since this was the girls part of the hotel, no boys were in the lift with them. "Jung Hee is such a mean girl," I heard one girl say.

"I know right?!" her friend replied. 

As I pressed my floor number's button, I pressed the close button. The doors were about to close but a foot stopped it. "Sorry." 

I found out it was Ilhoon. "Hello Hye Ri," Ilhoon said.

The girls squealed and giggled. The doors opened on the 13th Floor and Ilhoon walked out. He spun around on his heels and sent a killer smile to us girls.

"Enjoy yourself and take care!" Ilhoon said and with that he walked off.

As the doors closed, the girls behind me started squealing and jumping. "Girls! Calm down!" I sighed and they all quieten down.

"Hey, Hye Ri. How did Ilhoon know your name?" one of the girls asked. 

I spun around and raised my eyebrows. "Oh! Maybe...she knows his number!" the girl's friend said. 

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. "No, I don't know his number! Just ask him yourself if you're that desperate!" 

The lift stopped on floor 16 and I dragged my luggage out of the lift. 

I walked around, trying to find my room. "Room 1576..Room 1577..Ah! Room 1578!" I cheered.

I realized that the room had two doors instead of one. Shrugging, I slipped the key into the keyhole. It made a clicking sound and I twisted the doorknob. 

"Woah.." I gasped as I gazed around the huge room. 

Jung Hee looked at me like I was crazy. "You never seen a suite before?" she scoffed as she walked to the cabinet to put in her things. The table was all filled with her cosmetics and her bed was sprawled with her swim wears.

I walked into my room and saw that it was much much smaller than Jung Hee's. 

I started putting my clothes in the cabinet. "I'll go to the beach," I said to myself as I tied my hair up into a bun. 

As I walked out of my room, I tripped over Jung Hee's shoes and bumped into the table causing most of her cosmetics to topple down.

"What the hell.." Jung Hee said as she walked out of her room. 

Jung Hee let out a high pitched shriek and she stomped over to me. "What did you do?!" she yelled as she picked up the broken glass of her perfume. 

"I tripped over your stupid shoes, that's why!" I yelled back. 

Jung Hee glared at me. "Get out." 

I rolled my eyes and stormed out of the room. "Stupid girl from hell.." 

Walking to the elevator, I bumped into someone. "Nara!" I smiled. 

She laughed and smiled back. "I see..you're with that demon.." 

I smacked her arm before crossing my arms. "Don't mention it!" 

"Where are you going?" I asked. 

"To the beach. You?" Nara asked back.

I nodded. "Me too!" 

We walked to the elevator together. "Chen," I suddenly said, making Nara smack me on the arm. 


I giggled before pressing the L button. The door closed and we started talking and laughing. I applied sunscreen all over my body while we were talking.

The lift stopped at floor number 13 and Ilhoon walked in again. 

"Hello Hye Ri and Hye Ri's friend!" Ilhoon greeted, causing Nara and I to laugh. 

He was dressed in a black T-shirt with blue pants. 

"You going to the beach, too?" Ilhoon asked and Nara and I nodded. 

Soon, the lift stopped and we walked out. "The beach is currently empty so we'll be the first 3 there," Ilhoon laughed. 

Ilhoon put his arm around my shoulder, causing my eyes to widen at his sudden act. 

Nara raised an eyebrow at me and I just shrugged. Ilhoon led us to the beach using the short-cut way. "Does your dad own the beach too?" I asked. Ilhoon nodded.

Soon, I felt a gust of wind hit my skin. The smell of the salty water sipped through my nose making me smile. Nara took off her slippers and walked barefooted in the white sand. 

"KYAAAA~" Nara smiled as she ran around the empty beach. 

Ilhoon breathed in the fresh air and smiled. "Enjoy, Hye Ri!" he smiled as he ran off. 

I walked to Nara who was already in her bikini, laying down on the soft, white sand.

Laughing, I laid down next to her, using my hands as a pillow. 

"What are you thinking about? Chen?" I looked at her while wriggling my eyebrows playfully. 

Nara gave me a death squint and I automatically shut up. 

"I don't like that Ilhoon guy," Nara mumbled.


"You're with Luhan and Ilhoon is being touchy touchy.." she sighed,

"Woah woah woah. I'm not with Luhan," I laughed, sitting up straight. 

"Deny all you want Hye Ri but I know you're into Luhan. The way you look at him and the way you laugh together. All I see is..spark!" Nara smiled.

I laughed,"Have you gone coo coo in the head?"

"You're in love with Luhan," Nara smiled again before putting on her sunglasses.

I shook my head before taking off my top, revealing my red bikini. Nara whipped out her Polaroid photo and sat up. "Lets take our first photo on this trip!" she smiled as she held up the camera in front of us. 

As we were about to take the photo, we heard someone behind us. "Oh! I want to take a photo too!" we heard someone said. We turned around to see Chen smiling like an idiot.

Nara's eyes widened. "Oh, you scared me!" she yelped as she put a hand over her chest. 

Chen grinned and put his arms over our shoulders. Nara held up the camera again and said,"1..2..3...KIMCHI!" 

"Kimchi~" Chen and I smiled. 

Soon, the photo came out of its little slot. Nara took it out and started to fan it. The picture came out and the 3 of us laughed. "Chen looks so funny," Nara giggled. 

Chen looked to the right and saw his friends coming. I looked around to find Luhan but he wasn't there. "Hey! Over here!" Chen yelled. The 4 boys came running to us, only in their shorts. Nara took of her sunglasses and put it on her head. 

"Oh my gosh," Nara whispered to me, causing me to giggle.

The 7 of us sat in a circle. "Where's Luhan?" I finally asked. 

"He's in the room sleeping. He's really tired for some reason," Xiumin sighed. 

Tao's eyes suddenly twinkled. "Ooh! Let's play spin the bottle!" 

"How do you even know this game, kid?" Kris sighed. 

Tao stuck his tongue out at his hyung before taking out empty cola bottle made of glass.

"On the cheek or the lips?" Kris asked. 

"On the count of three, all of us shout the answer, okay?" Nara said. All of us nodded. 

"1...2...3!" she yelled. Nara and I yelled out 'cheek' while the sneaky boys shouted 'lips'.

"Lips it is!"


"We'll start from the youngest," Chen smiled. "Nara! Spin it!" 

Nara gulped as she spun the bottle on the mat. "I bet you're thinking 'Please..let it be Chen~'," I teased, earning a smack on my thigh.

The bottle landed on well...Chen. The EXO-M boys-not including Chen and Luhan- started to whistle. I giggled like an idiot when I saw Chen and Nara leaning closer and closer. 

Chen and Nara's lips met for about 10 seconds until they backed away. Nara's cheeks were as red as a tomato and Chen's ears were red, too. 

"Chen, pick any guy or girl here," Tao smiled. 

"Hye Ri, spin it!" Chen pointed at me. 

My eyes widened,"Me?" 

Chen nodded and everybody laughed.  I gulped and spun the bottle. "Me. Me. Me. Me!" They chanted. I knew they were lying and they started laughing. 

It then landed on the maknae..Tao.

Kris's eyes widened. "It'll be his first kiss!" 

Tao became a tomato. I giggled at the maknae. Everyone's eyes widened as we leaned closer. "I'll be as quick as light, don't worry!" I smiled. 

"Noona.." Tao whispered. 

I quickly gave a peck on Tao's lips and he immediately blushed like hell. Tao burried his face in his knees causing everyone to laugh. 

The game went on for another 30 minutes. When the EXO-M boys kissed each other, they would run to the sea and scream,"EWWW!" 

Chen and Nara kissed at least 3 times. It was already 1 in the afternoon and we didn't even notice.

"Aww~ I'm hungry.." Xiumin whined. 

I put a hand on Xiumin's shoulder,"Me too." 

"I'll go buy some food for you guys in the tuck shop, okay?" Nara laughed, standing up. Everybody started clapping. Chen stood up with her. 

"Uh..I'll go with you.." Chen blushed. 

The 5 of us started to whistle and clap our hands. "Woo! What couple name should we give them?" Xiumin teased.

Chen grabbed Nara's hand and they walked off to the tuck shop. 

Kris suddenly leaned closer to me. "Hmm..I see that Luhan hyung really is in love with you," he suddenly said. 

I lifted up my right eyebrow. "He even mumbles your name when he sleeps," Xiumin laughed. 

Lay leaned in closer to me,"Big question is..Do you like him back?" 

I gulped. Why are they suddenly being like this?

A few minutes later of chatting with the boys, Nara and Chen came back with a few white plastic bags in their hands.

"FOOD!" Xiumin and I yelled at the same time as we snatched the bags from their hands. 

Xiumin and I distributed the food and laughed. I poked the straw into the banana milk. "Thank you, you guys!" I smiled and squeezed Nara's knee when she sat down. 

Xiumin was already munching the steamed bun like it was no tomorrow. 

I caught Nara and Chen staring into each others eyes. I giggled to myself before sipping the drink. 

Soon, more and more students started to come, making the peaceful beach crowded. Some fangirls even came and try to flirt with the boys.

One girl in my class came over to Chen and batted her eyelashes. It was one of the ballet dancers in our school. Chen didn't seem to notice her so Nara looked up at the girl. 

"Can we help you?" Nara blinked at her. 

Chen looked up at the girl and said,"Hey Anna. Is there something in your eye?" 

Nara choked on her drink and she giggled secretly. I caught her and scoffed at my best friend. Tsk tsk tsk. She's in love..

Anna looked offended and she stopped batting her fake eyelashes. She crossed her arms and looked at Nara. "Oppa...who is she?" 

"Oh Nara? She's someone..special," Chen smiled. 

Anna's eyes widened and she stomped away like nothing happened. "'Something special' ey?" Xiumin teased. 

Chen blushed and Nara hid her face in my shoulder. 

They are so in love! 


01:35 a.m

I grunted and pushed my covers away from my body. Jung Hee was talking on the phone nonstop for 2 hours straight! She was laughing and yelling on the phone like there was no tomorrow. 

"God dang it!" I groaned as I got up from the bed. I changed into my swim wear and wore a white T-shirt with shorts. 

I walked out of my room and out of the suite, making sure to slam the door close. I heard Jung Hee's phone drop and I snickered to myself.

I walked down the hallways quietly, not wanting to get caught by any of my teachers. I safely got into the elevator and pressed the down button. It made a ding sound and it opened.

Hurriedly, I walked into the elevator and pressed the L button. 

Hardly anybody was awake so I tip toed to the beach, making sure not to make any noise. I saw Ilhoon reading an article on his computer inside a coffee shop. I quickly ran to the beach, not looking back. 

Finally, I breathed in the scent of the beach. 

The stars were shining brightly and it wasn't really dark since there was a little light shining from somewhere. I took off my shirt and shorts, wearing only my black bikini.

I let the cold night air hit my skin. Walking further into the beach, I saw a figure laying down on the soft sand with his legs crossed. 

I walked closer to see who it was. "Luhan!" I blurted out.

Luhan's eyes flickered open and I quickly put a hand over my mouth. "So so sorry!" I apologized and walked closer to him.

"I was just closing my eyes, don't worry," Luhan smiled.

"Why are you down here so late?" I asked.

"Xiumin snores way too loud. Why are you here so late?" he asked back.

"Jung Hee has been shouting over the phone for the past 2 hours.

Luhan looked at me and then at my body. I glared at him and he quickly shifted his gaze on the blue ocean. "Hmm..let's go play in the water," I smiled sheepishly. 

I pulled Luhan up and he took off his shirt, wearing only his pants. 

Oh mother of god his abs. [Okay readers. Take your time and imagine Luhan...taking off his shirt...revealing..SIX PACKS! OMG!]

Luhan and I walked to the ocean hand in hand, looking at each other's eyes. Finally, I felt water hit my feet, making me giggle. Luhan dragged me to the water, causing me to trip over something and fall into Luhan's arms.

My heart started be beat rapidly again.

Luhan let go of my arms and splashed water at me. I glared at him before splashing water back at him. Luhan laughed before tackling me down to the water. 

"HEY!" I managed to yell. 

Luhan grinned before splashing salty water on my face. "My eyes!!" I pretended to be in pain. 

His eyes widened in shock,"Are you okay?" 

"Yes, I am okay and now, you're going to get it!" I yelled as I started chasing him around the beach. 

Luhan shrieked before running around the beach like a mad man. I laughed and I finally got hold of him and I tackled him down. Right now, I was on top of him. My eyes widened and my cheeks turned red.

"You know...you have an amazing body," Luhan winked. 

I stood up and rolled my eyes. 

Luhan carrassed my face. "I'm serious," he smirked. 

"HEY! YOU TWO! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" I heard someone yell. 

Luhan's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed our things. "RUN!" 

He grabbed my hand and we started running as fast as lighting. We finally reached a dead end and I think the security guard gave up.

We were panting and laughing at the same time. 

Suddenly, Luhan pushed me to the wall and smirked at me. My heart started beating abnormally fast. 


"Hye Ri," he smiled.

"Do you mind if I do this?" Luhan said as his arms hugged my waist.

"Do wh-" I got cut off when Luhan smirked at me.

His lips crashed onto mine. My eyes widened but I didn't pull back. My arms s around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I didn't even know what I was doing at that moment. 





I'll admit it. I'm in love with Luhan.



Author's Note:

Oh my god that was a weird update ...... *goes to a corner and hugs knees*

Anyways, such a long chapter, right? >.< SO SO SORRY! 

I wont be updating frequently next year :'( Please be patient with me! 

Oh and figure out a couple name for Chen+Nara! :) 

Remember to Subscribe, Comment and Upvote! 



























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Red_lantern #1
I love this story!!!
Chapter 33: Awww...it's done! Kyaaaa!! Very sweet proposal~!
Chapter 31: They reunited!! Yehet ! What Chen said hurts... Sehun u nice maknae... Fudge I cried
Chapter 21: I despise luhan's mother~~~
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 33: Adorable!!!

I really like the story ^^

Thanks authornim!!! <3
Chapter 33: best proposal ever! well done!
Chapter 23: They are way too young...
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 33: Awwww...they ended up together, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
Chapter 33: this is so cute and sweet ;u; will there be a sequel? like in marriage life they get into conflicts because of this girl and stuff? .____.