Escape to Luhan's Mansion

"Hah! I win! Two times in a row!" Hye Ri slapped down her cards and did a little victory dance. 

Himchan, Hyun Woo and her were currently in Hye Ri's mother hospital room playing Big2 while Hye Ri's mother was watching Sherlock Holmes on the telvision. 

Hyun Woo groaned and burried his face in his hands. "Not fair!" he sighed.

Suddenly, they heard Hye Ri's mother cough. Hye Ri quickly ran to her mother and ask if she was okay. "Yes, I'm fine!" her mother croaked and Hye Ri quickly gave her a glass of warm water. 

"Nurse!" Hye Ri yelled out but her mother held Hye Ri's hand and said it was not a big deal. 

Hye Ri smiled and nodded. She looked out of the window and realized that it was raining. From the hospital room's window, she could see the Big Ben. Hye Ri's phone chimed a tune in her pocket and she immediatally yanked the phone out of her pocket, knowing it was Luhan who texted her. 

Her face immediatally lit up and she smiled as she texted back. Hyun Woo glanced over at Hye Ri, seeing her grin as her fingers flew around the keyboard. 

Hyun Woo felt a pat on his back and a sigh as he looked at Hye Ri. "I know what you're thinking about, Hyun Woo," Himchan said quietly. 

After a few minutes, Hye Ri sat back down with the two guys again. "Ready for another round?" she laughed. 

The two guys shook their heads and Himchan quickly kept away the cards. They didn't want to lose again. They laughed softly and started talking quietly sinced Hye Ri's mom was already asleep. "So, when are you going back to Korea?" Himchan asked his sister. 

"In 4 days," Hye Ri answered.

"You don't have to go back you know," Himchan said.

Hye Ri sighed. "I know but--" she started but she got cut off by Hyun Woo.

"Luhan, right?" Hyun Woo sighed as he continued her sentence.

"No offence Hye Ri but, it seems like you're choosing Luhan over family," Himchan said. 

Hye Ri looked offended. All of them knew that Hye Ri loved Luhan dearly but for her bother to say such things like that really hurted her. She loved her family a lot but she also loves Luhan. She treats both parties equally. 

She took a deep breath and exhaled. Hyun Woo elbowed Himchan in his rib bones and mouthed the words 'way to go'. Himchan bit his lip, realizing what he said. "Look, Hye Ri--" he said but Hye Ri cut him off with a smile.

"No, no. It's okay!" she faked a laugh and a smile. 

"Uhh.. I'm going to the vending machine to get some drinks," Hye Ri said and walked out of the room. 

Little did she know, as she walked out of the room, tears started flowing down her cheeks. Was loving Luhan wrong? she thought. 

"Are you okay miss?" a nurse came up to her and handed her some tissues.

Hye Ri smiled and nodded. She took the tissues and wiped the tears off her cheeks. She made her way to the vending machine and inserted some coins. Hye Ri got the 3 cans of Coke Zero from the small hole and walked back to the room.

"Hye Ri!" Hye Ri heard someone call her name from behind. She turned around and saw Hyun Woo smiling. 

Both of them sat down on a bench and Hye Ri gave one of the can of Coke Zero's to him. "Look Hye Ri," Hyun Woo said as he opened the can,"Hyung didn't mean what he said just now." 

Hye Ri sighed and nodded. "Mom doesn't want you to go back to Korea," Hyun Woo said as he leaned forward and put his hands on his knees. 

Hye Ri raised an eyebrow at him. "What?" she asked.

"She wants you to stay here in London again. 'It's safe now' she said," Hyun Woo explained. 

Hye Ri's eyes widened.

Mom wants me to stay? 

"But how can I explain this to Luhan?" she gasped.

"Again you go with Luhan," Hyun Woo shook his head. 

Hyun Woo shut his eyes close. Of course, he was still in love with her. Madly in love. Even though he reminded himself that he can't have her, he still can't give up. 

Luhan looked at his watch. 8:30 a.m his watch read. Tao and Luhan were currently in the SM Building waiting for the men to appear. They were waiting since 8 o'clock but the men didn't appear. Frauds Luhan thought.

"I told you that they were frauds, Tao. Let's just go," Luhan scoffed and walked out of the building. 

Tao sighed and followed Luhan to the exit. "I should've just believed you from the--" Tao said but he got cut off when someone called both Luhan's and Tao's name. 

They spun on their heels and saw the familiar 3 men smiling at them. "Sorry for turning up late. We were in a meeting with Boss," the man in the middle explained. 

Tao grinned,"No problem!"

"Oh, Boss wants to see you two now," the man said as he read his message from 'Boss'. 

The 3 men brought them to an elevator and pressed the highest floor number. After a few seconds, they heard a ding, indicating them that they had reached the floor. As they stepped out of the elevator, a gust of cold air from the air conditioner hit their faces. 

The floor was carpeted and in every corner laid either numerous certificates or trophies. Chandeliers were almost everywhere and soft jazz music was playing. The 3 men led Luhan and Tao to a door that had a golden doorknob. Was that real gold? Tao thought as he stared at the doorknob like he never seen a doorknob before.

One of the men pushed the door open and in that spacious room sat the Lee Soo Man in a brown leather chair. He was wearing a very clean and black suit and he had his hair whipped to one side. He took off his spectacles and gave Luhan and Tao a warm smile. 

"Come in! Come in!" Soo Man said and Luhan and Tao walked into the room with small steps. 

The 3 men closed the door as the two of them walked into the room. "Sit down! Sit down!" Soo Man smiled. 

Luhan wanted to chuckle. He noticed how Soo Man always reapeated a word twice. The two boys sat down on the two utterly-comfortable chairs opposite Soo Man. "I heard from my assistant that you were scouted by my three men," Soo Man said, his voice suddenly becoming deep and serious.

"Uhh..Yeah, I suppose so," Luhan explained nervously. 

Soo Man suddenly straighted his back and let out a laugh. His laugh was deep and it almost sounded like some monster that was trying to eat some human beings. "Fantastic! Fantastic!" Soo Man said and pumped his fist into the air.

"Do you know why I called you two here?" Soo Man asked, his voice becoming deep and serious again. 

Luhan held in his laughter by biting his lip. The way Soo Man changed from his happy attitude to the serious attitude was really funny to Luhan. "No, sir," Tao answered politely.

"Well, I want you two to be famous!" Soo Man said. "You can be EXO--er..." he said but he suddenly stopped to think because he couldn't create a name. 

"M? EXO-M maybe? Since we are Chinese and we speak Mandarin so...EXO-M!" Tao smiled, getting excited.

Soo Man clapped his hands once and pointed at Tao. "That's what I'm talking about!" Soo Man smiled.

"Sorry but sir, we can't be EXO 'M'," Luhan laughed. 

Tao gave Luhan a glare. "But why?" Soo Man asked,"Is it because 2 members in one group is too few? Oh, do you have any friends that are talented as you guys?"

Tao smiled and nodded. "I have four friends that are extremely talented!" Tao said, his voice getting squeaky because he was getting excited.

Luhan didn't want to be famous. He should have known from the start that Soo Man was going to make them famous. He was stupid to not think that. 

"Assa!!" Soo Man said as his informal speech bursted out. 

Soo Man cleared his troat and apologized for being too excited. "Boys, I would like to have a word with you and your friends again tomorrow, same time and same place," Soo Man smiled.

"But for now, Welcome to SM Entertainment," Soo Man grinned, his grin as big as the cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. 

Tao bowed and said thank you more than 10 times. Luhan bowed awkwardly and walked out with Tao.

"Oh and boys, I forgot to warn you. This entertainment has a strict 'no boyfriend/girlfriend' policy," Soo Man informed them. 






Author's Note: 


[sorry if there is any typos or grammar errors. I didn't check them]





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Red_lantern #1
I love this story!!!
Chapter 33: Awww...it's done! Kyaaaa!! Very sweet proposal~!
Chapter 31: They reunited!! Yehet ! What Chen said hurts... Sehun u nice maknae... Fudge I cried
Chapter 21: I despise luhan's mother~~~
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 33: Adorable!!!

I really like the story ^^

Thanks authornim!!! <3
Chapter 33: best proposal ever! well done!
Chapter 23: They are way too young...
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 33: Awwww...they ended up together, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
Chapter 33: this is so cute and sweet ;u; will there be a sequel? like in marriage life they get into conflicts because of this girl and stuff? .____.