Escape to Luhan's Mansion


Three years after the incident

"Please give a round of applause for the newly debuted group EXO-M!!" The head of the press confrence announced in front of the huge crowd of reporters. 

Tao, Kris, Luhan, Lay, Xiumin and Chen-or should I say EXO-M, walked up the stage, makig everyone in the small hall clap. 

The six friends didn't need that much training, as they were all already very talented and they could cope up to the same standard as EXO-K. Three years before, all of them finally agreed to become EXO-M after getting tired of Tao's irritating persuading. As for the 'no dating' policy, Chen didn't really care about it and promised Nara that he will never ever break up with her. 

Three years has passed ever since Luhan saw Hye Ri. And three years without her was like hell. After that day, he never recieved one text or call from her. 

Suddenly, Luhan felt a pat on his back. He turned around and saw Kris frowning at him. "Stop dozing out!" Kris said and walked to his seat.

Luhan sat down next to him and flashed his killer smile to the crowd. Flashes blinded the six friends' eyes and all of them were yelling for their attention. 

"All of you please be seated," the head of the press confrence, Mr Jung, suddenly said, causing the reporters to sit.

"Okay now, let's head to the questions!" Mr Jung said and the reporters started yelling and putting their hands up. 

EXO-M's manager picked a random reporter in the crowd, making the reporter to stand up on his feet as quick as light. 

"When will your new album be released?" the reported asked.

"That..will be announced when the time is nearer," Kris, being the leader of the group, answered him. 

A majority of the reporters' fingers flew across their keyboard to type down what Kris had said. 

The next few questions were the very common type of questions that are questioned to rookie idols like what was their favorite food, do they exercise on a daily basis, do they eat a lot and so on. 

Then suddenly, a reporter stood up with his Galaxy Tab in his hand. "I have a question for Mr.Luhan," he said causing Luhan to shift awkwardly in his seat. The tone in the reporter's voice gave a hint to everyone that the question he was going to ask was not going to be a common question that the other reporters have been asking.

"Mr.Luhan, can you explain this picture?" the reporter said as he held up the tablet in his hands. 

The tablet flashed a collage of two pictures. One picture was Luhan with his hand hanging around a girl and the other one on the right was Luhan chatting with the same girl in a cafe. 

Mumbles were heard everywhere in the small hall. The other members gave Luhan a questioning look but Luhan just smirked. 

Luhan leaned closer to the table to speak into the microphone. "That was my friend," Luhan started,"My good friend, to be exact."

"Are you sure you guys are just 'friends'?" the reporter asked.

"Yes. We are absolutely just friends." Luhan answered.

"What are both of you doing in these pictures?"

"We were having our usual hang-out."

"Ooh. Then can I post this picture online, and say that this is your girl friend and that you are having a date with her?" 

"How can you post something that is absolutely not true?"

"Alright!" Mr Jang boomed. "Reporter Lim, please sit down now." 

Reporter Lim sat down with a victory smile on his face. Luhan was so pissed off with that reporter he almost growled. Other reporters started taking pictures. 

Since it was the end of the press confrence already, the EXO-M boys stood up and bowed their heads politely before walking out of the hall. 

When they walked out of the hall, the EXO-M boys drowned Luhan with questions about the picture. 

"Who was that girl?" Chen asked, with a mischievious smile on his face. 

"It was Li Ying. I told you guys at least a million times that she wasn't my best friend," Luhan answered cooly before walking to the group's idol van. 

Luhan sat at the far back and stared out the window. Even though his mind tells him that he is no longer in love with Hye Ri, his heart doesn't. 

While Luhan reminisced about his past with Hye Ri, Tao sat down on the seat next to him, bringing him back to reality.

"Are you thinking about her again?" Tao asked. 

The members vowed not to say Hye Ri's name in front of Luhan ever since three years ago. Once, Lay accidentally said her name when they were having dinner and Luhan banged his fist so hard on the table that it broked into pieces.

Luhan didn't answer. 

When all the members were already on the van, their manager drove them back to their dorm. The ride back to the dorm was noisy as always but Luhan was quiet, as usual. Luhan had completely changed his chatty personality ever since the incident. 

"Luhan, is that Li Ying girl really not your girlfriend?" their manager suddenly spoke from the front. 

"I would prefer if you would concentrate on your driving more than this small matter, hyung," Luhan answered flatly before pulling out his phone to check what time was it.

While he was checking the time, his phone vibrated rapidly in his hand. Li Ying had sent 15 messages in under one minute! Only one message was a proper sentence. The other forteen were gibberish to spam him.

"Why the heck is my picture in an article online?!" the message read.

Luhan sighed and rubbed his temples. He explained everything to her and tried to calm her down. Luhan spent all his time on the ride back to the dorm texting with Li Ying in her angry state. 

When the manager pressed his foot on the brakes, the EXO-M boys jerked to the front and started yelling at their hyung for suddenly braking-except for Luhan.

Luhan was the first one who got out of the van. He went straight up to his room and locked the door. He slid his back down the door as his past with Hye Ri started flashing in his head. He gripped a lock of his hair and bit hit lip to hold back a frustrated yell. Why did she do that to me? Was dating me all a joke to her? Luhan said in his head. 


After at least fifteen minutes, Luhan heard a loud bang on his door. "Hey! Get out of the room! It's my room, too!" Xiumin yelled while banging on the door with his fist. 

Luhan snapped into reality and stood up. He unlocked the door and walked out cooly, brushing his shoulders against Xiumin. 

Luhan acted like this everyday ever since the incident. Luhan's killer smile dissapeared last three years ago. He became cold, untalkative and dull. He hardly starts conversation like he used to in the past. He hardly laughs at his five friends' jokes anymore. This attitude of Luhan was strongly disliked by his five friends. They tried many ways to get him to his normal self again but they all failed. 

All of them knew how to get Luhan back to his old self. It was to get Hye Ri to come back to Korea and start over again. But the five of them were smart and they knew that it was impossible. 

"I want the old Luhan hyung back," Tao whined and burried his face in his hands. 

Kris nudged Tao in the ribcage cause the younger to jerk up and let out a yelp. 

"What did I do wrong?" Tao asked as he rubbed the area where Kris had nudged him. 

Kris jerked his chin to the front to point to Luhan who was watching television just beside Chen who was only about a metre away from Tao. 

"He can hear you!" Kris whispered while hitting Tao's thigh. 

Tao held back another yelp and just continued reading his book about rare martial arts technics. After about fifteen minutes, Luhan stood up and walked towards the door. 

"Hey! Where are you going?" Kris asked. 

"Out," Luhan replied flatly before grabbing his jacket and slipping into his worn out Converse. 

Just as Luhan's hands were on the door knob, Kris grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. "You can't go out of the dorm without our manager's permission!" Kris said. 

Luhan flicked Kris' hands off his shoulder and just walked out of the door and slammed it shut behind him. Luhan also became very stubborn ever since the incident. He never listens to orders and advices. 

When Luhan walked out of the dorm, he quickly held his head low to avoid the fans outside. At exactly five in the afternoon on Thursdays, Luhan would always go to a cafe called Sunny Cafe near the dorm to meet Li Ying. Don't get the wrong thing here. They are just friends who had gotten really close to each other over the years. They share a lot of secrets and talk about their situations with each other.

When Luhan reached the cafe, he took a deep breath and fixed his mask, hoping he doesn't get recognized by people when he walks inside. He pushed the door open, making the bells on top of the door jingle. He made his way to Li Ying who was already sitting down in their usual place in the corner, playing with her photo.

"Hey," Luhan said as he pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Oh gosh you scared me!" Li Ying yelped as she dropped her phone on her lap. Lucky for her, it didn't drop down. 

Luhan just gave a small smirk. "Here," Li Ying said as she pushed a glass of Iced Americano towards Luhan. 

"You finally bought me a drink after centuries!" Luhan gasped sarcastically before taking a sip of the drink. 

"You're welcome!" Li Ying rolled her eyes as put her phone in her pocket.

After minutes and minutes of having their usual conversation, Luhan's phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket.He yanked his phone out without any hesitations, thinking that the caller was her.

"Hello?" Luhan said giddily into the phone.

"Luhan!" Xiumin whispered from the other end of the line.

Luhan slumped back into his seat. That wasn't the voice he was anticipating. 

"What?" Luhan replied back. 

"Manager hyung is here! Hurry up and come back!" Xiumin said, his voice so faint Luhan almost couldn't hear him. 

Luhan hung up and gulped. He really should've listened to Kris. He said goodbye to Li Ying and fixed his mask and fixed his hoodie on his head as he walked out of the cafe. 

When he reached the front of his dorm, he could hear his manager yelling for him. Kris saw Luhan outside the door looking as faint as ever. 

"I'll take cover!" Kris mouthed and unlocked the door without his manager knowing. 

When Luhan opened the door, he saw his five friends covering him. 

"Why are you boys gathered around the door like that?" their manager asked.

"Uhh, nothing!" Xiumin said.

The five boys walked sideways to Luhan's room with Luhan hiding at the back of them. Their manager lifted an eyebrow before shaking his head and going back to what he was doing. 

When they reached the room, Xiumin and Luhan went inside and slammed the door close. 

"That was scary!" Xiumin said.

"I was so scared I almost wet my pants!" Luhan said making Xiumin laughed. 

Suddenly, Xiumin realized something. "Hey! You cracked a joke!" Xiumin said as he jumped around happily.

"You finally cracked a joke!!" Xiumin said again before ruffling Luhan's hair.

Xiumin ran out of the room and told the others what had happened. "Is the old Luhan coming back?" Tao smiled happily. 

Kris smacked Tao's thigh for the umpteenth time, making Tao yelp..again. 

"To celebrate, let's all eat Korean beef for dinner!" their manager announced, making all of them cheer. Except Luhan of course. 

"Why are you guys making such a big deal about it? I rather stay home and watch my Donald Duck movie," Luhan mumbled making all of them laugh.

Luhan couldn't help but grin. 

The six friends walked to the van with their arms around each others' shoulders. 

"I shouldn't change my attitude just because of one girl," Luhan said in his head before finally joining in the usual silly conversations with his friends. 









Author's note:

Sorry for the crappy update. I'll try to finish this story faster and get ready with my new one! WOOHOO.

Anyway, there's a very low chance that I'll be updating frequently even though my exams are over. I still have to go to dance practices. [huhuhuhuhu. my whole body is aching] 


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p.s this chapter is not edited because author-nim is very very very lazy












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Red_lantern #1
I love this story!!!
Chapter 33: Awww...it's done! Kyaaaa!! Very sweet proposal~!
Chapter 31: They reunited!! Yehet ! What Chen said hurts... Sehun u nice maknae... Fudge I cried
Chapter 21: I despise luhan's mother~~~
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 33: Adorable!!!

I really like the story ^^

Thanks authornim!!! <3
Chapter 33: best proposal ever! well done!
Chapter 23: They are way too young...
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 33: Awwww...they ended up together, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
Chapter 33: this is so cute and sweet ;u; will there be a sequel? like in marriage life they get into conflicts because of this girl and stuff? .____.