Escape to Luhan's Mansion

Two weeks passed by as quick as light. 

It was the 26th day of July and Luhan was in the kitchen preparing food for his girlfriend, Hye Ri. The maids didn't know what on earth was this young heir doing but they knew it was something meant for Hye Ri.

Luhan wiped off the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand,"I'm done!" 

Smiling to himself, he picked up the freshly baked chocalate cake. "Young Master, are you sure you don't want us to bake a cake for you? The cake you made looks.." one of the maid sighed as she looked at the cake baked by Luhan.

Luhan raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with this cake?" he asked.

"Well.." the maid started but she didn't dare to continue.

Luhan looked down at the cake and shrugged. "I know it may not be the best cake on earth," he sighed as he looked at the cake that had candles jutting out in every directions. "But, it was made from deep down inside my heart."

The oldest maid cringed at Luhan's cheesiness. Luhan walked up to Hye Ri's bedroom and knocked on the door. Maybe she's still sleeping..I shall give her a kiss to wake her up! Luhan thought to himself.

Luhan walked into the room and placed the cake on the glass table. Hye Ri was still in bed but she was already awake texting someone. She didn't even notice that Luhan was it the room. 

"Jagiya~" Luhan smiled and hugged her. 

"Hmm?" Hye Ri made a humming sound, her eyes still glued on her phone. 

Luhan snatched her phone away and started reading her texts. "Hey!" Hye Ri pouted as she tried to take back her phone.

"You were texting Hyun Woo?" Luhan gasped.

Hye Ri sat up and crossed her arms. "Is it wrong for Hyun Woo to wish his best friend 'Happy Birthday'?" 

Luhan sat next to Hye Ri and kissed her temple. "Happy Birthday!" Luhan finally said. 

He held her hands and pulled her to the couch. "Ta-da!" Luhan smiled as he held up the cake.

Hye Ri laughed. "You made that?" she asked. 

Luhan nodded and gave her a spoon. Hye Ri laughed and took the spoon from his hand. "The cake is ugly," she admitted. 

"You didn't have to tell me that!" 

"But I'll eat it since you made it," Hye Ri laughed and planted a kiss on Luhan's cheek. 

{ 3 Hours Later..}

"Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da! 

Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da!

Sarang ha nueun--Hye Ri shi,

Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da!" The 6 EXO-M boys sang. As the song ended, everybody clapped. 

All of them were currently in Xiumin's house celebrating Hye Ri's birthday. "Wow! I didn't know you guys prepared so much food! Thank you, guys!" Hye Ri smiled as she looked at all the food placed neatly on the table.

"What are we waiting for? Let's dig in! Plus, it's Lay's cooking!" Chen smiled as he picked up his cutlery. 

"Hey! Where are your manners? Let the birthday girl eat first," Xiumin slapped Chen's knee. 

Everyone laughed and smiled. Hye Ri picked up her spoon and took a sip of the seaweed soup. "Wah! This is delicious!" she smiled at Lay who was sitting on her right. 

Lay scratched the back of his head and shrugged. "No problem! I didn't know if it was that good," Lay laughed.

Soon, everybody started to eat and talk. "Oh! I almost forgot!" Xiumin stood up and raised his cup.

"To Luhan and Hye Ri! May their relationship last long until they get married and have babies!" Xiumin yelled and everybody clinked their glasses.

"Wait...babies?" Hye Ri's eyes widened. 

Everybody laughed and continued their small conversations.


"Noona! Open up the presents we gave you!" Tao smiled and plopped down next to Hye Ri. 

They were currently in the living room resting. Tao handed Hye Ri a perfectly wrapped present with a bow on top.

"What is this?" Hye Ri laughed. 

"Open it up and see!" 

Hye Ri ripped open the wrapping paper and gasped as she saw what was inside. 

"A Gucci bag? Tao, do you know how expensive this is?" Hye Ri's eyes widened. 

Tao smiled. "Plus, I thought you loved Gucci bags. You could've kept it for yourself," Hye Ri laughed.

Hye Ri gave Tao a hug. "Thank you," she laughed.

An hour passed and Hye Ri finished opening all of the gifts. The boys each gave her presents that were unique. Hye Ri didn't know that the boys had a good sense of taste. Except for one person who didn't give her anything. That person was called Luhan. 

Hye Ri acted like she didn't care about it but inside, she was really hurt and sad. 

"Where should we go next?" Luhan asked as they sat inside the car.

"I'm tired. Let's go home," Hye Ri said as she faced the window. 

Luhan sighed and drove back home. When they reached a red light, Luhan turned to Hye Ri. "Jagiya~ Are you okay?" Luhan asked.

Hye Ri didn't answer nor move.

Luhan smiled. She thinks I didn't get her a present. Luhan thought to himself.

As soon as they reached the mansion, Hye Ri stomped up to her room. She switched open the television and sat down on the couch. 

"I should just watch Running Man to clear my mind off things," Hye Ri took a deep breath and faced the television. 

Minutes later, she was already laughing her head off. The show was too funny. Clutching her stomach, she dropped on the floor and burst out laughing. 

Hye Ri's phone started ringing. She looked at the caller's ID and saw that it was an unknown number.

"Hye Ri!" she heard a familiar voice yell on the other line. 

"Oh, Himchan oppa?" Hye Ri smiled. 

"Happy birthday little angel!" Himchan laughed.

"Where are you now?" 

"On the way to your apartment. In about 5 minutes, I'll be there," Himchan said. 

Hye Ri's eyes widened. "M-M-My apartment?" she said nervously.

She had totally forgotten that she lied to her brother that she was living in that apartment. Hye Ri ran out of the room and out of the house. 

"Hye Ri! Where are you going?" Luhan yelled out. 


Hye Ri ran to the apartment and rushed inside to make it look like she was just coming out of there. She saw Himchan in a blue BMW. Hye Ri walked out of the building and rushed to Himchan.

"Oppa!" she smiled and ran to Himchan.

Himchan gave Hye Ri a big bear hug. Soon, they pulled back and they walked to the nearest bench. 

"You bought a car?" Hye Ri asked.

"My boss lent it to me."

"You have a boss?" 

"I have a job, yes."

"Hyun Woo has a job, too," Hye Ri laughed.

Himchan laughed. After minutes of talking, Himchan stood up.

"Hye Ri, I'm going back in 3 weeks," Himchan said.

"Really?" Hye Ri sighed.

"You don't get it do you?" Himchan asked.

Hye Ri raised her eyebrows. "You're going back with Hyun Woo and I," Himchan said.

Hye Ri's eyes widened as she stood up. "What?" 

"N-No! I can't!" Hye Ri yelled. 

Himchan sighed again. "Just..let me stay until I finish collage here! After collage I promise I'll go back!" Hye Ri blurted out. 

Himchan raised an eyebrow. "After collage?" he repeated.

Hye Ri nodded slowly. "I promise.." she mumbled. 


19:00 p.m

"I'm so stupid!" Hye Ri groaned as she sat down on her bed. 

A maid came up to her and gave her some tea. "Thank you," Hye Ri smiled as she walked to the television to continue watching Running Man.

After minutes of watching, she walked to Luhan's room to see what he was doing. 

"Oppa," Hye Ri said as she knocked the door. 

No answer.

Hye Ri walked into the room and saw that no one was inside. She walked a table that had a huge mirror covered with pictures of him and Hye Ri together. 

She saw a sticky note on the left side of the mirror. Hye Ri took it and read it.

"Jagiya~ Meet me at the Han River at 8 o'clock ♥Luhan," The note said.

Hye Ri smiled and went back to her room to get dolled up. 

"What should I wear..." Hye Ri said to herself as she opened up her closet. 

She took out a pink blouse and a pair of white shorts. Hye Ri got changed into the new set of clothes. She put her hands on her hips,"Should I let my hair down or tie my hair up?" 

Hye Ri took a yellow hair tie and tied her hair up. 

She applied only a little make up on her face since she didn't like wearing a lot of make up like those people who make themselves look like clowns.

Hye Ri looked grabbed her bag and phone and walked out of her room. She grabbed the pair of new heels that Kris gave her and walked out of the house.

Hye Ri didn't take the car since from the mansion to Han River was only within walking distance. 

It was starting to get dark and a lot of people were walking on the streets. Hye Ri picked up her pace and walked to Han River.

At exactly 8 o'clock, Hye Ri reached the Han River. She saw a familiar figure standing beside a bench, looking at his watch. Hye Ri smiled and walked to him.

"Luhan!" she smiled.

Luhan smiled and asked Hye Ri to sit down. She did as told and smiled at him. "Why are we here anyways?" Hye Ri asked.

"5..4..3..2..1.." Luhan counted and smiled.

Hye Ri raised an eyebrow at him. Suddenly, the sound of fireworks were heard. 

"Omo!" Hye Ri smiled and faced the night sky. Couples gathered around to see the fireworks. 

Luhan secretly shifted closer to Hye Ri and put an arm on her shoulder. He blushed and smiled. Hye Ri giggled and smiled.

Luhan leaned in and planted a kiss on Hye Ri's lips. 

"Happy Birthday, Jagiya." 


Author's Note:

I'm back! :) I won't be updating frequently this year..sorry :( 

If you spotted any spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes, please try your best to ignore what you have seen x) I didn't have time to check! 










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Red_lantern #1
I love this story!!!
Chapter 33: Awww...it's done! Kyaaaa!! Very sweet proposal~!
Chapter 31: They reunited!! Yehet ! What Chen said hurts... Sehun u nice maknae... Fudge I cried
Chapter 21: I despise luhan's mother~~~
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 33: Adorable!!!

I really like the story ^^

Thanks authornim!!! <3
Chapter 33: best proposal ever! well done!
Chapter 23: They are way too young...
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 33: Awwww...they ended up together, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
Chapter 33: this is so cute and sweet ;u; will there be a sequel? like in marriage life they get into conflicts because of this girl and stuff? .____.