Chapter 2

6 Kingkas, 1 Nerd And... You

The lunch bell rang and everyone got up to go to their classes. “Hyesung what class do you have next?” Junhee asked. “History”

“Hah! Good luck unnie with Mrs. Park!” Suji laughed.

“Do you have any sugary stuff. I can’t fall asleep again or I’ll get a Saturday detention”

“Umm yeah here” Suji handed me a sugar straw


You walked your way to class when you saw a bunch of guys beating up a person. You tried to ignore it but when you saw that it was the nerd that your group teased earlier you stopped and yelled “HEY! Leave him alone! Why don’t you guys beat up someone your own size!”

“And what are you going to do?” The bully eyed you from head to toe.

“You see. I’m a black belt in taekwondo.  You don’t want to mess with me.” You crossed your arms and tapped the ground with your shoes.

“Tae-cy-eon! She’s not kidding that’s Hyesung the queenka” His friend squeaked.

“So you know me? Then let go of this kid and NEVER talk about this to anyone else understood?” They both nodded and ran off. You looked at the poor kid they beat up. He was on the ground hunched up. It looked like he’s crying. You walked up to him and carefully put your hand on his shoulder. He flinched at first but let you after realising you’re just trying to help. Your bracelet then turned blue. Never once at school has it blinked blue. Maybe he’s special.

“Are you okay?” He put his head up and you immediately saw his bruises all over his face. Your heart dropped. You immediately felt sorrow.

He just nodded.

“My name’s Hyesung. Yong Hyesung” You put your hand out to shake his hand but he just kept looking at you.

“Do you have a name?” you laughed. He smiled and nodded. He finally opened his mouth but no sound came from it. Finally after a while he spoke.

“Woohyun. Nam Woohyun.” And he shook your hand.

You pulled him up from the ground and saw the scratches and bruises on his face, arms and neck. “Do you want to go to the nurse?”

He immediately froze. Terrified, he shook his head really fast. “Let’s just go to class” He smiled and pretended as if nothing ever happened.


Heelloo ^^ This is a short chapter but oh well....



(^ Ain't he cute? xP)

Thanks for reading :D <3

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I Changed the forward guys... The old one didn't really have anything to do with the actual story. Don't worry the story's still the same!


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Chapter 30: YAY!!!! You go Sungyeol!
ilovesweetpotatohoya #2
Chapter 30: WOOHYUNS SELFIE <3
Chapter 29: Mr. Jang needs to leave them all alone!!
ilovesweetpotatohoya #4
Chapter 29: Hehe i have that photo of woohyun . DONT KILL ME . Update more often !
Chapter 27: Woohyun was so funny in this chapter, LOLOL.
And omg, grandma why?! :(
Hi love, sorry to take up some space here but if ever you are interested requesting in my graphic shop you are free to do so.

The shop is open and accepting request.
Thanks. :)
Chapter 25: DUN DUN DUN DUN...
Lol, Hyesung is one smart cookie.
Chapter 24: Woohyun, why?!
She likes you too! You should've continued. :(