Chapter 19

6 Kingkas, 1 Nerd And... You

“Do you feel more relaxed?” Suji nodded her head. “Why do you trust me? You tell me things as if I’m on the good side. I’m your enemy, why do you trust me?”

“I think I can trust you on this…"

I hope you don’t mind me asking but what really happened on the day Mr Jang took you and why did you agree?” I asked after the silence.

“Well it started 3 years ago….


3 years ago, Suzy’s POV
“URGH! Stupid Go Ara. How dare she? She treats me like a piece of ! ARGH. I will get you someday b*tch.” I walked around in circles with my hand on my forehead. “She thinks she can just put me down whenever she feels like?” I jumped several times to try and calm me down but it didn’t work so I let my frustration out by punching the air. “Wow, you’re one mad girl.” A tall looking man with a muscular build walked in. “You know, if you come with, you wouldn’t have to deal with girls like those.” What in the world is he talking about? “I don’t know you so why would I go with you.”

“Because like I said, I can give you everything you want anytime. Just make me happy.” I stepped away from the man. What did he mean by ‘make him happy’? “No! I will not ‘make you happy’!”

“Oh you think that… No, I’m not asking you to do that. If you just come with me I’ll tell you everything you need to know about me.”

“Wait… who are you?”

“Me? Oh, I’m Mr Jang. You may only call me Mr Jang or Master. I am Dongwoo’s father. If you do decide to come, bring 3 friends with you, friends that you’ve known for a while. I’ll be waiting outside afterschool if you do come.”

“Yeah, I’ll go.”

*Flashback interrupted*

“So… You went. What does it have to do with the whole-“

“Yeah I’m getting to it shush your mouth up for a sec. So I went after school with the rest of Miss A…”

*Flashback continued*

“Are these your friends?” I nodded. Mr Jang walked us into an alleyway and into a door that lead to a modern and newly furnished office. “WOAH DAEBAK! It’s so…. Luxurious!”  We were all in awe looking at the office.

*Flashback interrupted… again*

“Really, I don’t actually care if… the office is pretty, just get to the point!”


*Flashback continued*
“Girls, take a sit on the couch over there.” He pointed to a 4 seater leather couch while he sat at his own table and desk. “I will introduce myself formally. My name is Jang Doojoong (a/n: o/c cameo~), I am the leader of the most powerful gang in Seoul.” I stood there shocked. I had just realised what I had done. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you as long as you do what I say. Anyway, I am looking for this girl, her name is Sunghae. Yong Sunghae. If you are willing to find her, I will be willing to give you anything you like. Are you in?” He interlaced his hands together and looked at us. I looked at the group and they gave an ok sign. “Yeah, we’ll do it.”

“Great. Please bring your parents over here and we’ll talk about it. Oh another thing, please introduce yourselves formally." One by one we introduced ourselves. I was the last since I am the maknae. "Annyeonghaeseyo. I am Bae Suji, I'm 14 years old, I know how to fight and I like fashion. I have a bit of a temper but just get used to it please. Haha."

"Okay okay. So you're fighters. That will be excellent for this job. Oh and another thing, if by any chance you want to leave, the girl must be found by one of you or you will be a part of this gang.. let’s just say… forever. Haha. So what’s your first wish?”

“Hmm… we want to be queenkas. And we want Go Ara out of our lives.”

“Deal, though I cannot guarantee you’ll be queenkas straight away. And Go Ara? That’s my son’s girlfriend. Why don’t you like her?”

“She’s a bit- she’s rude.”

“I see. Now once I get your parents’ permission, you will be working for me.”

“That seems fair.Can we bring another 2 friends with us? As in to be queenkas.”

“Yes that's fine, oh just saying, don’t get into trouble and don’t make me look bad so I’m sorry to say, you will have quite limited freedom.”

“How limited?” Jia asked. “You’ll get 1 hour of freedom a day, I will not monitor you because I trust you… for now. Do anything to break that trust then… we’ll just see. Please bring in your parents by tomorrow, I will be leaving for America in 2 days. Do you know the way out?” We nodded and left the office.

*End of flashback*

“All I thought of that time was becoming a queenka , being popular and being loved. I didn’t know how stupid it was… until it was too late.”

This is a double update!! Because the other chapter was confusing... hopefully this becomes less confusing.. if it still is, please tell me what you are confused with and i'll explain it! Thanks~!

Thank you for reading! :) and please leave some feedback! I want to know what I can improve on! :)

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I Changed the forward guys... The old one didn't really have anything to do with the actual story. Don't worry the story's still the same!


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Chapter 30: YAY!!!! You go Sungyeol!
ilovesweetpotatohoya #2
Chapter 30: WOOHYUNS SELFIE <3
Chapter 29: Mr. Jang needs to leave them all alone!!
ilovesweetpotatohoya #4
Chapter 29: Hehe i have that photo of woohyun . DONT KILL ME . Update more often !
Chapter 27: Woohyun was so funny in this chapter, LOLOL.
And omg, grandma why?! :(
Hi love, sorry to take up some space here but if ever you are interested requesting in my graphic shop you are free to do so.

The shop is open and accepting request.
Thanks. :)
Chapter 25: DUN DUN DUN DUN...
Lol, Hyesung is one smart cookie.
Chapter 24: Woohyun, why?!
She likes you too! You should've continued. :(