
Kidnap my heart


Chapter thirty-one:

Your POV:

“No” I insisted stubbornly, folding my arms and pursing my lips. “I refuse”

“Why?” Hyuna pouted. “I don’t get you at all!”

The other 4minute members nodded in agreement

“I don’t care!” I refused to budge. “All you have to understand is that I will NEVER, in a million years, go! NEVER EVER NEVER EVER NEVER EVER!”


[3 hours later…]

Kill me now.


Why did I even agree to go out shopping with 4minute? How did I even end up agreeing? I hated shopping. I hated it so much. Especially shopping at designer stores

What’s so fun about trying on clothing after clothing, then spending a whole bunch of money on them?

And god knows why those clothes are so expensive. Weren’t they just pieces of fabric sewn together? Who pays hundreds of dollars just for a stupid, normal-looking dress?


How I hated Hyuna and her stupid puppy dog eyes and her stupid persuasive techniques.

How I hated myself for giving in


For the past few hours, 4minute had been going from store to store, shopping for dresses and shoes for the party next week.


What party? The party CUBE entertainment was throwing to celebrate the New Year. Since CUBE was a pretty big company, the party was going to be a huge affair. SM, YG, JYP, Starship, FNC, TS, Woolim, LOEN and many other agencies were going to be there. So would big shot idols such as Super Junior, 2PM, Big Bang, Sistar, FTisland, B.A.P, INFINITE etc. Even the staff of CUBE entertainment, including myself, was invited.


And I was excited. Apart from being a gigantic B2UTY, I’m also a huge BABY and INSPIRIT. The thought of finally meeting the B.A.P and INFINITE members in person made me dizzy with excitement.


The downside though? It was a formal event, and that meant formal dresses.

Which I did not own


The 4minute members had already bought all their dresses and shoes for the party. I was the only one who hadn’t bought a single thing yet.


“It’s your own fault” Jiyoon shrugged when I wanted to go back home. “You’re the one who hasn’t bought anything yet”


“How is it my fault that they all look bad on me?” I protested.


“Aishhh! For the millionth time, you look absolutely gorgeous in them! You’re just biased. Or picky. Or both!” Gayoon complained.


“Ms. Park! Try this!” Jihyun rushed towards me, a simple pink dress in her arms. I looked at it skeptically. It was so plain, so boring, so simple.

“Okay, but if this doesn’t look good, we’re going back, okay?” I bargained.

“It will, trust me!” Jihyun stuffed the pink dress into my hands excitedly. “Come on! Try it!”

“You promise?” I wanted to make sure.

“I promise!” Jihyun stomped her feet impatiently. “Now will you try it on?”

Reluctantly, I made my way in the dressing room for the millionth time today. And then I tried the dress on. It fit like a glove, and unlike the other designer dresses I’ve tried, this one didn’t suffocate me.

There wasn’t a mirror in the dressing room, so I walked out of the dressing room, prepared to leave.




As soon as I stepped out, I had to cover my ears to prevent myself from going absolutely deaf.


“What?” I raised both of my arms defensively. “It can’t look THAT bad, can it?”

They shook their heads frantically, and pointed to the mirror. God, Sohyun and Hyuna were practically jumping up and down, like they had an adrenaline shot or something.


Exasperated, I took a good look in the mirror just to see what all the big fuss was about.










I was speechless


Yes, for the first time in my life, I was speechless over a dress


A dress


HOW? It looked so simple, so plain, so unappealing


HOW? HOW did it look so good on people? HOW?


My expression must have been pretty obvious, because Jihyun started to gloat.



I didn’t even bother correcting her.


Because, WOW. Just, wow


I couldn’t WAIT for the party.



Yoseob’s POV:



That was the maknae whining. NOT ME.

But you probably could have guessed that.


It was 7pm, and the party had just started, with guests and idols from all agencies pouring in. We were on door duty, which meant that we had to greet all the party guests as they entered the grand hall. So far, we had already greeted our good friends INFINITE, MBLAQ, B.A.P, KARA (Junhyung chose to excuse himself from door duty afterwards) and SECRET. Dongwoon was anxiously waiting for BEG to arrive. I swear, Son Dongwoon HAS to be Narsha’s biggest fanboy.


As for me, I was kind of waiting for Eunmi to arrive.

After all, you can’t blame me for being curious to know how she looked like in a dress. She normally dressed so much like a guy…


“Hey! Nice party! Thanks for inviting me!” A voice came from behind us. We immediately spun around. Dressed in an elegant, classy black dress and looking as pretty as usual, was Narsha.


Dongwoon immediately turned extremely red. I swear, even the tip of his ears were burning. That boy…


“N-n-n-arsha Noona…” he stammered, playing with his hands and looking down on the floor. “D-d-do you w-want to d-ddance?”

“Sure!” Narsha smiled sweetly and slipped her arm into Dongwoon’s. “Let’s go!”


I swear, I’ve never seen that guy so happy in my entire life.


I was just about to make fun of the maknae’s behavior when the door opened again.


Everyone turned to look at the person entering. Their eyes were wide with surprise and disbelief.

Instantly, I spun around as well, wondering who the new guest that attracted so much attention was.






Guess what happened? :D *i think it's pretty obvious though*

Like I promised, here's another update! Hope you like it~ 

Bye for now~

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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 40: Omg. The plote twist.......yahh!!! Author-nim~~!!!! Noooooooo. Ugh. UGHhhH!!
Queenka94 #2
Uwahhhhh!! I can't wait!! This sounds soo exciting. Haha, I feel like saying "itadakimasu" ..except a different version...for reading. You know. Lol (=^.^=) hehe xD
Chapter 58: Oh my god!!! Im going crazy!! *sing go crazy song*...This fanfic is jinjja daebak! I love this story~ If you don't mind please make a sequel?
ennykitty #4
Chapter 58: This story was awesome!!!
Chapter 59: I loved this story so much!!!
Chapter 9: I hate woohyun here. Sorry, inspirit. You just changed 'my' name, u said tht my parents die when I was a baby. And u separate me with my seobie //uglysobs// bye. Ive got class tomorrow and need to sleep now. Night.
Chapter 58: Aww such a sweet ending!!! >.< loved it!!
New reader 
Chapter 58: I'll miss this. TT-TT
Good Job. author nim. Thanks for giving this great fanfic. :')
waiting for ur future B2ST and Yoseob fanfic. :)
b2utyoseobbie #10
Chapter 58: the end T^T
i will miss this story
it's a great story>_<