One minute later and...

Kidnap my heart


Chapter sixteen:

Your POV:

Finally, I arrived at the CUBE entertainment building, pretty tired and worn-out. I took the lift up and trudged down the hallway, to the dance practice studio.

I was surprised to find the door unlocked. I expected it to be locked, since there were no other practices this late. I pushed it open cautiously and switched on the lights.

And then I gasped.

I couldn’t believe what was in front of my very eyes.

I blinked twice, and rubbed my temples.

It was very real.






Sprawled on the floor, unconscious, with foam coming out from his mouth, was none other than Yang Yoseob.

And beside him lay a bottle of detergent


Oh. My. God.

Did he….I mean…Don’t tell me he…

That meant that…

He’s dying.

Yang Yoseob


Yang Yoseob is dying



Okay, calm down, Park Eunmi.

You NEED to calm down. No use panicking, after all.

I mean…panicking’s not going to help anything, right? I mean…


What are you standing here for?


I immediately snapped out of my trance and sprinted out of the room, as fast as I could, rushing towards President Hong’s office.


“President Hong!” I panted as I barged into his office, without even knocking.

Mr. Hong seemed a little startled to see me like this. Well, maybe because it was really late. Or maybe because…


“What can I do for you, Ms. Park?” He offered me a seat. I declined, still panting heavily.

“Yoseob….he…he…” I gasped. “He…he…he…Aishh! No time for explaining! Just come with me!” I immediately sprinted back up to the practice room, with Mr. Hong hot on my heels, and I showed him that horrifying scene.

Mr. Hong’s face froze.

“Okay. Don’t need to panic.” He whipped out his cell phone and started to punch numbers. I could tell that he was seriously panicking inside, although he tried to maintain a cool and calm front. “Hello? It’s an emergency. We have a young man dying of poison here. The address is CUBE entertainment building. Send an ambulance here asap. Thank you.”

Unlike Mr. Hong, I was unable to keep my cool. I was shaken by fear, and I could barely breathe.

I was on the verge of crying. I looked at the unconscious body in front of me again. He was barely breathing. Foam was rushing out of his mouth. His eyes were bulged open, and they were bloody red. It was a horrifying sight.

And I had a sinking feeling in my stomach


Hurry up…Hurry up…


Please, I’m begging you…


Thankfully, a few minutes later, an ambulance sped over. Yoseob was carried onto the ambulance, unconscious, but thankfully, still alive, and they sent him to the hospital immediately.

Mr. Hong took his car there, and offered to take me along.

Please be okay…

Please don’t let it be too late…



When we arrived at the hospital, Mr. Hong immediately rushed over to Yoseob’s ward. There was a doctor outside his ward, waiting for us.

“Are you, by any chance, related to the patient?” The doctor asked Mr. Hong.

I looked at President Hong, unsure of how to answer the doctor.

“I’m the president of the company he works in.” Mr. Hong answered. “How is he?”

I took a deep breath, hardly daring to exhale.

“Yes, doctor?” I croaked, unable to help myself. “How is he?”

“Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital right on time. A minute later and he would have been poisoned to death.” The doctor reassured us. “He’s starting to come round now, so it’d be okay to visit him now.”
I heaved a huge sigh of relief. And although Mr. Hong didn’t show it, I could tell that he was feeling unbelievably relieved as well.

Thank god.

It was almost too late

Thank god.

“Thank you.” Mr. Hong shook the doctor’s hand, thanking him profusely.

“Yes, thank you, doctor” I added in, on the verge of breaking down. “Thank you so much.”


“How can I ever thank you, Ms. Park?” Mr. Hong turned to face me, as soon as the doctor had left the room. “You heard the doctor. A minute later, and Yang Yoseob would have been gone. I can’t imagine what could happen if he…” Mr. Hong’s voice wavered a little. I could even see a tinge of moisture at the corners of his eyes.

“It’s fine, President Hong.” I smiled weakly. “I’m just glad he’s alright.”

“Regardless of the outcome, I am extremely grateful to you, Ms. Park. Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“Well, I think it’s time to go in and face Yang Yoseob, don’t you think?” Mr. Hong said, after thanking me.

I nodded, then shakily gripped the door handle.

Here we go…


Yoseob’s POV:

Ugh…my head…

Where am I?

What happened?

And then I remembered.

Did it work?

Am I in heaven now?

No wait. I shouldn’t be in heaven.

I deserved to be in hell.

But was I dead yet?

I opened my eyes dizzily, not sure what to expect.

Instead, I found myself resting on a bed, surrounded by white walls.

I highly doubt hell/heaven is supposed to look like this…

I was trying to figure out where I was when the door opened.

It was Mr. Hong and Ms. Park.

So I wasn’t dead…

So it didn’t work…

Why was I so unlucky?

“You’re awake.” Mr. Hong said simply as he walked towards my bed.

“What is SHE doing here?” I immediately responded by glaring at Ms. Park and rolling my eyes at her. Why was she EVERYWHERE? Why couldn’t she just leave me alone? I swear, she was really getting onto my nerves.

“Yang Yoseob.” Mr. Hong said sternly, with a hint of warning in his voice. “You do not talk to your teacher like that, you understand?”

“Whatever…” I mumbled as softly as I could.

“I see you’re feeling just fine.” Mr. Hong said dryly. “Which is amazing, considering how you barely escaped death by a minute. What were you thinking?”

I didn’t answer him. I knew a long lecture about ruining the company’s image and being irresponsible as a kpop star was going to hit me.

A minute? That’s so close. What the hell…why did these kind of things always happen to me?

“If Ms. Park hadn’t found you and alerted me on time, you would have been poisoned to death! Do you know how irresponsible that was of you?” He continued.



What did he just say?

“What did you just say?” I suddenly spoke up.

“I said, that was very irresponsib-“

“No, what did you just say before that?”

“If Ms. Park hadn’t found you on time, you’d-“

I gritted my teeth.

Anger bubbled inside me

Ms. Park AGAIN?

Why was she also so meddlesome?

Why did she have to keep bugging me? Interfering with my affairs?

Why couldn’t she just LEAVE ME ALONE?

I was so close…

So close…

From escaping this hellhole called life.





I was THIS close


I was SICK of her constantly sticking around to me

I was SICK of how meddlesome she was being

I was SICK of how annoying she was being

I was so sick of her. Everything about her irked me.

So I slammed my fist on the bedside table


And I looked up



heheh! I'm backk from Malaysia (: Missed you guys (: So I immediately updated when I got back :D 

As promised, here's the chapter :D I made a cliffhanger in the previous chapter (At least I hoped so xD) Did it work? :D

THANKYOU EVERYONE FOR THE COMMENTS. I just read it today :D I'm sorry I can't reply now because I need to unpack, but I'll reply to the comments for this chappie (:

Love you guys, and pleasepleaseplease comment kekeke (: Always appreciate them :D 

It's great to be backkkk :D

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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 40: Omg. The plote twist.......yahh!!! Author-nim~~!!!! Noooooooo. Ugh. UGHhhH!!
Queenka94 #2
Uwahhhhh!! I can't wait!! This sounds soo exciting. Haha, I feel like saying "itadakimasu" ..except a different version...for reading. You know. Lol (=^.^=) hehe xD
Chapter 58: Oh my god!!! Im going crazy!! *sing go crazy song*...This fanfic is jinjja daebak! I love this story~ If you don't mind please make a sequel?
ennykitty #4
Chapter 58: This story was awesome!!!
Chapter 59: I loved this story so much!!!
Chapter 9: I hate woohyun here. Sorry, inspirit. You just changed 'my' name, u said tht my parents die when I was a baby. And u separate me with my seobie //uglysobs// bye. Ive got class tomorrow and need to sleep now. Night.
Chapter 58: Aww such a sweet ending!!! >.< loved it!!
New reader 
Chapter 58: I'll miss this. TT-TT
Good Job. author nim. Thanks for giving this great fanfic. :')
waiting for ur future B2ST and Yoseob fanfic. :)
b2utyoseobbie #10
Chapter 58: the end T^T
i will miss this story
it's a great story>_<