Winner is...?

She IS your girlfriend, I WAS your girlfriend. [Hiatus]


No one’s POV

Sehun turned to look at Luhan. He felt weird why Luhan was acting like that. All the while, he would think that Luhan was the person that knows Suzy the best except for her family though. Not only him, the others felt weird too.

Kai was looking at Kyungsoo and pointed at Luhan with his mouth, asking what happened to Luhan but Kyungsoo just shrugged, as he had no idea about this anymore. Luhan acted like he never really care about Suzy at all.

Soohyun was smirking at his place. He doesn’t know why, but he likes this kind of situation. To be honest, he would thought that he would totally losing this game since he knows that Luhan must’ve known Suzy more than he does because they’ve been dating for a long time already.

He was afraid that Luhan could beat him. However, he was surprised that Luhan answer was surprisingly and he simply couldn’t remember it.

The first question just makes him feel more confident. Seriously, brown? Soohyun definitely know that color is she hated the most.

“Okay let me ask another question” Baekhyun raised his spoon and put it in front his mouth. “What is Suzy noona biggest fear?”

“Fear as in person or thing?” Soohyun asked back. Kai shrugged, “Depends on your answer, either one.”

Soohyun thought about it for a while before confidently answered, “She’s afraid of dark. Definitely.” Then as usual, they all turned to Luhan for his answer and paused for a while before hesitantly answered, “Err... she’s afraid of height maybe?”

Kris furrowed his thick eyebrow. He wondered why does Luhan’s answer is never even close to the real answer and he always giving the weird answer. Not only he, Tao, Suho, Lay, Xiumin and others are noticing it too. It was as if Luhan really forgets everything about Suzy.

“Wrong! Luhan hyung wrong again. There goes another point to Soohhyun.” Chanyeol pouted before he turned to Luhan. “Hyung, why you keep giving the wrong answer? You’re no fun!”

“So are we continuing this game?” Soohyun asked. He was getting excited to see Luhan lose to him. For the first time he felt like he can win over Luhan. Maybe even in the future, he can own Suzy just like Luhan does. Replace Luhan from Suzy’s heart and make her forget about him.

“No I guess, we can’t continue since there is no fun anymore.” Baekhyun dropped his shoulder.

“Okay before who really decide who will win this game, let me ask one final question.” Kibum blurted causing the rest to turn their attention towards him. Soohyun raised an eyebrow while Luhan just looked at Kibum boringly with no interest. “Where is Suzy’s birthmark other than the one below her wrist?”

“Oppa!” Suzy protested. Her face was extremely red, definitely embarrassed by the question.

“What? I just want to check?” Kibum replied, glaring at Suzy.

“But opp--”

“No but, be quite and let the answer.” He turned to Soohyun and rested his elbow on the table. “Well, your answer is?” 

Soohyun couldn’t really answer that because he really doesn’t know the answer. He was thinking hard about it and occasionally just gives up. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.” He rubbed the back of his neck and turned to Suzy.

Now it was Luhan turn to answer the question and everyone was anticipating the answer. Luhan raised an eyebrow and looked at Kibum questioningly and glanced at Suzy. Suzy quickly looked away when they make a brief eye contact. Luhan turned to Kibum again and shrugged, “Don’t know.”

“O…kay…” Kibum looked weirdly at Luhan. He also wondered did Luhan really forget about it or he doesn’t know about it. It makes he wonder. Kibum could not deny it that he was actually rooting secretly for Luhan. Kibum had to admit that if he was asked to pick between Luhan and Soohyun, he would definitely pick Luhan.

It was because he knows that her sister really love Luhan a lot. And he sure she still does. Kibum knows it because when she was with Luhan, she looked like she was the happiest girl in the world. Suzy was never experienced love and Luhan has thought her what the first love feels like. However, Kibum not going to deny it either that he also hated Luhan who hurt her fragile heart but then he knows that both of them are hurting.

He doesn’t want to see Suzy sad anymore and that’s why he let she dated Soohyun. But then, he knows she wasn’t really happy about it. “So we already have winner? Soohyun wins” Chanyeol announced.

“Well, I never thought I would win this easily” Soohyun smirked cockily and slung his arms around Suzy. The others were making face at his cocky remark but they just decide to ignore it.

“Congratulations on that. I bet you know her more than I do.” Luhan smiled shortly before eating the kimchi but Suzy could notice that it was a sad smile.

“Well, maybe because I really care about her.” Soohyun replied which making Luhan stopped his chewing and looked up to meet Soohyun’s taunting face. “I’m sorry… what?”

Kris could not help but gulp, even he was afraid with the aura surrounding Luhan. He was afraid if Luhan would be losing it.

“Well, I mean, I should care about her right? Because I’m her boyfriend and isn’t that what a boyfriend should do? Correct me if I’m wrong.” Soohyun smirked. He just wanted to say that just to piss Luhan off. If this was a cartoon, there would be lightning in between their eyes.

The other had since this thin tense atmosphere around them. But then, Luhan broke the staring contest first and continue engrossing on his food. “No. You’re right.”

Soohyun was not satisfied because Luhan seems not affected by his word at all. So he decided to do another thing. Soohyun pulled Suzy closer to him to peck on her temple. Luhan saw the PDA in front of him but he decided just to ignore it because he knows that he was hurting in the inside. He silently clenched his teeth because he felt this weird thumping of his heart.

Xiumin rolled his eyes at Soohyun and giving a dark gaze at him. Kibum who sat in front of the couple saw that too and he asked, “Soohyun, do you really love Suzy?”

Soohyun turned to Kibum and answer confidently, “Of course I love her. I would never leave her and I would never wanted to hurt her feeling.” Soohyun smiled at Suzy which she just returned it with a shy smile.

Kibum couldn’t help but secretly rolled his eyes. “I can't let you promise that just by saying it. Only your action will prove if you love her or not.” Kibum really didn’t like the attitude that Soohyun was giving now.

Way too confident and conceited.

He somewhat felt like Soohyun was never a good person but he can’t just judge people like that. Plus, since Soohyun is Suzy’s boyfriend, he really needs to respect her choice just like how he had promised to Nichkhun and Wooyoung.

“I know that. Her past relationship has made damage to her heart and I was always there to be with her.” Soohyun continued while his eyes were directing at Luhan who could just care less about it.

Luhan, of course, heard about it and he felt like the word is directing to him directly but he just decided to ignore it.

“I know it would take time to heal her heart, but I will try my best to make her forget about the person that has hurt her feeling before this.” Once again, his word just made Luhan stopped from his chewing and stared at Soohyun. Soohyun smirked as he finally getting the response that he wanted for Luhan.

“I won’t be a guy that leave her and hurt her feelings just to be with another woman. That was totally a douchebag.” Soohyun stared directly at Luhan which make Luhan slammed the chopstick on the table and almost everyone around the table flinched because of the sudden sound.

The atmosphere becomes tense again but this time it was thicker. Sehun who is beside Suzy was already giving Suzy a worried look because he was afraid that Luhan will get mad. Everyone of them knew that Luhan was kind of guy that would take things easy and never took it seriously but when he was pushed to some point which seems like provoking him, he definitely don’t like it.

Chanyeol just smiled awkwardly to ease the tension but his awkward smile was making him looked like a creeper.

Tao keeps giving Soohyun his famous dark gaze.

D.O stared judgingly at Soohyun with his big eyes.

“What was you were trying to imply to?” Luhan’s voice was calm and slow but that was making him looked scarier. Soohyun leaned closed to Luhan. “You heard me, if I was you, I would never left by her side and be with another girl but thanks to you, I finally get her,” 

Suzy was surprised hearing those words from Soohyun. She never thought that Soohyun would say something like that. Never cross her mind, because that Soohyun he knows is nice and calm. “Come again? What makes you think I never care for her?” Luhan raised his eyebrows.  

“I don’t know. What kind of boyfriend left her girlfriend just to be with another girl? Plus, you just simply couldn’t remember what her favorites and liking. Tch… sounds like you never care for her in the first place.” Soohyun scoffed.


Suzy’s POV

 “I don’t know. What kind of boyfriend left her girlfriend just to be with another girl? Plus, you just simply couldn’t remember what her favorites and liking. Tch… sounds like you never care for her in the first place.”

I seem like don’t know Soohyun at all when he talked like that. He sounded so sarcastic. I wonder if he was the same Soohyun that I’ve known for years or not. However, what I worried the most is Luhan. Soohyun seems to provoke him to the point that his face looks so dark.

I know Luhan, he doesn’t like being provoked. He hated it, because he has his own ego. Once you pushed him at the point, there he will lost it and that what worried me. I don’t want to blame him for keep forgetting about me but Soohyun was making fuss about it. I just don’t want thing to get worse just because of simple thing.

I heard Luhan laughed, well not really a laugh because he sounded like he was faking it. “So that was what you were fussing about? Only because I lose in this stupid game?” Luhan smirked, this time mocking Soohyun.

“Well, this just proves that you don’t know Suzy at all. Wrong answer, don’t know, can’t remember.” Soohhyun said imitating Luhan’s way of answering.

Luhan took a sip on his drink before he leaned closer to Soohyun with his arm rested on the table. “So do you think I don’t remember anything at all?”I hate it when his voice was all too slow and calm.

Luhan smirked looking challengingly at Soohyun. “What you want to know huh?”

Soohyun shrugged. “Nothing actually, since I know you wouldn’t know anything about her. I should--”

“Her favorite color is black. But sometime she had this weird relationship with pink but she totally loves white and turquoise.” Luhan cut him off and continue, “Her favorite food is meat, and she was crazily in love with meat. Any kind of meat, beef, pork and fish but not chicken because she was allergic to it. However, filet mignon is her favorite. Since she gains weight easily she needs to stop eating meat and chose another food instead because she hated exercise. Vegetable is the best option to stay on diet but she doesn’t want to eat vegetable because she simply hates it.” Luhan glanced at me and all I could do is to look away from him.

“She had this weird sleeping habit and she’s a sleep talker. She will talk the entire gibberish thing but sometimes she would speak in some weird language that you can’t understand. Just hold her hands and she will start talking to you but the problem is she wouldn’t even remember it the next day.” Luhan looked down and chuckled as he remembering those memories.

My heart hurt more hearing it from him. All this while I thought he already forget about it but he doesn’t. It was detailed and I never thought he would take notice of the little thing. “Her biggest fear is that she is very afraid to dark due to some childhood memories that she had when she was little, and every night you need to turn on the light because she doesn’t sleep in the dark.” Luhan smirked at Soohyun who seems speechless about all the info that he just gave.

“And last but not least, Kibum hyung question. Her birthmark and where it is…” Luhan trailed his voice and as he stared at me, I could feel all the blood rush towards my face. Nobody really knows where my birthmark is except for my family. Luhan knows it because he had seen it. My birthmark is a heart shaped near my inner thigh and that’s why nobody has seen it.

“I won’t tell you where, you can ask her yourself, or anything.” Luhan shrugged. Kibum oppa raised his eyebrow. “You know where it is?”

Luhan rolled his eyes before whispered something which make Kibum widened his eyes. “Yeah, he’s right” Kibum oppa nodded looking at Soohyun.

“Well Kim Soohyun-sshi, is there anything else? I guess I’m out of here. This just wasting my time.” Luhan said and stood to leave the table, but he leaned closer to Soohyun and whispered, “Just because we broke up, doesn’t mean that I’m a douchebag that doesn’t care about her anymore.”  He said before he left and that just left me speechless.

Does he mean it? I can’t really register what just happen.  “hyung!” I heard Suho called him but Luhan was already out. I know all of them were shocked too. We don’t really know how to react.

“Well I guess that’s what you get when you make Luhan mad.” Lay blurted. I was kinda surprised when he said that because he was the type that rarely speak but when he speaks, he speaks his mind. The situation was just awkward when Luhan left. Everyone seems like not in the mood anymore. “Take that, bastard.” I could hear Sehun mumbled very slowly and I know he was directing it to Soohyun and gladly he didn’t hear it.

I don’t know I should feel happy about this or not. Deep inside me, I was happy and glad that he still knows and remembers everything about me. He still cares about me? His word really make me suffocate, because the guilt and regret inside of me.

Am I really a bad person?

For the first time, I don’t know why I was feeling that accepting Soohyun was just a mistake.

But I haven’t given him any chance until now, to let him enter my heart. I’m confused; I can’t decide what to do. Luhan, you just make things hard for me to forget about you. How can you make me feel like this?


Luhan’s POV


This guy has totally testing my patience. I was giving him the chance to win this game and still he had to brag more and more. I wanted him to win so that Suzy won’t be feel burden and I don’t want she feel s guilty when she knows the fact that I still cared for her.

I still cared for her, until now, but I don’t want to show it because I wasn’t in that place anymore. She has a boyfriend right now and I want Soohyun to do that for her.

Not me anymore.

I should back off, for now. It was totally fine for me playing with him at first because his word about bragging about Suzy didn’t really affect me much. I could still handle it. Only at first. I was focusing on my food when he started to direct the word for me. It’s like was he was challenging me. I hated being provoked at and he just called me douchebag.

You want to play with me?

I could not help but smirk when I saw his face when I spoke the right answer.

Take that. I wasn’t actually wanted to do this but since this guy had made to do this, there is no more backing off. I glanced at Suzy and I saw her reaction, I know she must’ve thought that I was already forgetting about her but I don’t. It was hard for me to simply do that. I can’t get her out of my mind just like that.

Soohyun looked so speechless and he just can’t hide his expressions. I leant closer to him and whispered, “Just because we broke up, doesn’t mean that I’m a douchebag that doesn’t care about her anymore.”

That word just caught him in surprise and I guess Suzy heard about it too. I left the place because I’m too tired to see her with someone else.

It just hurt me more, watch someone I love, in the arm of other man. I can’t.

Okay I finally managed to do it. Sorry for the rant before this. 

I really thankful for those who gave me support. So in the end I spent 3 hour or so to re-write this chapter back. Thank god I still can remember few of it, hope I don't dissapoint you guys. 

/mama mode/

so mama hope you enjoy it okay! Have a happy day ^_^

xoxo mama SDK

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[SDK - She is your girlfirend... ]Mama will be on hiatus only until April. Don't worry!


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nikkichan782 #1
Chapter 22: Author, it's going to be a year soon since you've updated....please update!!!
Chapter 16: Hehe.. Not relevant to this story but i just want to share some information that both suzy and luhan just winned the god and goddess award at sina weibo..
Chapter 13: Err.. Why suzy ruined everything.. That's a good chance to clear all of the misunderstood thins they had..
Chapter 9: I'm laughing hard at the baby part.. Good job author..
Chapter 4: Wow i'm totally love the flashback part,it has cute, adorable, and innocent love story.. And the persons u choose to starring in ur fic fit perfectly with it..
Chapter 3: Hehe.. Love this fic.. I hope u don't abandon us especially me.. Ur fic fan.. Hehe..
Are you giving up on this story? Why?! I seriously love this story! Like Man!! Please update! Please.
tassyarrrr #8
i'm still waiting this fanfic to be updated