❖~Rubik's Cube~❖


[Cake Shop]


Yuri: What? You want to help him to…what?

Jessica: To find his mother.

Yuri: How are you going to do that?

Jessica: (Shrugs) I don’t know. I just want to help him.

Yuri: Why?

Jessica: If you only saw on how his grandfather treated him you’ll also feel this way.

Yuri: Compassion and concern for others are products of love. Taeyang, what do you think?

            He asked his boyfriend who is at the counter.

Taeyang: She’s still confused but it’ll not take long for her to realize everything.

Yuri: Right! (She said as she winked at him) Anyway, do you have any information about his mother?

Jessica: Nothing.

Yuri: Aish! You need to ask him.

Jessica: We…we’re not…in good terms.

Yuri: Give me your phone.

Jessica: Why?

            Yuri did not answer and just searched for Jessica’s phone. She took it and called Donghae.



            This morning Donghae went to Mr. Han and presented the increase of sales in the Mall and he reminded him of his promise. Mr. Han look at it and is quite impressed of his performance in the company.


Mr. Han: So you’re still interested about your mom? Are you sure? Can you really handle the truth?

Donghae: What kind of question is that? Are you testing me?

Mr. Han: Do you really think I will let you be part of this family with no reason?

Donghae: I know, to use me.

Mr. Han: (Shook his head) Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

              Maybe you already forget that I’m also a father. I also care for my daughter and that’s what I saw to your father when he brought you in this house.

Donghae: What do you mean? Please, explain it to me clearly!

            He did not answer but instead he handed an address to Donghae. The address of his mother.   



~Later that afternoon~

            Now, Donghae is at the park staring at the address thinking if he will go or not. But then he received the call from Jessica and for a moment his mind drifted away about his mother. They decided to meet at the park where he is so he stayed there waiting for her.

            Jessica came in time and saw Donghae eating an ice cream with a little girl beside him also eating an ice cream. It made her smile just seeing him bonding with the little girl. It made her think that Donghae is not just some any other guy but he is a man can really love deeply. He saw her looking in his way so he said goodbye to the little girl and let Jessica sit with him.

Jessica: Why did you ask her to go?

Donghae: She did not go…

            He looked into the direction of the girl who is hiding behind the tree while peeking at them.

Donghae: I told her that my friend will arrive…so she asked me who is more beautiful.

Jessica: Then what did you say?

Donghae: I told the truth. She’s more beautiful and kind.

Jessica: What?

Donghae: Why? That’s the truth. Did you forget what you did to me?

Jessica: I told you…I’m sorry. (Pouting)

Donghae: Okay…okay…

            By the way, why did you call me?

Jessica: Ah…I…I…

Donghae: What?

Jessica: I want to…to help you…I think.

Donghae: Jessica-ah, spit it out! What do you want? If you still feel guilty then don’t be, you’re forgiven.

Jessica: No, I want to help you in looking for your mother.

            Donghae is surprised as he did not expect to hear that from her.

Donghae: Why?

Jessica: Because…because I saw how you got treated by your grandfather. I think you really value your family and it’ll make you really happy if you finally found your mom.

Donghae: (Smirk) so you mean…you’ve been observing me the whole night yesterday. And you’re also concern of my happiness.

            He said brightly as he looked straightly in her eyes.

Jessica: D-deh. What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?

            With no more words he takes her hand and intertwines his fingers into hers. He stands up together with her with a bright smile in his face.

Donghae: You want to make me happy, right?

Jessica: (wide eyes) Y-yes.

Donghae: Then…just stay with me like this.

            They started to walk and Jessica felt that she doesn’t have to argue with him this time. Because she can’t contain her happiness in her heart that she can even feel the blood rushing in her cheeks. And for the first time after a while Jessica felt her heart beats this way again.

            Donghae led her in Namsan Park. The place is full of cherry blossoms with beautiful scenery. They walk around the place then they take pictures together. Jessica saw a hotdog waffle so she bought some for them. 

Jessica: So…when are we going to start looking for your mom?

Donghae: … (He looks away) I don’t know.

Jessica: Do you still want to look for her?

Donghae: Yes…but…but I’m scared. What if she has another family? What if she doesn’t recognize me?

Jessica: Why do you create so many questions? Aish! You’re too old to be afraid.

            Donghae remained silent.

Jessica: I know it’ll not be enough but whatever happens I’ll stay by your side.

Donghae: Really? (Smirk) So, you love me this much now? (He teased)

Jessica: Just like I said, you’re creating so many questions in your head!

Donghae: Is it really just me?

            He looked straight in her eyes and takes her hand again.

Donghae: What do you feel now? Is your heart pounding fast? Can’t you help smiling? Are you feeling happy? This is I always feel whenever I’m with you. Now tell me that you don’t feel the same way.

            Jessica cannot say anything as everything he said is true, all she could do is to control herself. She moves her head away from him but Donghae catches her head. He cupped her chin and shifted it back to him. She’s left frozen in her place as she did not expect what he did next. Donghae looks into her eyes deeply before shutting them then he rested his lips into her cheek. Jessica’s mind went blank; her body felt weak but then she wakes herself up! She pushes him lightly while looking wide eyes at him. Jessica cannot say a word so she just walks out but as she is walking the right heel of her shoe suddenly got broken.

Jessica: Aigoo. Aish… This is so embarrassing.

            He runs towards her and when he saw what happened Donghae laugh at her.

Donghae: (Laughing) This is so funny.

Jessica: What’s so funny about this, huh? You should be helping me.

Donghae: (Giggling) what do you want me to do?

Jessica: What should I do now? You’re one of my favorites. How could you do this to me?

            Jessica said to the shoe looking really sad about what happened to it. So Donghae had to take the shoe from her then helped her sit on the bench.

Donghae: Wait me here, okay?

Jessica: (nods)

            While waiting for Donghae, she still feels sad about her favorite shoe until she saw a couple passing in front of her. Jessica then remembers the kiss. It made her heart flutter again. The smile that she’s holding back finally shows up in her face. She giggles and her cheeks turned red. Donghae then appeared while looking confused at her. 

Donghae: Yah! You look crazy now. Are you okay?

Jessica: Y-yes…

            He then kneeled down, pulled out a rubber shoes from the box and then he puts it to her. It’s a red shiny rubber shoes which fits well to her.

Donghae: It looks good!

Jessica: It’s too shiny and quickly catches attention especially that it’s red.

Donghae: That’s why I picked it and it’s also symbolizes love.

            She stands up to hide her red face from him.

Donghae: Well, I think…it’s time now.

Jessica: We will go now? Why don’t we eat first? Yuri told me that there’s a good restaurant here.

Donghae: I’m sorry but I still need to go somewhere.

Jessica: To where?

Donghae: ….

Jessica: Donghae-ah, is this about your mom? Do you know where she is? Aigoo, you really know! Then I’ll go with you.

Donghae: Aish, she’s doing it again. Why is she so good in reading my mind?


            Together with Jessica, Donghae goes to the address given to him. It’s in an apartment again and it’s all repeating to him like a déjà vu. With cold hands, he pressed the doorbell and introduces himself as a detective. They waited but no one answered. He is losing hope thinking that the address is again fake. Donghae doesn’t want to wait anymore so he decided to go now but then the land lady showed up. She told them that Hye Sung is not there and is at the park with her child.

            So they did not waste anymore time. They went straight at the nearest park and looked for Mrs. Min Hye Sung. He doesn’t care if she already has a family or if she doesn’t remember him anymore because all he wanted is to see her and talk to her. The excitement overcomes his nervousness. They looked around the place to see any familiar face to Donghae.

            They keep on looking when suddenly someone catches the eyes of Donghae. She is sitting at the bench while watching her daughter playing with the other kids. As he stares at her he can feel the missing puzzle in his heart being complete. He goes towards her and he keeps on staring at her smile as it sees his own self with it. Jessica has to elbow him just so he will not look creepy.

Donghae: Excuse me…are you Min…Hye Sung ?

            The lady looks at them curiously but at the same time puzzled.

Hye Sung: Yes, who are you?

Donghae: (Smiling) Really? You are Min Hye Sung? Do you live in this address? (Showing the card)

Hye Sung: Yes. It’s me. But, why? Who are you?

Donghae: Ah, I’m a detective.

            He’s not really going to say that but because he’s not in his right mind that time, Donghae gave the wrong information to her.

Jessica: And…I’m his assistant. Sir, if you want I’ll just wait for you in the car.

            Donghae agreed so she left them and waited inside the car. He sits down with her still staring at his mom. He really can’t believe that his greatest dream is really happening now. However, Hye Sung  is beginning to feel weird while glancing at him.

Hye Sung: Mr. Detective, I already have a family and a child. Please, stop staring at me like that. (She stands up)

Donghae: Wait a minute. You’re wrong. I’m sorry. I just need to ask some questions.

Hye Sung: Okay. (She sits down again)

Donghae: You said that you have a child, right? Where is he?

Hye Sung: There she is. She’s my daughter.

            Donghae is quite disappointed as he is expecting to hear his name.

Hye Sung: I don’t understand. What do you want from me?

Donghae: So…you have your own family now.

Hye Sung: Yes. I’m married to a business man and she’s our daughter. You’re not answering my question.

Donghae: I’m here for…Mr. Lee Hyo Jae. The former president of the HDY Company. Do you still remember him?

            Her face changes as she looks away from him.

Hye Sung: Why?

Donghae: I’m just investigating something about him.

Hye Sung: But he’s already dead, right? I saw it in the newspaper.

Donghae: So you know? Did…you also see his family?

Hye Sung: No. That was the last news I heard about him.

Donghae: Did he do something to you?

Hye Sung: No. he’s a good guy. So whatever is that you’re investigating, I know that he did that because it’s the right thing to do.

Donghae: I don’t think so…I heard…that he has an illegitimate child. Do you know about this? Did he force you to give up that child?

Hye Sung: No! He did not. I…I was the one who gave up our child.

Donghae: What? You…gave the child to him? (He asked in disbelief)

Hye Sung: I have to…I don’t have the money to raise the child. At first, he refused because he wanted our son to have a mother but I told him that what our child needs is a great future.

            Her voice is cracking as she tries to hold back her tears.

Donghae: Then…why did you have to hide? You did nothing wrong.

Hye Sung: You can call me selfish but…I also want to have a new start and forget everything about him and the child. I told Mr. Han to hide me from my son and he agreed.

            It took Donghae for a moment to absorb all the things that he just heard from his own mother. Everything is becoming clear to him now; all the answers from his questions are starting to build in his mind. Tears run down in his face and he cannot even hold it back.  

Donghae: Is that so… Did you even think of your son?

Hye Sung: …

            Donghae doesn’t have to hear the answer as he can get it by just looking at her mother. Hye Sung watches him cries and now walks away. Her heart was like being pinch seeing him being hurt like that. While he walks away she suddenly has the same feeling when she left her son to his father. So with just her instinct she runs after him and called him by his name.

Hye Sung: This can’t be happening. Is he…really? How did he know about my son? Donghae-ssi! Donghae-ssi!

            Donghae stopped but he did not look back to her. So she has to go in front of him just to see his face. It’s just now that she realizes it’s really her son.

Hye Sung: It’s you. Donghae-ah…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’m really sorry.

            Her tears fall down as she touches his face but he keeps on looking away from her.

Hye Sung: You’re really big and handsome now. Forgive me for what I said I didn’t know.

            He did not understand but he already knows that it’s the truth that he’s been seeking for all these years. The truth that it was his mother really left him and is already happy with her new life. Then her daughter came clinging to her mother while looking curious to Donghae. So he smiled at her and bent down to give her a candy that made her smile widely.

Donghae: I’m already glad knowing that you are fine and… happy with your family.

Hye Sung: Donghae…

            With no more words to say Donghae goes straight into the car without looking back at his mom. When Jessica saw him worn out like that he can’t help but get worried.

Jessica: What happened?

Donghae: She already has her family.

Jessica: I’m sorry.

            He started his car and went off right away. Both are quiet and Jessica can strongly feel his sadness. She wanted to ask and know about it but she feels that all she can do now is to keep quiet and be there with him. However, Donghae stopped the car in front of the apartment of Jessica and asked her to leave. She refused and wanted to stay there with him but he insisted that he needs to be alone. So she followed his wish and stepped out of his car. But before he goes Jessica moves closely to him and gives him a hug.

Jessica: Donghae-ah… Everything will be alright again.

            Donghae gave her a weak smile then he gets back to his car and drove to his father’s grave. He slowly walks towards it while just dragging his feet. Tears run down in his face and he can feel the pain in every step that he takes. When he finally reaches him he cannot help anymore but to cry out loud.

Donghae: (crying) I’m sorry! Father, I’m sorry…

            He keeps on saying the same thing while thinking on how he treated his father when he was still alive and even when until he’s already gone.

Donghae: (crying) you kept on loving and protecting me while I remained on hurting you! Why? Why did you have to do that?!

            Donghae let it all out to release all the pain that he feels. He is very exhausted but the tears continue to fall down from his eyes. He keeps asking for his forgiveness but all he can hear is silence.



> I'm very sorry for the lat update. My mom is sick that's why.  Anyway, thank you for waiting and reading my story :D

> This is a HaeSica chapter so guys what do you think??? Any violent or spazzing reaction please share it. But I really feel sad for Donghae... :(

> Don't worry TaecYoon shippers, my next chapter will be interesting.

> Oh, by the way, Happy Happy New Year!!! 

*Only few chapters before the ending of Book 1*




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njemus #1
Chapter 29: Woah!! This story is great author-nim,make me cry yet make me happy
Ji-hyo101 #2
Chapter 29: Hey! Im here from the 2015
tennisj #3
Chapter 29: Yea, thanks for the alternate ending, I feel happy for them all =)
Jamess #4
Chapter 29: wow this was great ending........^__^
Chapter 28: Sequeeeeeel!
Chapter 28: Eeek didnt realize it ended! Tsk2. So saaad...
tennisj #7
Chapter 28: It was a beautiful yet sad story. I really hope you'll post the alternate ending, you don't have to do it right away but please do when you're no longer busy, I'll be waiting and good luck :)
taecyoonride #8
seeing the 'completed' grrrr, why it ended?! aaaaaaah...write again soon! I love the story, really really love!
Jamess #9
Chapter 28: i love the ending but it was so sad.......^__^
Chapter 28: So haesica did not make it but at least they would not be separated in their after life now.