I Might Even Love You

You're Such a Geek, but I Like You


“So~ How are you feeling today?” I asked Sang Ki. It’s been a whole month since that and her met eyes again. He came back after a few days, but I sort of got mad and well…kicked him in the crotch…and then after that, well…it just started a huge fight. A few guys from the school noticed me fighting with an older guy and helped out. We didn’t start some brutal fight or anything; they just helped me chase him away.

He hasn’t come back since, so I will choose to believe that he’s not coming back. Maybe he thinks it’s too much trouble for one girl.

“Good. And you?” She replied, drinking a sip of her juice.

“Good too. So…” I kept my seat on the edge of her bed while she sat at her desk.

“Yes?” She kept her focus on her homework without looking towards me.

“Um… It’s the weekend; we should go out.” I said bravely. She glanced over, giving me a small smile.

“Sure. Where do you want to go?”

“Where ever you want to go.” She laughed a little.

“It’s not like me dad would let us go anywhere anyway.” I frowned a bit.

“I think he accepts me a little more though… He even gave me a thumbs-up the other day!” She just laughed, nodding her head. I sighed. “He knows we’re dating and that I can protect you, but he still doesn’t like me…”

“It’s natural considering my situation.”

“I know, but…there are days when I just want to show you a fun time and I can’t because of him.” She finally turned my way.

“Sorry…it’s my fault technically.”

“I-I didn’t mean it like that. I just want to spend more time with you. We don’t have much work at school these days either and the weekends are pretty much free. I end up sitting around in my room and then my mom wonders if we broke up haha. She’s really still doubtful that we’re actually dating and that I must have begged you to pretend for her.” We both just laughed as if I was cracking jokes, but I was sadly being serious.

“Well, we should go on a date then.” My eyes lit up a little.

“R-Really?! You can actually come?!”

“I’ll just ask my mom instead of my dad; she would let me.” I smiled, seeing Sang Ki go out of her room for a minute. Wah~ Sang Ki is actually going to go out with me today! We haven’t really had anything like dates after we started dating and I feel like I could show her a much better time now that the is gone! I think she trusts me a bit more as well.


Gongchan POV

We should go out on a date today! ;D

Who is this person?! They keep texting me and it’s so bothersome! They even did it while I was in class and the teacher took away my phone…I didn’t even check any of the messages; I was being a good student!

I groaned when my phone beeped again. I’ll just reply to shut them up!

Who is this? Please STOP texting me. I feel uncomfortable about this, so please stop calling me things like ‘honey,’ ‘oppa,’ and ‘Channie!’

I put the phone down, almost waiting for a reply back even if I told this person to stop texting me.

But ;___; why…? You don’t like me?! I’m sorrrrry! I thought oppa liked all the attention from me…T^T I guess not! *cries in the corner*

I sighed at the response. It sounds like some little kid even… How did this person even get my number?! Ah, I’ll just find out who it is deviously!

Wah! Oppa is super sorry! Sorry _____ Ah. I don’t know your name! Please tell me so I can apologize properly!

Ha. This should get her, or at least I hope it’s a her… I have this weird thought that I must be attractive to males ever since Jinyoung told me that he liked me for two years before. I still can’t imagine it! How could Jinyoung actually like me…he’s dating Sang Ki now haha. I wonder if she ever knew… Anyway, I just hope this is some little girl who I can shake off!

Wah! I never told you did I Oppa?! O___O Sorry! It’s Minji!

Minji…must be some little middle schooler.

Well Minji-ah, can you please not message Oppa anymore? Oppa’s girlfriend is getting upset! *puffing cheeks up to ask you*

 I didn’t want to lie about having a girlfriend, but I’m pretty sure it’ll get rid of this kid.

There was no response…maybe they already gave up!


Shinwoo POV

“He said he has a girlfriend! You lied to me!” Minji was yelling at Haneul again… I sighed because they were so loud before class was starting. It’s too early to yell…

“H-He said he didn’t to me!” Haneul’s soft voice was quiet, but still loud for her.

“Lies! You’re just sabotaging me!” While attempting not to watch the argument at hand, I notice Jinyoung and Sang Ki walk in together. I’ll admit, although I did like Sang Ki before, her and Jinyoung make a good couple. They always seem together, but not in an annoying way like most couples.

“Whoa, what’s going on over there…?” Gongchan whispered to me, watching Haneul and Minji argue.

“Minji likes some guy, and Haneul got caught up in it. The usual I guess.”

“Yeah…I wonder who the guy is this time. for him.” Ah. Wasn’t it Gongchan…? Well, it’s not like he knows…but I thought Minji was texting him a lot? Maybe he ignores it.

Class was going smoothly today as usual. Test on Monday… I glanced over to Sang Ki. I noticed that Jinyoung never writes notes or anything to her in class; most couples do annoying things like that. It’s so bothersome! “Yah, Shinwoo!” Minji loudly whispered to me.

“What?” I whispered back.

“Pass this to Haneul.” I rolled my eyes at the small note in her hands. She looked back towards the teacher.

Then what? You mean that Gongchan lied about not dating anyone?! Like he would do that!

I sighed as I read the note, passing it to Haneul. She soon handed on back to me. I swear! He must have lied to me then! I wonder who he’s dating…

Minji gave back the note after writing more. I’ll kill that girl! It’s definitely not Sang Ki since she’s with Jinyoung now- though I don’t get why. He’s such a geek. Though, I guess she’s kind of a nerd too. Maybe they belong together! XD

I ripped the note up, seeing her gawking while I did it.


Gongchan POV

“Yah! What was that for?!” I heard Minji yelling at Shinwoo after class.

“Don’t insult my friends and so simply tell me to pass along the note.” He spoke sternly.

“Tch. It’s my personal opinion about them. What does it matter to you?” Minji and Shinwoo always fight…

“Gongchan-ah,” my eyes turned to Haneul, “Can we talk?”

“Sure, what’s up?” She motioned for me to come outside the classroom.

“Look…Minji really likes you. She’s been the one bothering you over text lately.” It’s this Minji?! But she’s so annoying sounding! Well, I suppose that’s how she is in real life too… “Um, if you don’t like her, can you just say so? She won’t get it otherwise.”

“Oh, sure.” I noticed that Haneul’s voice was a bit louder and more casual with me today. I like it.

She quickly left and I saw Shinwoo literally run out of the classroom, eyeing Minji who ran after him with claws for nails. I could still hear him laughing as he ran.

Haha, I’m sure that Minji and Shinwoo would make a much better couple than me and her.


Jinyoung POV

“Are you sure about this?” I whispered to Sang Ki, the two of us getting ready to run.

“We’ve been planning this for a whole month now! Are you ready?” I nodded, turning the doorknob before we had to make a break for it.

“Haha, if we don’t make it out together, I’ll come back for you, okay?” She laughed at the jokes, getting ready still. “Okay now. One, two, three.” I slammed the door open, both of us running through Sang Ki’s living room, past her shocked father, and out the door.

We heard a yell from her father who actually was chasing us.

“Oh gosh!” Sang Ki was starting to slow a little, but I held her hand to out run her father.

Once I thought it was safe, I  quickly hid behind against a wall, trying to catch my breath.

“Looks like we can finally have our date.” I said with a smile to Sang Ki.

“Yup! Let’s go play around haha.” We went to our arcade as usual and I thought I could finally win against Sang Ki at that shooting game.


“So, I heard that Gongchan found a girlfriend~” Sang Ki tried to distract me as we played.

“Really? Who?” That guy likes way too many girls to actually get one to himself haha.

“Haneul and him are dating.”

“The quiet one? Really?” It sounds like a lie.

“Yeah, apparently she really likes to write and I guess Gongchan also likes to write stories. I think it’s cute.”

“Haha, I guess so.” Game Over. Player 1 Wins. I sighed at the all too familiar words that popped up after I lost to Sang Ki in our game.

“And did you hear about Shinwoo? He finally found love too!” She exclaimed as I put another quarter in the game.

“Really…? Ah! Is it Minji?!” She nodded happily.

“They are so cute together! They always argue though haha.”

“I’m sure it’s all just playful~ Oh, I forgot to tell you. Sandeul’s finally starting to date too.”

“Really?! He’ll make any girl happy for sure.” She said as I lost the game once again with the words Game Over. Player 1 Wins. I inserted another quarter.

“Yah~ I make you happy too, right?” She stayed silent. “Fine. You can just go back home then.” I snapped at her, making her laugh a little.

“Of course, you make me happier.” I started winning the game, furrowing my brow at my rising score.

Sang Ki hugged me around the waist, my eyes flickering towards her. “I like you the best!” She said with a kiss that made me jump and let go of the game, the two of us accidentally falling over together.

“Geez Sang Ki… I really like you too.” I said pecking her forehead. I really really like Sang Ki so much. I might even love her, but I'll keep it a secret until I'm sure.

We stood up; laughing the awkwardly cute situation off when I finally saw the words I wanted to see.

Game Over. Player 2 Wins.


It's finally over after so long! Haha, I'm sure most of you are like, I forgot about this story months ago...

Well, I hope you liked the story at some point! Um...I don't really ask things like this, but if you really really liked this story, upvote and comment? Haha, I feel funny asking that to people ^^

Hope you read another story of mine! Most of them are about Jinyoung haha


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Chapter 36: Woooooaaah. I was kinda expecting the whole story to circulate on JinChan but overall it was so good. Thanks for this story. TTuTT
Chapter 36: uwaaaaaaaaah!!
I really really like the story! <3
I just found it now, and I read all the chapter in one night!
I can't stop reading it, and it kind of sad that the story is over :<
Thank you so much for sharing this awesome story!
love youuuuu <3
hallojmo #3
Chapter 24: omg when you wrote "win over jinyoung" i thought it meant that baro was gay....well then that'd be one big plot twist LOL. time to keep reading~
Chapter 36: Is this story finished already?? I hope not... If it is, can you make a sequel?? I mean, this story is so great till I stayed up in midnight to just finish reading this...so sequel, ne? Jebal!!!!!!
Chapter 36: Haahha.. MINWOO Couple
jennifer1801 #6
Chapter 36: Awwww it came to end ...goingbto miss reading this...
SweetTarts #7
Chapter 2: Haha love potion reminds me of the love perfume jinyoung tried to make in the jap version of beautiful target ^^
KillaGurl #8
Chapter 17: i was never before just this peverted damn bastard!! he almost ____ me. i managed to get away though.
KillaGurl #9
Chapter 7: Ahhh,, Jinyoung!! any girl can melt when they hear that sentence from you! Moreover ,you winked! OMG WInked!!