The Boy Next Door (Discontinued)

Eunhee stared as L.Joe leaned in. What is he doing? Eunhee could feel the warmth rushing to her cheeks; Eunhee quickly shut her eyes, not wanting to see what’s going to happen next. She waited but nothing came. She slowly opened her eyes and saw L.Joe looking at her with his brown eyes. Eunhee blinked at him.

                “You’re an idiot.”

                Eunhee frowned at what she heard, “What?”

                “You heard me,” L.Joe told her. “You’re an idiot. So freaking careless, this is what happens to you when you don’t listen to me.”

                Eunhee scoffed and glared at the boy that was still holding her. “Why are you so upset?”

                “I’m not upset,”

                “Yeah you are,”

                “No I’m not,” L.Joe sighed. “God, you’re an idiot.”

                Eunhee’s frown deepened and she pushed L.Joe away. “God, I hate you!” She got up and walked away from L.Joe. L.Joe saw her retreating figure and decided to go after her. He ran to Eunhee and settled right by her side. Eunhee glanced to her left and glared at him. “Go away,”

                “I can’t, we go the same way.”

                Eunhee rolled her eyes, “You’re so annoying!”

                “I’m annoying? You’re the one that keeps complaining about something completely unnecessary.”

                “I’m complaining?” Eunhee scoffed and crossed her arms. “I’m not complaining.”

                “Sure you are.”

                Eunhee rolled her eyes and suddenly shivered. A sudden wind blew past her which caused her to shiver and causing her crossed arms to tightly embrace her damp clothing. L.Joe noticed that Eunhee was getting cold and sighed. He s his jacket and handed it to Eunhee. Eunhee stared at the jacket in his hands and back at the owner. “You’re cold, so wear it. No complaints.” Eunhee stared at the jacket for a little while before slowly reaching for it and wearing it. L.Joe didn’t know if his ears were playing with him because he thought he heard a faint ‘thank you’. He didn’t say anything of that but smiled instead.

                The topic of L.Joe supposedly ignoring Eunhee was never spoken of again. Not a single word was uttered of it when they reached the site or when they had dinner or when they went to bed. Not even Chunji and Nicole asked once about the situation that was happening. L.Joe and Eunhee both knew if they ever brought it up again they will end up arguing again. So for both their sakes they ended like that. By the time their camping was over they went back to talking to each other like nothing between was wrong.






A couple months later



It was the early days of December and it was getting cold for everyone’s taste. It’s only been a few months since L.Joe been here and let’s just say he forgot how good it felt to be back in Seoul. But he never really felt good about going to school, but he dealt with it. His Language class was finally done with the play Romeo & Juliet and he hasn’t been this happy that were done with this play in his entire life.

                He sat in his chair in class with Chunji sitting beside him, and the Nicole and Eunhee sitting behind them. L.Joe was trying so hard not to fall asleep, and he already knew that Eunhee had failed miserably. It’s been months since Eunhee and him had that conversation of him ignoring her for a while. He honestly thought ignoring Eunhee could help him sort out everything, but it only made things worst. So he never ignored Eunhee again, but still didn’t help with his situation. He honestly doesn’t know what he feels for Eunhee, nor does he know what he feels for Hye Joo.

                He sighed; he just wished that everything will be solved soon. Like right now. He glanced at Chunji and then at Nicole. They were both jotting down whatever Mrs. Cho was talking about. After their camping trip ended and both L.Joe and Eunhee tried to continue their ‘Let’s get Chunji and Nicole together’ adventure but they failed miserably.

                Both of their plans of getting Chunji and Nicole together failed so badly that it wasn’t even funny. L.Joe almost took up Ricky’s idea of locking them both in a closet and they wouldn’t be released until they confessed to each other but he some morals in him to not do that, while Ricky did not.

                So that leaves L.Joe and Eunhee plan less and Chunji and Nicole not together. L.Joe blew some air out and stared straight ahead, trying his best to listen to what ever Mrs. Cho was talking about. I

                “Okay, class, listen up.”

                L.Joe felt Chunji poking his side and he lazily turned his head to face him. He mouthed a ‘what’ to him and Chunji nodded his head towards the two girls and in the back and L.Joe immediately understood what he was trying to say. L.Joe turned around and smiled at Nicole, who was looking at him at the time, and then turned to Eunhee, who had her head down on the desk, sleeping. He was going to poke her to death until she woke up, but thought otherwise. Instead he just lightly pushed her head; Eunhee softly groaned and whacked L.Joe’s hand away. L.Joe smiled and continued to do so until Eunhee got fed up and she slowly raised her head to see who was messing with her. She groaned at who she saw. “Go away,”

                “I can’t, I go to school here.” Eunhee groaned and placed her head back down. “Wake up Eunhee, unless you want to get caught by Mrs. Cho.”

                After hearing this, Eunhee immediately sat up straight and made it look like she was actually doing something.

                “Okay, class, as you guys know we finished Shakespeare’s play Romeo & Juliet and I was just told by the school’s drama production team that they will be doing the play for their winter collection. And they selected our class, as well another class, and you guys don’t have to audition. Some of you will be playing the roles of the play, while some of you guys will be helping out with the production crew.”

                Everyone looked at Mrs. Cho, some with excitement in their eyes and some that could care less really. “Do I make myself clear?”

                “Yes, Mrs. Cho.”

                “Okay, now I’ll read off the roles,”

                Mrs. Cho grabbed out a long list of names and their roles and began to call out the names. Mrs. Cho was nearing the end of the list and some people weren’t called yet. Chunji and Eunhee being one of them. L.Joe was chosen to be in the lighting team, while Nicole was chosen to be one of the coordinators. Chunji and Eunhee waited, nervously, for their roles, even L.Joe and Nicole waited nervously for the duos parts. Especially when the role of Romeo and Juliet hasn’t been called yet.

                Eunhee bit her bottom lip under the anxiety of waiting for so long for her role, Chunji was in a similar case but the sound of his tapping feet was heard. The four of them were feeling the anxiety of waiting and it wasn’t fun.

                “And the role of Juliet is…” Everyone was on the edge of their seats, waiting to find out who’s playing Juliet. “Wow, umm Eunhee.”

                Everyone in the classroom jaws drop at what they heard, even the girl was called. “What?”

                “And Romeo will be Chunji,”


And here's Chapter 36! I hope you guys like it. I'm sorry I had to skip their camping trip. I didn't want to stay on one day for too long so I did a huge time skip. Not much of the couples, but I did add a twist! Eunhee is Juliet and Chunji is Romeo! I wonder how L.Joe and Nicole are going to feel?

Thanks for reading this you guys it makes me happy! Even with everything that is going on, I'm a little upset about some things and the issue with Kris leaving EXO is one of them. But overall I'm going through a huge mental breakdown about high school. High school is a drag and the requirements to graduate is literally a pain in my and I just want to punch someone. Yeah its that bad. But I'm trying my best to update on the right time for you guys. See you on the next update!

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Okay, I'm really late in updating this, and I apologize for that. I'll update this maybe this weekend.


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Chapter 47: I like your story authornim....if only you continue it ^^
Chapter 47: I want more Nicole and Chunji!!!!
Chapter 45: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Hcehehfwhidbed #4
Chapter 45: Whyyyy???will u please update soon authornimmmmmmmm
Chapter 44: Authornimmmmmmm!!!!!!! palllii update!! xP
smileypink #6
Chapter 42: Oh nooo !! Chunji T..T
Why can't you just change the lead role for male . I mean l.joe can ;)
And nicori dont be sad over the kiss scene !
Chapter 42: Omg I need to know if they kiss!! Asdfghj
Chapter 42: OOOOOOOOH ermagerd
Chapter 40: Huhuhu I just wanna murder that Hyemi c: