Why LJoe Not Joe Only?

Be Ma Girl?

(A/N: hello chingus! ^_^ sorry i updated so late hehe... ><" GUESS WHO'S BIRTHDAY WILL IT BE TODAY?! :D AND FOR THOSE YOU KNOW, CONGRATS YOUR A TRUE ________ geehehhe will be revealed after the chap~~ <3333 and is the color too light? i am quite fond of this color! xD BUT PINK IS ALWAYS THE BEST!! XD)

The next day wasn't that exciting with Eunji. Let's just say, she bought her materials and just lazed around the villa like a lazy bum. Eunji wanted to help the orphanage but because she didn't know any orphanages in Seoul, she was pretty much slumped. A lot.

Let's skip all the boring part til' next week! Where all the excitement begins...

So on the school day Eunji woke up groggily, she was mostly a heavy sleeper. She's still a morning person though... AFTER she washes her face that is. One of the maids have just knocked on her door with bare feet, again. *Aigoo... I should have worn my bunny slippers... But I can't keep the maid waiting.* She opened the door and thanked the maid for bringing her school uniform. The maid smiled and walked off.

​Eunji looked at her school uniform: White blouse and a long peach pink skirt that reaches up to her ankles. *I like the skirt, its pretty.* Eunji thought and skipped to her own marvelous toilet that was in her room, doing her business.

​She ate breakfast quickly noticing her mom wasn't in the kitchen which only means one thing. Her mom was already in the car, and her mom really doesn't like waiting.

​Eunji ran to the car way outside the villa and panted as she opened the ca door then sat down.

"Mianhae eomma... Which school am I going to?" Eunji asked to clear the awkwardness. And also to prevent her eomma from nagging her, and trust me, when her eomma nags, it goes on forever. "This elite school called TOP High or something. I couldn't really care less. I think we are all almost there, so behave yourself in school and don't get into trouble which I highly doubt you would. Don't disappoint me."

​Eunji nodded and bit her lip. *Why does eomma always have to be so strict when it comes to education? She's my loving eomma when there is none of this education talk...* Eunji sighed mentally and remembered thats why her mom had such a great success in business.  She is plainly the type of a hardworking workaholic and occasionally becoming a caring mom when nothing involved to Eunji's education and work.

​The Mercedes pulled to a halt and the chauffeur opened the door for Eunji. Eunji quickly shuffled out nervous on what the other students might think and quickly bid goodbye to her mom.

*Maybe I should just walk to school...* Eunji thought. In fact Eunji didn't like the fact of driving as it was harming the air with such horrible gases fuming from the car.

​Eunji took out the map of the school. Yes, it was so big that it even has a map for new transfer students. 

"If I walk here... Then turn a left... Then turn left again... Then go up some stairs and walk past the washrooms... I should be able to reach the office." She mumbled. She looked up at where she was a caught some students looking at her. Eunji gulped, not liking the attention she was having.

She shuffled quickly to the office feeling out of place. "Um annyeonghaseyo. I'm new here and um, I think this is where you get your schedule at? I'm called Seo Eunji." Eunji said to the lady at the office counter, "Ah Seo Eunji. Okay here is your schedule. Take care of your self now." The lady smiled at her. Eunji bowed and thanked the lady. 

*Maybe they aren't that bad?* Eunji thought making her smile.

​She still had a problem walking to her class as her class was right at the OTHER BLOCK OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL. Eunji bit her lip and looked around for help.

She saw the only girl in the corridor. Eunji had a bad feeling about her but walked to her anyway. She especially didn't want to be late for class. Not only because it was her first and ever class in her whole life.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Eunji imnida. May I ask if you know where this class is?" Eunji showed her the paper. The girl looked at her as if she was some sort of alien and walked away, ignoring her.

*Omo... Is that how people are in this school?* Eunji gulped again and shook her head. She looked at the map in her hand and began looking for her class.

​In the end she got to her class. Not late by the way, which Eunji was relieved to. The class was almost full and it had only two empty seats left. Which were in the middle.

​Eunji picked the one near the window and sat that, arranging her stuff like how she always do when she was homeschooled.

​Just then someone sat next to her and she almost jumped out of her chair when she heard the chair screech on the marble floor. Yes, MARBLE. Eunji calmed her fast beating heart from the surprise and looked at the person next to her.

​She almost gasped out loud. Eunji saw one of the most good looking guy she had ever saw, but noticing the cold aura around him, Eunji shook her head mentally and started looking through her textbooks.

​She was too engrossed in looking through the first chapter that she didn't notice the person next to her looking at her as if she was an alien again.

Eunji didn't like this feeling, she felt like hiding in a hole with his intense aura. The door opened with the teacher coming in.

​The class didn't silence though making the teacher slam his ruler on the table silencing the class finally. Eunji kept shut the whole time. *This is nothing like Mrs Choi... She was kind and nice not like this teacher.* 

"Okay now, we have a new student here. Please come out and introduce yourself." The teacher said. *I never thought you need to introduce yourself...* She thought and walked up to the front nervously.

"Annyeonghaseyo Seo Eunji imnida. I was homeschooled before coming here and I was previously from Incheon." Eunji bowed. "Okay Eunji. I'm Mr Cha. Now you may take a seat." Mr Cha said and Eunji went back to her seat.

The guy next to her looked at her with cold eyes. Eunji mentally gulped again and squeaked, "Annyeong. I'm Eunji." The guy ignored her and looked straight front.

*Why is he so cold? Eeeeeh just when I knew he was one of those bad bad people who are not making any friends... Eeeeh* Eunji mentally faced palm herself. She sat a bit straighter and looked at his book. 'LJoe'. *Eh? What a funny name... Why would someone want to name themselves L with Joe instead of putting Joe only?* Eunji thought.

​She continued to listen to Mr Cha looking forward to lunch but also a bit scared as she had no one to sit with in the cafeteria.




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Chapter 43: Good story author...but i really hate Minji
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 51: chappie 51: such a sweet ending......
and such a good story you made, author-nim .......
hwaiting!!!!! ganbatte!!!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 50: chappie 50: yeay!!!!!!! happy!!!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 47: chappie 47: poor l.joe.......
and i hope that eunji is fine.....
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 34: chappie 34: kyahhh!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 25: chappie 25: so... eunji's omma is actually a kind omma ......
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 22: chappie 22: woowww!!!!!!
where is THE COLD L.JOE gone for ...............??
this is only THE SWEET L.JOE came out ...............!!
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 21: chappie 21: aigooooo...............
this little devil.......
ish.. ish..ish......
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 20: chappie 20: aigoo.......
what is this little devil planning ...........??
p/s : i really want to read more but i have to stop now.......
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 13: chappie 13: i think i know the first and the second person....
but, who is the third person???? <- is reina ???