
Be Ma Girl?

(A/N: omg mianhae again for updating so late... ><" but i just wanna inform you guys that i dont know what is lunch in the morning cause you know in the morning we have break in school right? yeah, i'm not sure if its called lunch or break or... I DONNO!! :p so just think of it as morning lunch... :p GUESS WHO'S BIRTHDAY IS IT LATER! :D <3333333)

The bell rang signaling lunch for the students which Eunji was relieved at and also scared. *Omo... Can we eat in the classroom?* She looked around she was the only one left in the classroom. Gulp. *Maybe not...*

Eunji took the map and her cute lunchbox that was originally plain then transformed into something so cute you could sell it to little girls and wallked out of the classroom.

"So it says here that there's a garden in the school... Aww no food allowed? Hmm..." She mumbled quietly and took a peek at her lunchbox, she didn't have the time to do her own lunch, nor did her eomma allow her to anyways. "Toast with apples... I'll skip the apples and eat them after school." She mumbled again and rushed to the classroom to put down her lunchbox.

"I'm sure the garden is pretty!" Eunji said while quickly eating the toast so that she was allowed to go in the garden.

​Meanwhile...... LJoe was hanging out with his good buddies aka TeenTop at the cafeteria. LJoe groaned when he reached for his pocket and felt nothing but his iPhone 4S in his pocket. "I'll go get my wallet." LJoe grumbled emotionally.

Niel told his hyung, "CAP hyung, do you think LJoe hyung will change at all? He's scary... We all know what happened to him but... Can't he just let go?" The wiser hyung told him, "He will change someday. We can't do anything about as he sometimes distance himself from us Niel. Ever since that situation we can't really do anything about it."

Niel could only nod sadly and watched LJoe's retreating back. *I miss the old hyung...*

LJoe was rummaging through his entire backpack when he didn't find the wallet he was expecting to find. "Damn it. I must have left it at home." He cursed and wanted to walk back to the cafeteria when something pink and sparkly caught his eye. 

*What the hell is this? An eye blinder?* LJoe thought and looked at Eunji's lunchbox. LJoe looked at Eunji's lunchbox and noticed every single detail as yes, LJoe has very sharp eyes. (A/N: whaaaaat? BAHHAHA LOL! xD) *These are all made from those do-it-yourself stickers... How pathetic to waste your time on this .* LJoe thought and shook his head as he walked out of the empty classroom.

Back to Eunji. As she was roaming around the garden, she saw a rusty old watering can. "Oh! Its a watering can! Maybe I can water the plants... They seem thirsty! Food is coming to you plants! All you need is sunlight and carbon dioxide from yours truly and you can make food that is called photosynthesis!" Eunji giggled to herself and took the watering can then filled it with water from the tap at the shed.

"The water here seems so fresh hehe!" Eunji squealed and started to sprinkle some water over some carnations. "You know little carnations, sometimes I wish I can be a flower and just be so carefree. Your lucky your a flower Mr and Mrs Carnation!" She talked to the flower as if it was alive.

​Just then she heard foot steps coming near the garden. Eunji looked up and saw LJoe walking past the garden. As you see, you need to walk past the garden to go to the cafeteria.

Eunji minded her own business and began watering pink roses. "Gehehehe the petals are so fluffy! And... They smell sooooo nice! Like roses! Maybe because they ARE roses!" Eunji laughed at her own joke as she took a sniff of one of the pink roses.

​LJoe who was walking past stopped on his tracks and looked at Eunji as if she was insane. No actually thats exactly what he thought. *Is that girl insane? Talking by herself. And she's watering the plants with that rusty old watering can! Who would want to ruin their precious time to hold that filthy old junk?!* LJoe scrunched his nose and looked more closely at Eunji.

Eunji did not notice someone looking at her as she was totally absorbed by talking to herself, to the plants, and watering them. She had moved on to some fine bushed that has been cut at the shape on the schools logo."What an interesting bush! It looks like the school's logo!" Eunji said to herself still totally oblivious that LJoe had widened his eyes when Eunji opened to talk to... HERSELF. 

*SHE MUST BE CRAZY LJOE. CRAZY. WALK AWAY BEFORE YOU GET MENTALLY HIT WITH A MENTAL GIRL.* LJoe screamed in his mind but his body did otherwise. HE FRIGGIN WALKED TO HER! LJoe looked at Eunji who was now happily humming a soft tune while watering a batch of bluebells and asked, "Why are you here?"

​That did the trick to scare the wits out of Eunji as she screamed like a little girl and through the watering can startled making the water dump all over her.






​WHY YES IT IS GONGCHAN!!! ;D <333 SAEGILCHUKHA IMNIDA GONGCHAN! SARANGHAEEEEEEE!! XD HEHEHEHEHEHEH btw i heard i think he's sick so get well soon Gongchan! Fans will support you and hope you will get bettttttter! :) <33333333333333

(ooowie the person who made this got the birthdate wrong! ><")


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Chapter 43: Good story author...but i really hate Minji
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 51: chappie 51: such a sweet ending......
and such a good story you made, author-nim .......
hwaiting!!!!! ganbatte!!!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 50: chappie 50: yeay!!!!!!! happy!!!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 47: chappie 47: poor l.joe.......
and i hope that eunji is fine.....
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 34: chappie 34: kyahhh!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 25: chappie 25: so... eunji's omma is actually a kind omma ......
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 22: chappie 22: woowww!!!!!!
where is THE COLD L.JOE gone for ...............??
this is only THE SWEET L.JOE came out ...............!!
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 21: chappie 21: aigooooo...............
this little devil.......
ish.. ish..ish......
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 20: chappie 20: aigoo.......
what is this little devil planning ...........??
p/s : i really want to read more but i have to stop now.......
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 13: chappie 13: i think i know the first and the second person....
but, who is the third person???? <- is reina ???