
This is Why I Don't Fall in Love

The next morning I felt eyes on me. Rubbing mine, I opened to realize my intuition had been spot on. Zhoumi was gazing at me with one hand propped up under his head. 

"Good morning Mimi." I told him.

"Morning Sora. Sleep well?" He asked. I nodded and pulled myself up into a sitting position. I stretched my arm and yawned. 

"Can you do me a favor Mimi? Wake the guys up and tell them we're gonna go see Teukie." I told him.

"Wae? It's only 5 in the morning." He asked me with a confused look on his face. I looked at him in confusion.

"Then why the are you up?!" I asked him.

"I couldn't sleep so watching you sleep is quite relaxing." He told me.

"What the are you?! Edward Cullen?" I asked irritated. He smirked.

"If I said yes would you be my Bella?" He asked me hopefully. I smacked him with a pillow and got out of his bed.

"Well I'm up now no thanks to your creeper habits. I can't go back to sleep and we can't leave until noon because that's when visiting hours start. I'm gonna go take a walk. I'll make breakfast before I leave and cover it up. Just tell the guys to warm it up if I'm not back by then but don't go to the hospital without me. I bet none of you could throw a fit as well as me to get Teukie out of there. Well maybe Heechul could..." I concluded my instructions.

I pulled on a pair of the tall boy's sweat pants and rolled them up because they were too long. I slipped on one of his tank tops and hoodies then twirled in the mirror satisfied. "Wah Mimi! You have style!" I told him pulling my hair into a messy bun.

"What are you talking about? Those are just sweats. They're not stylish but I have to admit you make them look pretty good." He said, checking me out. I just rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I quietly opened his door and tiptoed downstairs. I didn't want to wake anybody up because trust me most of Super Junior are not morning people, especially Kangin. I shuddered as I remembered the last time I tried to wake him up. I've learned now to send Shindong to do it.

I went into the kitchen and pulled out some ingredients. I made an assortment of food based on all the guys' preferences. When I was done I covered it all up and set it on the table. With that done I said goodbye to Zhoumi who had been sitting at the table watching me cook.

I rode the elevator down to the lobby and walked outside. I decided to walk to the bakery a few blocks away to get a cake for Leeteuk. I wasn't exactly in shape nor was I a couch potato so I jogged at a moderate speed. When I was just two more blocks away I saw a familiar car pass by. My suspicions on who the driver was were confirmed as he pulled up next to me and rolled the window down.

"Get in. We need to talk." He told me. I complied since I had loads of time. I quickly got in and shut the door. I rolled the window up as well to keep the chilly fall weather out.

"So what's up?" I asked him reaching for the radio. He grabbed my hand and held it in his.

"He's moved on." He told me, cautious of his words. It was like he though I was going to have a mental breakdown. 

"Really?! That's great! I have too." I told him ecstatic that the young boy wasn't wallowing in self-pity.

"What?! You're not sad? Depressed?" He asked me.

"Not at all. Me and the Suju boys went clubbing last night. I'm not one to wallow over a break up. I'm happy he's moved on. With who though?" I asked.

"f(x)'s Krystal." He told me. He looked bewildered when I started clapping my hands and bouncing in my seat.

"Omo! She's so pretty, unlike me. I hope she makes him happy. He must like being older than his girlfriend." I said excited.

"Sora gwenchana?! Wae are you so happy? I even brought ice cream! Girls like that when they're sad but you're not sad wae?" He asked. I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed.

"So you want me to be sad and depressed do you can inflate your ego by being a good oppa?" I asked him. He nodded. "Fine. I'll pretend for your sake." I told him. I took a deep breath then turned to him with tear filled eyes. "Oppaaaaa! Wae did he leave me? What did I do? I loved him so much." I sobbed into his shoulder. He my back.

"It's okay. Oppa is here. I have ice cream. Would you like some?" He asked me. I nodded shyly as he pulled the bag out of the back seat. "Chocolate or Vanilla?" He asked me.

"Vanilla, oppa." I told him. He handed me the vanilla as he took the chocolate. I cutely ate mine while looking at him with round eyes. "Oppa always knows how to make me feel better!" I told him smiling. "Ok happy?" He nodded. We just talked about random stuff for the next hour. I finally looked at the time.

"Oppa I have to go. I have to get a cake for Leeteuk. I'm bringing him home from the hospital today." i was about to get out of the car when he grabbed my wrist.

"I'll drive you to the bakery." He told me, pulling me back into his car. When we got to the bakery I made him park and get down with me. "You have to help me pick a cake oppa." I told him, leading him inside. We browsed through several cakes before we finally settled on one that I thought would be to Leeteuk's liking.

I paid for it then we left. He drove me to the SHINee dorms so I could get my clothes. We walked in the door laughing as I set the cake on the counter. We were laughing because when I asked him what he did with the guns he told me he hid them with my underwear.

We walked into the living room and I stopped. Taemin had his arms around Krystal as they laughed at something Minho said. Onew and Key were smiling as well. My heart dropped at how happy everyone was without me around. At that moment I made a decision that I thought would benefit everyone. I greeted everyone as if nothing was wrong then went into Key's room and started packing my stuff. Not just my clothes but everything. I went around the dorm picking up anything that belonged to me.

I didn't want any trace of me left in this dorm. When I was done I hauled all my stuff, which was only a suitcase and two backpacks, into the hallways. When I came into the living room and said goodbye no one looked up but Jonghyun who offered to drive me back to the Suju dorms.

Just as I was about to step out the door Key called me. "Sora where are you going with all that stuff? You're only staying with Super Junior for a few weeks." He asked me.

"I'm moving out." I told him simply.

"Is it because of me?" Taemin asked. I directed my glance towards him.

"It has nothing to do with you." I told him kind of coldly. Onew and Jonghyun visibly flinched at my words.

"Sora let's talk about this. Where are you going to go?" Key begged me.

"There's nothing to talk about Kibum." I said. He cringed at my use of his real name. Only he knew I did that when something was wrong. "I have a friend that doesn't mind letting me stay with them. Bye guys." I told them.

"Sora do you need a ride over there?"Jonghyun asked me again. I told him no thanks and thanked him for bearing with me earlier. He smiled and said he'd walk me out. Onew got up as well. We went downstairs in silence. When we got to the lobby, Onew looked at me.

"Sora why are you doing this?" He asked me.

"I've overstayed my welcome. I have no relationships with anyone anymore except for Key and I'm used to being away from him. I've caused you guys so much trouble and I'm sorry for that. I wish I hadn't let Key into my house that night. We would have never reconnected and you guys would never have been in danger. You won't have to worry about me anymore though. Goodbye." I told them. I turned around with my suitcase in hand, both my book bags on my shoulder and Leeteuk's cake in the other hand.

"I love you Sora." Onew said quietly but I heard him anyway. I turned around slowly.

"What'd you say?" I asked him.

"I said I love you' He told me. "All those times I said I was "testing" you I wasn't. I really liked you and now you're leaving just as I confess my feelings." He told me. He held out his arms and I dropped all my stuff on the floor and I set the cake down gently before throwing myself into his arms.

"I think I love you too Lee Jinki......but I have to do this." I told him. He pulled away from me and looked at me through his tears then pulled me back in. 

"Promise you'll keep in touch?" He quietly asked me.'

"Of course." I told him.

"We should meet up more times like today Sora. The three of us in that cafe a few minutes away." Jonghyun suggested.

"Feel free to bring the other guys too. You have my number so don't be strangers. Call me anytime. If you call me at 3 in the morning I will pick up." I told them smiling. The two boys laughed and hugged me again. Jonghyun wouldn't let me take a cab back so the three of us piled into his car along with my luggage.

"We need to go drinking sometime." Jonghyun commented as I told him about last night, minus my little rendezvous with Lee Joon. When we pulled up to the SJ dorms Jonghyun got out of the car stating that he wanted to give the "lovebirds" a moment alone. I just looked around the car awkwardly not knowing what t say.

"I'm happy I confessed to you Sora. You don't have to accept my feeli-" He started but I cut him off as I gently pressed my lips to his. I pulled back immediately, shocked that I had did that.

"Mianhae oppa I ju-" I was cut off by him putting his hand on the back of my neck and crashing his lips to mine. We pulled apart when we heard someone clear their throat. I pulled my face heating up as I said my final goodbyes and ran into the building. My bags were neatly stacked by the elevator. I smiled to myself at Jonghyun's help.

I got into the elevator and blanked out. I touched my lips and smiled. No guy has me ever feel like this. I'm ashamed to say even Taemin hasn't. Maybe it was the fact that Onew was older than me and very mature, most of the time. For some reason I also felt he could protect me. When i was with Taemin I felt like I was protecting him instead of the other way around.

I shoved those thoughts to the back of my head as I touched my tingling lips again and focused on the only thougt that mattered now. I just kissed Lee Jinki! I giggled like a lovestruck schoolgirl as the elevator dinged. Let a new chapter of my life begin.


Wow I just finished my first story. I feel so accomplished. ^_^ What'd you guys think about it. BTW the first chapter of the sequel is going to be posted tomorrow  at my usual time. Sorry I update so late. It's just that I can't sleep much and that's when I do my best writing. So anyways thank you my lovely readers for staying by my side from beginning to end. Sequel FIGHTING!!! :D


Here's the link to the sequel:                                                                                                                                                                       

Here's the link to my other story:


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1Dsgirl98 #1
Thank you so much! ^_^ Anticipate the sequel. I'm working on it right now. I'm kinda having trouble with the description though :'-(
mwahmwah #2
Chapter 58: wonderful! <3 the ending is soo good !
mwahmwah #3
Chapter 57: wheres shinee now ? :(
mwahmwah #4
Chapter 56: OOOooOoOooOoOo
Chapter 56: WHOAAAAAAAA... Sora..... You're just... wow. (fantastic baby)
1Dsgirl98 #6
Chapter 56: I love Kyumin so I just had to include that. Please anticipate my future chapters. Kamsahamnida readers! ^_^
Chapter 55: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suju oppas are such _______s xD