That was brutal

This is Why I Don't Fall in Love

After ten minutes of useless bickering we finally stopped. We reached a conclusion that Taemin and I would restrain our PDA in front of Key. The other boys didn't mind but Key was stubborn. I could kind of see where he was coming from. I'd be a little weirded out by my bro making out with his girlfriend, if he had one, but I wouldn't stop him. Gosh why were older brothers so protective.

"Ok so we agree that Taemin and Sora will restrain their PDA. Arasso?" Onew asked.

"Yeah we'll make sure we' get a room first. Happy oppa?" I asked Key.

​He nodded. "Ok thats fi- HEY!" He finally processed what I had said. I just smirked at him and shrugged. He sighed and gave it up.

"Now that we're done with this little..... LET'S GO SHOPPING!!!" Jonghyun said. We all headed downstairs. When we were in front of our vehicles we stopped. Everyone looked at me and Key.

"Oppa I'm fine now. I can drive my bike." I firmly told him.

"You should wait a while before you drive again." He replied just as serious.

"I'm fine see." I showed him a back flip then got on my bike. "Who's coming with me?" I asked the guys.

"I'm driving my car." Onew said.

"So am I." Jonghyun told us. I looked at Minho, Key, and Taemin.

"I will babe." Taemin got on behind me. I smiled at him.

"Who are you guys riding with?" I asked Key and Minho.

"I'll go with Jonghyun." Minho said.

"Ok then I'll go with Onew." Key said.

With that they got into their respective vehicles. I peeled out of the lot first with Jonghyun then Onew following me. It wasn't that long of a ride so we got there pretty fast. As the guys got out of their cars I saw they had put their disguises on. I turned around to see Taemin putting his hood up and sunglasses on. I thought I might as well fit in so I put my sunglasses on.

We walked into the mall then stopped. We split up into two groups. Me, Taemin, and Key in one and Onew, Jonghun, and Minho in the other. We agreed to meet back here in two hours. I started walking in one direction until Key yanked me in the other. I raised my eyebrow at him questionably.

"I'm gonna help you shop. I know everything there is to know about fashion. Kaja!" Oh dice. His fashionista side was coming out. It was cute at times but when it was directed on helping me, we always clashed.

"Key please!" I tried to reason with him but it was no use. Once he set his mind to something he did it. Key kept dragging me along until we stopped in front of a store.

"Ooh come on! Let's go in! I love this store!" Key told me excited. The second we stepped foot in the store, he kept chucking clothes at me. When he was satisfied with the pile in my hands he shoved me into a dressing room.

"I want you to try on all those clothes and show us. I'll decide what you buy 'cuz I'm paying for it and I have a better fashion sense than you." He said. I face palmed at his ego. It took a half hour to go through all the clothes and for Key to decide what looked good on me. When I was done I put my clothes back on and stepped out.

Key grabbed the clothes from my hands and went to the register to pay for them. I collapsed onto Taemin who was sitting on a couch in front of the dressing rooms. "That was brutal." I told him.

He rubbed my back sympathetically and said, "It's okay Sora. We've all been through this at one point or another. Though out of all of us Onew got it worst. Key practically ripped him out of his clothes and put on every outfit for him. It's a bad memory for him. For all of us actually." 

I sighed at my brother's aggressive nature but who was I to say that. I had an aggressive side as well and when it came out it was not pretty. "Sora! Taemin! Let's go! We don't have all day!" Key screamed form the front of the store. Taemin rolled his eyes and stood up. He mocked Key's ranting causing me to crack up.

As soon as Key saw me he grabbed me again and started dragging me somewhere. He stopped in front of a particular store and smirked.  I would have ran away  if it hadn't been for Key throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me in. He walked into the store and dropped me in the middle of it.

"Yah Key! Why are we in a lingerie shop?!?" I screeched at him.

"Because you're a girl and all of your "personal" things got destroyed, I'm going to be a good brother and replace them." He stated proudly.

Oppa! This is really embarrassing!" I yelled at him blushing a deep shade of red.

"Wae?!? It's just your brother and boyfriend!" Key questioned.

"That's why it's embarrasing!" I told him.

"Enough of this. I'm buying you some bras, cami's, leggings, underwear, and thongs. I know you miss that purple zebra striped one. You used to always wear it around the-" I cut him off when I slapped my hands across his mouth.

"Shut up!" I hissed at him. He just shrugged and walked over to a stand of thongs. I wandered over to the bra section. I was looking at a few. I finally narrowed it down to two I wanted. It was between a black one with turqouise rhinestones in a skull design or a hot pink racerback.

"I think this one would look good on you." I turned around to see Taemin holding up a purple zebra striped bra. It was really pretty. I hugged Taemin.

"Thanks babe! I didn't see this one!" I told him.

He smiled and said, "Your welcome. It'll go with that thong Key is waving at you." He had a hint of a smirk in his voice. Confused, I turned around and surely I saw Key waving a thong at me. I face palmed and his my head in Taemin's chest.

"Hey Sora! Look I found that thong you love!" He screamed across the store. Everyone in it stopped what they were doing to stare at us. I briskly walked over to Key and took it out of his hands. 

"Thank you oppa." I said through my teeth. He was so embarrassing. But wasn't that what all older brothers are like? Whatever. I'll just let him have his way so we can get out of here faster. Taemin came up behind us and handed me the matching bra. I thanked him again and followed Key.

Half an hour later found Key, Taemin, and me standing at the register. Key and I were debating over who would pay. He insisted he'd pay but I told him since it's my personal items I'd pay. He refused to listen and his credit card into the cashier's face before I even had a chance to reach for mine. 

He smiled triumphantly. I sighed and took the bag my bag of "stuff" and followed Key and Taemin out of the store. It was time to meet the other boys so we could leave so we headed towards the front of the mall. We saw the guys as we neared the front doors.

"Did you get everything you need Sora?" Onew asked me.

"Yeah I did but I didn't even get a say in any of it. Oppa thinks it's fine to abuse his power as an oppa to make me wear whatever he wants." I glared at Key.

"You can't deny that I have good taste though. I mean come on that other matching bra and thong set I found is perfect for you." He protested. The guys all snickered behind their hands. I glared at them.

"Stylish bastard." I mumbled under my breath.

"What'd you say Sora?" Key asked.

"I said thank you for buying me all this stuff oppa." I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"That's what I thought I heard." He smirked.

"Okay guys...... err and girl. Let's go!" Onew said. We all nodded and started to walk toward the front doors. Just as we were about to exit a group of people caught my eye. One of them in particular. Oh my dice it can't be him. Can it? I thought he was in China. Please tell me it's actually him. I'm not just hallucinating right? Oh god I know I don't believe in you but what did I do to deserve seeing him again?

"Kim Sora is that you?!?" He said. ! What do I do? I haven't seen him in forever! Oh my dice! I decided to play it cool despite my actual feelings being the exact opposite. I put a calm smile on my face then turned to him.

"Hey long time no see Mimi!"

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1Dsgirl98 #1
Thank you so much! ^_^ Anticipate the sequel. I'm working on it right now. I'm kinda having trouble with the description though :'-(
mwahmwah #2
Chapter 58: wonderful! <3 the ending is soo good !
mwahmwah #3
Chapter 57: wheres shinee now ? :(
mwahmwah #4
Chapter 56: OOOooOoOooOoOo
Chapter 56: WHOAAAAAAAA... Sora..... You're just... wow. (fantastic baby)
1Dsgirl98 #6
Chapter 56: I love Kyumin so I just had to include that. Please anticipate my future chapters. Kamsahamnida readers! ^_^
Chapter 55: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suju oppas are such _______s xD