Yah !

This is Why I Don't Fall in Love

​I didn't get a chance to say anything else when two nurses walked in. They were here to treat me and Jonghyun's wounds. My nurse dragged, literally dragged, me to a chair. She pulled out some peroxide and started working on my arm. I hissed as she applied peroxide on a scratch on my arm.

"Yah watch it!" I told her. She just glared at me and kept working. I looked over to Jonghyun and his nurse. She was flirting with him and he was shamelessly flirting back . I rolled my eyes. I let out a loud hiss.

"YAH ! WATCH IT!" I screamed at the nurse. she just sneered at me. When she finished with the injuries on my arms and legs she looked at me. 

"M'am we're going to have to go to another room so I can treat the wounds on your abdomen." She told me. I shook my head at her.

"No we're not. The only thing keeping me from strangling you is these boys. We better stay in a room where people can see us if you wanna live. Plus I'm completely comfortable in front of these boys. One is my brother, three are like my brothers, and one is my boyfriend. I'm fine right here. With that said I slipped off Taemin's borrowed jacket and skin tight black tank. Everyone one in the room, save for Key and poor Minho, was staring at my upper half. Probably from either 1.) the scars on my stomach 2.) my flat toned stomach or 3.) my above average cleavage.

"You like?" I asked them. The nurses shook their heads and got back to work. My nurse cleaned up my stomach. After coating my stomach with a layer of peroxide she wrapped some gauze around it. When she was done she and the other nurse were on their way out before I stopped her.

"Excuse me ? You didn't do a very good job of bandaging me up. I'm bleeding excessively." I told her. I heard the boys snickering behind me.

"You can get me the peroxide and gauze and I'll do the job. Ten times better." Onew told her. I was suprised but was pleased anyway. I looked at Onew for an explanation. "The was pissing me off. I could do her job just by watching Jjong's nurse, who actually did a good job."

The nurse came back and handed Onew the supplies. He got to work on my stomach. He reapplied the peroxide properly, effectively stopping the bleeding. Then he correctly wrapped my abdomen. When he made sure my bleeding completely stopped he stepped baack, admiring his work. I was satisfied as well.

"Thank you Jinki baby!" I told him and hugged him. He returned the the hug.

"Yah I'm your oppa!" He told me. "You have an awesome body by the way." He smirked.

"Oppa I have a boyfriend!" I punched him on the shoulder lightly.

"I know and it's fun to piss him off." He pointed at Taemin who was pissed off. I skipped over to him and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Smile baby. Frowning causes wrinkles. I'm yours and only yours." I kissed him again. I hugged him as well. I was confused though when he abruptly pulled away.

"Put this on. I'm getting jealous of the guys staring at your body. Jjong's been eye ing you the second you took your shirt off. You're mine" He held out my shirt and jacket. I took them as he planted a possessive kiss on my lips.

"Chill I will Taemin." I redressed myself and settled down in Taemin's lap. We just sat there for a while. It wasn't long before a doctor came in to check on Minho. The doctor gasped as he checked the heart monitor. He called in a bunch of nurses.

"What's wrong?" Onew asked.

"His heart rate is decreasing. I'm going to need you guys to step out of the room for a while." We started protesting only to find ourselves on the floor outside the room. I huffed and kicked a wall. Taemin pulled me away from the wall I was abusing, sat down in a chair, and pulled me into his lap.

"All we can do is wait." He told me. I agreed and rested my head on his chest. An hour later found me close ot tears still in Taemin's lap, Taemin consoling me, Jonghyun swearing, Key praying, and Onew pacing the length of the hallway. After another two hours of sitting outside we started dozing off. I must've been asleep for at least half an hour when I felt myself being nudged. I squinted through my sleepy eyes to see a man in white. I opened my eyes completely to see it was the doctor. He was trying to wake us up but only succeeded in waking me up.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Your friend is stable and you can now see him." He smiled at me. I was so happy I jumped on all the guys trying to wake them up. When they still wouldn't get up I screamed. 

"MINHO IS ALIVE! HE'S AWAKE!" That woke them up immediately. We all shot towards the door. We slammed it open and ran to the bed. Sure enough there was Minho eating some apple sauce. I flung my arms around his neck, sobbing. "You're alive!"

"Yeah I am. Why are you crying?" He put his food down and rubbed my back.

"You could've died and it was all my fault." I said through my mixed tears. Half were of joy, half were of fear.

"Well all that matters is I'm okay now." He smiled at me. I stopped crying and pulled back, letting the other boys talk to him.

I just sat back watching Jonghyun tease Minho about not being able to take a few punches.

"You try being stabbed a couple of times then come back and tell me how that feels!" Minho defended himself. I just giggled in amusement. I stpped when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I gripped it hoping it would feel better. The pain wouldn't go away. A wave of nausea swept over me so I ran for the trashcan. I fell to my knees over it. I felt someone pull my hair back and rub my back. When I was done puking I wiped my mouth disgusted. I got up and went over to the bathroom.

I was washing my mouth when I heard Jonghyun say, "Sora you might wanna see this..." I walked back out curious as to what he was talking about. When he showed me the contents of the trashcan I just puked my stomach out into I nearly fainted.


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1Dsgirl98 #1
Thank you so much! ^_^ Anticipate the sequel. I'm working on it right now. I'm kinda having trouble with the description though :'-(
mwahmwah #2
Chapter 58: wonderful! <3 the ending is soo good !
mwahmwah #3
Chapter 57: wheres shinee now ? :(
mwahmwah #4
Chapter 56: OOOooOoOooOoOo
Chapter 56: WHOAAAAAAAA... Sora..... You're just... wow. (fantastic baby)
1Dsgirl98 #6
Chapter 56: I love Kyumin so I just had to include that. Please anticipate my future chapters. Kamsahamnida readers! ^_^
Chapter 55: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suju oppas are such _______s xD