I think I love you

This is Why I Don't Fall in Love

My living room was trashed. Completely destroyed. I had an idea of who was behind this it was kind of obvious. He was going to pay. My couches were slashed. The springs were showing and all the material was lying in heaps around it. My wallpaper was peeled clean from the walls. My carpets were ripped from the floor. I was about to go check my other rooms to see if they were vandalized as well when someone grabbed my wrist.

"Sora I'm so sorry that this happened. Youcan always stay aith us. In fact we were talking about you moving in with us anyway." Onew told me. I gently shook him off.

"I have to see the rest of the damage." I said. I went into my kitchen. As expected, it was a mess. Pots and pans were strewn everywhere. My refrigerator was tipped over. All the food in it was scattered or smashed. My dining room table was split in half. The chandelier that was hanging was now in upside down on the floor. I continued my inspection.

My hallways were littered with my broken furniture. All the guest rooms were destroyed. The beds in each one were flipped over. The furniture in them destroyed as well. My main bathroom was flooded.  Shampoo and body wash covered the walls like spay paint. As I neared my room, the one I dreaded to see the most, I hesitated. I finally gathered enough courage to go in. I fell to my knees as soon as I stepped in.

"Why did they have to ruin the only place I called mine?!?" I broke down in tears. Someone wrapped their arms around me as I cried. I looked through my tear blurred eyes to see Taemin holding me. I hung my head still crying.

Taemin lifted my chin to look me in the eyes. "It's okay babe. You'll move into our place. You have insurannce right?" I nodded. "See everything's fine. You'll get your money back for the damages done. The building will clean out your apartment  because it's their fault they got in. Everything will be okay." Taemin reassured me. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and helped me stand up. "Let's go back to the dorms. We'll figure this out tomorrow. It's 4 in the morning and I  think I speak for everyone when I say I'm tired. So let's get some much needed rest and we'll deal with this tomorrow. We have the day off tomorrow. Kaja!" He started leading m out of my destroyed bedroom.

"Wait Taemin. I need some clothes. I feel guilty for using yours." I opened my closet and almost started crying again. All my clothes were either ripped or shredded. I'm happy I have nothing valuable that anyone could mess with. I turned back to Taemin. He nodded immediately understanding my predicament. He lead me back to the living room where the rest of the boys were. 

"Let's go guys. We'll help Sora with this tomorrow. She also needs to go shopping. All her clothes were destroyed. I'll happily lend her mine until we can go shopping." The guys nodded and filed out after us. I stopped to lock my door before heading downstairs to our vehicles. When we were outside Jonghyun climbed onto my bike to drive again. I sighed as he handed me my helmet and put one on himself. Like before, the second I wrapped my arms around his waist, he took off.

It was a silent ride back to the dorms. We got there pretty fast, parked and headed inside. The elevator ride up was silent. When we got to their floor, we got out and walked to their door. Onew unlocked it and we went in. I was holding my breath, hoping that he handn't touched the boys' dorms. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he had. I let out that breath as I saw it was fine.

The boys each drifted into their own rooms to get ready for bed. Taemin pulled me to his room. I looked around expecting to see Key frowning at me but he was nowhere in sight. Poor guys are really tired. I feel so disappointed in myself that I couldn't prevent this. Once we were inside his room he locked the door.

"Yah what are you up to? I can kick your you know." I warned him. He just laughed and moved closer. He had me cowering against the door. He had a few inches on me so it was possible.

He leaned down until he was face to face with me and whispered, "Wouldn't want anyone walking in while you change  right?" He stepped away and went to his closet to pull out some clothes for himself and me. I felt so bad using his clothes. I really need to go shopping tomorrow. Taemin's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Now pali before Minho barges in here because he's torn that door down more than once. I know he won't hesitate to do it again."

I nodded my head and took the clothes he handed me. This time it was a pair of his red boxers and black v-neck. I slipped out of his other clothes, neatly folded them, and gave them back to him. I slipped on his boxers and v-neck and immediately fell in love. The material they were both made of was so soft. Taemin and I went into his bathroom after I grabbed my toothbrush from the main one, and brushed our teeth. We both rinsed and gurgled some mouthwash then shared a minty fresh kiss. Taemin ran out of the bathroom and jumped on his bed. I turned of the light and followed him.I I looked back at Taemin after I had turned around and smirked at what I saw.

"Unlock the door and come here babe." He softly said patting the space right next to him. I nodded and unlocked the door then slipped under the covers of his bed with him. Though the bed was tiny, me and Taemin's small forms only took up about half of it. Considering he had his arms and legs wrapped around me. Me and him were just one body by the way our limbs were intwined. He turned off the light and pulled up the covers even more. I rested my head on his chest and took in his scent. It was so signature. It was fresh and light with a hint of sandalwood. It was a good smell.

"Thank you Taemin." I whispered to him, afraid I'd ruin the peaceful moment if I spoke any louder or startled him. I felt his arms tighten around me.

"I know I just met you and this is crazy...." He sang in my ear softly. "...but I think I love you Sora." I was shocked at his words but happy nonetheless. I smiled and cuddled closer.

'I think I love you too." I whispered. He lifted my chin up and kissed me ont he lips softly. Then he kissed my forehead, each one of my eyes, both my cheeks, and then my lips again before pulling me to him as close as possible. With that said, we both got quiet and I could feel we were both drifting off. Somewhere along the way in my mental trip to wonderland I subconsciencely heard Minho come in. That night, or err morning, I bathed in the smell of my loving boyfriend with his arms wrapped around me. I enjoyed the heat that radiated off his body. It just reminded me of how close we really were. It wasn't long after when I completely gave myself to the sleep willing to consume me with a soft smile on my face.

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1Dsgirl98 #1
Thank you so much! ^_^ Anticipate the sequel. I'm working on it right now. I'm kinda having trouble with the description though :'-(
mwahmwah #2
Chapter 58: wonderful! <3 the ending is soo good !
mwahmwah #3
Chapter 57: wheres shinee now ? :(
mwahmwah #4
Chapter 56: OOOooOoOooOoOo
Chapter 56: WHOAAAAAAAA... Sora..... You're just... wow. (fantastic baby)
1Dsgirl98 #6
Chapter 56: I love Kyumin so I just had to include that. Please anticipate my future chapters. Kamsahamnida readers! ^_^
Chapter 55: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suju oppas are such _______s xD