YAH! Don't flirt with my sis......I MEAN girlfriend!

This is Why I Don't Fall in Love

In the doorway was a young cute looking boy with straight brown hair that went down to his shoulder looking perplexed. Key quickly grabbed both of us and pulled us into the dorm. As the boy was still looking at Key questionably I looked him over. Cute baby-looking face, perfect plump lips, sparkling eyes, and his long hair framing his face with a y fringe, I concluded that he was a noona killer. Although I take it he's probably been mistaken for a girl several times because of his manly prettiness and skinny figure. After a few minutes of awkward silence the kid spoke up. 

"Hyung? Who is this?" The boy now had his eyes on me, scanning me. I felt nervous and hoped he was only thinking good things about me. I gathered enough courage to raise my head and make eye contact with him. 

​I bowed and said, "Anyeonghasaeyo! I'm Kim So Ra! Nice to meet you." I looked at him to see his face light up into a bright smile.

"Anyeonghasaeyo! I'm the maknae Lee Taemin! I'm 19. Nice to meet you too. Hyung said he was bringing you over to meet us today." Taemin exclaimed happily. He grabbed my hand and started leading me to what I supposed was the living room. When we got there, there were three other boys strewn across the room. And might I add they were all shirtless and one was even in his boxers. "HYUNGS!!! We have a guest!" 

All their heads snapped to me. The moment the first one made eye contact with me and jumped up the other two  followed suite. The tallest of all the boys strode towards me. He had cute layered brown hair framing his face with a swooping side bang. He had a charismatic charm about him. He stopped a foot away and bowed then stuck his hand out. "Anyeonghasaeyo. I'm flaming charisma Choi Minho. I'm 21." He flashed me  warm and caring smile that seemed to genuinely reach his eyes.

"I'm fine with skin ship so its ok." Having said that  he launched himself at me and strangled me in a strong hug.

"Hyung your suffocating her!" The second boy said he pried Minho off of me and then started to introduce himself. "Anyeonghasaeyo! I'm  the leader Lee Jinki but you can call me Onew. I'm 23. You're really beautiful" Onew quickly slapped his hands across his mouth and started blushing madly. I just pecked his cheek and told him it was ok before moving on to the last and final boy.

The last one definitely had the best abs and was in his boxers. He had blonde layered hair that seemed awkward on a Korean but yet somehow looked really hot with. I knew I had finally met my match the second he smirked and opened his mouth. "Hey y. I'm 22 so I'm legal.*wink*. My name is Bling Bling Kim Jonghyun but you can call me baby 'cuz I'll be calling you my babe from now on." He ended with another smirk. This was going to be interesting so I played along. I sauntered up to him and ran my fingers up and down along his abs. I felt him shiver and smirked in satisfaction.

He was just an inch taller than me so I had easy access to his neck. I got close and it. Then I immediately bit the same spot as he hissed in pain. He was still smirking when he said, "Yah Key! Control your girlfriend before I her right here."

The smirk that had been on my face disappeared when what Jonghyun said finally sunk in. "KEY! What does he mean girlfriend?" I stepped menacingly towards Key backing him up against a wall.

He got close to me and whispered, "Play along," in my ear. He quickly kissed my cheek and hugged me saying, "Sweetheart we've been going out for a while now. Yes you're my girlfriend." i finally understood what Key was doing. he had told his friends that I was his girlfriend not his sister. I'll play along but he's going to suffer.

"Baby I'm your girlfriend. I'm just not used to you calling me that yet." I ducked my head and pretended to be embarrased. I also caused a blush to burn on my cheeks making it all the more realistic. I planted a fake kiss on Key's cheek before turning back to the others.

"It's really great to finally meet you guys! Key talks about you guys so much! Especially you Jonghyun." Payback starts now.

"N-no I don't! W-what are you talking about babe?" I ignored him to continue formally introducing myself to the boys.

"My name is Kim So Ra." I sweetly stated.

"WOW! Weird you even have the same last name. What if you guys are long lost siblings. That be weird 'cuz you're going  out though." Taemin said like a little child.

I couldn't help but let out a little giggle as Minho said, "Half of Seoul have the same last name." I stopped laughing as I noticed the knowing look Minho was giving me and Key. I couldn't help but feel that he knew we're lying.

Minho's glance than singled on me and we studied each other until Key broke the silence by remembering something. "WAIT! Did you say you wanted to Sora, Jonghyun?" Key had a deadly tone in his voice. He released me from his arms gently then flew at Jonghyun. "YAH! Don't flirt with my sis......I MEAN girlfriend!" Key corrected as he started strangling Jonghyun.

All the boys ran to pry Key away from Jonghyun. I just realized that Key has to pried away from things a lot. I shook my had at my pabo of a brother and watched as Minho finally succeeded in getting Key to release Jonghyun's neck. Jonghyun coughed and sent a flying fist at Key's face which forced Minho to drop him because he was flailing around too much. 

The other boys finally gave up in trying to separate the two feuding band mates. They all came and plopped down on either side of me as we watched Key and Jonghyun battle it out. Key had a black eye and busted lip while Jonghyun suffered from two black eyes. Thanks to a reckless comment made by Bling Bling, Umma is beating the out of him.

"The makeup noonas are going to kill them and us for letting this happen to Key and Jonghyun's faces...but then gain they do this often" Onew whispered loud enough for all of us on the couch to hear it. Minho and Taemin nodded in agreemennt as I groaned.

"Hell just broke loose because of me!" I sighed exasperated laying my head on Onew's shoulder. These boys were a handful from what I've seen so far. I pitied the leader, who always had to deal with them. Poor Onew baby!

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1Dsgirl98 #1
Thank you so much! ^_^ Anticipate the sequel. I'm working on it right now. I'm kinda having trouble with the description though :'-(
mwahmwah #2
Chapter 58: wonderful! <3 the ending is soo good !
mwahmwah #3
Chapter 57: wheres shinee now ? :(
mwahmwah #4
Chapter 56: OOOooOoOooOoOo
Chapter 56: WHOAAAAAAAA... Sora..... You're just... wow. (fantastic baby)
1Dsgirl98 #6
Chapter 56: I love Kyumin so I just had to include that. Please anticipate my future chapters. Kamsahamnida readers! ^_^
Chapter 55: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suju oppas are such _______s xD