We're screwed

This is Why I Don't Fall in Love

Taemin jumped off of me and I sat up straight. All of them wore different emotions. Key looked annoyed. Minho looked heartbroken. Jonghyun was obviously jealous. Onew had poker face on but I could see it giving way to anger and tears. My heart broke for Minho and Onew. I had a feeling they liked me. Minho more so than Onew, but the feeling was there with both of them.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!" Taemin and I yelled.

Onew and Jonghyun looked at Key expecting to see him seething with anger but did a double take when all he did was sigh and say, "Sora I told you we had to be careful! And you and Minho are going out. You just broke his heart." I looked over to Minho only to find that he wasn't tere anymore.

"I'm sorry big bro. I just really like Taemin. I love Minho too but I didn't even say yes to him." I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried silent tears. I heard Onew tell Key to go make sure Minho was alright. With Key gone the tension in the room got thicker.

"Do you care to explain what's going on Sora?" Onew asked me.

I lifted my head, wiped my tears then spoke. "I'm Key's sister. I came here expecting to meet you guys as his sister. But when Jonghyun said I was his girlfriend I caught on to what Key was playing at. I didn't like it but I played along. I planned to make it hell for him though. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble. I'm sorry guys."

It was silent until Onew said, "But that still doesn't explain why you were going out with Minho and what just happened with Taemin."

"Well it started when Taemin was lending me some clothes. We got caught up in the moment and ended up making out on Taemin's bed. Minho walked in on us and told me he knew I wasn't Key's girlfriend. So Taemin and Minho knew the truth. We all agreed not to tell you or Jonghyun unless you found out by yourselves......and you did. Then he asked me if I remembered the question he asked me. That if I ever broke up with Key I'd go out with him. Since I never was going out with Key, Minho said that means I have to go out with him. So yeah that's my side of the story"

Onew nodded. "I understand why you did what you did. I am so going to kill your brother for starting this lie and for making you lie with him. I forgive you." I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you so much for understanding oppa!" I smiled through my tears.

"S-sora?" A timid voice asked.

"Neh Taemin?" I told him.

He cleared his throat and stood up. "Will you go out with me? I know you and Minho just broke up and  this isn't really a good ti..." 

"Yes! I'll go out with you!" I cut him off. "Maybe you're the right guy for me. It won't hurt to try." I told him. I just broke all my dating and relationship rules. But screw that it was time to find a guy to go steady with already.

I just realized Jonghyun hadn't said a thing since he walked in. "Jjong are you ok?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

He shook his head and started laughing. "All this time I thought you were his sister! I feel like a complete idiot. Especially since I  now remember that Key let it slip earlier. He said no ones taking a shower with his SISTER. I really am a pabo."

I went over to him and patted his back. "You are not a pabo. Key is. So don't beat yourself up about it." I smiled at him. His face immediately lit up as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Yah! Hyung! That's my girlfriend! Stop feeling her up!" Taemin yelled at Jonghyun.

"Aniyo! It's fun to see you get irritated." Jjong , slapping my , then letting me go. Onew and I just sat back and watched as Taemin and Jonghyun went at each other. As long as it was only verbal it was by all means fine. After a while Key nor Minho had come back so I decided it was time to work on Jonghyun's face. After getting a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, skin tight black tank, and leather jacket from Taemin, I was ready to get started.

He was already dressed so we moved to him and Onew's room so i could work. I sat him down at his vanity and scanned the products I had to work with. I smiled at the variety and quality. I got to work as soon as possible. The whole time I was working, Onew and Taemin were watching me. With occasional oohs and aahs as encouragement I finished in no time.

I handed Jonghyun a mirror so he could be the final judge. His face lit up at the sight of his now flawless and bruise free face. "Wow Sora! How'd you do this in only 10 minutes. Our makeup noonas take at least an hour just fix our eye makeup. But you just fixed my whole face in 10 minutes. Thanks!" I laughed as Jonghyun twirled me around trying not to smudge his face on Taemin's clothes hat I was wearing.

"Pali! I have to get Key done!" I located Key talking with MInho and dragged him into his own room. I sat him down in front of his vanity and repeated the same process I did just a few minutes ago. When I was done Key thanked me and went to his closet to finish dressing.

I went back to Jjong's room to find Onew missing. "Where's Onew?" I asked the two boys remaining.

Taemin acknowledged my presence because Jonghyun was too busy fussing with his hair to notice I'm back and said, "He went to talk to Minho." In the room next door we heard some shuffling and shouting then hurried footsteps walking towards the living room. I got worried and was about to step out and make sure everything was alright when I bumped into a frazzled Onew that caught me. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him, panicking because he was panicking. 

"Minho ran out!" Onew told me.

"!" I said. "We're screwed."


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1Dsgirl98 #1
Thank you so much! ^_^ Anticipate the sequel. I'm working on it right now. I'm kinda having trouble with the description though :'-(
mwahmwah #2
Chapter 58: wonderful! <3 the ending is soo good !
mwahmwah #3
Chapter 57: wheres shinee now ? :(
mwahmwah #4
Chapter 56: OOOooOoOooOoOo
Chapter 56: WHOAAAAAAAA... Sora..... You're just... wow. (fantastic baby)
1Dsgirl98 #6
Chapter 56: I love Kyumin so I just had to include that. Please anticipate my future chapters. Kamsahamnida readers! ^_^
Chapter 55: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suju oppas are such _______s xD