Evil Dongsaeng

This is Why I Don't Fall in Love

The second I stepped into the lobby I wanted to run back outside. I've always hated hospitals. I followed KyuMin as they headed toward Leeteuk's room. They boys led us down a few hallways and turns until we finally stood in front of a door.

"You ready?" Sungmin asked me.

"Open the door." I told him. He turned the handle and pushed it open revealing a room full of tear-streaken men. I gasped at the sight. I marched right up to the first member, who happened to be Ryeowook, and wiped his tears. It hurt me to see any of them like this. I forced myself to look at the bed and when I did I fell to my knees.

Hankyung, Kibum, SIwon, and Zhoumi ran to help me up. I quietly thanked them then went over to the fallen leader. I sighed as I looked over him. His body looked so frail in the hospital gown. He looked so small under the thin white sheets. His face was bruised and scratched. His arms was in a sling and the guys had told me he broke a few ribs. I could only imagine the pain he was in.

"Teukie wae?" I asked his unconscience body. I wasn't expecting response so when he didn't stir I wasn't suprised. As I looked at him longer I felt tears streaming down my face. I quickly wiped them away then stood up and faced the boys. I cleared my throat and they all looked at me.

"I'm just as sad as you are guys but we have to keep it together. For Teukie's sake arasso?" I asked them. They all solemnly nodded and some of the boys managed a weak smile. "Better. So is it okay if I move in today?" I asked no one in particular.

"Please! The sooner the better. We need an umma." Eunhyuk said. The rest of the boys agreed. 

"Ryeowook will you be the appa to my umma until Leeteuk wakes up? I need someone's help and you can cook, which is a bonus." I asked him. He immediately nodded and beamed at me.

"I'd love to Sora!" He told me.

"Oh god this is going to be perfectly fine with your BOYFRIEND!" Key told me sarcastically.

"Chill. Taemin will understand." I told my brother.

"If he gets mad it's your gettign whooped not mine." Key warned me.

"He can whoop me anytime." I told him with a smirk. This caused all the guys to erupt into soft laughter. Key just rolled his eyes and let a little smile slip.

"So here's the plan guys." I said getting into character again. "I'm going to spend the first night here with someone else. The rest I will leave at home with Wookie oppa tonight. At least two people have to stay with Leeteuk until he wakes up. Wookie and I will be your parents arasso?" I paused and waited for agreements from the boys.

"Okay this is good. We're cooperating. Some one else should stay with me. Boys pick someone you want out of the dorm because he bullies you. He'll stay here with me." I told them. It took them a few seconds but they finally narrowed it down to two members. Everyone was either pointing to Heechul or Eunhyuk. I smirked to myself. Exactly the two I need to interrogate.

"Since they both seem equally annoying, they'll both stay with me." The rest of the boys cheered while Heechul and Eunhyuk looked at me smirking. "What?" I asked them.

"We get a hot girl and you guys get a nagging appa." Heechul told the rest. They stopped cheering and realized his point.

"Too bad you can't touch her or a very angry boyfriend is going to storm in here and break your face if you do." Key interrupted. "Oh yeah and what about me Sora?" He asked.

"You'll go back to the dorm with the boys and continue your lives until I come back. The guys need me now. Please understand." I told Key.

"I understand and if any of them try anything on you don't hesitate to call me or Onew. You know Taemin is going to want to see you right?" He asked me.

"Yeah I know. I texted him. Onew said they were going to stop by here then head back to the dorms with you." I told Key. "Oh and when SHINee leaves I want everyone but Heechul and Hyukjae to go as well." They nodded at me. After that we just kind of chilled together. We had the TV on and the news was running but only Siwon and Ryeowook were watching it.

HanChul were cuddled together in a an arm chair across the room whispering to each other. KyuMin was playing a game on Kyu's phone together. Eunhae were sleeping on each other on the floor. Kibum was playing with a Rubix Cube. Yesung was watching him. Ryeowook was listening to his iPod with Shindong. Zhoumi was holding me whispering soothing words into my ear while Key  watched us.

The silence was broken and everyone's attention was on the door. Key told whoever it was to come in. The second Taemin set one foot into the room I jumped out of Zhoumi's arms and into Taemin's.

"I missed you." He whispered in my ear.

"I missed you too." I told him. I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around to see Onew looking at me impatiently. "Neh?" I asked him.

"Say goodbye because we gotta go. Key will tell us what's up later. All we know is you're staying here for a while. Where's your suitcase we'll take it back with us." Onew asked me.

"I'm gonna be Super Junior's "leader" for a while. I'm gonna need a feww things. I'll take them out of my suitcase then you can have it." I told him I went over to my suitcase and grabbed a few things I would need for the night then walked towards Jonghyun. I could only trust him with it because the others might go through it and see the gun.

"Jjong you'll take care of this for me right?" I asked him, knowing he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Of course." He told me. The boys all got up and said a quick hello then a goodbye to each other. Key stood up and hugged me telling me to be strong. Taemin kissed me passionately but quickly in fear of being yelled at then stepped back. The Super Junior boys that were going back to their dorm stood up as well. Heechul, Eunhyuk, and I said goodnight to them as they left.

When they left it was an awkward silence. We kind of just looked at each other for a while. "Okay so what are we going to do?" Heechul asked.

"I'm going to keep an eye on Leeteuk nd you two are going to behave. Arasso?" I asked them.

"Offensive! Do you think we're bad people?" Eunhyuk asked, feigning hurt.

"You two are a handful. No wonder the other members wanted you out of teh dorm.

"I don't even live with them!" Heechul said exasperated.

"But you're trouble when you go over, which I hear is often." I smirked at them.

"You're evil to your oppas! Why are you only civil towards Zhoumi, Hankyung, Ryeowook, Shindong, and Onew?!?" Heechul asked me.

"Because HEECHUL, they're nice to me." I told him exaggerating my use of his name without an honorific, knowing he hates it.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE NICE TO YOU?!? WE'RE NICE TO YOU TOO! AND IT'S OPPA! HEECHUL OPPA! IT'S NOT THAT HARD!" He stressed it to me.                                                 

"Okay Heechul!" I said, beaming at him. He just face palmed and looked at me like -_-*.

"Damn you evil dongsaeng." Eunhyuk told me.

"You haven't seen anything seen anything yet." I said in a deadly tone. The boys visibly shrank away from me. I burst out laughing and they looked scared and weirded out at the same time. "Chill guys and by the way I have a favor to ask of you two..." I trailed off.

"What is it?" Heechul asked suspiciously.

"I heard you two know the maknaes of a few bands." I started.

"Oh hell no you're not meeting them you maknae !" Eunhyuk flippe dout.

"Yeah what he said. You already have a maknae." Heechul told me.

"Yeah but I like maknaes. A lot!" I whined.

"No way!" Eunhyk protested.

"They'll end up putting a restraining order on you!" Heechul added.


"I promise I'll control myself!" I pouted.

"That won't work on us." Eunhyuk told me."

But I'll even call you oppa!" I added.

"No." Heechul said.

"Yes." I told him.

"NO." He said.

"YES." I protested.




"WHAT LEETEUK?!?" We screamed.

"Heechul introduce me to th-WAIT.....LEETEUK!!!!" I screamed realizing he was awake. Heechul, Eunhyuk, and I musn't of heard him over our bickering.

I ran over to his side and took his hand. "Omo you're awake. How are you feeling?!? Are you in a lot of pain?!?" I asked him. I Heechul and Eunhyuk. "GO GET EH ING DOCTOR YOU TWO!!!"

"Sora calm down." Leeteuk told me.

"I can't. YOu're awake. You're alive. Omo Leeteuk I thought I lost you!" I sobbed.

"I'm right here. You can't get rid of me that easily." He chuckled. I looked at him through my tear-streaked eyes.

"How can you smile right now?" I asked him perplexed. He was in the hospital, severely injured, and here he was lauhing at me.

"It's because I knew I'd see your face when I woke up."

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1Dsgirl98 #1
Thank you so much! ^_^ Anticipate the sequel. I'm working on it right now. I'm kinda having trouble with the description though :'-(
mwahmwah #2
Chapter 58: wonderful! <3 the ending is soo good !
mwahmwah #3
Chapter 57: wheres shinee now ? :(
mwahmwah #4
Chapter 56: OOOooOoOooOoOo
Chapter 56: WHOAAAAAAAA... Sora..... You're just... wow. (fantastic baby)
1Dsgirl98 #6
Chapter 56: I love Kyumin so I just had to include that. Please anticipate my future chapters. Kamsahamnida readers! ^_^
Chapter 55: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suju oppas are such _______s xD