
This is Why I Don't Fall in Love

My eyes narrowed as I listened to the instructions. When he was done I calmly hung up.

"Who was that Sora?" Onew asked me.

"Him." I hissed. The once peaceful and cheery environment immediately darkened. "He has Key and Taemin." I told the boys.

"What about Jonghyun? Did he say anything about him? What if he ki-" Minho stopped as I cut him off.

"Don't even say that." I told him coldly. He nodded apologetically then looked down. 

"So what are we going to do?" Onew asked me.

"What do you mean we? I'm going there alone. I don't want you or Minho to be in danger." I stated.

"But Sora you don't expect me to let you go alone do you?" Onew said.

"And why can't you?" I asked.

"Because I don't want you to get unnecessarily hurt. If it wasn't for Jonghyun last time-" He was cut off by someone pounding on the front door and ringing the doorbell urgently. Onew sprang up from his seat and ran to the door. We heard him open the door and talk with someone. Then we heard footsteps running towards the dining room.

"Where's Sora?!?" Someone panicked.

"Chill she's in the dining room with Minho." Onew answered as he and the person came into view.

"Jonghyun?!? What are you doing here?!? How'd it happen?!?" I flew at him.

"He sent a bunch of his thugs to our hotel room. Key was reading and Taemin was watching TV. I was in the bathroom. I come out and next thing I know they're both gone. I don't know where they are. This happened a few hours ago so I caught a flight out here as soon as I could. What do we do?" He panicked.

"I'm going to get them back even if I die in the process." I said bravely.

"Woah! Sora there has to be another way!" Minho protested. 

"I'm storming in there and ending this once and for all. I am getting my brother and boyfriend back even if it kills me." I told them.

"Well I'm definitely coming with you. I know how to fight." Jonghyun said to me.

"Ok you can have my back." I told

"Hey what about Onew and me?!?" Minho asked.

"Can you two fight or defend yourselves?" I asked.

"No." They simultaneously said.

"Ok then I know the location but how do we get there?" I asked.

"Easy I have spare motorcycles in the garage. You can each take your one. Follow me." Onew told us.

"Wait I have to get something! Jonghyun come with me." He agreed and followed me to my room. I ran over to my suitcase. I pulled out two guns.

"It's yours." I told him handing him one.

"How did you get past security with these?!?" He asked.

"I have my ways." I told him. "Now lead the way to the garage." He concealed his gun in his belt, covering it with his shirt. I clipped mine to my bra and followed Jonghyun. When we got to the garage it was vehicle mania. All kinds of vehicles were parked neately in rows by their type. 

"Pick your vehicle." Onew told us. I walked over to a purple and black motorcycle nd claimed it. O looked around to see Jonghyun had picked a black and silver one. We got on our motorcycles and put on our helmets as Onew opened the garage door.

"Sora just input the location in both of your GPS's so if you guys get separated you still know where you're going." Onew said. I did that then got on my bike again. We said our goodbyes and goodlucks and I kissed Onew on the cheek telling him to "Watch the house oppa. I believe in you and Minho." With that done, Jonghyun and I peeled away from Onew's house without another word.

"The drive over to the warehouse wasn't long and was suprisingly undisturbed. When we got to the warehouse we drove in quietly and got off our bikes. Before Jonghyun and I were about to bust down the door a thought crossed my mind. I will not leave this place until my brother and boyfriend walk out with me. I'm about to raise hell to get them back. This is all going to end today. Right now. With that motivating me I bust down the door. All hell was about to break loose.......and I was more than ready for it.


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1Dsgirl98 #1
Thank you so much! ^_^ Anticipate the sequel. I'm working on it right now. I'm kinda having trouble with the description though :'-(
mwahmwah #2
Chapter 58: wonderful! <3 the ending is soo good !
mwahmwah #3
Chapter 57: wheres shinee now ? :(
mwahmwah #4
Chapter 56: OOOooOoOooOoOo
Chapter 56: WHOAAAAAAAA... Sora..... You're just... wow. (fantastic baby)
1Dsgirl98 #6
Chapter 56: I love Kyumin so I just had to include that. Please anticipate my future chapters. Kamsahamnida readers! ^_^
Chapter 55: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suju oppas are such _______s xD