Oppa when is our flight?

This is Why I Don't Fall in Love

The door flew off its hinges not long after I screamed. In the door way stood a seething Key, annoyed Onew, shocked Jonghyun, and poker faced Minho.

"What the he-" Key started yelling then stopped. His scowl dropped. He now looked just about as annoyed as the leader.

"You guys were.......only massaging each other. B-but Sora m-moaned. What y-you sa-" Key stuttered.

"He was working on my back. I moaned because he hit my stress spot. What'd you guys think was happening?" I asked.

"We thought you were ing. You two are always all over each other so we wouldn't have been suprised if you guys were going at it." Jonghyun said bluntly.

"You two are really getting annoying you know." Minho said, still with a poker face.

"Yeah you guys need some time apart. You're both going on vacation separately." Key said firmly.

But Key!" I protested.

"No buts! Taemin is going with Jonghyun and me to Japan. You, Onew, and, and Minho are going  to Onew's beach house on Jeju Island. Now go back." Key said daring me to cross him.

"Please Key!" I pleaded.

"NO!!!" Key yelled.

I gave up and sighed. "Fine how long should I pack for?"  I asked.

"A month." He said.

"A MONTH?!?" I screeched at him.

"Yeah. Now go pack before I do it for you." With that said I sprinted to the closet and pulled out a suitcase. I shoved all my  new clothes into it. I ran around collecting my cosmetics, accessories, chargers, feminine things, and a bunch of other crap and cramming it into my suitcase. When it wouldn't shut, I sat on it then zipped it up.

"Okay I'm ready!" I said but something was puzzling me. "Onew don't you guys have schedules or any SHINee stuff? Can you afford to take a month off? This is why I feel like a burden. You guys are taking a month off because of me." I babbled, mad at myself for causing the guys so much trouble.

"Sora stop. We already have all our songs recorded, our album is ready, and promotions aren't for 3 months. You will never be a burden to us. Plus this time off should be nice before chaos starts up again. We've been planning this trip for a whie so everyone except for you and Taemin are ready. You just finished so only Taemin's left." Onew explained. 

Then he directed a glare towards Taemin and said, "Yah maknae! Go pack! Your flight leaves at 3 pm. It's noon so hurry." Taemin scurried off to get his things so they wouldn't miss their flight."

"Oppa when is our flight?" I asked Onew.

"Ours is at 4 pm. Even though our flight is an hour later then the others, we should leave at the same time. We'll kill our extra hour at the airport." Onew told me. I nodded my understanding and walked out to the living room to sit down. Everyone but Taemin, who was still packing, joined me. So when Taemin was done we all gathered around the couch and spent our last few hours together.

Two and a half hours Onew said, "Guys it's time to leave." We grabbed our suitcases and  followed Onew out the door. We got into two cabs, one for each group. We sent the Japan crew ahead of us because their flight was leaving before ours so they needed to get there earlier. The Japan cab got there 5 minutes before ours. When my cab got to the airport we did our little good byes.

I hugged Key. "Have fun! I won't miss your nagging oppa. Onew oppa and Minho oppa are quiet and nice." I told him.

"And I'm not?!?" He gasped playfully. I gave him one more hug. I  turned around to find Taemin only to immediately be engulfed in someone's arms.

"I'll miss you babe." Jonghyun said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 

"Yeah yeah I'll miss you too." I told him removing his arm from around me.

"Yah let go of my girl!" Taemin called  rushing towards us. He pulled me close then held me at arm's length. I saw his eyes watering which made mine start to as well. After staring at each other's faces, trying to memorize the other's anatomy in the little time we had. He pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm gonna miss you jagi. Don't flirt with any guys in Jeju arasso?" He said, tears falling down his face. Seeing this made me leak tears too. I wiped his as he swiped at mine as well.

"I only see youl Wait!! Did you call me.......jagi?!?"

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1Dsgirl98 #1
Thank you so much! ^_^ Anticipate the sequel. I'm working on it right now. I'm kinda having trouble with the description though :'-(
mwahmwah #2
Chapter 58: wonderful! <3 the ending is soo good !
mwahmwah #3
Chapter 57: wheres shinee now ? :(
mwahmwah #4
Chapter 56: OOOooOoOooOoOo
Chapter 56: WHOAAAAAAAA... Sora..... You're just... wow. (fantastic baby)
1Dsgirl98 #6
Chapter 56: I love Kyumin so I just had to include that. Please anticipate my future chapters. Kamsahamnida readers! ^_^
Chapter 55: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suju oppas are such _______s xD