Mianhae Jagiya

This is Why I Don't Fall in Love

"Taemin!" I yelled. I almost dropped Leeteuk's food as I put it down quickly. I set it down on a chair and rushed towards Taemin. "Baby I missed you!" I told him. I went to kiss him but he turned his face to the side. My heart broke at that gesture. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked him.

"What's wrong is you're having a child with another man! How could you?!? We haven't even had yet!" He yelled. I finally understood what he was going on about. He had completely misunderstood the situation. 

"It's not like that! We were talking about something else. I was going to tell you about it too!" I told him.

"Oh really?" He scoffed crossing his arms over his chest. I glanced around to make sure no one else was here before I pulled up my shirt. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see his reaction. I heard a gasp and felt slender fingers dance across my stomach. I opened my eyes which were blurred with tears and looked at him.

"Do you believe me now?" I asked him choking back my sobs. "I can't believe you'd think I'd do that to you. Heechul is just a friend." I told him. He pulled down my shirt and pulled me into a hug. I yanked myself out of his grip. I picked up Leeteuk's food and walked into his room.

"Sora I'm sorry!" He yelled after me. I just ignored him. I needed some time alone. Teukie and Hyukjae were still sleeping so I just set the food by his bed and sat down as well. I can't believe he'd think I'd do that! Who does he think I am? If he can't trust me then that's bad.

I heard Heechul talking to Taemin. "Taemin you of all people should know Sora's not like that. You ed up." He told Taemin. I heard Taemin sigh. "I know hyung. I don't know what came over me though. Why would she hide a tattoo? What does it even mean?"

I heard Heechul snicker then sober up quickly so he could answer Taemin's questions. "Do you want Key to kill her? You know he'd flip out. I saw it but I'm not sure what it means." He told the younger. I cracked up at Heechul's natural lie. I don't want Taemin to think I'm a psycho so I don't think I'm going to tell anyone else other than Heechul.

I  took a deep breath and stood up. I walked to the door and opened it. Heechul and Taemin stared at me. Taemin immediately opened his mouth. "Mianhae jagiya! I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. Please forgive me?"

"I don't want to fight." I told him and walked into his outstretched arms. He hugged me tightly. "Let's try this again." I told him. "Baby I missed you!" I said.

"I missed you too!" He said. I leaned in for a kiss and this time our lips actually touched. We kept making out until the door opened. There stood Hyukjae rubbing his tired eyes. When he caught a glimpse of me and Taemin his eyes wudened.

"Oh god! My eyes! I'm going to go blind!" He screeched and ran back into the room. I giggled at his childish antics.

"Where are the other guys?" I asked Taemin.

"Hyungs are coming a little later. I had to come see you as soon as possible so I left first." I nodded and pulled him into the room. Taemin sat down on a chair and pulled me into his lap. I rested my head on his chest and looked around the room. Leeteuk and Hyukjae were now awake and eating their breakfasts.

I just peacefully observed the scene until Eunhyuk abruptly looked up. "What is it Hyukjae?" Leeteuk asked him.

"I had the strangest dream last night. It was so realistic I almost thought it was real." He  said. "Oh and the strangest thing is you were in it Sora." What  is going on?

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1Dsgirl98 #1
Thank you so much! ^_^ Anticipate the sequel. I'm working on it right now. I'm kinda having trouble with the description though :'-(
mwahmwah #2
Chapter 58: wonderful! <3 the ending is soo good !
mwahmwah #3
Chapter 57: wheres shinee now ? :(
mwahmwah #4
Chapter 56: OOOooOoOooOoOo
Chapter 56: WHOAAAAAAAA... Sora..... You're just... wow. (fantastic baby)
1Dsgirl98 #6
Chapter 56: I love Kyumin so I just had to include that. Please anticipate my future chapters. Kamsahamnida readers! ^_^
Chapter 55: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Suju oppas are such _______s xD