To the beach!

Difficult love.

  "~~~! Time to wake up! It's late already. If you want to go to the beach, wake up now!" You heard Zelo shouting from below. You woke up and looked to your right to see your clock. *What the hell? It's like only 6.30 am? I don't care. I'm going back to sleep.* You grabbed your blankets and buried your head inside. 

"LEE ~~~!" Himchan yelled as he pulled your blankets. "Oppa!" You muttered grouchily. You looked at the clock again. "Omg! It's only been one minute oppa! Can't you just let me sleep in peace? Like seriously!" "Get up now or you'll regret it." Himchan warned you. "Whatever." You buried your head into your blanket again and continued to sleep. And then, it was silent. *Oppa, went out already? Impossible.* You flipped your blanket and saw Himchan with a loud-hailer. "GET UP NOW, LEE ~~~!" He places the loud-hailer beside your ear and yelled. "OPPA!! YOU! IM GETTING DEAF!" You yelled back at him. Himchan laughed, "Mianhe ~~~, go wash your face now. We're going to go to the beach. Eurwangni beach, girl." You brightened at the word. "Eurwangni beach? Yes!" You pumped your fist and ran to wash your face immediately. *I should have said that earlier. It would have saved all the troubles. From flipping her blanket to getting the loud-hailer.* Himchan thought. 

  You got your simple tank top and a beach shorts, since you were going to the beach, and went down to look for your brothers. To your surprise, they were making sandwiches and kimbap. I mean, it's not surprising but somehow it was too. Whenever it comes to beach outing, it was always you and Daehyun who prepared the food because your brothers were either busy sleeping or busy packing their stuffs. 

  "Oppa." You hugged Yongguk's waist from the back as he was cutting the kimbap. "Yes my dear?" He smiled as he turned a little but eyes not leaving the knife. "Nothing." You smiled. "Kimbap and wichies for picnic?" "Yes. Kimbap and wichies." Wichies is what you call sandwiches. You've been calling it since young. It was a habit. 

  "Ready to go?" Jongup smiled as he jumped up and down excitedly. "Yeah man!" Zelo and you shouted at the same time. Your brothers were also wearing tank tops. Just that, Zelo was wearing a purple cap, Himchan was wearing sunglasses and Yongguk was wearing both. The word to describe them, HOT. They looked like they were a bunch of perfect guys. Oh so handsome. 

  Soon, after a 30-minutes drive, you all arrived at your destination, Erwangni beach. Immediately, you took off your slippers and ran at your full speed towards the sea with Zelo and Jongup following closely behind you. You squatted down somewhere not too near to the sea and started building sandcastles. 3 of you started building sandcastles while Youngjae helped get some water to build the sandcastle and Daehyun went around to look for seashells to decorate the sandcastles later. And of course, the 2 eldest are too old for such activity and thus, they stayed in the shade as they got the food out from the picnic basket.

  "Oppa! That's not how you build a sandcastle! You dumb fool!" You yelled at Zelo. You know what he was actually pouring water on the sandcastle you built. And what was his reason? So that the sandcastle would turn hard. You literally face-palmed yourself. What a stupid oppa. "Oppa, you can't pour the water on the sandcastle like that. It will spoil it!" Zelo rubbed his head and pouted. You laughed at him. 

  After building a few sandcastles and taking a few polaroids with your brothers, you all decided to take a break since you were all tired. "Come here, ~~~." Yongguk patted the space beside him as he waved you over with the other hand. You looked at him and crawled over like a baby. "Yes, oppa?" You gave him your eye-smile. Yongguk held a piece of Kimbap and fed you, "Say ahhh." "Ahhh." You immediately said as you opened your mouth really really big. Your other brothers continued feeding you non-stop. "Oppa, please stop feeding me. I'm growing fat! I don't want to!" You patted your 'huge' stomach. All 6 of them looked at you. "You kidding me?!" They gawked as they looked at your flat stomach. You were so skinny. Not skinny actually. Slim is the word. You had that hourglass figure that everyone wanted but you were still not satisfied. You felt that you were fat. "Oh please, if you're fat, what about that woman there!" Youngjae pointed to the woman wearing a bikini with a petruding stomach. Immediately, all of you burst out into laughter. "You bastard!" Himchan smacked Youngjae as he tried to control his laughter. 

  You were lying on the floor with your face facing down as you sunbathed with your bikini. You were really fair and you didn't like it. Thus, you liked sunbathing. Your brothers were lying beside you in a line sunbathing too. This time, again, 7 of you were the centre of attraction. Of course you were. You, were pretty and y while your brothers were handsome and hot. The perfect girlfriend and boyfriends. Guys and girls who pass by your brothers and you, never fail to take a look at you all. You were used to all the staring, not those fierce staring but like how guys stare at girls and then they start whistling. You were so used to it you didn't notice him coming. 

  "~~~!" You heard Kris's voice called you from afar. Previously, your face was kind of facing down because the stares were too annoying. But after Kris called you, your head shot up. *Oh my ing god. It's Kris. And EXO! .* Usually, you would be really happy to see Kris but this time, you weren't. How could you? Remember? You were in a bikini. It's not that you don't look nice but you weren't confident of showing yourself in a bikini, to someone you know. Except your brothers. "Oh, annyeong Kris. Annyeong everybody." You waved at EXO and gave them a shy smile as you ran for your towel. Seeing EXO too, your brothers sat up and exchanged greetings as well. They were fine with EXO but not exactly fine if they get too close with you. 

  "Annyeong." Kris said again as he sat down beside you while the other members started making small conversations with your brothers to gain favor from your brothers since they were in the same line. "Annyeong." You greeted back shyly as you avoid looking into his eyes. Once you look into his eyes, it's hard to not look again. It was.. Awkward between both of you. You wrapped yourself even tighter with the towel. Sensing your discomfort, "You look alright, ~~~. Why are you feeling so awkward?" He asked. "I look weird." You replied. "No, you don't, ~~~. Don't feel this way. You look pretty. You are pretty." He smiled and patted your shoulder. Then, someone sat on the other side. It was Kai. "~~~. So this was why you weren't free." Kai smiled widely at you. "Yeah." "Let's hangout together today then!" Kai suggested. 

  "No." Yongguk said firmly but gently. "It's our siblings' gathering day today. I'm sorry but it's going to be just the 7 of us." All the EXO members saddened immediately. "Man!" "Alright, we understand." Kris answered on behalf of them since he was the leader of EXO. " But there's still some time to talk right?" You nodded. Though you wanted EXO to stay, Yongguk was right. It was your siblings' gathering day. And since you get to spend the day tomorrow with EXO because it's school, why not spend more time with your brothers?

  "~~~!! OMG! Look at that!" Sehun pointed to a young girl who was holding onto a huge candy floss. He was sooooo fascinated, sooooo adorable. "Sehun! Why are you so fascinated? I'm actually suspecting you might not be from planet earth!" You laughed at him. As he laughed, he answered, "I'm from planet EXO!" He pointed somewhere into the sky. *Silly Sehun.* "Sehun, let's buy some candy floss for my oppas and EXO members." You held his hand and pulled him up from his sitting position. "I want to go too!" Xiumin insisted. Soon, Chanyeol and Luhan wanted to tag along as well. They were even arguing why he should go. *Immature kids.* "YAH! My sister is going with me! Not any of you." Himchan yelled at the arguing four. "ANDWAE!!" Sehun yelled. The next thing you know, you were panting in front of the supermarket with Sehun and Chanyeol with you.

  "Why is it only both of you?" You managed to say though you were almost breathless. Sehun, you and Chanyeol ran all the way here. You weren't running willingly. You were actually forced to run since Chanyeol and Sehun were holding you and they were running really fast. As for why it's only both of them, it's simple. The other two's too slow to catchup, which means, they can't run. And as for why these two giants could run so quickly, they have long legs. Remember? "They're too slow! They can't run!" Chanyeol started laughing hysterically which made you wonder. *Was it suppose to be funny?* But it can't be helped since he's the happy virus of EXO!

  "19 candy floss please." Chanyeol ordered politely. "Make it 20!" Sehun interrupted. The man started to make 20 candy floss. While he was busy making, "Sehun, if I'm not wrong, there are only 19 of us. And I'm very sure I'm not wrong. There is a reason why I major in maths." You raised your eyebrow. "Wrong. We should buy 20. Yes, I major in dance and not maths," He started dancing and then continued "but I'm sure I didn't count wrongly. Yes, there are 19 of us but I need 2!" He pouted. "~~~ don't know me well enough." You scratched your head, feeling embarrassed. "Kidding!" He smiled widely. All of you got the candy floss and headed back.

  When you got back, you gave them the candy floss and started chatting. You were chatting really happily with EXO but sure, you noticed there were some eyes glaring at you and of course they were girls who were jealous. As you all chatted, you were comfortable with EXO. You spoke with Kai, Suho, D.O and the others but you could tell your brothers were getting unhappy. "Oppa, I.. Guess it's time for you all to go." You waved a small goodbye. EXO looked around and saw your brothers' unhappy face. Kris took the initiative, "Alright then. Bye ~~~. Bye hyungs." He bowed. Everyone bided goodbye and left. The last to leave was Kai, "See you tomorrow, ~~~." Since it was Monday tomorrow. Kai winked and left. 

  "Alright, oppas, let's finish what we were doing just now." You smiled at them and all of you started eating and chatting again.

  No cliffhanger this time. (: And since you all wanted EXO, here they are. Previously, I wanted to wait because EXO's gonna come out in the school annual camp but it's okay! They'll come out now (only awhile) and later  in the camp too! 

Song of the chapter : Gangnam style

Another rushed chapter. Sorry.

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Chapter 1: Im about to start this story but there is one thing that I'm really confused about...
It's pretty impossible that zelo is brother related when he is a few days older... no birth and pregnancy goes that way.. just letting you know.
Chapter 70: Awhhhhh soooo flipping cute!
Kai is the best boyfriend ever. ♥
I wish I was his girlfriend.): #sadlifeofafangirl
Chapter 70: awesome story!(: great job!
Chapter 70: i love this story <3
this deserve an upvote and a subscribe :D
Thank you subscribers commenters and lovely readers. Thank you all for supporting my story I love all of you. I've reached 206 subscribers and I thank all of you. <3
Matokii #6
Chapter 2: Hahaha I love it that they call her baby girl~ :D
I'm so looking forward to the next chapters :3
Chapter 49: If i'm not wrong when ~~~ with infinite she said her school is seoul art school but in this chapter her school is TS high school ._.
WatashinoOrenji #8
Chapter 70: Awwwwww I love it so much that i almost cry!!! T.T
Chapter 70: WOAH loved the story!!! ^_^