Infinite part 2

Difficult love.

   Woohyun sighed. "I went out to buy the groceries for tonight's dinner when some people started surrounding me. They started beating me up and I retaliated but all they did was, gave me harder punches. I figured out they were black dog's men. And soon, after many punches, I collapsed." Woohyun sighed. Again. You pitied him. It must have hurt a lot. You were getting more and more curious about Infinite's life. What happened between EXO and them, black dogs and them. 

   "You guys must be hungry right? I'll cook for you all. Take care of Woohyun while I'm cooking alright?" You went into the kitchen to look for ingredients and started cooking. "Hyung, ~~~'s really nice. How fortunate is BAP to have such a pretty and nice sister. I wish ~~~ comes here everyday. I have a feeling our life will get better with her around." Hoya said to Sunggyu. 

   You cut the vegetables and dropped it gently into the soup. Then you took the frying pan and started frying rice. After about 30 mins, you were done cooking. And the whole room was filled with delicious aroma. You took the rice and soup out and placed it on the table. "Nothing much but these are my signature dishes." You smiled. "Wah, it smell so nice!" Sungyeol leaned in to smell the fried rice. "Dig in! I'll go in to feed Woohyun." You grabbed a small bowl of rice and soup and went into the room. *~~~ cares a lot about Woohyun.* L thought. 

   "Woohyun-sshi," You helped Woohyun up so that you could feed him. "Sit up, I'll feed you." You fed Woohyun mouths after mouth. You felt like you were a mother taking care of her son. After you finished feeding him, "Woohyun-sshi, I'm going out to eat my dinner." "Wait, ~~~, stop being so formal, call me Oppa." Woohyun suggested. *A injured man can still give such suggestions.* "Okay, Oppa. I'll go out now." You went out to have dinner with the other boys.

   "Wah, ~~~, this is so good!" Sungjong pointed to the fried rice. "I didn't know you were such a great cook!" Sunggyu commented. You were flattered and you blushed at the praises. "~~~, which school are you in?" Sunggyu asked, out of curiousity. "Seoul Arts High." You replied. "Ah.. I see." 

   After dinner, all of you went into the room to watch a movie. You got to know Infinite better and they're true personality were showing. They're cute and adorable personality. They didn't look like gangsters, in fact, they were like playful boys. they were so childish, they were worse than Zelo. But you liked it. It's been only a few hours but your opinion about infinite has been changed completely. For the better.

   Soon, the night grew darker and you decided it was time to go home. "I'll be going off now. Thanks." You smiled. "I'll walk you home." Dongwoo suggested. "Okay." You nodded your head. The others agreed to since it was dangerous for a girl to walk on the streets at night. *Why didn't they accompany me that night then?* You didn't know but they did.

   "~~~, thank you for saving Woohyun yesterday. I don't know what would happen if it wasn't for you. We owe you a lot. And, we hope that we are enemies just with your brothers and not you. In fact, we would like to be friends with you. Is it alright?" Dongwoo asked. "Of course, but we'll pretend we don't know each other in front of my brothers okay? Because I'm afraid they might do silly things. They aren't actually bad. My brothers are nice." You said as you walked under the starry night with Dongwoo beside you. "I know. But there are some things you'll never understand." "You'll never understand what we have been through." Dongwoo muttered, loud enough only for him to hear.



"Thanks for sending me home, Dongwoo."

  "You'll come by again tomorrow right?"

   "Yes of course." You smiled. "Go home safely. Bye!" You waved goodbye and opened your house door to see your brothers all sitting at the sofa. *Not again.* You mentally face palmed yourself. "You're gaining freedom really easily huh? No more of these. I don't like the way you're doing things. Just because we give you a little bit of freedom, you take it for granted? You're grounded!" Yongguk raised his voice a little. "What?! No way!" You argued back. "Yes way! Get into your room now and get ready for school tomorrow!" He yelled. With that, all your brothers except Daehyun went into the room.  

  You dropped your shoulders as tears blurred your vision. *Why? All I wanted was freedom. Was I wrong to ask for some? Why the hell are they treating me this way? This is so unfair!* "I HATE YOU OPPA!" You yelled and slammed your room door shut. A gentle knock came on your door. "~~~ ah." You guessed it was Daehyun since only he cared about you. But it wasn't true, all your other brothers care for you too. But sometimes, they just don't want to show it. Boys and their pride. "GO AWAY!" You yelled. For that whole night, you cried until you fell asleep.

Yes, a cold war is going to start. It's gonna last quite long too. Hehe. And no, you're not falklng for woohyun. Yet? A lot of drama huh? Haha.

   Song of the chapter: Baby I'm sorry.

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Chapter 1: Im about to start this story but there is one thing that I'm really confused about...
It's pretty impossible that zelo is brother related when he is a few days older... no birth and pregnancy goes that way.. just letting you know.
Chapter 70: Awhhhhh soooo flipping cute!
Kai is the best boyfriend ever. ♥
I wish I was his girlfriend.): #sadlifeofafangirl
Chapter 70: awesome story!(: great job!
Chapter 70: i love this story <3
this deserve an upvote and a subscribe :D
Thank you subscribers commenters and lovely readers. Thank you all for supporting my story I love all of you. I've reached 206 subscribers and I thank all of you. <3
Matokii #6
Chapter 2: Hahaha I love it that they call her baby girl~ :D
I'm so looking forward to the next chapters :3
Chapter 49: If i'm not wrong when ~~~ with infinite she said her school is seoul art school but in this chapter her school is TS high school ._.
WatashinoOrenji #8
Chapter 70: Awwwwww I love it so much that i almost cry!!! T.T
Chapter 70: WOAH loved the story!!! ^_^