

Baekhyun jumped up from his bed, his forehead wet with his sweat. His eyes scanned the room and he ran out immediately to inform the rest of the princes. All of them were gathered up in the living room and Baekhyun looked at each and one of them, “You guys dreamt of Saewon, right?” He asked since he sensed the anxiety in everyone’s eyes.


“I saw Saewon in my dreams” Xiumin began and they all kept quiet, “she looked normal, just like before” he said and they all nodded except Luhan who stared with a puzzled face. “I had a different vision” he whispered and they turned to him.

“She forgot who I was” his voice was low, Sehun patted his back. “Hyung, maybe that was your nightmare; we all had the same dream as Xiumin hyung. Saewon can’t forget you” He tried to comfort Luhan.


D.o turned to Kai with a soft smile, “Saewon is going to be alright” Kai said and D.o nodded. “She will be back with us soon, I think that’s why we all had the same dream” D.o shrugged with a chuckle. “Saewonnie will be coming back soon” he sang as he stretched his arms. Everyone had the same hope.


All twelve princes waited for the signal from the King as to when they could go and see Saewon but the day did not come as quickly as they thought. “She is still in a critical condition so I don’t think you all can visit her sooner” He explained with a heavy heart.


“But we all had a vision that Saewon was back with us. She was healthy” Suho protested.

“Saewon was eating breakfast with us” Baekhyun joined.

“She was joking around with me” Chen said.

“Saewon was playing games with me, she was losing to me” Chanyeol said out loud.

“Saewon was right next to me” Kris said.

“Saewon came back, I swear she came back to us” Sehun cried.

“Saewon, she was reading with me. She was even laughing at my joke” Kai ended it when the King stopped all of them.


All of them walked out in despair, they thought that Saewon would come back like the way she had in their dreams. Luhan turned to Lay who shook his head. His shoulders dropped and began to worry; only he had the different dream. What does that suppose to mean?


 “Maybe it’s just a nightmare” Luhan said to himself and Lay turned to look at him with a frown. “You’ve got to calm down, Luhan-ge” he squeezed his shoulder and pushed him to his room so that he could relax a bit.


Baekhyun, Sehun, Tao and Chen walked out of the meeting room, feeling all their energy drained out. “I’m going to have a nap now” Tao yawned and separated himself from the three. His eyes turned dimmer as he made his way towards the bedrooms. He passed his own and continued to the one in the corner.


Tao frowned as he opened the door, seeing Luhan sitting on the bed; facing the ceiling of his room. Tao cleared his throat and tapped on Luhan’s shoulder, gaining his attention. “Luhan” His voice was a bit deeper than usual.

“Oh Taozi, what happened” Luhan kept his smile to prevent his dongsaengs from worrying over him. “Do you love our Saewon?” Tao asked slowly which made Luhan confuse.


“Of course I love Saewon” Luhan stared at Tao and sensed something different, it was the aura that surrounded him.

Tao gave a small smile and patted Luhan before making his way out without any other question. Luhan stared at him as he took his time out of the room.

“There was something wrong with Tao” Luhan muttered and his eyebrows furrowed as he began to think hard about the aura that was surrounding Tao.


A week went and they all gathered at the hall to go to the hospital. Chanyeol was smiling excitedly because it was finally the day they could get Saewon back to their side.


The whole hour of ride to the hospital was full of chattering, everyone talking about how they would take Saewon out to parks to play and how they would cook for her or even talk non-stop with her.


Tao complained about him feeling extra tired after meeting up with the King about Saewon. “My body is aching, Kris-ge” he nudged Kris who was beside him. “You were so weird that day, you used informality the whole night” Kris said and rolled his eyes.


Luhan listened to each and everyone one of them blabber, he did not have the mind to think of anything like those. He just wanted to make sure that Saewon is still alive and she would never leave his sight ever again.


The vehicle stopped and they all made their way up the building in an orderly manner since the public was watching them as a whole. They all grew nervous as they paused in front of the room which Saewon is staying in.


Kris looked at them and opened the door when they all nodded to confirm that they were ready to see Saewon. Whether she was awake or still in a coma.


Kris walked in first and his eyes went straight to the bed which still contained the sleeping Saewon. Sehun sighed and kept his eyes to the ground, “our dream was just a dream” he mumbled and Chen nodded. “Maybe that was what we expected and this is the reality” Suho whispered.


Lay stared at Saewon and his eyes widened, “Wait guys, she’s moving” he informed them and they all shook their head. “Don’t give us false hopes” Baekhyun looked away from the bed and Tao made him look up. “She is moving” he said in a high pitch.




Stirring a bit in her long sleep, Saewon could hear people talking to themselves and all of a sudden a high pitch between the mumbles. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked a few times to adjust to the brightness of the room.


The sun shone through the windows, the rays hitting her skin softly. She turned to the side and saw the princes staring at her, all stoned.


She smiled and sat up slowly, “Baekhyun oppa what’s wrong with you” she giggled at her horse voice and tried to clear it.

“She’s awake” they said together and Saewon shrugged, “I was just asleep for a while” she rubbed her eyes with a pout.


Looking at them standing still in the corner, she gestured them to come closer. “Do I have cooties around me or something that you don’t want to come near me?” she fixed her hair properly in a pony tail.


Suho who was sitting at the far end stared at her with a shocked face. “Yah Guardian! Wake up” she flicked her fingers at him which made him smile widely, “sorry, I am just too happy” he confessed.


Sleeping for too long, Saewon fiddled with her fingers as she chatted with the princes before excusing herself to the bathroom.

“I will help you” Luhan called out as he stood up from the seat next to her bed. Saewon turned to him and stared at him from up and down. “Who are you?” she asked and turned to Kai. “Kai, who is this person?” she pointed at Luhan with creased forehead.


Sehun looked at Saewon and then at Luhan, he faked a laugh, “don’t be like this, that’s Luhan hyung” he emphasized on Luhan’s name which Saewon made Saewon shrug and looked at Sehun.


“Sehun-ah, I’m sorry but I have never heard of anyone called Luhan before. Can I just go to the bathroom now?” she excused herself for the second time and Baekhyun held her hand as she went, she did not push him off like the way she did to Luhan.

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[WELCOME BACK TO EXOPLANET] The chapters 51 and 52 had been mixed.... I updated 52 last night and realized it was the wrong one... I have updated it already. :D


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Chapter 57: Finally!!!!!!! Luhan and Saewon♡♥♡♥♡♥
Exoticbaby101 #2
Chapter 57: Noooooooooooooo it's over!!!!!! It was a GREAT story. I enjoyed reading it!!!!!! I am so happy it was luhan hahahaha I was for him the whole time lol hahahaha lol I loved it!!!!!
Chapter 45: Poor kai...
bibiblock #4
Chapter 44: Poor kai T_T...I want her to be whit him.
Chapter 56: I take back what I said I like lulu for her now
Chapter 30: awwwww I bet Kai and Sehun more *mian Lulu deer* but really I like Kai or Sehun for her ouch for the two
Chapter 5: aren't all EXO memebers here?
misspurplefreak #8
Chapter 55: Omo new reader here! UPDATE SOON PLEASE
Chapter 54: Update soon
Supbruh29 #10
Chapter 54: Update soon jebal ^^ i love the fic^^