Meteor attack


Saewon stretched her arms as soon as she got out of her room to go for breakfast. “This will be a lonely breakfast since oppas are out to visit the other side of EXOPLANET” she pouted as she sat down by the table to eat the food in front. The scene from last night with Kai made her smile as her sipped a cup of water.


After breakfast Saewon decided to take a stroll around the outside of the palace. Humming to the last song she heard on earth, she walked slowly to look at the flowers in the garden. “Princess Saewon, what are you doing out here?” one of the servants asked as she carried watering pot. As soon as she saw that, she smiled widely. “Umm unnie, can I water the flowers?” she asked, shocking her.


Walking around the garden with a watering pot, she watered the flowers and stared at the small ones that were yet to open up to the world. “I wonder how is it over that side where Lay, Tao, Chen and Xiumin oppa is staying” she mumbled as she passed by the small gardens that had been watered by the maids.


“Princess... what are you doing out here? The King said for everyone to be indoors” she panicked and Saewon tilted her head. “Waeyo? The weather is nice and sunny. There are no assassins or are there?” her eyes widened with shock as she thought about it. “A warning had been given out that a meteor will hit Exoplanet” she didn’t wait for Saewon’s answer as she pulled her inside the palace immediately.


“What meteor? Hit Exoplanet? Oh my god! How big is the meteor?” she blurted out her questions while she was being pulled inside. Her heartbeat fastened as she replayed the movies in her head about the huge meteors hitting earth and killing millions of people. “It won’t be like that right? I hope so... Oppas aren’t back yet”


“Ahjussi, what meteor are the maids talking about all of a sudden on a nice day like this” she asked the King not caring of what she just called him. She just wanted to hear the real thing; she hoped it was just a joke to get her inside the palace. The King’s face paled, he wasn’t in the mood to answer her question. “Take a seat and wait for the boys to come back. All twelve of them will be here” he walked away from her with a worried expression.


“Please tell me it is a joke” she prayed as she sat down and stared at the blue sky. “It doesn’t look like a meteor will hit us” she held onto the sofa tight and looked away as she tried not to think about it. “Number forty eight” she called and in a minute the maid arrived. “Has the princes’ arrived yet?” Saewon asked, the maid looked at her as she thought.


“To answer Princess, it is a probability that they won’t be back until the meteor warning is cut off. It is much safer that side” she answered and Saewon was relieved, “It’s safer that side? Are you sure?” the maid nodded.


‘Oppas must be safe that side’ she closed her eyes and prayed again. “Please let them be”


“Saewon” a smooth voice echoed through the room. ‘Luhan oppa, please be safe. I don’t want to lose you and the others’

“Saewon-ah” the same voice was heard and she opened her eyes, facing the empty space in front. ‘It’s just me’ she closed her eyes and when she opened it again, the sky was seen dark with red horizon. A sudden lightning struck through the palace making her jump.


Her heartbeat fastened as she began to witness the incoming meteors.



Loud noise and screams were heard; the maid rushed to her and pulled her to a safer place away from the windows. “Princess, you need to stay away from the windows. That is the most dangerous place” she warned and Saewon began to get more scared. Tears began to fill up her eyes as she looked at the meteors crashing into the land from far away.


‘I’m scared. Oppa I need you with me’ she cried inside as she was being pulled to the basement where everyone gathered.


She slid down to the floor as soon as she leaned on the wall in the basement. Hugging her knees, she trembled with fear. The King was nowhere to be seen and even with the maids that she was with during her stay, it didn’t help her from being scared. It felt like something important wasn’t with her. Maybe if she could hear his smooth and soft voice, she would calm a bit.


Closing her eyes shut, she tried to replay his voice in her head.

“Saewon, it’s okay. You have me here” she smiled a bit as she thought of him.

 “You have all of us here” the twelve of them smiled warmly.


“Han Saewon! Where are you?” voices were heard after she calmed down. ‘Im here’ she said to herself.


She opened her eyes again and screams were heard in the basement.

“Yu-min’s house has been hit! We need to get her family here” the maids shouted while some cried in the corner.

“Noo...” she whispered to herself and covered her ears as she panicked again.


“Saewon” a low audible voice echoed in her head. “Saewon!” she couldn’t calm down anymore. She opened her eyes and saw the one she was waiting for even though she wanted him to be safe with the others.

“Saewon” he looked at her hugging her knees, trembling as she looked up at him. His heart ached, he started to blame himself for going to that place. He started to blame himself for not being with her earlier.

He walked closer to her, every step he took there had been a urge for him to take bigger steps and hold her real tight. ‘I’m here, I will protect you’ he knelt in front of her and wiped her tears.


She cried harder and wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. She buried into his chest to hide away the sound of the meteors outside the palace.

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[WELCOME BACK TO EXOPLANET] The chapters 51 and 52 had been mixed.... I updated 52 last night and realized it was the wrong one... I have updated it already. :D


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Chapter 57: Finally!!!!!!! Luhan and Saewon♡♥♡♥♡♥
Exoticbaby101 #2
Chapter 57: Noooooooooooooo it's over!!!!!! It was a GREAT story. I enjoyed reading it!!!!!! I am so happy it was luhan hahahaha I was for him the whole time lol hahahaha lol I loved it!!!!!
Chapter 45: Poor kai...
bibiblock #4
Chapter 44: Poor kai T_T...I want her to be whit him.
Chapter 56: I take back what I said I like lulu for her now
Chapter 30: awwwww I bet Kai and Sehun more *mian Lulu deer* but really I like Kai or Sehun for her ouch for the two
Chapter 5: aren't all EXO memebers here?
misspurplefreak #8
Chapter 55: Omo new reader here! UPDATE SOON PLEASE
Chapter 54: Update soon
Supbruh29 #10
Chapter 54: Update soon jebal ^^ i love the fic^^