
Gamer to Player

Taemin’s POV

I woke up; I yawned and stretched out my arms. I looked at the clock. We had slept in. Well, I guess we talked longer than I thought. I think we made good progress. 

I walked into the kitchen as hyung slept. I made him scrambled eggs with bits of chicken thrown in there. 

I finished and put our food on the plates and went to wake him up. “Jinki hyung? Good morning. I made some breakfast.”

Jinki hyung woke up he didn’t look happy or sad. I thought that was a bit strange. I got a bit nervous. Did our talk last night not work? I thought he forgave me. “Hyung?”

“Good morning Taemin.” He smiled but it was different. I shrugged it off, maybe he is just still tired… I should have let him sleep in a bit longer.

We ate and talked a little. “So, you and Key talk about fashion a lot?”

“Sometimes. He talks about it more than I do to be honest.”

“I’m just asking because you said my insides should match my outsides right?”

“Right.  I mean just be yourself, hyung.”

“Sure.” He said but he didn’t look at me. He pushed his food around his plate.

Ok did he just give me attitude?

“Are you ok?”

“I’m fine. I’m just thinking.” He paused for a while then took a few bites. “I remember all the stuff Key told me about clothes but I think I might need you to help me with some outfits. You know, to help me look more handsome.”

“Oh yeah I can do that.” I’m happy he asked me instead of Key. Since I think he is handsome already I can make him even more handsome. That means he isn’t mad at me. Thank goodness.


No one’s POV

Taemin didn’t realize Jinki sort of took his advice the wrong way. He didn’t at first but the more and more he had thought about it. He thought he should try something completely new. He wanted to be y and accept it and everyone should too.  He thought no one really did care about his “true” self. His nerdy gamer self. It would be hard to give up that old life style but he didn’t want to get hurt any more. He started to feel a bit depressed at the thought.  That’s why he gave Taemin attitude when he answered him with saying “sure.” Then his mind was made up just because Taemin sounded so eager to help him.


Taemin’s POV

We finished our food. I was washing the dishes when I heard a scrapping sound. “Jinki hyung what are you doing? I said walking into the living room drying my hands in the towel.

“I’m doing a little makeover of my own.” Jinki hyung was kneeling on the floor in front of the TV. He took his arm and swiped his games to the side making that scrapping sound against the hardwood floor, making a huge pile.


“I’m putting my games away. I don’t think I’ll play with them for awhile. Don’t people say it’s unhealthy to play as much as I do?”

“Yeah but…” I didn’t understand why he was doing this. “You don’t have to throw your games away to have a makeover, silly.” I said a bit nervously.

“I’m not throwing them away. They do mean a lot to me.” He looked down at the pile and sighed. “That was stupid to say, I mean they’re just games, right?”

“Hyung are you still mad at me? If I did something wrong you have to tell me. Friends talk things out. I don’t want any misunderstandings.” I almost cried seeing his expression.  It was blank.

“I’m not mad at you. Can you do me a favor?” He made a smile but there was something behind it. Something felt off. But he said he was fine so I trust him.

“Sure, anything.”  I said.

 “Please, can you go pick me out some clothes and then I’m going to go shopping.”

“Yes sure, not a problem.” I’m happy to help him. I think he just needs some time to think things over still. I wish he would just stay here with me and talk it out some more. But everyone needs their space I guess. I went to his room and picked out an outfit. “He’ll look great in this.” I placed the clothing on his bed.

I walked out of his room. He had put his games into a bag and he was putting them in the closet. He pushed the game consoles under the TV. He was actually cleaning up his computer desk too. He stuck all his PC games in the closet as well. “Jinki hyung are you sure you are ok? You don’t have to do a makeover.  You do know you’re friends do like you for who you are right?”

“Sure they do Taemin. Trust me I’ll be fine. Thank you for laying out my clothes for me. You should go home before Key gets worried about you. I’m sure Jonghyun is getting an earful from Key.” He changed the subject to Key. So I’ll just drop it until he is ready to talk about it. I’m probably just overly sensitive since I’m the one that made him so upset yesterday.

“Ok, but call me if you need anything. Key and I will be at work later but I’ll charge my phone before I go. Call me.” I hugged him good bye. I hope he knows everything will be ok. And that I really am his firend no matter what.. 




Onew’s POV

Taemin hugged me good bye. I took a shower and put on the clothes he laid out for me. I almost put on my glasses. My hand reached for them but I stopped myself. I looked in the mirror. I smiled. I tried different smiles. Happy face, cute face. “Oh my god what am I doing? What do Key, Taemin and Jonghyun see in me? Is it my new looks or is it me that they see?” I pouted in the mirror like Taemin does. I laughed. “That kid is cute. I can be cute too.” I cocked my eyebrow and made a sly smile to my refection. “Hellloooo” I laughed at my stupid dorkiness. And reached for my contacts and put them in. “You are not a dork.” I kept staring at myself for awhile. “I still feel nerdy and dorky.” This is uncomfortable. I thought to myself. “Have to change that. I’ll show them.” I spoke to myself again. I turned around in the mirror seeing my whole outfit and faced it one last time. “Good bye Onew.” I said to the gamer in the mirror.



I was walking around the mall. Was I feeling sorry for myself? Is it my fault I let people do this to me? Well not anymore.  I’m thinking too much and I can’t turn my brain off.

I went in an upscale men’s clothing store. The mannequin in the window had a nice suit on. He kind of looked like Taemin.  When I think of Taemin I feel better but then I get mixed emotions all over again. I know he is trying to help. I’m grateful. I’ll show him how good I can look!

 I picked the iest most handsome clothes in the store and went to the dressing room. Key says try everything on so I am. “I look great.” I said to myself standing in front of the mirror. “Taemin would approve, Key would approve. I approve of my look.” I did this on my own. Maybe I feel a little cocky about it. “Taemin was right; I had this in me all along.”

I changed back into my clothes and walked over to the register to pay for my new cool clothes.

I placed the items on the counter. “Fine everything aright today sir?” She smiled; her cheeks looked a bit pink. Was she blushing at me?

“Yes, thank you.” She told me the total and put my things in some bags. I paid and grabbed for my bags as she held it out to me. Our hands touched for split second. She smiled then looked away. She was blushing. So instead of feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed like I normally do in this kind of situation since Taemin cut my hair and Key made me over with his idea of what I should look like. I smiled at her and gave her a wink. “Thank you.” I said again.

She giggled and took the bag. I was walking out of the store I turned my head around and she was giggling with a co-worker. Her co-working started smiling with her and nudged her arm. I’m thinking her friend was teasing her. I knew they were giggling because they found me attractive not nerdy.

I think maybe I could get use to this. This is my choice not Key’s not Taemin’s or anyone else for that matter. Taemin really did give me a boost of confidence and I will give myself the rest. I will train with this new amour clothes like I do for a game quest… no strike that, I will train like a “normal person” I will train myself to accept that I am hot, and people can just like it or not.

As I walked through the mall I decided to change into one of my new outfits. I wanted to test to see if I did do a good job with picking out these clothes.  And I think I did because after I changed my clothes in the men’s room I got many lingering looks from ladies as I walked the halls of the mall.

I was there for a long time. I bought a few more things while there. I smiled to a few other people. Making them smile or blush.  As time went on, it got easier.

I reached the glass doors that lead outside. I caught my reflection as I pushed open the exit. “Good bye Onew, Hello Jinki.” I said to myself with a smirk.






Cliff hanger.... Oh the plot thickens.

I was going to wait until Saturday to post this chapter so I could finish up the rest of the fic. But I could not wait. I think this is a good spot to leave you hanging.

You got Taemin thinking he is helping, you got Jinki trying to impress Taemin but things are going to get complicated…  and both of them haven’t figured out they love each other yet. (Silly naïve ontae, I just want to hug them both)

I got sad when I wrote the line:  (“Good bye Onew.” I said to the gamer in the mirror.)

Jinki is making me depressed lol, but anyway... Are you excited for what’s to come next???

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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG