The Big Move

Gamer to Player

I just sat there quietly with a bowl of cereal in front of me. I looked down and found out that my chocolate pops are already soggy. I picked up my spoon and played with the chocolate pile of milky mush.

I had a hard time sleeping last night. And it’s all because of Jinki hyung. I mean… Jinki hyung said my hair looked great. And he also said that I have a pretty smile. What was I supposed to react to that?! Just nod it off and go to sleep as if nothing happened? No! I stood there in front of the door for a good 5 minutes just trying to absorb what Jinki hyung said to me. I was contemplating whether I heard him wrong. But then I heard him so clearly and I just… I just… I was so happy. I couldn’t even remember what I did after that. All that was stuck in my head was those words hyung said.

I was about to drift off to my own world again but my phone rang and snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at the caller ID and it was Seungho hyung calling me.

“Good morning, hyung!” I greeted him.

Hey, Taemin. I hope you’re ready because I’m already downstairs.” Wow, what? I pulled the phone away from my ears to check what time it is and shockingly it was already 10AM. I’ve been daydreaming for almost an hour and a half.

“Yeah, hyung. I just need to do a double check and a little something more. But most of my stuffs are packed already.” I glanced around my apartment and I only had small amount of tiny tidbits to pack.

“Okay then, Sanghyun and I will come up and pick your stuff up, okay?” I muttered an okay and hyung hung up. Before I started moving I texted Key hyung that Sanghyun hyung and Seungho hyung were there and we were ready to start loading. Key hyung replied not long after and said that he would be ready to help whenever we arrive.

The door bell rang and I ran to open it. Seungho hyung and Sanghyun hyung stood there with big smiles on their face.

“Hey Taemin. How have you been?” Sanghyun hyung gave me a hug and patted my back.

“I’m good hyung. How about you?” I invited them in and showed them to the piles of boxes ready to be loaded.

“We’re good. So these are all?” Seungho hyung answered. I nodded and they started rolling their sleeve.

“Okay then. We’ll finish this fast.” Sanghyun hyung said with a grin and they started lifting up some boxes. I also started packing up the remaining things I and did a thorough check on every nook and cranny of the apartment. Once I finished packing, I grabbed my stuff and started moving them downstairs.

We kept going back up and down to grab the boxes and move them into the pickup car. Once we were all done, Sanghyun hyung and Seungho hyung covered the boxes up and took care of the rest while I go and say goodbye to the landlady. She was a bit sad that I had to leave but then she gave me some kkultarae, a sweet honey dessert for a parting gift. I felt really bad because I was the one who was supposed to give something to the landlady but she said she loves me too much to care.

“Okay guys, let’s go. Here’s the address.” I gave them a scrap of paper with Key’s apartment address on it. Seungho hyung nodded and started driving.

“The landlady gave you those, Taemin?” Sanghyun hyung asked and eyed my kkultarae. I opened it up and offered him the fluffy little squares.

“Yeah, have some, hyung.” He took one and popped it into his mouth. Then he took another one and fed it to Seungho hyung. I also ate one and it’s really good! It’s somehow gooey but not very sticky and there are sweet nuts in it. They mumbled a thank you while munching on the treat.

“So anyways, this place isn’t that far, you know. Why are you making such a big move? Not trying to sound cocky or anything but without us you’d be spending a lot on a moving truck.” Seungho hyung asked. Agh, I don’t like this question…

“Well I just don’t want to live alone anymore... It gets lonely sometimes.” They nodded.

“But you did just fine all these years… Did something happen? No, no, more like… Did you meet someone?” Seungho hyung said teasingly.

“Ah! It’s true, it’s true! He did meet someone, look at his blushing face!” Eh, what? I’m blushing?! Sanghyun hyung laughed out loud and I smacked him. Ah, why do I blush so easily?!

“H-hyung, t-there’s no one! Absolutely no one!” They only laughed louder! When they finally stopped laughing Sanghyun hyun turned to me and smirked. Suddenly they pulled up and we already arrived at Key’s apartment.

Key, Jonghyun hyung and Jinki hyung were already there waiting for us. They were chatting until Key noticed me coming down from the truck. They waved at me and I waved back as they walked up to us.

“Hey, Tae. You ready to work your off today?” Key greeted with a chuckle.

“I’m ready, hyung. By the way, here’s Sanghyun hyung and Seungho hyung. They’re very kind to help me move my stuff.” They bowed and greeted each other.

“Okay guys, let’s get started so Taemin can treat us lunch.” Jonghyun hyung grinned at me and went to get the stuff. I guess I should treat them since hyungs are helping me out for free. It’s the least I could do. I started making my way to help the others but I felt someone pulled my arm. I turned back to see Jinki hyung smiling at me.

“Hey, Taemin. Are you feeling okay?” Jinki hyung brought his hand to ruffle my hair without releasing his arm from my wrist.

Jinki hyung was touching me. Jinki hyung was touching me. Jinki hyung was touching me.

“Taemin?” I snapped back and saw concern in hyung’s eyes. I lowered my head and nodded.

“Great! Let’s finish this, okay? I got lots of sleep last night so I think I’ll have as much power as Hulk today!” I laughed at his statement and his ‘fighting!’ pose. He looked funny that way! I glanced to see Sanghyun hyung holding a box and smirking at me. I guessed he found out the reason I moved…

Wait. What’s the reason that I moved in to Key’s apartment? Well I keep telling myself that I moved in so I don’t have to get lonely, right? Then that means what I said earlier in the truck was true. But then… Why did I have to get all flustered when Seungho hyung said there was someone?

It’s Lee Jinki, silly!

Jinki hyung? Did I really fell in love with Jinki hyung?!

I shrugged all the thoughts away and ran to help hyungs move my stuff away.


After so many boxes and so many shouts from Key, we finally got everything done. Key was so frustrated that Jonghyun ransacked his stuff instead of helping out and Jinki hyung almost tripped and drop the boxes for countless of times. Sanghyun hyung and Seungho hyung just laughed it all out and I guessed they had fun.

Most of the big stuffs are unpacked and set up, like my bookshelf and all the books. All that’s left are my clothes and little stuffs I could take care of myself. It felt like a lot of work but honestly I didn’t have that much stuff to move. It was about 1PM at the time we finished everything.

“Thank you so much for helping, hyungs! And as Jonghyun hyung said, I should probably treat you to lunch. Sanghyun hyung and Seungho hyung got to pick the restaurant!” I clapped my hand happily.

“I know this great place where they have the best kimbab I’ve ever tasted. It’s not that far away and it’s quite cheap. What do you say?” Sanghyun hyung said. We all agreed and my wallet couldn’t be happier. I went with Jonghyun hyung and the others in his car. Jonghyun hyung got the address from Seungho hyung right before he got in.

“Okay, let’s go.” Jonghyun hyung started the car and we went on our way.

“Guys, my arm hurts…” Jinki hyung whined. I chuckled and reached out for his arm. I gave it a massage and he sighed.

“Thank you, hyung. I’m sorry I made your arms hurt.” Jinki hyung grinned at me and ruffled my hair again. I like it when he ruffles my hair. Another good thing I got from cutting my hair short, I guess.

“You should be thanking him for not breaking any of your stuff, Taemin.” Jonghyun laughed. Jinki glared at him through the rear view mirror.

“No, Taemin should be thanking me for shouting at Jinki so he wouldn’t drop anything.” Key said with a teasing smirk apparent in his voice.

“Yah, dongsaengs! I tried my best for Taemin!”

My heart… It skipped a beat, didn’t it? It did… Ah, what do I do?!

“A-ah, hyungs, don’t fight. I’m just really grateful for everything you’ve all done for me.” They all chuckled and nodded.

Jonghyun hyung stopped the car and I noticed a familiar dog mascot. Oh no. Oh no, no, no. We all got out of the car and walked up to the other hyungs who were already waiting. There’s still a possibility and Sanghyun hyung wasn’t talking about that restaurant, right?

“Here’s the place, guys!” Sanghyun hyung pointed to that particular restaurant. That place where that weird frog alien guy worked in. Damn it. No turning back now. We entered the restaurant and took our seat.

“Minho-goon! We’re ordering!” Seungho hyung shouted to the frog who was busy with the cash register. He perked up as his name was called and his already wide eyes widened. I didn’t know that was possible.

“Seungho hyung! How are you?” He walked up to us with menus in his hands and gave hyung a high five. Suddenly he turned to me.

“It’s you! I knew you’d come!” He grinned. I don’t know why he pissed me off so much.

“I didn’t want to come here if it wasn’t for Sanghyun hyung who recommended the place.” I rolled my eyes. I could feel the others staring at me, probably for my weird attitude but whatever.

“I couldn’t recognize you with a short hair. But I like it. I can see your pretty smile better.” I cringed at that.

“Stop it, you. I’m not a girl so stop buttering me up with sweet words.” He only laughed at that as if he didn’t hear anything insulting even though that was my main goal.

“Okay then. Anyways, what are you guys getting?” They said their orders and Key, being my sensitive umma, ordered cheese kimbab for me. I sent him a stare and said a silent ‘thank you’.

I just hoped we would finish up real soon.

A/N : Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is a bit short. I have to cut it up to this point cuz it's Jinki's P.O.V next! And I have to work on the Taemin birthday fic 5 Presents. Check it out if you haven't! Anyways, if anyone is wondering what Kkultarae is, it's just a really nice Korean traditional court dessert made of fine strands of honey and maltose. It tastes yummeh :3

Comments will be much appreciated. Please comment. Please. Please. PLEASE?

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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG