Family Dinner

Gamer to Player

We sat down in a restaurant, sharing a big bowl of braised chicken. Taemin was eating happily but I couldn’t help picking at my food sometimes. I was thinking about what Taemin said. Being Jonghyun’s boyfriend and everything… People might say otherwise, but this was a totally new idea for me. Was I ready for a relationship? Did I want him to hold me, touch me, or even make love to me? That’s what I should expect if I wanted to take the next step. But, really?

“Key, why is your face red?” Taemin snapped me out of my train of thoughts.

“Is the chicken too spicy?” I shook my head and I could see the worried look in Taemin’s eyes.

“Is it Jonghyun?” I tensed up. Taemin could be really sharp, or I was being too obvious.

“Yeah. I’m just really confused…” Taemin gently smiled at me and patted my hand.

“Don’t be. Just follow your heart!” I nodded weakly and continued eating. We finished our food and went on our way home. We were just happily chatting and laughing, then suddenly my eyes caught a familiar figure.

Jonghyun was walking down the road with a girl beside him. She was a pretty, petite girl wearing a baby blue dress. She was giggling at something Jonghyun said. Jonghyun who was wearing the black t-shirt I gave him for his birthday was just smiling happily. I was feeling uncomfortable looking at him.

“Hey, isn’t that Jonghyun?” Taemin nudged me and pointed to them. I wasn’t feeling good about this.

“I wonder who that girl is…” Taemin mumbled. That girl suddenly grabbed Jonghyun’s hand, fiddling the ring I gave to Jonghyun. That did it. I stomped my way to them and Jonghyun noticed me. He waved like an idiotic puppy he is.

“Hey, Key! Fancy meeting you here.” I narrowed my eyes at him. I glanced at the girl who just bowed at me.

“Hey, baby. I thought you went home early today.” I hugged Jonghyun and clung onto his arm. I didn’t want to see Jonghyun’s expression. But I saw the girl and she was rather surprised.

“Uh… Yeah. Uhm, I was just accompanying my friend, Sohee here.” Sohee smiled at me.

“Oh I see. So anyways, yeobo. Did you forget we have a movie date today?” I finally looked at Jonghyun and he has this silly confused look on him.

“Not that I remembered…” I let out the most disgusting giggle and playfully smacked his arm.

“Silly, you! You already promised!” I heard Sohee giggle and I was really pissed.

“You better go, Jonghyun. I’ll be fine.” I smirked mentally.

“Are you sure?” Jonghyun asked. Who was this girl! The way Jonghyun acted was really pissing me off!

“Yeah, just go have fun. I’ll see you tomorrow!” And so Sohee waved at us and went on her way. I smirked and quickly let go of Jonghyun.

“Okay, what was that all about?” Taemin popped out with a grin on his face.

“I would like to know that too, Key.” Jonghyun piped in. I just shrugged and grabbed Taemin’s hand.

“Come on, Jjongie. Take Taeminnie home.” I could hear Jonghyun groan but I ignored him anyway.

“You really owe me a movie date after this, Key.” I turned around and stuck out my tongue at him. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. It felt really nice when Jonghyun stood close to me…


“Thanks for the ride, Appa, Umma! I’ll call you later about the move, okay? Goodnight!” Taemin slammed the door and ran to the building. Jonghyun kept an eye on him and waited until he got in.

“Always the caring and protective father, Jonghyun?” He turned to me and grinned.

“Gotta do what a father’s gotta do. And what about you? A jealous housewife?” I felt my cheeks warm up from his statement. Jealous? Was I?

“Shut up, Jonghyun. I wasn’t jealous.” Lies.

“I know you better than anyone else, Key. So don’t bother.” I knew he would see right through me. But I couldn’t just blatantly admit I was jealous, right?

“I wasn’t jealous! I was just bothered, okay?” I harrumphed and crossed my arms. I could hear him chuckle and he pulled me closer to plant a kiss on my forehead.

“Sounds like you’re jealous to me, baby.” I groaned as he started the car.

“So anyways, how about dinner at my place? Then we’ll watch something at your place?” Jonghyun asked. Well, his family did ask me to come and have dinner with them sometimes and I didn’t want to cook that day.

“Sure, if your folks don’t mind, that is.” Jonghyun made a turn and laughed.

“They never mind, Key. Especially if it’s you.” Then somehow it struck me. What would Jonghyun’s family think about this? I lived away from my family so it’d be easier to cover things up. But Jonghyun? He lived in the same place as his family. If they somehow found out about us what would happen? Jonghyun might get kicked out and I would be kicked out from the building too. I didn’t care what would happen to me but I was really worried about Jonghyun.

“Key? Hey, Kibum?” He tapped my shoulder and I almost jumped.

“Yeah, what?” I realized the car had stopped and we were in the basement of our apartment.

“Are you okay?” How badly I wanted to say no…

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He looked at me, positively doubting my answer.

“Okay… Come on, I want to introduce my wife to my family.” Jonghyun laughed. I could only chuckle nervously. It somehow felt like he was trying to introduce me to his family for the first time.

“Why aren’t you hitting me?” Jonghyun asked. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. I wasn’t in the mood to argue with him. I got a raging mental war already.

We took the elevator and I could only fiddle with my shirt. I could feel Jonghyun staring at me but I didn’t mind him. I had no idea why I was so nervous about this whole thing. It was just a dinner. I’ve had dinner with Jonghyun’s family more than I could keep count.

“Guys, I’m home. Kibum’s here too!” Jonghyun shouted once we entered his apartment. A loud noise of chair dragging across the floor could be heard and Sodam noona greeted us.

“Hi, Key. Just in time for dinner! Come on.” Sodam noona dragged me to the dining room and Jonghyun’s parents were already seated.

“Hello, Mrs. Kim, Mr. Kim.” I bowed to them and they broke into a wide smile.

“Well, hello, Kibum! What a nice surprise! Thank goodness I made extra food. I had a feeling you’d come here.” Mrs. Kim motioned me to sit down beside her. Jonghyun also sat down beside me. It was pretty convenient since they had a table for 6 people. I never knew the reason why, though.

“I hope you don’t mind me coming here without notice, Mrs. Kim.” They all laughed and I just stared at Jonghyun who was smiling.

“Kibum, keep in mind that you’re always welcome here. You’re a bright young man and we are all happy to have you here. Isn’t that right, Sodam?” Mr. Kim turned to his daughter.

“That’s right, Key. You should visit more often. I’m sure Jonghyun here would appreciate it.” Sodam smugly grinned at Jonghyun and he stuck out his tongue at her.

“So what if I enjoy Key’s visits? I know you like it too when he comes here.” They all laughed and I chuckled. Jonghyun’s family really knew how to make me feel welcomed. It’s as if they’re also my family.

“Thank you, everyone. I’m really glad I’m not a burden to you.” Jonghyun grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it. I was wondering why I even got a little nervous when it came to Jonghyun’s family.

“So anyways, let’s dig in! I hope you like deep fried pork cutlets.” Mrs. Kim said and we all started eating. It was really delicious. Proved how much Mrs. Kim cooked dinner with love and great technique. We all chatted and laughed, enjoying this pleasant quality time.

“Jonghyun, help me with the dishes.” Mrs. Kim said after we finished. Jonghyun just whined.

“But Mom, I hate doing the dishes!” Mrs. Kim clicked her tongue. Jonghyun was such a kid.

“I’ll help you, Mrs. Kim.” I got up and started collecting the dirty plates.

“Thank you, Kibum dear. You’re such a sweetheart. You’re lucky your Kibummie is a wonderful housewife, Jonghyun.” I tensed up at what she said. I looked at Jonghyun who was grinning at his mother. Did I mishear what she said?

“That’s why I picked him in the first place, Mom.” They all laughed. What just happened? I just stayed quiet while Jonghyun, his dad and Sodam noona went to the living room. I proceeded to help Mrs. Kim with the dishes.

“So, Kibum, how’s life treating you?” Mrs. Kim soaped the dishes while I rinse.

“It’s been okay, Mrs. Kim. University’s been busy but I think I can manage.” Mrs. Kim hummed and passed me a plate.

“That’s great. You’re a very hardworking person, Kibum. Jonghyun needs to learn from you.” I managed a chuckle.

“Jonghyun is also a hardworking boy, Mrs. Kim. He’s really making a name in campus. A famous composer, lyricist, singer and musician are quite a title to hold.”

“I see. It’s a good thing my husband and I agreed to put him in that campus. It’s also a great bonus that you are also there to keep an eye on him. He needs someone to set him straight. And I guess you’re just the right person to do that.” She kindly smiled at me, a smile that reminded me of my own mother back home in Daegu.

“So, Kibum. Since you’re dating Jonghyun already, I’m sure you know what you’re doing. But please don’t forget to use protection, okay?”

I dropped the plate I was holding into a smashed heap on the floor.

“Is everything alright?” Mr. Kim barged in. I gasped and started panicking.

“Oh my God! I can’t believe I’m so clumsy. I’m so sorry…” Mrs. Kim was laughing. Jonghyun and Sodam went into the kitchen to check up on us.

“Yeobo, are you okay?” Jonghyun ran to my side and checked my hand. He was panicking and so was I. I didn’t want any of them to have any other weird ideas.

“Mrs. Kim, I think you misunderstood something here.” She held up her hand while stifling her chuckles.

“I think I know the drill, Kibum. Just take care of him for us, okay?” I was about to deny again but I thought it was pointless. I just nodded.

“What are you talking about? Did I miss something important here?” The stupid puppysaurus just blinked and looked at me.

“Oh nothing, Jonghyun. By the way, you can go if you want. I’ll manage with the dishes.” Jonghyun immediately lit up and dragged me out.

“Thanks, Mom! We’ll be watching a movie at Kibum’s place!” Before I knew it we were already at the door.

“Thanks for everything, Mrs. Kim, Mr. Kim. You too, Sodam noona! I’m sorry about the plate.”

“Have fun, boys!” Mrs. Kibum shouted from the kitchen. How could I ever face her again… Jonghyun slammed the door shut and we took the elevator to my apartment.

“What movie are we watching tonight?” We entered my living room and he plopped down on the couch. I checked my DVDs and discovered an old animated movie I haven’t watched in a long time. I turned to him and held it up.

“Aladdin? Are you serious, Key?” I immediately frowned.

“Yeah. What’s wrong with it anyway? Everybody loves Aladdin.” I put the DVD on and sat down beside Jonghyun. He pulled me by the shoulder and forced me to lean on his chest.

“Nothing’s wrong with it.” We just sat there and watched the movie. Every once in a while I could see Jonghyun looking at me from the corner of my eyes. It was… rather disturbing I should say? He was really, really looking at me. He was just staring at me as if he was studying my face or something. I chose to shut up for the first half of the movie. But then I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Why are you staring at me?” I said without looking at him.

“You’re beautiful.” I frowned and turned to him.

“Huh? What? Oh! I meant… Uhh… I envy your skin! Yeah, your skin! It is beautiful.” He panicked and started stuttering. I actually found it a bit funny.

“So what you’re saying that my skin is beautiful?” I smirked. He was really flustered by then.

“Yes. I mean, no! Wait, I mean. Ah .” He muttered the last part. He face-palmed and I could see the tips of his ears turning red.

“Thanks, Jjong. I do have a beautiful skin.” I chuckled. Then he looked at me again, his deep orbs boring into mine.

“No. Not only your skin. Everything about you is beautiful.” He suddenly turned serious.

“More beautiful than Sohee?” I couldn’t help it!

“You were jealous!” I gasped and hit his arm.

“I was not jealous!” He had his stupid smug smirk on his face and stared at me. I groaned.

“Fine I was!” Jonghyun hugged me and laughed.

“That’s so cute of you. Maybe I should go out with more girls so you’d be jealous of me.” I kept hitting his arm but he wouldn’t budge.

“Don’t you dare, Kim Jonghyun. Don’t you even think about it.” He let go and laid his head on my lap. Jonghyun’s such a puppy. Whenever he did that, it means that he wanted me to play with his hair. So in the end I just did.

“Why? Are you falling in love with me?” I wanted to smack his head but then I wouldn’t know what to explain to Mrs. Kim if he had a bruise.

“I’ve always loved you.” He had this emotion in his eyes I couldn’t read. I just continued watching the movie.

“Be mine, Kibum.” He reached out to touch my cheek and it was suddenly very hard to keep my eyes on the screen. I kept thinking in my head.

Should I take a chance, like Taemin said? Am I ready? Do I really want this? Jonghyun’s family seemed to be quite cool about this… But is it the best for Jonghyun? What will everybody else say? It’s not like I care, but what about Jonghyun? Should I just… Will I be able to keep on seeing him with other people knowing that he could be in a relationship with them? Is this what Jonghyun was feeling?’

“I’m already yours.” I simply said. Yeah, I wanted this. Screw everything else. I want Jonghyun.

“Give me all of you.” Jonghyun sat up and cupped my face in his hands, making me stare into his eyes.

“What more can I give? I told you, I’m yours.” He broke into a grin and hugged me tight.

“I’m all yours too.” He whispered. It felt like someone poured soda in my stomach. Everything felt bubbly and all I could taste was sweetness.

“I love you, yeobo.” I don’t know… Is it possible to get diabetes from how overly sweet situations or words are?

“Love you.” Jonghyun chuckled and sighed happily. I wrapped my arms around him and yeah, I was happy too. Even happier than I used to be.

A/N : This. Is. So. Cheesy.

I CAN'T! So anyways, didn't check this, sorry for any kind of mistakes.


p.s If somehow I updated a chapter in a fic but nothing major changed, it means that I spotted a bad typo/grammar error and I fixed it. Just saying~

p.s.s FRANKEY IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! Damn that woman who got to straddle him. THAT'S JJONGIE'S PLAACE BIIISSHH!!

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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG