
Gamer to Player

It’s really weird that Luna kissed Jinki hyung’s cheek. They might know each other but they were only classmates. Only classmates. Classmates don’t kiss each other’s cheeks. I just don’t like it that Luna was touching him so freely. Well I turned Jinki hyung like that so I have the right to think that way.

“Where is the café, Taemin? Is it still far? People are staring at us…” Jinki hyung tugged my t-shirt and I walked slower. I was so upset that I walked in front of Jinki hyung.

“It’s right over there, the one with the green door. Come on.” We entered the café and it was a very nice and cozy one. The decorations reminded me of a sweet little cottage filled with cute stuff. We picked the seat at the corner of the room. A waitress gave us the menu and told us to call her once we were ready to order.

“Pick anything you like, Taemin.” He grinned. I quickly scanned the menu and immediately knew what I wanted. I called the waitress and she smiled at us, holding her note.

“I’ll have Peach Iced Tea, Banana Cream Éclair and a slice of Banana Caramel Tart.” She noted it down and turned to hyung.

“I’ll have some Grilled Chicken Pasta and mineral water, please.” She nodded and walked away.

“So, you’re not having any main course?” Jinki hyung asked. I shook my head.

“Are you okay? Why are you pouting like that, Taemin?” I couldn’t believe I was unconsciously pouting. I pinched my own cheeks and patted them.

“Nothing’s wrong. Anyways, hyung, what’s your relationship with Luna?” I asked him. I didn’t care, I wanted to intrude!

“Hm? Remember the ‘ex girlfriend’ I told you about over dinner?” I nodded.

“The girl whose friends made a bet to date you?” I tilted my head to the side and he nodded.

“Yep. That girl was Luna.” He said calmly. My eyes widened and I leaned back.

“That girl was Luna?! The girl who broke your heart was Luna?! And you let her talk to you? Hyung, you even let her kiss your cheek? What was that all about?!” I seriously freaked out. Why did he even allow her to come close to her? If I were him I would never want to talk to her. I’d probably slap her. I was so pissed off!

“We actually made up. She apologized.” He lightly shrugged and thanked the waitress who brought our orders. I was still dumbfounded as he took a sip of his water.

“But why? I mean, she really broke your heart, hyung. If somebody ever did that to me, I would not forgive her. He laughed and I glared at him.

“You have a lot to learn, Taemin. The thing is, people may not act the way we wanted. But that’s just how it is. We can’t expect someone to always be nice to us. What’s important is how we react to those people. I have to admit that I was mad when I saw her. It hurts, even. I wanted to mock her and be mean to her for even saying that we were classmates even though she never even knew me. But when you asked her about me, she said some nice things which I didn’t expect at all. I was shocked. When you went away to get the hair dryer, she even apologized about the whole incident.” Jinki hyung explained.

“But then you just forgive her like that, hyung?” He let out a small smile and looked at me.

“I want to let go. I don’t want to be stuck in the past. I must say I’m pretty lucky that I met her today and the fact that she apologized made it better. It’s about forgiving and letting go, Taemin.” I just puffed out my cheeks and stare at him.

“I still don’t understand why you let her kiss you.” He suddenly blushed and I got more pissed off.

“H-hey! Don’t reprimand me for it! I was also caught off guard!” I pursed my lips and called the waitress.

“Can I have a Banana Pudding, please? Thank you.” He looked at me with wide eyes and I smirked.

“Why are you mad at me or something?” I laughed and stuck out my tongue.

“I’m not mad at you, I just want some Banana Pudding. You did say I can pick anything I like.” He blinked and stabbed a fork in his pasta.

“Touché.” He started eating. I really didn’t like it when Luna touched Jinki hyung. It felt like someone was messing with your work of art. And Jinki was my work of art. Jinki was mine … or something…

“Eat up, Taemin. The ice cream on your tart will melt.” I realized I was staring off to space. I nodded and ate my tart first.

It was amazing. So very amazing. The flavor of the bananas really came through and the caramel accentuates the flavors! It was really good! I set it aside and took a bite of the éclair. I almost jumped up in joy. The banana cream was really soft and silky with a strong banana flavor. The chocolate on top of the pastry was still a bit gooey and it was just incredible.

“Taemin, you look like you’re going to cry… Are you okay?” I looked up at Jinki hyung and just grinned.

“Hyung, I really do want to cry. My friend wasn’t joking, this is really, really good! I don’t know, hyung, I think I’m going to eat this every day.” He laughed and continued eating his pasta.

“Heeey, why are you laughing like that, hyung? You really have to try this! Then you’ll know what I’m talking about.” I held the éclair in front of his face.

“Wait, I’m still eating my pasta. It’ll taste weird if it’s mixed up.” I groaned and handed him his drink.

“Then drink first! If you don’t try it now you won’t be able to try it later. Because I’ll eat it all.” He drank and took a bite of the éclair. I looked at his face, trying to read his facial reaction. He chewed and suddenly glared at me.

“What is this? This tastes disgusting!” I widened my eyes. Oh no he didn’t! I was ready to get mad at him for insulting a great delicacy but he laughed and raised his hands.

“I’m only joking! It tastes really good.” I smiled and took the last bite of the chocolaty banana goodness.

“I told you it’s good.” We finished our food over random chats and it was time for us to go. Jinki hyung paid the bills and we got up from our seats but before we went out from the café, a pretty girl came up to us.

“Um, hello, oppa.” I looked at hyung to see that he was also looking at me, confused.

“Hello? Do I know you?” Hyung said. She was blushing furiously. Who was this girl? She was looking expectantly at Jinki hyung and being all fidgety.

“Umm, no… Oppa, I think you just look really cool! Have a nice day!” She ran off. I looked at Jinki hyung who was also a bit pink. I was bothered by this! Who was that girl?! Who did she think she was? Coming up to Jinki hyung and saying that out of the blue. And Jinki hyung was even blushing! I dragged hyung out from the café and stomped back to the salon. He was calling my name but I ignored him. I didn’t like this at all.

“H-hey! Taemin! What’s wrong with you?” He kept saying that but I walked faster.

“Taemin, stop! God, your grip really hurts!” I released his wrist and stood in front of him. He rubbed his wrist and hissed in pain. I hugged him.

“Taemin? Taemin, we’re in the middle of the street…” I buried my face in his chest. I couldn’t see his face and honestly I didn’t want to know what he looked like at that time.

“I don’t care.” I hugged him tighter even though he was really stiff. He didn’t even move to hug me back at all.

“Taemin, are you okay? You’re acting weird today.” He awkwardly patted my head. I didn’t want him to pat my head, damn it!

“Mine.” I mumbled.


“Mine!” I said louder.

“Huh? I don’t understand, Taemin.” I could hear how confused he was. But I wouldn’t explain, of course.

“You don’t have to know. Mine.” I didn’t care. Jinki hyung was my friend. My friend.

Jinki hyung walked me back to the salon. Then he had to go because he said that his friend wanted to show him something. An action figure he made or something, I didn’t care. I was reluctant to let him go but I had to do my job. So I said goodbye to him and he promised to call me later. I was still pissed off from everything that happened. So I called Key umma!

“Ummaa…” I whined right after he picked up.

“Aish, what’s wrong with you, Taeminnie?” I could almost hear him rolled his eyes. That’s my umma, alright.

“Umma, are you done with school? Can you come to the salon? I really need to talk to you. Besides it’s time for your monthly hair mask!” He chuckled and I just pouted.

“Lucky for you I just finished classes. I’ll go over there right now.”

“Yaaay! Thank you, umma. See you soon!” He hung up and I took up a job while waiting for Key to come.

.: :.

“Key!” I ran to him once he entered the salon and gave him a big hug. He hugged me back and ruffled my hair.

“What’s up with you today, huh? Come on, talk to me while you make my hair look amazing.” I washed his hair and went to the corner of the salon so no one would hear us.

“Okay, so earlier I went out for lunch with Jinki hyung.” I applied the mixture to Key’s hair.

“Oh, did you? Wow you’re getting along with him so well.” I started massaging his scalp gently. He looked happy with it so I kept going.

“Yeah, he’s a really nice guy. So anyways, before we went to the café, he met up with me here in the salon. I was cutting a customer’s hair when he showed up. And it turns out that the girl was hyung’s ex girlfriend!” Key gasped. I guess he knew about that story.

“You mean Luna? Wow that’s an unfortunate event.” I whined and stomped my foot.

“Yeah! The thing is somehow they made up and everything. Then before she went on her merry way, something happened.” Key looked at my reflection on the mirror and raised his eyebrow.

“What might that be?” He asked full of curiosity.

“She kissed his cheek!” Key’s eyes widened and I just whined.

“No way. Really? That’s like, Jinki’s first kiss if that even counted as a first kiss. But I guess that didn’t because first kisses are on the lips…” He said deep in thought.

“I don’t care, Key. And after that we went to the café. After we finished this random girl came up to him and said he was really cool! I hated her guts! I hated Luna’s guts too! Ugh!”

“Taemin, stop squeezing my head! Are you trying to kill me?!” I guess I was massaging Key’s scalp to hard. I flashed an apologetic smile and Key glared at me through the reflection.

“Sorry, umma…” Key sighed and I just grinned.

“Okay, so all that happened. But why are you so unhappy about it? I mean, making Jinki look cool and attractive is our main goal, right?” I stopped massaging and grabbed a warm towel to wrap around Key’s head.

“I know… But Jinki hyung is my friend, Key.” I wrapped the steamy towel and after that I sat down beside Key.

“He’s my friend too, Taeminnie.” He spun his seat to face me and I did too.

“But Key… He’s like my work of art! No one should touch him.” I pouted and fiddled with my t-shirt. It was true, no one should touch Jinki hyung.

“So are you saying that you’d kill me if I touch Jinki hyung?” I flailed my limbs around in distress.

“No! That’s not what I mean. I just don’t like it when strangers touch him like that… I don’t know Key, I was just really bummed out when Jinki blushed in response to what the girls did to him.” Key hummed in reply.

“You should keep in mind that Jinki never had these kinds of attention before. Girls never talked to him in the past and now girls are complimenting him. Of course he’d be flustered and probably somewhat happy about it.” I pouted. What Key said was true but I still didn’t like it…

“Besides, why are you so worked up about it? Do you like Jinki or something?”

“Of course I like him. I told you I want to be friends with him, Key. He’s nice to hang out with.” Key raised his eyebrows and nodded.

“Riight… So anyways, when are you moving in with me?” Hm. I almost forgot about that.

“I haven’t really thought about it… I think I’ll try to take care of everything with Mrs. Choi tomorrow and pack super fast. Day after tomorrow maybe? You don’t have classes on that day, right?” Key checked his phone.

“Nope, no classes on that day. I’ll tell Jjongie about it so he can help out.” I nodded and put a reminder on my phone.

“So, Key. How was your date with Jonghyun hyung last night?” Key blushed. Wow, Key wasn’t the type who would blush like that.

“It was… I don’t know… Taemin, he confessed to me.” He looked down and blushed furiously.

“Really? Wow, finally! Congratulations, Key!” I briefly hugged him and sat back down.

“No… We’re not dating.”

“What?! Why?! I thought you love Jonghyun hyung…” He looked at his phone and sighed. I knew he was looking at their picture he put up as his wallpaper.

“I do. It’s just that I don’t think I’m ready to be in a relationship with him.” I scoffed and leaned back.

“I don’t know, hyung. You’re already in a relationship with him. I just think you don’t want to make it official or something.” He nodded slowly.

“Yeah, I guess that’s a better way to say it. It’s just that I don’t want to have to break up with him or something. If I don’t have him as my boyfriend then I don’t have to do that. We can be together and nothing will complicate our relationship.”

“That depends hyung. I mean, without that status as lovers you might lose him to someone someday. Take a chance hyung, I think you’ll have a long lasting relationship. Jonghyun hyung loves you too much to give up on you if ever you have a fight anyways.” Key looked up at me and I grinned at him. He slowly broke into a smile and nodded.

“Yeah… That might be true. Thanks Taebaby. Now rinse my hair off so I can take you out somewhere. Your shift is almost over anyways.”

“Yay, I got free food for two times today!” He laughed and flicked my nose.

“Who said I’m going to pay for you?” I pouted and pulled my aegyo out.

“But I haven’t had my paycheck for this month, umma…”

“Fine, you spoiled boy.” I laughed and proceeded to wash his hair.

A/N : Damn, that's like seriously long. 2,613 words. Tch. That's waaay long.

So anyways. I didn't check this one, so spare my life if you found a typo/grammar error.

Taemin was really pissed off... But he keeps on going "Jinki hyung's my friend. MY FRIEND."

Damn, Taemin. We all know what happened to ya.

LOVE LOVE LOVE the "MINE!" part. Haha, Taemin being so cute and childish <3

Comment, people. I beg you. PUHLEAASE??

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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG