Restroom Rendezvous and Pinky Promise

Gamer to Player

I absolutely hate it.

Who did he think he is?! This Joon guy, kissing Jinki hyung like that. He wasn’t even his childhood friend like Luna. Jinki hyung didn’t even like Joon! Why did Jinki hyung even sit beside him? And acting like that towards him.

“Here’s your food and your smoothie.” Joon set down a tall glass of smoothie and a plate of chicken sandwich. Jinki hyung’s eyes twinkled when he set his eyes on the chicken sandwich.

“Thanks. Bon appétit, guys!” He was immediately into his own world where only he and the sandwich existed. I kept my eyes on Joon who was staring at him creepily. Jinki hyung gobbled down his food and sometimes stopped just to give out a happy sigh.

“You could at least share, you know. Or treat us too. At least I deserve a treat since I brought Jinki here.” Key nagged, being the Umma he is.

“Hey, I drove them here. I demand something, Joon.” Jonghyun hyung smirked. Joon sighed and got up.

“Fine, stop nagging! I’ll get you some water, don’t complain! I have no money you know.” He sighed again and went back to the counter.

“Well he seems to have money for Jinki here.” Key smirked. Jinki hyung paid no attention and kept eating happily. I, on the other hand, was bothered. What was Joon’s motif? Did he want something from Jinki hyung? Something more than just flirting? Why did Jinki hyung went with it?

“Here.” Joon came back with 4 glasses of water on a tray. He put one down for each of us and headed to his seat. But I guess I just did something spontaneously. Since his seat was just the opposite of mine, he walked right beside me with his glass of water in hand.

And I tripped him.

“Agh! Joon! What the hell?!” The cold water spilled on Jinki hyung, making his t-shirt soaked. Jinki hyung quickly grabbed the tissue to wipe himself off but it was too late. The water already seeped in.

“Sorry! I tripped on my foot and lost balance! Here, let me help you.” Joon grabbed some tissue himself and helped Jinki hyung wiped his t-shirt.

“You’re such a klutz, Joon. I thought that was Jinki’s specialty! I guess you guys have some kind of similarity.” Key laughed and handed them more tissue. Joon and Jinki hyung chose to ignore him. Joon stopped moving and kept staring at hyung’s chest. I was worried. Something wasn’t right.

“Your s are hard~!” Joon flicked Jinki hyung’s .

“Joon! What the freaking fire truck is wrong with you?! The water was cold, okay?!” Jinki hyung’s face was red. Key and Jonghyun hyung were laughing. Jinki hyung covered his chest with his arms. Joon was laughing and smirking like a ert.

Me? All I see was red.

I banged my hand to the table and everybody stopped laughing. I got up and stomped towards Jinki hyung’s seat and grabbed his hand.

“Jinki hyung, let’s dry your t-shirt or you’ll get sick.” Without waiting for his reply I dragged him over to the bathroom. I could faintly hear him calling my name and told me to slow down but I ignored him. The only sound I clearly heard in my head was my pulsing blood and probably… rage.

“Take off your shirt.” I said to him once we were in the fortunately empty bathroom.

“It’ll dry on its own, Taemin. No need to worry, really.” I held back the urge to growl and just rip his t-shirt off. I didn’t need to go through that silly conversation.

“Hyung. Take it off. Now.” He blinked for a few times and froze. I glared at him and he shyly took it off.

“What’s up with you today, Taemin? You’re being cranky…” I snatched the t-shirt away from him and put it in the hand dryer. The machine wasn’t the one you hang on the wall, it was the one you put on the floor and you slid your hand into so I shoved the t-shirt in.

“I’m not being cranky.” I turned to see Jinki hyung sitting on the bathroom vanity. He chuckled lightly and turned the faucet on so he could play with the water. We stayed silent, the only sound we could hear was the water hitting the sink.

Hyung’s hair was perfect that day. It looked so soft and silky, brown in the most perfect shade. And for the hundredth time I reminded myself that it was my creation. The tips of his longish hair touched the base of his neck. I let my eyes wander down to see his collarbone. His chest, his dusky perked up s that Joon dared to touch. His not so defined abs, but still perfect in my eyes. Hyung was so cool but he just didn’t realize it!

“That Joon is unbelievable, isn’t he? Spilling water on me like that and touched me!” He shook his head and sighed. Hearing that guy’s name from hyung’s mouth just made me lose it. I walked up to him and hugged him.

“H-hey, Taemin? Are you okay?” Hyung was still sitting and I was between his legs, hugging his bare torso, my back to the door. His skin met my cheek and he was rather cold, because of Joon and his stupidity… What?! I knew I tripped him but he shouldn’t have been stupid enough to spill the water in his hands!

“I’m fine.” I snuggled him but hyung didn’t do anything. It was so tense but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to let go. Suddenly the door opened and a loud, obnoxious guy walked in.

“Oh my God! Dude, take your girlfriend to your place or something! Or at least use the stalls!” He laughed.

“W-wait, it’s not what you think!” Jinki hyung stuttered. I turned to see the annoying guy and glared at him. He saw me and held his hands up.

“Okay, sorry, sorry! I won’t disturb you any longer. Your feisty girlfriend is glaring daggers at me. Have fun, you guys.” He scurried away and closed the door shut. I rolled my eyes and hugged Jinki hyung again.

“Taemin, that guy totally misunderstood us.” He said rather worried.

“I don’t care. We don’t know him. And we’re not doing anything anyways.” I buried my face in his chest that was already warm by then, inhaling his scent, vanilla and peaches.

“Taemin, don’t breath on my chest like that, it tickles.” Jinki hyung put his hand on my shoulder and tried to push me away but I just hugged him tighter. For once I didn’t want to listen to him.

“Hyung, my hair.” I demanded, voice flat.

“Ehh? What? Why?” I couldn’t look at his face but he sounded confused and surprised.

“Just do it, hyung!” I whined. It took him some time but then I felt his hand on my head. I leaned in to his touch as he started to slowly move his hand.

“You have a pretty hair.” I hummed happily and let his fingers untangle the weak knots in my hair, feeling the gentle tugs and the tiny shivers that happened every time the tips of his fingers touched my skin. When he touched the base of my neck, though, I had to bite down a tiny moan.

We just stayed there, not speaking a word. And honestly that was a really pleasant moment. With the sound of the hand dryer in the background I just let myself relax to Jinki hyung’s touch. After who knows how long, Jinki hyung gently pushed me away and tucked my hair behind my ears.

“We should be getting back. I’m sure the t-shirt is already dry.” I pouted and he only chuckled.

“Come on, Key must be worried.” I unwillingly stepped back and let him hop off. He took his t-shirt out and like he said it was already dry. He slipped it on and headed to the door. He turned back and looked at me who was still at my original spot.

“Let’s go.” He smiled and stretched out his hand. I smiled a little and took his hand. We walked out and he released his grip on me once we were close to the table.

“Gosh, what took you guys so long?” Jonghyun hyung said. Jinki hyung sat down beside Joon and I went to my seat.

“Drying my t-shirt that got wet because of this genius over here.” Jinki hyung glared at Joon and he only chuckled. Bastard.

“I said I’m sorry. Why are you so uptight now, Jinki? You spilled orange juice at my place and you ran for your life, now you’re actually mad at me. That’s pretty impressive.” Joon smirked again at Jinki hyung. I had grown to hate that look on his face.

“And pretty hot too.” Joon put his arms around Jinki hyung’s shoulder and I almost flipped the table.

“Don’t put your hands on me, Joon. I’ve had enough of you for a day.” Jinki hyung pushed his hands away. Aw, I’m so happy that he did that!

“Jinki, baby, don’t be mad at me like that!” H-how dare he say that to Jinki hyung! I cooled down back in the restroom and he made me mad again!

“Jinki hyung. You promised me to take me to the doctor today, right? We should probably go now or we’ll miss the appointment.” I stood up and gathered my stuff. Everyone looked at me and I frowned.

“Hurry up, hyungs!” They didn’t move and still looked at me. I sent a silent plead to Key and he quickly understood.

“Yeah, we should go now, Joon. I’ll talk to you later. Thanks for the water, cheapskate.” Key got up and Jonghyun hyung did too. Jinki hyung took the last sip of his smoothie and got up.

“Thanks for the food, Joon. Next time we meet, don’t try anything funny.” Jinki hyung offered his hand and Joon shook it.

“Okay, thanks again for fixing my laptop. I’m looking forward to the next time we meet.” We went out from the café, said our goodbyes and headed to Jonghyun hyung’s car.

“Now where are we going?” Jonghyun hyung said once we got in the car.

“I dunno.” I answered simply and leaned back.

“Why did you even say that anyway? I mean, we kind of lied to Joon, Tae.” Key turned to see me but I just shrugged.

“Come on, you must have a reason for that. Tell Appa what’s up, baby boy.” Jonghyun hyung cooed. I rolled my eyes. Whenever Jonghyun hyung whip out his ‘Appa’ talk, it means that he really wants to know.

“Because.” I didn’t know what to say. I hated Joon for touching Jinki hyung. It would be weird if I tell them that.

“Because….?” Key wanted me to go on. I racked my brain for an answer.

“Because Joon was being mean to Jinki hyung and I don’t like it.” Key ‘aww’ed and Jonghyun chuckled.

“That’s so sweet of you, Taemin. Protecting Jinki and all.” Key giggled. I glance at Jinki who was just staring at me. I was worried if he took it as a weird remark. Then he just broke into a grin and patted my head.

“Thanks, Taemin. I was getting fed up with him.” I smiled and felt proud of myself for helping hyung.

“You know what? Let’s get some ice cream in this shop near the mall. I’ll treat you guys for a single scoop, and a double scoop for Taemin.” I squealed and hugged Jinki hyung.

“Yeobo, I think the world is being cruel and unfair to us today.” Jonghyun hyung whined to Key.

“Hey! Be grateful I’m even treating you, Jonghyun.” Jinki hyung said. Key chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Aw, I’ll make some pasta for dinner okay? Your favorite carbonara.” Jonghyun grinned and started the car.

“Everything you say and do make me feel better, sunshine.” Jonghyun hyung started driving and Key rubbed Jonghyun hyung’s arm.

“Anything for you.” Umma stared lovingly at Appa.

“Get a room.” Jinki hyung jokingly said. I laughed at his statement and Key stuck out his tongue at us.

^▽^    ♥    ^^;;;

We arrived at the ice cream parlor and I stuck my face to the display, looking for that particular flavor. It’s a pretty rare one so I wasn’t expecting this shop to have them.

“Are you looking for that one over there?” Jinki hyung pointed to that tub of ice cream at the corner.

“Banana foster! Yes! How did you know I want that one, hyung?” I happily asked the lady behind the counter to get two scoops of that.

“I just had a feeling.” He shrugged and grinned at me. Key and Jonghyun hyung were already seated by the window, sharing a cup of vanilla ice cream and a cup of raspberry cheesecake ice cream. Jinki hyung decided to go with pistachio. We sat on the table near the counter, letting Jonghyun hyung and Key have their private time.

“So how’s the ice cream, Taemin?” Jinki hyung asked. I took a huge spoonful into my mouth and cringed at the coldness. I scrunched my face and closed my eyes.

“Eat slowly or you’ll get a brainfreeze.” He laughed. I cracked my eyes open and grinned at him.

“It’s good! It’s really, really good, hyung. Want some?” I offered him a spoonful and he leaned in to eat it. He ate it from my spoon…

“Yeah, it is. Wow, I never thought I would try that but I guess I’d get a cup of that the next time I go here.” He ate his ice cream and grinned at me.

“Well you’ll have to bring me along if you’re coming here again.” I grinned.

“I promise.” He held out his pinky finger and I hooked mine with his, making a pinky promise.

“Promise.” We smiled at each other.

A/N : Lol look at Taemin being all jealous xD

So anyways, shout out to MomoKomo who claimed to like the part. I don't know if you like it here even though we were spazzing about it when we chat.

Have you guys heard IU's 'Peach'? God, that song is so light and fluffy, I can't.

Comments, yes? Yes? YES?


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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG