Under the Tree

Gamer to Player

I was really nervous when Yoogeun came up to me. I had never been comfortable around kids. They look so small and fragile, I’m really afraid I might hurt them by accident. I walked behind them on our way to the restaurant. They were holding hands and laughing happily.

We were down the road where Taemin suddenly hugged me. He said muttered about something being his and I really didn’t understand. I asked and he said that I didn’t have to know. It’s been on my mind, actually. It was really confusing. Did he like the black shirt I wore? I mean, It would fit him really well. Maybe I should give it to him or something.

“Jinkiki, come here!” Yoogeun called out to me. I was having a mental battle whether to go to them or not, but Taemin’s stare silently encouraged me to.

“What’s up, Yoogeun?” He grabbed my hand with his little one and he looked up at me.

“Can I sit beside Jinkiki and Taemii in the restaurant?” He looked so happy and I couldn’t bring myself to say no.

“Okay, Yoogeun.” He grinned and tugged at Taemin’s hand.

“Taemii, Jinkiki said yes! We can eat together then!” Taemin chuckled upon Yoogeun’s statement.

“Isn’t that great? You’ll be meeting Key and his friend Jonghyun too. I know you like to play with Key.”

“Taemin! Jinki!” Somebody shouted. Not far from us, Key and Jonghyun stood in front of the restaurant. Yoogeun let go of our hands and ran to Key. Key grinned and welcomed Yoogeun in his arms.

“Bummie!” Key lifted Yoogeun up and spun him around. I guess Yoogeun was everyone’s favorite kid.

“Yoogeunnie! It’s nice to meet you!” We walked up to them and greeted them.

“Hey Jinki hyung, Taemin.” Jonghyun nodded at us. I nodded back.

“Hey Taemin, what’s little Yoogeun doing here?” Key asked Taemin.

“Heechul hyung asked me to take care of him until tomorrow. Which means I need some help, Key.” We entered the restaurant and sat on the nearest table available. And as promised Yoogeun sat between me and Taemin while Jonghyun and Key sat on the opposite.

“You can stay over, Taemin. Do you want to play with me, Yoogeun?” Key asked Yoogeun and he immediately lit up.

“I can play with Bummie and Taemii? That would be fun! Will Jinkiki be there too? And who’s that hyung over there?” He pointed at Jonghyun.

“Hey there, kiddo. I’m Jonghyun, Bummie’s friend.” Jonghyun leaned down to look at Yoogeun.

“Hello, Hyunnie! Bummie, will Hyunnie be there too? We can have a sleepover party! I think mommy brought my ducky pajamas…” Yoogeun tugged at Key’s shirt. Seriously, this kid needed to be aware of his surrounding and the people he talked to. He might get kidnapped or something.

“I’m sure Hyunnie will join. Right, Hyunnie?” Key smirked at Jonghyun.

“I will gladly join, Bummie.” They stared at each other a little bit too long with this twinkle in their eyes and I knew something was up.

“You guys are dating, aren’t you?” I blurted out. Key’s face went beet red while Jonghyun chuckled nervously.

“Was going to break it out to you guys a bit later, but I guess that won’t be necessary anymore.” Knew it.

“Ohhhhh! Congratulations you two! It’s about time! You know what, you should pay for the food today.” Taemin smirked.

“Fine then, I’ll pay. But don’t forget, we want a celebratory lunch when you get a lover, Taemin, hyung.” Jonghyun said. I only laughed. I won’t be having one in the near future anyway.

“Can Yoogeunnie have the fried chicken steak, Taemii?” Yoogeun said after scanning through the menu.

“Sure you can. Let’s order now.” Taemin said. I ordered some grilled chicken fillet, Taemin got some chicken ramen, Jonghyun had been craving for some chicken curry rice so he ordered that and Key had some chicken cordon bleu. Chicken fiesta, people!

Taemin kindly cut up the chicken for Yoogeun before he ate his own food. He also helped to feed Yoogeun, that was until the boy decided he was old enough to eat by himself. Yoogeun ate happily and I was happy to see him liking his food so much.

“You know, Taemin looks like a mother right now.” Jonghyun said. That got me laughing.

“If Taemin is Yoogeun’s mom and Key is Taemin’s mom, doesn’t it make Key a-“

“Don’t even, dubu.” Key glared at me. I only laughed louder.

“What? A grandma?” Taemin chimed innocently. I looked at Jonghyun and we both laughed. Key groaned and hit Jonghyun’s arm.

“Aw, yeobo. You’d make a cute grandma.” Jonghyun hugged Key. The younger only rolled his eyes.

“Shut up. So, Yoogeun. Do you miss your mommy already?” Key asked. I may not like kids, but isn’t that a bad move? To remind a kid about his parents being away, I mean.

“I miss appa and umma. But Yoogeunnie is a big boy and Yoogeunnie won’t cry. Besides, Taemii, Bummie, Jinkiki and Hyunnie are here. Yoogeunnie won’t feel alone!” Yoogeun smiled and took a bite out of his chicken. Taemin and Key ‘aww’ed and pinched Yoogeun’s cheek.

“Yoogeun is a good boy, isn’t he?” Jonghyun asked. Yoogeun just nodded and kept eating. Kids could be kind of cute, I guess. I stayed quiet when they were bombarding Yoogeun with questions, baiting him to let out cute reactions. I just ate and enjoyed my meal quietly.

“Jinki hyung, are you okay?” Taemin asked. I just nodded and ate some more. Food was good, really. We finished eating and headed out to the park. It was still early to go back to the apartment so we decided to play around for a bit.

“Bummie, Hyunnie, will you push Yoogeunnie on the swing?” The boy pouted. Jonghyun suddenly picked him up and put him on his shoulders.

“Of course. Let’s go!” Jonghyun said excitedly. They both looked like a happily married couple. I sat down under a big tree and Taemin joined me. We could see the couple and Yoogeun playing on the swing.

“It’s good that they’re finally together, huh?” Taemin asked. He tied his hair up and fiddled with his orange shirt.

“Yeah, they look happier now. I hope nothing will come between them.” I leaned on the tree trunk and enjoyed the beautiful day. Suddenly I heard Taemin sighed.

“What’s up?” I turned to him and he looked longingly at the couple.

“I want to fall in love and have a relationship like them…” I frowned. I never thought Taemin was a helpless romantic type of guy.

“Well, I’m sure you have lots of friends. Why don’t you meet up again with them, maybe you’ll fall in love with one. Or at least you can meet new people, you’re good at socializing.” He sighed again and pulled his knees to his chest.

“I don’t know… I’m not that sociable. Besides I can’t fall in love at will. Falling in love just happens to me. It never happens when I want it to happen. It’s just unexpected. It can’t be just anyone. It has to be someone special. And I never knew who that person is… Ah, I don’t know what I’m talking about…” He buried his face in his hands. He looked really frustrated.

“I guess you just have to enjoy everything you have going on. Like you said, falling in love just happens. You’ll fall in love at the time you least expect it. So what you can do it just enjoy every day. You’ll meet that person soon.” He looked up at me and I just smiled.  He faintly smiled back.

“Yeah, I guess so… I’ll meet him or her soon.” He nodded slowly.

“You never explained why you’re scared of kids, hyung.” Taemin suddenly said. I kept my eyes on Jonghyun, Key and Yoogeun who moved on to the slide.

“Once I had a rabbit when I was still a kid. I loved it so very much, I spent every day with it. Then one day it suddenly died. My father said it was because I played with it too much. After that I was just scared to hold tiny, living things in my arms. A childhood trauma, I guess.” I shrugged. Taemin leaned his head on my shoulder and hummed. I tensed up, feeling uncomfortable but Taemin didn’t pay any mind.

“I’m sorry about that, hyung. But you didn’t know any better. You loved it, that’s why you wanted to hold it in your arms. It was an accident, I guess. Don’t be scared of holding things you want to love.” But that’s exactly the reason why I was scared to hold things I love. I loved my rabbit too much, I killed it. Accidentally or not, I still killed it. It was horrifying. Didn’t it mean that I hurt my rabbit because of my love? I chose to stay silent. Taemin would never understand.

“Taemii! Come play with us!” Yoogeun shouted. Taemin chuckled and got up.

“Coming! Let’s play, Jinki hyung.” He looked at me but I just shook my head.

“Nah, I’ll stay here and watch you guys. Besides, I need to look after our stuff.” Taemin pouted but nodded anyway.

“Okay, but you’re going to miss out on all the fun, hyung.” He ran off to join the 3 and I just sat there, watching from afar. They looked really happy and I’m glad they were.

A/N : This chapter and the previous one are supposed to be one chapter. But since I wanted to do 2 POVs I just split it into 2. So, it's like 2.800ish words combined. I did myself justice here, people.

I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while. That's because I've been sick, busy with school and a bit lazy lol. I'm still sick now, even. Damn cold really got into me. I almost couldn't function at school.

Did you like the sudden apperance of Yoogeun?

Did you like the nicknames Yoogeunnie came up with?

Did you feel depressed over Jinki's explanation under the tree?

Did you like the Sichul appearance? *forever a hardcore Petal and Sichul shipper*

Tell me what you think, people. DO COMMENT. DO IT FOR THIS SICK LITTLE GIRL. *sob, sniff*

Sorry if I made any mistakes, cuz obviously I did this half sane because of my cold @___@

p.s : I just had to post this pic. This is too priceless.

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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG