Chicken and Games

Gamer to Player

“So, what do you want to do now?” Jinki hyung asked me once we finished the dishes. It was about 10AM and we couldn’t go out since hyung was still tired. He pushed up his glasses changed his pajama top into a loose t-shirt. In the bathroom. So I couldn’t peek. Naww.

“I don’t know. What do you usually do at home, hyung?” His perks up and his eyes twinkled.

“Gaming. Wanna play? We can play Street Fighter if you want.” I’ve never played Street Fighter before. I heard that it’s a popular game. I thought I should give it a try since hyung looked so happy when he talked about it.

“Okay then. But it’s my first time playing it so go easy on me!” He grinned and whipped out his Play Station from the shelf under the big flat screen TV. He set up the game and I sat down on the sofa. He was smiling from ear to ear and hummed a happy melody. Hyung really loved his games.

“There you go. I really have no instructions for the game. It’s really simple. The main objective is to defeat me. Just pick your favorite character and off we go!” He passed me the controller and sat down beside me. He picked a guy in a white karate clothes with brown hair and red headband on. I looked at the characters and one girl with a purple plate and horn-like hair with a Korean name captured my eyes. So I just picked her.

“Juri, huh? Korean all the way, Taemin?” He asked with a smug grin. I laughed and nodded anyways.

“At least I’m somehow familiar with her, even if it’s only the name.” Then he picked out the stage that looks like a street in Korea. I looked at him and he flashed me his toothy smile.

“Might as well make it more familiar to you by picking out a Korean stage.” The screen showed this fiery “Ryu vs. Juri” with their fighting pose on and turned into the fighting scene. Juri the Korean girl was on the right, wearing her poofy white and purple pants with a very awkward stance. She has one foot off the ground and hands ready to punch. Cool costume, not so cool stance. Ryu was on the left side with his ripped sleeves, showing off his muscles and everything.

“Okay, let’s give it a go, Taemin.” Jinki hyung’s eyes were filled with concentration and determination.

Round 1. Fight!

Hyung punched in a series of combinations, making Ryu move and chased after Juri. He jumped up and tried to kick her but I somehow managed to dodge and tried to punch Ryu instead. He blocked my punch and got down to try and kick my feet but I jumped. When Juri landed, Ryu managed to grab her and throw her on the ground. Juri got back up and I just randomly pushed the buttons while hyung was precisely pushing combinations. Then suddenly Ryu produced this blue ball of energy thingy.

“Hadouken!” Hyung cried out the same time Ryu said it. The blue thingy hit Juri and I saw her energy bar was no more than a quarter left.

“Aw, Jinki hyung! Juri is almost dead!” I whined. I tried to punch Ryu again but then he kicked Juri.


“Hyuuung…” I turned to him and he was just grinning.

“Come on, Taemin. You’ll get the hang of it. Come on, Round 2!”

Round 2. Fight!

Juri came up to Ryu and I just viciously pushed the buttons. Juri managed to kick Ryu and punched him too. Then suddenly Juri kicked him in a spin-like motion. She even let out this purple super fire-energy thingy from her feet. Then Ryu spun in the air and kicked Juri. I did the fiery spin kick a couple of times and hyung just couldn’t dodge!


“Haha, hyung! I beat you!” Jinki hyung groaned and pushed up his glasses again.

“Okay, let’s see who wins in the last round.”

Final round. Fight!

“Shoryuken!” Hyung shouted. Ryu punched Juri and she flew up and smashed to the ground. I desperately smashed the buttons on the controller then somehow Juri did this weird move where her eye glowed purple. I guess it was a special move because hyung gasped. I started punching and kicking and fiery spin-kick Ryu again.

KO! Juri wins!

“Hyung! I won, I won, I won!” I looked at Jinki hyung who had his mouth hanging open. Then he looked at me and squinted his eyes.

“Oh Taemin. It’s on now.”

So basically we kept playing all day. Hyung was really determined to defeat me. He was really coordinated and precise, he thought of the moves and timing. I just jabbed the buttons, really. I guess it’s just a beginner’s luck on my side. We played for hours and in the end I won with the total win of 27 and he got 24. Well it was addicting and fun.

“Wow, Taemin… Wow.” We stopped playing and hyung leaned back, eyes on the screen. I set my controller down and looked at him. He was just dumbfounded.

“Beginner’s luck?” I giggled. He turned to me and gave me a tired smile.

“I used to win on Street Fighter competitions. And today I got my kicked by a newbie. That really hurt my pride. I must be softening up.” I laughed and patted his knee.

“Sorry, hyung. You know that I was just randomly pushing the buttons right? I just got lucky!” He ruffled my hair and sighed.

“Oh well. What time is it anyways?” I glanced at the clock and it was already 3 in the afternoon!

“Hyung, it’s already 3! We missed lunch and we haven’t even showered yet.” He got up and reached for the phone.

“Okay then. I’ll order something and you can shower first. Is it okay if I order chicken?”

“Sure. I’ll take the delivery flyer you stuck on your fridge.” I was just about to get up but Jinki hyung already had the phone on his ear.

“You don’t have to. I got the number on speed-dial.” He cheekily grinned and talked to the guy on the phone. I fiddled with hyung’s yellow shirt that I was wearing. I completely forgot about my clothes!

“Hyung, can I wash my clothes here?” He just hung up and sat down to turn off the Play Station.

“Sure you can. I completely forgot that you have to go back home. You know what, just give me your clothes and I’ll wash it for you. You just go shower. Dig up some clothes in my closet for you to wear in the time being, okay?” I nodded and ran to the bathroom where I hung my clothes. I ran back to the living room and gave my clothes to hyung.

“I’ll be showering then, hyung. Don’t peek!” His face turned pink and I giggled.

“Just joking, hyung.” I grabbed a blue t-shirt from his closet and quickly ran to the bathroom. I showered real quick and put on the blue t-shirt and reused the shorts. I really liked hyung’s peach and vanilla soap. I had to buy one next time.

“Jjong! Stop bugging me already!” When I walked out from the bathroom I could hear Key whining.

“But Keeeey…” I ran to the living room and saw Jinki hyung sitting on the sofa, Jonghyun hyung trying to hug Key and Key struggling to dodge Jonghyun hyung.

“Hey hyungs!” I greeted. Key turned to me and smiled.

“Well, look who’s all squeaky clean! You smell like Jinki, Taeminnie.” I giggled and hugged Key.

“Yeah. Jinki hyung smells good.” Key released me and looked at me funny. Jonghyun was laughing and giving me a smug grin. I blinked and thought about what I said.

“Oh! I meant Jinki hyung’s soap!” I didn’t dare look at Jinki hyung at that point.

“Riiight. Jinki hyung’s soap.” Jonghyun hyung laughed and sat down next to Jinki hyung. I just whined at Key and Key patted my head.

“So anyways, are you feeling better, Jinki?” Key asked. Jinki hyung nodded and kept his eyes on the TV screen. He didn’t seem to pay attention to any of us. Then I looked over to the screen and it was a culinary show about a lady who was reviewing this restaurant. Apparently it specialized in chicken dishes.

“Key, I want to go there.” Jinki looked up at Key and pointed at the TV. Key sighed and smacked hyung’s head.

“You’ll go crazy there and I don’t want to be embarrassed, Jinki.” Jinki hyung pouted and stared at Key. Key stuck his tongue out but hyung tugged Key’s shirt and stared at Key.

“Fine! We’ll go this weekend.” Jinki broke into a toothy grin and muttered a ‘yes!’

It’s really cute to see Jinki hyung acting like Key’s child. Key is like a mother figure to me and probably to Jinki hyung too. Key is really nice and caring. Although he nags sometimes and has weird mood swings, he’s a great person. I’m really lucky to have him in my life.

The doorbell rang and Jinki hyung jumped up from the couch. He practically ran to the door with his wallet in hand.

“He ordered chicken, didn’t he?” Key asked and I nodded. Jonghyun hyung laughed.

“Ah, Jinki hyung and his chicken addiction…” Key sat down beside Jonghyun hyung, the spot where Jinki hyung sat before he bolted to the door. Jonghyun hyung immediately hugged Key. Key just sighed and patted Jonghyun hyung’s back. I still wonder why they weren’t dating yet…

“CHICKEN!” Jinki hyung entered the room with 2 boxes of fried chicken in hand. He looked so happy!

“Yay! I’m starving, hyung!” I clapped.

“Do you guys want some? I hope not.” Jinki hyung offered Key and Jonghyun hyung.

“No thanks, Jinki. We already ate. Don’t go overboard with the chickens.” Key said. Jinki hyung shrugged and walked to the kitchen. I tagged along behind him, holding my stomach. I was really hungry. We sat down on the dining table and Jinki hyung opened the boxes for us. I grabbed one and started nibbling on it.

“Hyung?” Jinki hyung was eating happily, it was really nice to see him so happy.

“Hmm?” He hummed in reply and I nibbled on the chicken some more.

“Why aren’t they dating yet?” Jinki hyung just hummed. I was guessing that he knew who I was talking about.

“I don’t know, really. Maybe Key’s just not ready for a relationship. Or maybe Key just hasn’t realized his feelings for Jonghyun.” He shrugged.

“But that’s such a pity…”

“Just let them go on their own pace, Taemin. I’m sure they’ll be okay.” I looked up at him and he smiled.

“How about you, hyung? Do you have a girlfriend?” His facial expression dropped and I regretted asking him about it.

“Nah, I don’t have one. I only had one girlfriend in the past. She wasn’t even a girlfriend, I guess. She only dated me because her friends dared her to.”

“I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have brought it up.” He just shrugged and continued eating.

“It’s fine. How about you? I’m sure you have one. Or at least had lots of girlfriends.” I frowned and bit my lower lip.

“Nobody wants to date me. Girls always say I’m too pretty for them. I had a few in the past and they all dumped me for the same reason.” His mouth formed a silent ‘o’ and he nodded.

“Well you are really beautiful.” My face turned red in an instant. I’ve heard that a lot of times but coming from Jinki hyung was kind of different.

“Umm. Thank you.” I looked at the chicken in my hands and we stayed in an awkward silence.

“Guys, give me something to eat!” Jonghyun hyung came into the kitchen. I was still looking down, afraid that he would see me blushing. Jonghyun hyung will tease me for days!

“Guys? Why are you guys blushing? Ooooh~ Did I interrupt something?” I shook my head furiously.

“Just grab some, hyung. I’m sure you’re hungry! Key! Come here and have some!” I called Key to avoid any unwanted conversation. Key sauntered in and sat down beside me.

“Jinki, you’re pink. Are you catching another fever?” Key asked. Jinki hyung only shook his head slowly and continued devouring his chicken. Key looked at me and noticed my pink face too. I just shook my head, signaling him not to ask anymore. Key just squinted his eyes in suspicion and nodded.

“So…” Jonghyun hyung tried to break the awkward silence.

“The chicken is really delicious, huh?” We all looked up at a grinning Jonghyun and laughed.

Silly Jonghyun hyung!

A/N : *squinty eyes* 1.14 AM.

*ahem* This is quite a silly, pointless chapter isn't it. *ahem*

Cut me some slack! it's 2.135 words long, people. And it's 1.15 AM! A-freaking-M!



*flips table* He's so pretty. I can't even. I CAN'T EVEN!!


*ahem* It's already so late... *dizzy*

I want comments. I WANT COMMENTS! I BEG YOU! *comment- mode : on*

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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG