
Gamer to Player

We were just finishing up our ice cream when suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the screen and my heart skipped a beat. I went dizzy and it felt like I was suffocating. Everything somehow turned a whole lot better. I swore there were Cupids everywhere around me.

It was Kang Dongwon hyung. Dongwon hyung from the Game Monster shop.

I gave an apologetic look to Taemin for cutting our conversation and picked up the call.

“Hyung! Is it here already?” The voice at the other end of the line chuckled.

Yeah, it’s here. Come pick it up today or I’ll sell it to someone else. The shop is really crowded, though. People are lining up to pay so come over a little bit later.” The voice on the background was quite a ruckus, proved everything he just said.

“Okay, I’m just nearby so I’ll drop by on my way home. Thanks hyung!” I hung up and gave out a happy sigh. It finally arrived.

“What’s up, hyung? Who was that?” Taemin asked with a puzzled face. I only grinned at him.

“My friend from the game shop nearby. I ordered something from him and it arrived today. I might not get out of the apartment tomorrow.” It had been a long time since I touched my computer for gaming. It had been far too long.

“Hyung, playing all day is not healthy…” Taemin frowned and nibbled the straw of his Vitamin Water.

“I’m still alive after a few years of gaming. And I’ve been going out for the past few days. I miss my games, you know.” He sighed and looked at me as if thinking of something to say. He opened his mouth but closed it up again, blinked a few times and spoke up.

“Okay, I guess you deserve your own day, hyung. I mean, you’ve been making really great progress. You can go and play your games.” I chuckled and raised my eyebrow.

“Why do I need to ask for your permission to play, Taemin? Are you going to boss your hyung around now?” His eyes widened and he almost choked on his drink. Funny reaction this kid has.

“No, no! I didn’t mean that! Gosh, hyung. I was just saying you’re not supposed to play that much and it’s unhealthy, I don’t want you to get sick or something. I didn’t mean for you to take it that way. I’m sorry if you did though. Omo, what am I supposed to do now?” He panicked and I reached out to pat his head.

“I was just messing with you. Thanks for worrying though.” He pouted and slapped my hand away.

“Mean hyung.” I laughed at his pout and suddenly someone pinched my shoulder.

“What did you do to Taemin, Jinki?” I looked up to see Key with his hands on his hips. I held up my hand and blinked.

“Nothing!” Key rolled his eyes and walked over to Taemin.

“What did Jinki do that made you pout and say that he’s mean?” I had a feeling that Key would do something bad to me if Taemin told the truth. I didn’t want to be bullied by Key before I even get a chance to play my new game.

“Nothing, Key. We were just playing around.” Key looked at me and sneered. I nodded and he just groaned. Key took a seat beside Taemin and Jonghyun followed after to sit beside me.

“Anyways, Taemin, when are you moving?” Moving? Huh?

“What? You’re moving somewhere, Taemin?” I asked. I don’t think I’ve heard of it.

“Oh! We haven’t told you yet, have we? Taemin’s moving in with me.” Key answered. Taemin smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

“Really? Wow, that’s quite some news. What made you want to move?”  I glanced at the clock while I talked. Sorry, couldn’t help it!

“Well campus and the salon are closer from your place and it kind of dawned unto me how much I hate living alone. So I decided to move in with Key. And we can split the bill, so it’s a plus!” Taemin said. Splitting bills, huh? That sounded nice but I liked living alone so yeah. No roommate for me.

“That’s good for you then. Just call me if you need help.” His face lit up and his eyes turned into crescents.

“Yeah, hyung. I will. Thank you.” Seriously, Taemin looked so pretty. I still had a hard time remembering that he’s a guy. I mean, this kid! He’s so pretty with his hair like that! He smiled and took a sip of his drink.

“What plans do you have after this, hyung?” Jonghyun asked.

“My Diablo III Collector’s Edition just arrived at Dongwon hyung’s shop. I’m going to pick it up after this.” Jonghyun’s eyes widened and he broke into a laugh. He was baffled, I could tell.

“Seriously, hyung? It’s here already?” I grinned and nodded. We high-fived and he still laughed.

“It cost me a fortune. I’m glad I got the double paycheck from my last job. Oh you know they have the full set in there! Expansion pack, the making of Diablo III DVD, in game contents and they even got this 4GB Soulstone USB which looks really cool. I can’t wait to get my hands on it.” Jonghyun in air and shook his head.

“I want to see it so bad, hyung. You have to let me know once you got the package. I want to see the art book. I bet it is super cool.” I glanced at Taemin and Key whose eyes were only thin lines, looking at us as if we were a new specimen.

“Umma, what are they talking about?” Taemin asked.

“I have no idea, Taemin. You have to ask your appa about that.” Jonghyun laughed and poked Key’s nose.

“If I drag Taemin along into the gaming world you’ll be lonely, Key.” Key scrunched his nose and giggled. He seriously giggled.

“No I won’t. Because I won’t let you play~” Jonghyun grinned and poked Key again, his cheeks this time.

“Oh really? Well you’ll have to try really hard to do that.” They started talking all lovey-dovey again and I had to retreat!

“Guys? Before you start making babies I will take my leave now. Have to welcome my baby home. See you around!” I got up and they all said their goodbyes.

I walked to the shop which wasn’t that far. I wanted to take my sweet time strolling around but since I was unfortunately eye catching, I had to walk a bit fast. When I got there it was still rather crowded. The aisles wasn’t packed with people, it was the cashier. It seemed like once they got their hands on the limited Diablo III : Collector’s Edition they rushed all the way to check out to unwrap the amazing bundle of joy at home. I squeezed my way into the back of the shop and spotted Dongwon hyung. He was busy cleaning up the remains of the Diablo III display rack.

“Hey, hyung.” I greeted him. He turned back and stared at me funny. Gosh, even the guy who talked to me all the time couldn’t recognize me. I raised my eyebrow and his eyes widened in shock.

“Jinki? Lee Jinki? Wow… What happened? Trying to impress the ladies?” I groaned at his question.

“Long story short, I was forced. Anyways, that’s what’s left of today’s Diablo sales?” I nodded at the red and black display rack which was halfway cleared away.

“Yeah, they all disappeared in a flash. It was such a waste of time trying to set this rack up. Seora said she would clean it up but I had to in the end.” Seora noona was Dongwon hyung’s girlfriend of 4 years. I helped him tuck the things away and he smiled in appreciation.

“How’s noona anyway? Everything going smoothly?” He sighed.

“I guess so… But sometimes I swear she only dates me so she could have access to the games.” I laughed at his statement and he just chuckled along.

“Well as long as she loves you, hyung.” We finished up and he let out a relieved sigh.

“Okay, thanks for helping me. I’ll throw in a free t-shirt for you.” Dongwon hyung was really kind! We had known each other since back in my Ragnarok days. He was the one who actually helped me with all the quests and stuff. We met here at the shop when he worked part time. But now he owned the shop.

“Thanks hyung.” We were just walking to the staff room so Dongwon hyung could get my package when suddenly a guy came up to us.

“Hi, I was wondering if you have another set of the limited edition Diablo III : Collector’s Edition? I’m willing to pay extra.” Dongwon hyung looked at me and I glared at him. No way I would let my set go.

“I’m sorry but we really ran out.” He flashed him an apologetic look. But he thought for a while and replied.

“You know what, there’s a guy who took the last set and he had been holding on to it for an hour or so. He still seems a bit unsure about buying it. You should talk to him, maybe if you’re persuasive enough you could get it from him. He’s just right there.” He pointed to the other corner of the store and I saw a familiar figure. No way in hell.

“Lee Joon?” I called out. He turned around to see me and his eyes widened.

“O-oh,  h-hi Jinki.” Since when did that over-confident guy stutter?

“I’ll get your stuff, you just pick it up at the cashier okay?” I nodded at Dongwon hyung and he went on his way. The guy who wanted to buy the game tagged along with me but staying quiet behind me.

“I thought you were broke? Why on earth are you buying that?” I walked up to him. He just bit his lower lip, looking completely confused.

“I am. I’m pretty tight on money. Barely had enough money to buy this but I’m really torn.” That was really weird, looking at the guy who freakishly kissed me cheek and defiled me earlier that day being so mellow and lost.

“Can I buy from you then? I’ll throw in some extra 10,000won if you would give it to me.” The guy finally said. Lee Joon thought for a while but shook his head.

“Sorry, dude. I really need this one. It’s for someone really important.” He shot the guy a pleading look and the stranger couldn’t force him.

“Okay then. You better really give it to someone important!” He walked away and grabbed the limited edition instead.

“Who is it for anyways?” We walked to the cashier and waited in line.

“Someone I really like… He told me he wanted one of these but he couldn’t go out to buy it.” I let out an ‘oh’ and we fell into an awkward silence.

“Jinki, can we talk somewhere? A café maybe?” I just stared at him as if he had grown out snakes as hair like Medusa.

“I won’t do anything funny, I swear!” Somehow I trusted him.

“Fine. I’ll beat you up if you do.”

.o0  0o.

We sat down at Starbucks and we sat on the sofas near the window. He sat across me and kept looking at the game he bought. Mine was safely tucked in right beside me with the promised t-shirt in the bag. It was really cool but I had to hide it from Key so he wouldn’t throw it away.

“So… What do you want to talk about?” I asked Joon. He slowly looked up at me and sighed.

“Okay. So there’s this person I really like…” He trailed off and fidgeted nervously.

“Go on.” I encouraged. He gulped and took his time.

“He likes games.” He really seemed nervous. It was weird to see him like that after all I’ve been through. He probably really liked him since he practically changed his personality just talking about him.

“Yeah, you said it before. I’m guessing you can’t confess?” He groaned and grabbed his hair.

“Exactly! Agh, I’m so frustrated! Whenever he’s close to me I just act so differently. I mean, I can’t be all flirty with him, Jinki. I’m calmer and a tad bit nervous sometimes. Hell, I was rendered speechless the first time he smiled at me. I wasn’t supposed to be the one infatuated by someone, I’m supposed to infatuate people!” Joon was clearly frustrated. I’ve only met him twice but I could see that he was having a tough time.

“But you’re friends with him, right? How close are you guys?” He thought for a bit before answering.

“We’re good friends. He’s my childhood friend. He used to live right next to my house back in Busan. Then I moved away to Seoul and we lost contact for a few years. Then somehow he moved in to the apartment right beside mine a year ago. From then on we hang out a lot and did some catching up to do.” Wow, it felt like I was watching a movie or something.

“That’s a great coincidence, huh? But I can’t really see the big problem here. I mean, you guys get along well so why don’t you just give it a shot and confess?” He stared at me ridiculously. Sheesh, I was just giving a simple answer.

“Jinki, it doesn’t work that way. He doesn’t know Lee Joon. He knows me as Lee Changsun, the guy from Busan, his childhood friend. I’m not exactly that person anymore. I’m an affectionate guy, I’m a touchy feely guy. Don’t get me wrong, I just like skinship as much as Jonghyun likes to do it with Key. I don’t want him to spook him out once I start doing that.” I nodded and sipped my coffee. It was rather complicated.

“Well why don’t you test the waters then? Do it lightly and see how he reacts. If he’s bothered by it then back off. Just hold yourself back and try not to the poor kid.” I grinned.

“Ha ha, Jinki.” My phone suddenly rang and I had to pick up.

I bet you have it with you right now.” He said with disappointment and annoyance in his voice.

“Hello, Mir.” Mir just clicked his tongue and groaned. Mir is a friend of mine, we met in an internet café a few months ago and we became good friends.

I practically ran from campus just to buy the set and they said it’s sold out! Where are you? Let me see it, Onew. I beg you.” My gamer friends usually call me Onew since it’s my username. I call them by their nicknames too.

“I’m not far from the shop actually. I’m at Starbucks just across the street. Just come here so you don’t have to bother me while I play later at home.”

Okay, I’ll cross. Stay where you are! Don’t you dare move or I’ll hack your account.” I laughed at that.

“You can’t hack my account, Mir. You know that.” He groaned and hung up on me. Funny kid. Nobody hacks my account, I repeat, nobody.

“Your friend?” Joon asked.

“Yeah, he’s just coming over to see the game.” Joon nodded and went back to inspecting his Diablo box. I just glanced out the window and spotted Mir crossing the street. He walked up to the store and not long after he was marching in.

“Onew!” He called out. I saw Joon tensed up and snapped his head up real fast.

“Give me the game already! I really- Changsun?” Mir widened his eyes and broke into a grin. Joon looked at me and his eyes widened, as wide as Mir’s.

“U-uh. Hello, Cheolyong… Fancy meeting you here.” Joon stuttered again. And he’s being formal. It couldn’t possibly be…

“Wow, Onew. How did you manage to know Changsun? He’s a childhood friend of mine since the days I lived in Busan.” He sat down beside Joon and grinned at me. Oh goodness, the coincidence was mind boggling.

“Yes, Jinki. You know, he lives in the apartment right next to mine.” Joon stared at me and fidgeted even worse. I was temporarily frozen in place and stayed silent until Mir looked at me funny.

“Oh. Yeah. Wow, what a coincidence!” I let out a laugh.

Crap, I was the matchmaker.

A/N : I'm officially back, people! :D 2.761 words without any lyrics in it, pretty impressive I must say.

So, how's the sudden twist of Jinki being a matchmaker? And Jinki's finally being called Onew. Do you like Mir's appearance in the story? Sorry people, I ship Joonmir. So yeah.

In case you're curious of what Kang Dongwon looks like....

Awww yeaaah! If you look him up on Google, he'll look like a mix of 2PM's Chansung and Big Bang's TOP. Look him up. Do it. He's an actor.


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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG