Hugs, Pancakes, Goodbyes and Another Kiss?

Gamer to Player

I woke up in the middle of the night to find that Yoogeun was nowhere to be seen. I groggily got up and went to Key’s room. The door was partly open so I peeked in. It was such a sweet sight, really. Key was hugging Yoogeun who lay in the middle while Jonghyun hugged both of them with one arm and the other arm being Key’s pillow. I almost ‘aww’ed at the sight but I just grinned and walked away silently.

I made my way to grab a glass of milk. I figured Key wouldn’t mind anyways. And after that I just made my way back to living room and sat on the sofa bed. I had no idea why Key got this since he lived alone and he had a fully functional bed. But it’s pretty nice when there are sleepovers or when you want to have a movie marathon.

I drank my milk and just stared into empty space. Suddenly Taemin shifted and started mumbling. I looked at him and saw him frowning. He looked like he was having a dream or some sort. His hand situated just beside his head clenched and unclenched. His lips parted and let out a gasp. Then he started thrashing around. Poor kid must have had a nightmare.

“Taemin…” I poked his cheek, hoping he would wake up. But he just slapped my hand away and started clutching the blanket.

“Taemin. Wake up.” I shook his arm and he just scrunched his face. Under the dim light I could see his eyes watering and I got really worried. So I shook him really hard until he snapped his eyes open.

“Huh? What? Jinki hyung?” Taemin rubbed his eyes and sighed in relief. He sat up and I offered him the water Key left on the side table.

“What happened? Did you get a nightmare?” He nodded weakly and he looked like he almost cried.

“It was so bad… We’re all here, having dinner, then suddenly there was a really bad earthquake and everything just collapsed… It was so scary, hyung…” He was shaking and sniffing. He was obviously really scared. I didn’t know what to do!

“Um, it’s only a dream, Taemin. It’s okay. The building is still standing. See?” He looked around and nodded.

“Yeah… It was just so realistic, hyung…” Taemin took a sip of his water and handed me back the glass. He lay down and covered himself with the blanket up until his nose and his side, back facing me.

“Goodnight…” Taemin mumbled, voice barely above a whisper. His body was still tense, indicating he was still in shock and afraid. I contemplated about what to do. Then something just struck me. I lay down close to him and pulled him into a back hug. I thought it would feel weird, but it was kind of nice.

“Goodnight, Taemin.” I whispered softly. I could feel him loosening up and breathed more calmly. He patted my arms which were around his waist.

“Thanks, hyung.” We fell into a somewhat comfortable silence and after a while I heard him breathing evenly. He fell asleep already and it was a relief.

I had never been that close to Taemin before. I could clearly see his neck and the side of his face. Taemin has a really good skin by the way. It was almost glowing even in the dark. He smelled just like Key since he took a shower here, but there was just something unique about his smell that I couldn’t figure out. God, I sounded like a dog. A stupid dog, even.

I tried to release Taemin. I thought it was uncomfortable for him to be held around the waist like that. And it’d be so weird to wake up like this, especially if Jonghyun or Key saw us. So I tried my best to release him but he either consciously or not gripped my hands to make it stay. I tried once again but his grip got tighter. I just sighed and gave up. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. It didn’t feel that bad anyways.

^^       ^^;;;

“Jinkiki! Wake up!” I involuntarily cracked my eyes open to see Yoogeun hovering over me. He was smiling happily. Too happy for that early in the morning.

“What’s the matter, Yoogeun?” I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes and took in my surrounding. It was already somewhat bright, the sun probably just rose. Yoogeun was giggling happily. Key and Jonghyun probably weren’t up yet. I tried to move my hand but it wouldn’t move.

“What the-“ I looked beside me to find Taemin hugging my arm. I stared at him, noticing a small smile on his face. Well at least he was happy.

“Jinkiki?”I turned back to Yoogeun and patted his head.

“Are Key and Jonghyun up yet?” I asked. Still wished they didn’t have to see Taemin clinging on to me like that.

“Oh yeah, I’m up alright.” I looked to the source of the voice to see Jonghyun smirking like a smug and cocky bastard. I hate it when he had that face on.

“Don’t even start, Jonghyun.” He only laughed and that made Taemin shift a bit. Jonghyun disappeared into the kitchen and left me with Yoogeun and Taemin.

“Hey, Yoogeun. Why don’t you wake Taemin up?” He nodded happily and jumped to the other side of the bed to shake Taemin awake.

“Taemii! Taemii! Wake up!” Taemin grumbled again and gripped my arm tighter.

“Five more minutes…” He mumbled. I roll my eyes and chuckled at his childish response. I signaled Yoogeun to try again.

“Taemii! Wake up! We have to go see Mommy and Daddy today!” Taemin snapped his eyes open and sat up straight as if he was bitten by a steel thorn lizard. They have a serious set of teeth.

“I almost forgot! Heechul hyung texted me to come to the salon at 10. What time is it now?” Taemin panicked and frantically looked for his cellphone.

“Calm down, Taemin. It’s only 8.” I told him after looking at the clock on the wall. He sighed in relief then looked at me. I just stared back at him. He had a pink tint on his cheeks and he twiddled with his fingers.

“Um… Thanks for last night, hyung. I’m sorry I bothered you…” Last night’s event went back to my mind and my face felt a tad bit warmer.

“Don’t mention it, really. It was rather awkward wasn’t it?” I scratched my head out of nervousness. He just nodded and we dropped the topic immediately.

“Good morning kids.” Key greeted us. Jonghyun went back to the living room and hugged his ‘yeobo’.

“Morning, babe.” Jonghyun pecked Key’s lips but the younger smacked his head instead. Jonghyun yelped, which was really funny to see.

“How dare you get out of bed without me!” Key nagged. Wow, first thing he said to his lover that day wasn’t really pleasant for Jonghyun.

“B-but Key, I was so thirsty!” Key rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“I don’t care. I want you by my side when I wake up. You’re the first person I want to see every morning.” Jonghyun’s face morphed into a big grin and he wrapped his arms around Key.

“I’m sorry, baby. I won’t forget it, since you asked so cutely…” Key didn’t say a word but hugged him back anyway. Love birds.

“Bummie, can Yoogeunnie eat?” Key released Jonghyun and ran to Yoogeun.

“Of course you can! Come on, let’s fix you some pancake.” Taemin perked up at the word pancake and threw the blanket off.

“Umma! I want some too!” He ran to the kitchen, following after Key and Yoogeun.

“Such lovers we have, huh, Jinki hyung?” Jonghyun asked. What was he talking about.

“Taemin’s only my friend, Jonghyun. Stop spouting nonsense.” Jonghyun scoffed and sat down on the recliner.

“Doesn’t seem that way when I caught you this morning. Oh I don’t know, Taemin conveniently holding on to your arm? Me and my friend Sanghyun won’t do that, you know.” I got up and folded the blankets.

“I don’t like him that way. Why are you so keen on making me say something that’s according to your silly speculations?” I fold the sofa bed and sat down.

“Because I know, hyung.” He said confidently. He may be one of my best friends but I just can’t understand him sometimes.

“There’s nothing going on between me and Taemin. You can ask him about this and he’ll say the same thing.” I was growing tired of convincing Jonghyun about this. Sure, Taemin is a nice and good looking guy, but I can’t see him as anything more than a friend.

“Maybe not yet. But soon enough.” I just rolled my eyes and prepared for a great comeback but the smell of Key’s pancakes and his call to assemble at the dining table stopped me.

“Come and get your pancake before Yoogeun and Taemin eat them all up, you two.” I just sighed and went to the kitchen with Jonghyun following behind. Yoogeun was sitting beside Taemin, both had a stack of pancakes on their plate dripped in maple syrup, chocolate syrup and some butter.

“How did you make them so fast, yeobo?” Jonghyun grabbed 2 plates full of pancake that Key passed to him. I sat down across Yoogeun and grinned as he offered me a piece of pancake on his fork.

“I had some leftover batter from yesterday’s breakfast. What would you like to go along with it? We got maple, butter, lemon, sugar, jam and chocolate syrup. If you like something savory I can cook up some bacon for you.” Key brought out all the things he said and it just dawned to me that this is one of the most lavish homemade breakfast in a while.

“No need for that, Key. I’ll just have the butter and maple, thanks.” Key passed me the maple syrup bottle and I squirted some out on my plate. It tasted really good, as expected when it comes to Key’s cooking.

“By the way, Jinki. Joon’s laptop broke down yesterday. He texted me this morning asking for you to fix it. Can you do it? It’s a chance to redeem yourself, you know.” I groaned. I didn’t want to associate with that guy.

“Why can’t he take it to the customer service or something?” Key clicked his tongue.

“You know how broke we college students are, Jinki. He really needs it. It’s probably just a loose screw or something. He needs to finish his project due in two days.” I groaned. Again. That morning wasn’t really pleasant.

“Fine. But I’m not going to his house! Just ask him to meet up in the café near the salon or something. After we drop off Yoogeun.” Key reached for his phone and texted Joon. Not long after a reply came.

“Sure, he said yes.” I shrugged and continued eating my food.

We finished eating and Jonghyun volunteered to wash the dishes. No, actually Key forced him to wash everything. But in the end, Taemin, being the good boy he is helped Jonghyun with it. I went back to my apartment to shower and grab my tools. Then I looked at my neglected game consoles. It was a sad moment for me since I haven’t played for days. I promised myself to play that night though.

I took a shower and throw on my red t-shirt and jeans then grabbed my stuff and headed out the door again. I kinda missed staying in and slaying dragons. And doing quests. And accepting duel challenges from noobs who thought they could beat me and defeat them with a one hit KO. I miss my games…

I got back to Key’s apartment and they were all ready to go. Jonghyun apparently left not long after me and did the shower-in-a-flash thing he did yesterday and got back before I did. This guy should join the National Track Team. He might win in the Olympics.

“Jinkiki is back! Now let’s go meet Mommy and Daddy, Bummie!” Yoogeun was excited to see his dads. Very excited, even. He practically dragged Key to the door while Jonghyun had to carry all of Yoogeun’s stuff.

“Okay, okay. You miss them a lot, don’t you?” Key picked Yoogeun up and carried him. We went to the parking lot and hopped on Jonghyun’s car. Yoogeun was bouncing in his seat when we made the last turn to the salon.

“Look! Daddy’s car is there!” Jonghyun stopped the car and once the door opened, Yoogeun sprinted out. Taemin immediately ran after him and the three of us just laughed at the sight.

“He’s an energetic boy, isn’t he? I wonder if our little girl will be just as enthusiastic to see us in the future.” Jonghyun pondered. Key answered with a laugh and followed after Taemin. We got out of the car and entered the salon. Yoogeun’s dads were already there, with Yoogeun hugging the life out of them.

“So how did it go, hyung?” Taemin asked. Heechul-ssi’s face dropped and he sighed. Siwon-ssi rubbed his back and smiled weakly.

“It was a bit rocky. Siwon and his dad got into an argument. His mother calmed him down but it was quite tense afterwards…” Heechul-ssi sat down and hugged his little boy.

“But we’ll be okay, Taemin. Thanks for asking. Everything will work out just fine.” Siwon-ssi smiled at Taemin.

“Anyways, how was the sleepover? I hope Yoogeun didn’t make too much trouble for you guys.” Heechul-ssi said. Key just chuckled.

“No, he was an absolute angel, hyung. It was really fun to have him around.” They all chatted for some time and I just stood a bit farther. I wasn’t a part of that conversation so I just stayed quiet. After about 15 minutes Yoogeun’s family decided to get going.

“Bummie, Taemii, Hyunnie, thank you for taking care of me!” Yoogeun said before going. He hugged everyone and he looked at me.

“Thank you, Jinkiki. I hope we can play again soon.” He hugged me and I hugged him back this time. They went on their way and Yoogeun waved at us from inside the car. After the car turned and disappeared from our sight, Key’s phone rang.

“Text from Joon. He’s here.” Ugh.

“Let’s get this over with.” We entered the café just next door. Jonghyun and Taemin decided to come along since they wanted to drink. On the far corner of the restaurant I saw him sitting and sipping his iced coffee. That guy, Lee Joon.

“Hey Joon!” He looked up to see Key and a smile painted his face.

“Key! Thank goodness your friend coould make it. I really need to catch the deadline here. Where is-“ I walked beside Key and he finally noticed me. He was shocked. Then he smirked. He freaking smirked!

“Well, hello Jinki.” Damn, why is he checking me out like that?! Why is this happening to me?

“Hey.” I answered with my poker face on. He nodded at Jonghyun and Taemin then looked back at me.

“Wow, you’ve changed since the last time we met. What happened, Jinki?” I could see Jonghyun holding back his laugh and Taemin just staring at me.

The idea that struck my head was absolute genius. I could use this opportunity to prove to Jonghyun that nothing happened between me and Taemin. So I swallowed my nerves, my embarrassment and my pride which I hoped would come back even stronger later.

“Nothing happened. Just trying to fix my life a little.” I sat down beside Joon and put my stuff on the table.

“That’s interesting… Now, can you fix my laptop? I didn’t want anyone else to touch it since you fixed it last time and you’re so good at this.” He put his arms around my shoulder and whispered in my ear. God, that guy freaking blew air in my ear.

“Sure. But you’ll have to buy me a drink and something to eat after I finish.” I saw Key, Jonghyun and Taemin whose eyes widened, probably shocked since I was acting like that. I couldn’t blame them though, I was shocked I could pull this off.

“Deal.” He tugged my hair a little and handed me his laptop. I looked at it and I figured out that the poor baby got one of the hardware off.

“Did you drop the laptop?” I asked while fixing it.

“What can I say? I’m a little rough sometimes. If you know what I mean…” He chuckled. Jonghyun and Key laughed out loud.

“What the hell dude, that was so lame!” Jonghyun roared. I finished fixing it and turned it on to check.

“What’s your problem, Jonghyun?!” Joon retorted. Kids.

“Joon, is this how you pick up girls? I can’t believe they fell for this kind of pick-up line!” Key laughed so hard he started clenching his stomach. Joon snarled at them.

“Hey, chill. We’re out in public.” I said and leaned back to my chair.

“It’s working just fine now. I want my smoothie now. Blueberry and banana. And a chicken sandwich.” I grinned. No way in hell I was only getting water. This guy got to pay for the fixing fee.

“Anything for my hero.” He got up and kissed my cheek then ran off to order my food.

He kissed my cheek.

What the hell is happening here?!

“That was bold of him.” Key said. I only glared at him.

“Your friend is messed up, Key. I only talked to him and he kissed my freaking cheek.” I whisper-shout at him. Key just shrug. How the hell could he just shrug it off?!

“Well you kind of did give him the green light.” Jonghyun said. He said a matter-of-factly.

“Nonsense! I did nothing! If I have to rate this with a stupid street light as the gauge, I’d say I gave him a freaking red light.” I tried to defend myself. I had to!

“A yellow light, maybe?” Key said and continued his sentence with a giggle.

“Not funny, Key. I was just trying to be nice but he took it the wrong way.” I sighed and rubbed my temple. My head was starting to hurt.

“Maybe he likes you?” Jonghyun suggested. I hope by hearing him say that it means he understood that there’s absolutely nothing between me and Taemin.

Where did Taemin go anyway? He’s usually so eager to join a conversation. I looked at him who was sitting beside Key, but he wasn’t even looking up. He hung his head down low and fiddled with his fingers.

“Taemin, you okay?” I tried asking, but he still didn’t look at me. He nodded weakly. I wonder if he was sick.

A/N : Dafuq. This monster is 3.153 words long.

And it's the 20th chapter! Wooo! Never knew I'd write this story this long. Is this too long of a story though?


Who liked the fluffy Ontae spooning on the beginning of the chapter? If you like it then I COMMAND you to comment.

You don't like the fluffy part? THEN I COMMAND YOU TO COMMENT AS WELL!

..... Just comment, people. I mean, it's 3.000 words long. Don't you love me?

I thought you loved me ;___________;


Wonderful Joonie and Adorable Onew

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Guys, I have the ideas to write for the next chapter. But I really don't feel like doing it lately. I'm laying off of SHINee for a while. Sorry I'll try mu best


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Chapter 38: Thank you, Jinkijeans, for finishing a really cute story!
Mam_Shawol #2
Chapter 7: Am too slow on these Ontae Fics. Better late than never. I love the char you gave to Ontae and yes the pics..they look reaaaally good <3
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: I'm loving the story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. The chapters flow so smoothly. No extra detail. Every thing works perfectly. They're all adorable.
shinyan #4
"Jonghyun bought him a cookie that looked like a rabbit and he started crying.
“Taeminnie what's wrong?”
“It looks like Jinki hyung.” His head hit the table with a thud."

Omg I snorted. Got through the story unscathed till that one liner from Taemin hit me. xD

This really was so sweet! Huge props to both phiiee for first the story idea and so many chapters and then jinkijeans for picking it up and finishing it. So sweet. And so long, it took hours and hours to read !!! Thank you for sharing. :)
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting to me. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 38: ... I just died from the cheese.
Chapter 4: Sorry for not commenting sooner! Either way, I love this fic and your writing style! Thank you for writing it XD
fyeahminkey #8
Chapter 5: I just read this OMG